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Team trophies are awarded to 4 person teams in each of four categories: (1) Co-ed (2) Male (3) Female (4) Family. All family teams must have one person under the age of 16. The team score is calculated by adding together the finish time of each of the 4 competitors (all of whom must start and finish the race). 2009 Tax Dodge 5KHeld at REC Center, Yorkville, IL on April 19, 2009 (C) 2009 Kreppert Kompusport Software (www.kompusport.com) Team results of the 5k Run/Walk Overall Place Runner's Name Time Team Category 14 Craig Weyrich 0:21:48 M 37 Oswego Running Club Co-Ed 17 Brian Nehring 0:22:48 M 29 Oswego Running Club Co-Ed 22 Wally Werderich 0:23:57 M 36 Wally Ward One Wizards Co-Ed 27 Kenny Peters 0:24:23 M 12 Peters Family 28 Jim Peters 0:24:24 M 44 Peters Family 34 Dawn Machek 0:24:55 F 35 WMC Co-Ed 39 Bob Mehrens 0:25:43 M 55 Oswego Running Club Co-Ed 40 Laurie Stewart 0:25:50 F 54 Future Four Female 55 Janeen Henrichs 0:27:33 F 36 Future Four Female 63 Sandy Lauck 0:28:52 F 36 Oswego Running Club Co-Ed 69 Belem Werderich 0:30:07 F 35 Wally Ward One Wizards Co-Ed 85 Judith Connant 0:32:58 F 63 WMC Co-Ed 86 Lawrence Contant 0:32:59 M 64 WMC Co-Ed 92 Kate Werner 0:34:08 F 32 WMC Co-Ed 99 Kalli Whitfield 0:34:42 F 25 Wally Ward One Wizards Co-Ed 100 Denna Hatch 0:34:50 F 45 Future Four Female 102 Lisa Terry 0:34:55 F 44 Future Four Female 105 Dick Whitfield 0:36:33 M 57 Wally Ward One Wizards Co-Ed 109 Erica Peters 0:38:11 F 12 Peters Family 111 Ann Peters 0:38:39 F 30 Peters Family 128 Matthew J. Shiles 0:57:43 M 36 A.J. Co-Ed 129 Nathan Hess 0:57:43 M 32 A.J. Co-Ed 130 Wendy Hess 0:57:44 F 32 A.J. Co-Ed 131 Michelle Shiles 0:57:44 F 31 A.J. Co-Ed Co-Ed Team Scores of the 5k Run/Walk Place Team Scoring Times Cum. Time 1 Oswego Running Club 21:48, 22:48, 25:43, 28:52 1:39:11 2 WMC 24:55, 32:58, 32:59, 34:08 2:05:00 3 Wally Ward One Wizards 23:57, 30:07, 34:42, 36:33 2:05:19 4 A.J. 57:43, 57:43, 57:44, 57:44 3:50:54 Male Team Scores of the 5k Run/Walk Place Team Scoring Times Cum. Time No one competed in this category. Female Team Scores of the 5k Run/Walk Place Team Scoring Times Cum. Time 1 Future Four 25:50, 27:33, 34:50, 34:55 2:03:08 Family Team Scores of the 5k Run/Walk Place Team Scoring Times Cum. Time 1 Peters 24:23, 24:24, 38:11, 38:39 2:05:37
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