Individual Results
Upstate Eight Conference ChampionshipsOctober 16, 1999 Boys Fr/So 2.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 St. Charles Scott Weranko (So) 0:14:25.3 2 2 Lake Park Hunter Norris (So) 0:14:31.9 3 3 DeKalb Trevor Ellion (Fr) 0:14:35.4 4 4 St. Charles Steve Wittleder (So) 0:14:37.4 5 5 Lake Park Joel Reimenschnieder (Fr) 0:14:40.7 6 6 Waubonsie Valley Matt Archambault (So) 0:14:41.3 7 7 Neuqua Valley Benjamin Barron (Fr) 0:14:42.3 8 8 St. Charles Dave Studer (Fr) 0:14:44.2 9 9 Neuqua Valley Paul Schuller (So) 0:14:49.7 10 10 Neuqua Valley Mike Canino (So) 0:14:57.2 11 11 St. Charles Jeff Stenton (Fr) 0:14:58.0 12 12 Waubonsie Valley Jamie DePaepe (Fr) 0:15:06.0 13 13 Neuqua Valley Daniel Scherrer (Fr) 0:15:06.9 14 14 Waubonsie Valley Kevin Chow (Fr) 0:15:11.0 15 15 St. Charles Mike Valent (Fr) 0:15:14.1 16 16 Neuqua Valley Brad Swinson (So) 0:15:16.1 17 17 Waubonsie Valley Erich Mousseau (Fr) 0:15:17.0 18 18 St. Charles Brent Bundick (So) 0:15:23.1 19 19 St. Charles Robert Richlak (So) 0:15:24.0 20 20 East Aurora Jose Cardenas (Fr) 0:15:26.4 21 21 Bartlett Ben Bartz (So) 0:15:33.1 22 22 Waubonsie Valley Mike Proheter (So) 0:15:35.4 23 St. Charles Mike Landmeier (Fr) 0:15:36.4 24 23 Lake Park Mark Steffen (Fr) 0:15:39.7 25 24 DeKalb Dean Clark (So) 0:15:40.3 26 25 Larkin Rob Kosek (So) 0:15:49.0 27 26 Larkin Collin Sutherin (So) 0:15:49.4 28 27 Neuqua Valley Steve Spain (So) 0:15:50.6 29 St. Charles Matt McCollum (Fr) 0:15:51.0 30 28 Lake Park Anthony Hodges (Fr) 0:15:51.5 31 29 East Aurora Victor Rojas (Fr) 0:15:52.1 32 30 Waubonsie Valley Bryan Jacobs (Fr) 0:15:57.4 33 31 Lake Park Matt Morocco (So) 0:15:59.4 34 32 Waubonsie Valley Patrick Sweeney (Fr) 0:16:03.3 35 33 DeKalb Derek Erdmann (Fr) 0:16:03.8 36 34 Neuqua Valley Dan Beirne (Fr) 0:16:04.3 37 35 Lake Park Philip Sarullo (So) 0:16:05.2 38 36 Larkin Rob Reed (Fr) 0:16:07.4 39 Waubonsie Valley Jeffrey Campbell (So) 0:16:09.8 40 Waubonsie Valley Nick McCann (Fr) 0:16:10.4 41 Neuqua Valley Bryan Kruszka (Fr) 0:16:12.3 42 37 Bartlett Keerthi Prasad (So) 0:16:13.4 43 Neuqua Valley Darren Orange (So) 0:16:16.9 44 St. Charles Graham Faasen (Fr) 0:16:22.7 45 38 Bartlett Oscar Alanis (So) 0:16:29.8 46 St. Charles Bob Persel (Fr) 0:16:32.9 47 Waubonsie Valley Praveen Bommannavar (Fr) 0:16:36.4 48 Neuqua Valley Charles (Lee)ills (Fr) 0:16:36.8 49 Waubonsie Valley Kevin Mahoney (Fr) 0:16:37.5 50 39 Bartlett Phil Mariotti (Fr) 0:16:37.8 51 40 Bartlett Brian McSteen (Fr) 0:16:39.7 52 41 DeKalb Kasey Campbell (So) 0:16:40.7 53 42 East Aurora Daniel Rodriguez (Fr) 0:16:43.5 54 43 DeKalb Joel Brown (So) 0:16:45.9 55 St. Charles Dan Slonina (Fr) 0:16:48.0 56 44 Elgin Jonathan Derminer (So) 0:16:49.6 57 Neuqua Valley Andrew Kopeiken (So) 0:16:52.2 58 Waubonsie Valley Ross Rohlman (So) 0:16:53.7 59 45 Bartlett Matt Kielar (Fr) 0:16:57.7 60 Waubonsie Valley Andy Wybolt (So) 0:17:00.6 61 Waubonsie Valley Jon Busby (Fr) 0:17:01.5 62 46 Bartlett Ryan Brodie (Fr) 0:17:02.3 63 47 DeKalb Andy Hiatt (So) 0:17:03.4 64 Bartlett Mike Terlicher (Fr) 0:17:04.4 65 48 DeKalb Josh Brown (So) 0:17:06.6 66 St. Charles Ryan Anderson (So) 0:17:08.7 67 Bartlett Steve Landon (Fr) 0:17:09.5 68 Neuqua Valley John Kulp (So) 0:17:10.6 69 DeKalb John-Michael Ordera (So) 0:17:11.8 70 Waubonsie Valley Kevin McCormack (So) 0:17:12.5 71 49 Larkin Adam Thomas (Fr) 0:17:14.1 72 50 Elgin Tim Andresen (Fr) 0:17:18.3 73 Bartlett Alex Findon (Fr) 0:17:21.2 74 Bartlett Mickey Gray (Fr) 0:17:30.9 75 Neuqua Valley Michael St. Aubin (Fr) 0:17:33.1 76 Neuqua Valley Donald Gorrell (Fr) 0:17:45.9 77 Waubonsie Valley Rohit Mujani (Fr) 0:17:46.6 78 Neuqua Valley Davood Karimi (Fr) 0:17:47.9 79 51 East Aurora Erick Gomez (Fr) 0:17:49.1 80 St. Charles Jim Boyle (So) 0:17:53.5 81 52 East Aurora Ismael Vilchis (Fr) 0:18:08.4 82 53 East Aurora Isaiah Amaya (So) 0:18:15.6 83 St. Charles Paul Perez (Fr) 0:18:19.1 84 St. Charles Charles Velazquz (So) 0:18:22.3 85 Neuqua Valley Kevin Knipp (Fr) 0:18:28.0 86 54 Elgin Brandon Pickett (Fr) 0:18:35.6 87 55 Larkin Mike Peterson (So) 0:19:02.7 88 Waubonsie Valley Bryan Grissinger (Fr) 0:19:09.3 89 56 Elgin Chris Barone (Fr) 0:19:29.9 90 Neuqua Valley Darrik Cupps (So) 0:19:31.2 91 57 East Aurora Jorge Ibarra (Fr) 0:19:31.9 92 Neuqua Valley Kevin Ismail (Fr) 0:19:43.4 93 58 Larkin Mark Boyette (Fr) 0:19:55.6 94 59 Larkin Patrick Moore (Fr) 0:20:02.1 95 60 Elgin Sean Kennedy (So) 0:20:34.4 96 East Aurora Eric Dahmen (Fr) 0:21:30.1 97 East Aurora Diantis James (So) 0:21:32.3 98 Larkin Dominique Rivicco (Fr) 0:22:27.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Charles 39 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 19 2 Neuqua Valley 55 7, 9, 10, 13, 16, 27, 34 3 Waubonsie Valley 71 6, 12, 14, 17, 22, 30, 32 4 Lake Park 89 2, 5, 23, 28, 31, 35 5 DeKalb 144 3, 24, 33, 41, 43, 47, 48 6 Bartlett 175 21, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46 7 Larkin 191 25, 26, 36, 49, 55, 58, 59 8 East Aurora 194 20, 29, 42, 51, 52, 53, 57 9 Elgin 264 44, 50, 54, 56, 60 10 Streamwood No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Charles 74:01 14:48 0:48 14:26, 14:38, 14:45, 14:58, 15:14, 15:23 2 Neuqua Valley 74:54 14:59 0:33 14:43, 14:50, 14:58, 15:07, 15:16, 15:51 3 Waubonsie Valley 75:52 15:10 0:54 14:42, 15:06, 15:11, 15:17, 15:36, 15:58 4 Lake Park 76:45 15:21 1:28 14:32, 14:41, 15:40, 15:52, 16:00, 16:06 5 DeKalb 79:48 15:58 2:10 14:36, 15:41, 16:04, 16:41, 16:46, 17:04 6 Bartlett 81:35 16:19 1:07 15:33, 16:14, 16:30, 16:38, 16:40, 16:58 7 East Aurora 84:01 16:48 2:42 15:27, 15:52, 16:44, 17:49, 18:09, 18:16 8 Larkin 84:04 16:49 3:14 15:49, 15:50, 16:08, 17:14, 19:03, 19:56 9 Elgin 92:50 18:34 3:45 16:50, 17:19, 18:36, 19:30, 20:35 10 Streamwood No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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