USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001
And our Flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!

                2015 Naper Prairie Conference Meet  

October 20, 2015
Boys 8th Grade      
2.0 miles  

Course record is 0:10:37.9 by Zach Kinne of Gregory on Oct. 21, 2014

Ovral Score          School                     Name                Time
  1     1  Gregory                    Rodrigo Alvarez (8)        0:10:41.5
  2     2  Kennedy                    Luke Boelke (8)            0:10:43.4
  3     3  Fischer                    Wesley Beitler (8)         0:11:05.1
  4     4  Still                      Jack Essa (8)              0:11:05.2
  5     5  Scullen                    Daniel Conway (8)          0:11:11.0
  6     6  Washington                 Anthony Zangler (8)        0:11:20.6
  7     7  Kennedy                    Alan Wandke (8)            0:11:22.6
  8     8  Kennedy                    Patrick Spisak (8)         0:11:23.6
  9     9  Kennedy                    Ryan Kouchoukos (8)        0:11:26.3
 10    10  Kennedy                    Jack Moccio (8)            0:11:28.6
 11    11  Hill                       Ryan Malloy (8)            0:11:31.4
 12    12  Lincoln                    John Bonoris (8)           0:11:31.7
 13    13  Jefferson                  Alex Wagner (8)            0:11:32.8
 14    14  Washington                 Patrick Julian (8)         0:11:38.3
 15    15  Kennedy                    Matt Maschmeir (8)         0:11:40.1
 16    16  Granger                    Ryan Schlesinger (8)       0:11:41.2
 17    17  Madison                    Nethan Ramachandran (8)    0:11:42.2
 18    18  Kennedy                    Jimmy Schatz (8)           0:11:43.1
 19    19  Hill                       Michael Sakowicz (8)       0:11:44.2
 20    20  Fischer                    Jackon Bukala (8)          0:11:46.4
 21    21  Still                      Neil Bahl (8)              0:11:52.6
 22    22  Madison                    Michael Szczesniak (8)     0:11:53.6
 23        Kennedy                    Walter Johnson (8)         0:11:54.2
 24    23  Jefferson                  Ethan Kraulos (8)          0:11:56.9
 25    24  Jefferson                  Evan Thompson (8)          0:11:57.2
 26    25  Jefferson                  Thomas Johnson (8)         0:11:58.5
 27    26  Hill                       Randall Kohout (8)         0:11:59.5
 28    27  Lincoln                    Vinny Adamo (8)            0:11:59.7
 29    28  Fischer                    Robert Szivak (8)          0:12:00.8
 30    29  Washington                 Austin Rey (8)             0:12:01.2
 31    30  Washington                 Connor Genovese (8)        0:12:01.5
 32    31  Lincoln                    Joel Campos (8)            0:12:01.8
 33    32  Lincoln                    Taka Meldrum (8)           0:12:02.1
 34        Kennedy                    Kyle Zhao (8)              0:12:05.3
 35    33  Washington                 Myles Barry (8)            0:12:07.3
 36    34  Jefferson                  Naglis Subacius (8)        0:12:09.3
 37    35  Jefferson                  Joshua Tong (8)            0:12:11.2
 38    36  Scullen                    Quin Kennedy (8)           0:12:14.3
 39    37  Hill                       John Burns (8)             0:12:17.2
 40    38  Jefferson                  Robert Fotopolous (8)      0:12:17.5
 41    39  Scullen                    Ayush Deshpande (8)        0:12:18.3
 42        Kennedy                    Brian Zheng (8)            0:12:19.4
 43    40  Still                      Krishan Kamal (8)          0:12:21.8
 44    41  Fischer                    Andrew Smith (8)           0:12:25.9
 45    42  Fischer                    Thomas Treacy (8)          0:12:28.5
 46    43  Washington                 Matt Buescher (8)          0:12:29.2
 47    44  Scullen                    Evan Bruner (8)            0:12:29.7
 48    45  Scullen                    David Towa (8)             0:12:30.6
 49        Kennedy                    Vincent Lee (8)            0:12:32.3
 50    46  Still                      Christopher Jacobson (8)   0:12:34.2
 51    47  Scullen                    Dylan Bushelle (8)         0:12:34.6
 52    48  Gregory                    Anthony Dubiel (8)         0:12:34.8
 53    49  Granger                    Josh Frelo (8)             0:12:38.0
 54        Kennedy                    Aadi Dhingra (8)           0:12:38.4
 55    50  Gregory                    David Tasssone (8)         0:12:38.8
 56    51  Washington                 Owen Chilcoat (8)          0:12:39.1
 57    52  Crone                      Jake Klimek (8)            0:12:39.6
 58        Kennedy                    Nick Fiedler (8)           0:12:40.6
 59    53  Lincoln                    Robert Lopez (8)           0:12:42.9
 60    54  Hill                       Erik Ohst (8)              0:12:43.4
 61        Jefferson                  Jeremy Liu (8)             0:12:46.0
 62    55  Madison                    Conner Grumbles (8)        0:12:48.3
 63    56  Lincoln                    Sean Li (8)                0:12:53.5
 64        Kennedy                    Abhinav Gupta (8)          0:12:54.9
 65        Kennedy                    Christian Hernandez (8)    0:12:55.5
 66        Kennedy                    Neil Xu (8)                0:12:55.7
 67        Washington                 Evan Demari (8)            0:12:56.5
 68    57  Scullen                    Garrett Grastorf (8)       0:12:57.1
 69        Kennedy                    Abhinav Bawankule (8)      0:12:57.5
 70    58  Crone                      Samuel Stuart (8)          0:12:58.6
 71        Washington                 Andrew Ward (8)            0:13:00.1
 72    59  Crone                      Josh Rodriguez (8)         0:13:04.1
 73    60  Gregory                    Joe Casten (8)             0:13:05.9
 74        Kennedy                    Wesley Wu (8)              0:13:06.9
 75    61  Hill                       Sam Hus (8)                0:13:08.1
 76        Washington                 Holt Lapsey (8)            0:13:08.9
 77    62  Granger                    Jake Li (8)                0:13:10.4
 78        Kennedy                    Danny Blidy (8)            0:13:10.8
 79        Jefferson                  Utsav Joshi (8)            0:13:11.0
 80    63  Fischer                    Prathik Senthil (8)        0:13:13.4
 81        Kennedy                    Solomon Jones (8)          0:13:14.1
 82    64  Madison                    Yash Mazumdar (8)          0:13:14.7
 83    65  Crone                      Shashank Gaddamanagy (8)   0:13:16.0
 84    66  Crone                      Rahul Kohl (8)             0:13:16.3
 85    67  Crone                      Josh Garland (8)           0:13:17.6
 86        Kennedy                    Mitchell Zhen (8)          0:13:18.4
 87        Kennedy                    Allen Gu (8)               0:13:18.7
 88    68  Lincoln                    Devant Pillay-Holmes (8)   0:13:19.9
 89    69  Gregory                    Evan Burger (8)            0:13:20.2
 90        Kennedy                    Nathan Milner (8)          0:13:20.5
 91        Kennedy                    Neil Gupta (8)             0:13:20.8
 92    70  Hill                       Ryker Norris (8)           0:13:21.2
 93    71  Fischer                    Nathan Sheppard (8)        0:13:22.2
 94    72  Crone                      Jake Pilarski (8)          0:13:23.8
 95        Kennedy                    Minhao Han (8)             0:13:24.7
 96        Jefferson                  Christian Macias (8)       0:13:26.9
 97        Hill                       George Ragei (8)           0:13:28.0
 98        Kennedy                    Joshua Tennyson (8)        0:13:29.3
 99        Washington                 Jack Nelson (8)            0:13:29.8
100        Jefferson                  Aarish Lakhani (8)         0:13:30.0
101        Scullen                    Toby McGuire (8)           0:13:30.6
102        Lincoln                    Spencer Moore (8)          0:13:31.7
103        Kennedy                    Dino Biggers (8)           0:13:37.0
104        Scullen                    Dayton Melaniphy (8)       0:13:38.1
105        Lincoln                    Carter Roberts (8)         0:13:41.3
106    73  Granger                    Jack Coyle (8)             0:13:42.0
107        Hill                       Dhruv Ranjan (8)           0:13:42.8
108        Crone                      Joe Spencer (8)            0:13:44.9
109        Jefferson                  Brian Godoy (8)            0:13:49.6
110        Washington                 Ishan Sadhukhan (8)        0:13:51.1
111        Washington                 James Recendez (8)         0:13:51.8
112        Jefferson                  Jared Burdan (8)           0:13:52.5
113        Kennedy                    Jason Gu (8)               0:13:52.7
114    74  Granger                    Andrew Coyle (8)           0:13:53.0
115        Jefferson                  Steve Qiu (8)              0:13:53.3
116        Jefferson                  Michael O'Connor (8)       0:14:00.1
117        Washington                 William Kleinkopf (8)      0:14:00.9
118    75  Madison                    Mo Park (8)                0:14:01.3
119    76  Gregory                    Trent Sebring (8)          0:14:04.0
120    77  Granger                    Daniel Zapata (8)          0:14:04.8
121        Crone                      Adam Gutierrez (8)         0:14:05.6
122    78  Madison                    Kevin Chan (8)             0:14:07.1
123        Kennedy                    Noah Olejnik (8)           0:14:09.1
124        Lincoln                    Cameron Moore (8)          0:14:09.8
125        Crone                      Troy Smith (8)             0:14:10.4
126        Jefferson                  Ian Campagna (8)           0:14:11.2
127        Jefferson                  Ryan Thiele (8)            0:14:11.6
128    79  Granger                    Nick Bolger (8)            0:14:13.6
129    80  Gregory                    Will DeWees (8)            0:14:15.2
130        Granger                    Mensah Kwaku (8)           0:14:15.5
131        Granger                    Alex Nathan (8)            0:14:17.0
132        Jefferson                  Kevin Shi (8)              0:14:19.5
133        Fischer                    Gabriel Braganca (8)       0:14:29.2
134        Washington                 Binay Maharjan (8)         0:14:31.8
135        Jefferson                  Francis Bristow (8)        0:14:32.5
136        Kennedy                    Brian Hayes (8)            0:14:33.7
137        Scullen                    Sameer Tuteja (8)          0:14:33.9
138        Fischer                    Thejas Narayan (8)         0:14:34.1
139        Hill                       Evan Lemberger (8)         0:14:34.7
140        Lincoln                    Noah Anderson (8)          0:14:35.0
141        Lincoln                    Aidan Ozga (8)             0:14:35.3
142        Kennedy                    Nate Snedic (8)            0:14:37.3
143        Hill                       Jeet Kapoor (8)            0:14:37.7
144        Gregory                    Zaid Fakhruddin (8)        0:14:39.0
145        Crone                      Arjun Nair (8)             0:14:40.0
146        Kennedy                    Shawn Gregory (8)          0:14:42.0
147        Granger                    Jason Gasser (8)           0:14:42.4
148        Gregory                    Matt Vivo (8)              0:14:43.3
149        Kennedy                    Max Schroeder (8)          0:14:43.6
150        Crone                      Luke Janek (8)             0:14:44.0
151        Hill                       Deacon Broad (8)           0:14:45.1
152        Scullen                    Will Purcell (8)           0:14:46.5
153    81  Madison                    Will Ao (8)                0:14:51.5
154        Crone                      Eric Jarman (8)            0:14:53.2
155        Kennedy                    Jack Leonard (8)           0:14:56.1
156        Kennedy                    Greyson Sullivan (8)       0:14:59.6
157        Scullen                    Ethan Smetana (8)          0:15:00.7
158        Crone                      Andrew Huang (8)           0:15:01.5
159        Granger                    Dakota Lohman (8)          0:15:07.9
160        Jefferson                  David Krawczyk (8)         0:15:10.7
161        Kennedy                    A.J. Wheatley (8)          0:15:12.6
162        Gregory                    Kyle B0bbe (8)             0:15:14.4
163        Crone                      William Dykstra (8)        0:15:14.6
164        Hill                       Brian Paoli (8)            0:15:25.8
165        Kennedy                    Daniel Robbins (8)         0:15:28.7
166        Scullen                    Prakar Dixit (8)           0:15:31.6
167        Kennedy                    Hersh Pathak (8)           0:15:32.0
168        Jefferson                  Matas Skucas (8)           0:15:32.3
169        Kennedy                    Ayden Van Harlingen (8)    0:15:32.6
170        Washington                 Alan Aube (8)              0:15:41.5
171        Washington                 Merritt Weese (8)          0:15:45.6
172        Granger                    Bradley Sweiter (8)        0:15:45.8
173        Crone                      Ben Kovar (8)              0:15:57.1
174        Gregory                    Rahul Vadakath (8)         0:16:03.1
175        Scullen                    Jacob Zarkin (8)           0:16:12.1
176        Kennedy                    Andrew Saylan (8)          0:16:18.0
177        Kennedy                    Chandler Olson (8)         0:16:19.2
178        Jefferson                  Jerecho Agudelo (8)        0:16:22.0
179        Jefferson                  Jordan Shi (8)             0:16:27.0
180        Lincoln                    Alex Ozga (8)              0:16:28.2
181        Granger                    Emmanuel Moreno (8)        0:16:29.2
182        Jefferson                  Ethan Price (8)            0:16:29.9
183        Jefferson                  Kyle Friedman (8)          0:16:49.7
184        Jefferson                  Nicholas Chen (8)          0:16:57.7
185        Granger                    Jack Klein (8)             0:17:11.9
186        Gregory                    Liam Stephens (8)          0:17:17.4
187        Fischer                    Alex Smith (8)             0:17:35.6
188        Crone                      Gautham Jaiganesh (8)      0:17:49.5
189        Jefferson                  Alex Roos (8)              0:17:52.6
190        Lincoln                    Jacob Tietjen (8)          0:17:53.4
191    82  Still                      Rohan Rohan (8)            0:18:06.6
192        Fischer                    Rohan Iyer (8)             0:18:08.0
193        Jefferson                  Edward Wu (8)              0:18:11.2
194    83  Still                      Jack Cassidy (8)           0:18:16.9
195        Gregory                    Harrison Oxner (8)         0:18:22.5
196        Fischer                    Chris Barlas (8)           0:18:46.9
197        Crone                      Alex Long (8)              0:18:52.9
198        Crone                      Paden Anderson (8)         0:18:53.8
199        Fischer                    Neel Bagde (8)             0:18:58.6
200        Granger                    Tejas Dhanahi (8)          0:18:58.9
201        Granger                    Tinrey Du (8)              0:18:59.8
202        Madison                    Josh Rhodes (8)            0:19:00.4
203    84  Still                      Antonio Arambula (8)       0:19:10.9
204        Crone                      Kevin Shaffer (8)          0:19:11.1
205        Crone                      Arya Malluri (8)           0:19:17.0
206        Granger                    Blake Stewart (8)          0:28:11.4
Program (C) 1985-2015 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL


Place           School            Score              Scoring Places
  1   Kennedy                       36        2,   7,   8,   9,  10,  15,  18
  2   Washington                   112        6,  14,  29,  30,  33,  43,  51
  3   Jefferson                    119       13,  23,  24,  25,  34,  35,  38
  4   Fischer                      134        3,  20,  28,  41,  42,  63,  71
  5   Hill                         147       11,  19,  26,  37,  54,  61,  70
  6   Lincoln                      155       12,  27,  31,  32,  53,  56,  68
  7   Scullen                      169        5,  36,  39,  44,  45,  47,  57
  8   Still                        193        4,  21,  40,  46,  82,  83,  84
  9   Gregory                      228        1,  48,  50,  60,  69,  76,  80
 10   Madison                      233       17,  22,  55,  64,  75,  78,  81
 11   Granger                      274       16,  49,  62,  73,  74,  77,  79
 12   Crone                        300       52,  58,  59,  65,  66,  67,  72
Program (C) 1985-2015 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL

FINAL TEAM STANDINGS:  (by total team time)

Place         School            Score    Avg    Diff                 Scoring Times
  1  Kennedy                    56:27   11:17   0:45   10:44, 11:23, 11:24, 11:27, 11:29, 11:40
  2  Washington                 59:12   11:50   0:47   11:21, 11:39, 12:02, 12:02, 12:08, 12:30
  3  Jefferson                  59:37   11:55   0:37   11:33, 11:57, 11:58, 11:59, 12:10, 12:12
  4  Fischer                    59:48   11:58   1:24   11:05, 11:47, 12:01, 12:26, 12:29, 13:14
  5  Lincoln                    60:19   12:04   1:11   11:32, 12:00, 12:02, 12:02, 12:43, 12:54
  6  Hill                       60:19   12:04   1:12   11:32, 11:45, 12:00, 12:18, 12:44, 13:08
  7  Scullen                    60:46   12:09   1:20   11:11, 12:15, 12:19, 12:30, 12:31, 12:35
  8  Gregory                    62:23   12:29   2:39   10:42, 12:35, 12:39, 13:06, 13:21, 14:04
  9  Madison                    63:43   12:45   2:19   11:43, 11:54, 12:49, 13:15, 14:02, 14:08
 10  Granger                    65:06   13:01   2:11   11:42, 12:38, 13:11, 13:42, 13:53, 14:05
 11  Crone                      65:16   13:03   0:37   12:40, 12:59, 13:04, 13:16, 13:17, 13:18
 12  Still                      66:03   13:13   7:01   11:06, 11:53, 12:22, 12:35, 18:07, 18:17
Program (C) 1985-2015 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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