USA Flag
Sept. 11, 2001
And our Flag was still there, o'er the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave.
God Bless America!

         27th Annual Spartan Classic Invitational

October  5, 2017
Girls Open          
3.0 Miles  


Place           School                      Name                Time
  1   Glenbard North             Sam Ferengul (Jr)           0:21:37.7
  2   Glenbard North             Karina Aguilar (So)         0:22:57.6
  3   Glenbard North             Cerny Clare (Jr)            0:23:09.9
  4   Glenbard North             Kimmy Nunez (Jr)            0:23:11.8
  5   Reavis                     Carmen Villarreal (Sr)      0:23:27.0
  6   Oak Lawn                   Berenice Alvarez (So)       0:23:35.3
  7   Mother McAuley             Bridget Murphy (Fr)         0:23:39.6
  8   Reavis                     Mariela Martinez (Sr)       0:23:42.3
  9   Mother McAuley             Abby Powell (Jr)            0:23:43.6
 10   Reavis                     Tifany Ramirez (Sr)         0:23:44.0
 11   Glenbard North             Cindy Ha (Fr)               0:23:44.3
 12   Mother McAuley             Ryan Moran (Sr)             0:23:45.3
 13   Oak Forest                 Sabrina Hernandez (Sr)      0:23:46.1
 14   Mother McAuley             Taylor Leary (So)           0:23:46.5
 15   Reavis                     Jenn Ramirez (Jr)           0:23:51.4
 16   Glenbard North             Beatriz Hernandez (Sr)      0:23:54.1
 17   Reavis                     Val Hernandez (Jr)          0:23:54.7
 18   Glenbard North             Xitlali Campa (Sr)          0:23:55.6
 19   Glenbard North             Kate Johnson (Sr)           0:24:11.0
 20   Oak Forest                 Marisa Toschi (Jr)          0:24:14.9
 21   Mother McAuley             Nikki Murphy (Jr)           0:24:20.5
 22   Glenbard North             Megan Kalemba (Jr)          0:24:23.3
 23   Mother McAuley             Grace Gonzalez (Sr)         0:24:26.8
 24   Mother McAuley             Jane Hynes (Fr)             0:24:35.5
 25   Mother McAuley             Evette Balderas (Fr)        0:24:35.8
 26   Oak Lawn                   Olivia Janik (Fr)           0:24:36.7
 27   Reavis                     Karla Flores (So)           0:24:38.0
 28   Mother McAuley             Leah James (So)             0:24:48.0
 29   Oak Lawn                   Emily Mallo (Fr)            0:24:56.7
 30   Mother McAuley             Tierney Harkins (So)        0:24:59.4
 31   Glenbard North             Liz Jones (Fr)              0:25:03.6
 32   Glenbard North             Mariah Williams (So)        0:25:05.9
 33   Mother McAuley             Grace Rowan (Fr)            0:25:10.3
 34   Reavis                     Vicki Behling (Sr)          0:25:13.5
 35   Oak Lawn                   Abby Cafagna (So)           0:25:17.2
 36   Oak Forest                 Madeline Draper (Sr)        0:25:18.2
 37   Mother McAuley             Tara Tilkes (So)            0:25:18.4
 38   Mother McAuley             Mary Kate O'Malley (Jr)     0:25:18.6
 39   Reavis                     Sandra Marquez (So)         0:25:19.3
 40   Reavis                     Yamemah Saleh (Jr)          0:25:21.4
 41   Glenbard North             Hannah Ivy (Sr)             0:25:23.6
 42   Reavis                     Pam Sanchez (Fr)            0:25:24.9
 43   Mother McAuley             Grace Harkins (Sr)          0:25:28.7
 44   Glenbard North             Marielle Beleta (Sr)        0:25:41.2
 45   Glenbard North             Sarah Warren (Fr)           0:25:42.2
 46   Mother McAuley             Lauren Reidy (Fr)           0:25:49.4
 47   Oak Forest                 Madison Cline-Laycoax(Sr)   0:25:52.7
 48   Mother McAuley             Clare Donovan (So)          0:26:00.8
 49   Mother McAuley             Ellie Urchell (So)          0:26:04.0
 50   Mother McAuley             Aileen O'Rourke (So)        0:26:09.6
 51   Reavis                     Mariela Lozano (Sr)         0:26:10.1
 52   Oak Lawn                   Matilda Sweis (Jr)          0:26:12.4
 53   Mother McAuley             Annie Shea (Fr)             0:26:16.4
 54   Oak Lawn                   Jazmin Guerrero (So)        0:26:25.2
 55   Glenbard North             Angie Rosales (Sr)          0:26:30.0
 56   Reavis                     Mina Baniewicz (Jr)         0:26:30.7
 57   Reavis                     Anna Tumiel (Fr)            0:26:37.0
 58   Oak Lawn                   Jenine Matariyeh (Sr)       0:26:41.7
 59   Glenbard North             Quiana Gilliam (Jr)         0:26:45.2
 60   Oak Lawn                   Maja Dukic (Sr)             0:26:46.8
 61   Mother McAuley             Moira Nelligan (So)         0:26:52.3
 62   Oak Forest                 Nikkita Gajjar (Sr)         0:26:54.7
 63   Mother McAuley             Sarah Anderson (Fr)         0:26:56.5
 64   Reavis                     Cordy Gulczynski (Fr)       0:26:57.5
 65   Mother McAuley             Maeve Clifford (Fr)         0:26:58.7
 66   Mother McAuley             Colleen Rooney (Fr)         0:26:59.4
 67   Reavis                     Luz Garcia (So)             0:27:01.2
 68   Mother McAuley             Kathleen Fahy (Jr)          0:27:03.0
 69   Mother McAuley             Eileen Coyle (Fr)           0:27:05.0
 70   Oak Forest                 Sabeen Barakat (Fr)         0:27:05.5
 71   Reavis                     Karolina Gewont (So)        0:27:09.3
 72   Eisenhower                 Angelina Romero (So)        0:27:13.8
 73   Mother McAuley             Alyssa Houlihan (Jr)        0:27:14.9
 74   Eisenhower                 Alyssa Manrique (Fr)        0:27:15.1
 75   Reavis                     Karolina Styrczula (Sr)     0:27:25.1
 76   Reavis                     Cami Valdez (So)            0:27:26.7
 77   Oak Forest                 Katharine Holewa (Sr)       0:27:32.1
 78   Glenbard North             Ariel Ivy (Jr)              0:27:35.2
 79   Oak Forest                 Haleigh Martin (Fr)         0:27:37.2
 80   Glenbard North             Jennifer Serna (Fr)         0:27:40.7
 81   Oak Lawn                   Casandra Nieto (Fr)         0:27:44.8
 82   Mother McAuley             Ann Marie Cleary (So)       0:27:54.5
 83   Reavis                     Alondra Flores (Jr)         0:28:02.5
 84   Mother McAuley             Shannon Neuman (So)         0:28:06.6
 85   Mother McAuley             Rebeca Marmolejo (Fr)       0:28:24.3
 86   Glenbard North             Melanie Ortega (Fr)         0:28:31.1
 87   Mother McAuley             Mary Kate Boyle (Sr)        0:28:38.4
 88   Mother McAuley             Catherine Rogers (Sr)       0:28:44.9
 89   Reavis                     Aylin Rojas (Fr)            0:28:46.7
 90   Mother McAuley             Molly Keller (So)           0:28:47.5
 91   Mother McAuley             Clare Hogan (So)            0:28:50.3
 92   Glenbard North             Roksana Kogut (Fr)          0:29:03.3
 93   Glenbard North             Katelyn Rodriguez (Fr)      0:29:11.1
 94   Oak Lawn                   Tala Liqyanah (Jr)          0:29:29.2
 95   Glenbard North             Meghan Prochaska (Fr)       0:29:50.2
 96   Mother McAuley             Tegan Flaherty (Jr)         0:29:54.5
 97   Mother McAuley             Ellen Guinane (Fr)          0:30:00.8
 98   Eisenhower                 Dayanara Palma (Fr)         0:30:07.8
 99   Mother McAuley             Molly Curley (So)           0:30:08.3
100   Mother McAuley             Megan McGinley (Jr)         0:30:12.9
101   Mother McAuley             Natalie Brett (Fr)          0:30:13.1
102   Reavis                     Bri Ortega (Sr)             0:30:15.3
103   Oak Lawn                   Kennedy Lindsay (So)        0:30:16.1
104   Oak Lawn                   Gloria Renteria (Fr)        0:30:17.1
105   Mother McAuley             Elyse Piechocki (Jr)        0:30:18.2
106   Eisenhower                 Josefina Zuniga (Sr)        0:30:19.0
107   Eisenhower                 Nyah Bejarano (Jr)          0:30:21.3
108   Mother McAuley             Savannah Greybill (Fr)      0:30:22.7
109   Oak Lawn                   Manal Abubakr (Fr)          0:30:27.3
110   Oak Forest                 Mia Dantis (Jr)             0:30:47.2
111   Reavis                     Vivian Mendoza (Fr)         0:30:51.2
112   Reavis                     Jocelyn Fetting (Fr)        0:30:57.2
113   Mother McAuley             Maddie Bird (Jr)            0:31:00.8
114   Mother McAuley             Jane Pienta (Jr)            0:31:44.9
115   Glenbard North             Eshana Mistry (Fr)          0:31:46.7
116   Mother McAuley             Clare O'Malley (So)         0:31:59.6
117   Reavis                     Jenna Larsen (Fr)           0:32:04.7
118   Glenbard North             Tulsi Patel (Fr)            0:32:10.5
119   Mother McAuley             Erin Gessert (Jr)           0:32:27.5
120   Reavis                     Nawal AL Salih (So)         0:32:55.2
121   Mother McAuley             Carolina Correa (Sr)        0:33:03.6
122   Oak Lawn                   Ashley Barrera (Fr)         0:33:07.3
123   Reavis                     Marcela Marroquiz (Fr)      0:33:50.7
124   Oak Lawn                   Lucy Betancourt (Jr)        0:35:13.2
125   Glenbard North             Mackenzie Patrick (Jr)      0:35:19.3
126   Oak Lawn                   Huda Yasin (Sr)             0:35:52.0
127   Oak Lawn                   Nevin Abdelghani (Sr)       0:36:38.1
Program (C) 1985-2017 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364
Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL



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