Individual Results
1998 Argo Cross Country InvitationalSeptember 19, 1998 Boys Varsity 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 St. Ignatius Mark Floreani (So) 0:16:14.2 2 2 Mount Carmel Joe Marren (Sr) 0:16:17.1 3 3 Barrington Tim Schocke (Sr) 0:16:20.9 4 4 Brother Rice Mike Cavato (Sr) 0:16:23.2 5 5 Fenwick Adam Dell (Jr) 0:16:25.4 6 6 Stagg Jeffrey Assmus (Sr) 0:16:30.6 7 7 Argo Cheto Rangel (Sr) 0:16:32.7 8 8 Kennedy - Chicago Robert Doyle (Fr) 0:16:37.8 9 9 Kennedy - Chicago Gabriel Sanchez (Jr) 0:16:41.7 10 10 Glenbard East Richard Calvario (So) 0:16:43.8 11 11 Richards Tony Lachiana (So) 0:16:44.5 12 12 Thornwood Victor Johnson (Sr) 0:16:45.6 13 13 Barrington Albert Carbo (So) 0:16:46.4 14 14 St. Ignatius Pete Murakami (So) 0:16:51.5 15 15 Barrington Scott Bush (Jr) 0:16:53.8 16 16 Mount Carmel Kevin Butgler (Sr) 0:16:55.4 17 17 Fenwick Mark Reynolds (Sr) 0:16:56.4 18 18 Argo Juan Carrillo (Jr) 0:16:57.5 19 19 St. Ignatius Mark Scott (Sr) 0:16:59.5 20 20 Plainfield Jason Geouque (Sr) 0:17:01.8 21 Thornton Township Julian Lagunas (Sr) 0:17:03.1 22 21 Thornwood Amani Woods (Jr) 0:17:07.7 23 22 St. Laurence Dan Lahart (Sr) 0:17:08.5 24 23 Kennedy - Chicago Marco Garduno (Sr) 0:17:10.2 25 24 Crete-Monee Justin Motkowitz (Jr) 0:17:11.3 26 25 Leyden Mike Swoboda (Sr) 0:17:14.2 27 26 Kennedy - Chicago David Hernandez (Jr) 0:17:17.8 28 27 Argo Steve Broughton (Jr) 0:17:19.0 29 28 Fenwick Rob Ryan (So) 0:17:20.8 30 29 Richards Jason Schultz (So) 0:17:22.3 31 30 Fenwick Tony Morell (Jr) 0:17:24.6 32 31 Barrington Sean Quinn (Sr) 0:17:25.2 33 32 Brother Rice Marty Maloney (Sr) 0:17:26.1 34 33 Crete-Monee Brent Yoder (Sr) 0:17:29.5 35 34 Brother Rice Mike Wazio (Jr) 0:17:30.1 36 35 St. Laurence Scott Soprych (Sr) 0:17:32.5 37 36 Argo Mike Villagomez (So) 0:17:35.5 38 37 Joliet Catholic Rudy Stimac (Jr) 0:17:36.8 39 38 Glenbard East Brian Runyon (Sr) 0:17:37.9 40 39 Thornwood Anthony Juarez (Jr) 0:17:38.6 41 40 Lemont Chris Ratay (So) 0:17:39.9 42 41 Andrew Eric Besi (Jr) 0:17:40.4 43 42 Fenwick Steve Petres (Sr) 0:17:41.0 44 43 St. Ignatius Don DeBartolo (Sr) 0:17:41.9 45 44 Brother Rice Bill Funk (Sr) 0:17:45.4 46 45 Leyden Dave Wischmeyer (Sr) 0:17:45.9 47 46 St. Laurence Dan Laduca (Jr) 0:17:47.4 48 47 Barrington Scott Krolak (Sr) 0:17:48.1 49 48 St. Ignatius John Plimpton (Jr) 0:17:48.7 50 49 Thornwood Steven Szilva (Jr) 0:17:49.2 51 50 Mount Carmel Robert Brajkovich (Sr) 0:17:49.7 52 51 Glenbard East Mike Steketee (Jr) 0:17:50.4 53 52 Plainfield Rob Bahde (Sr) 0:17:51.0 54 53 St. Ignatius Kevin McCormick (Jr) 0:17:51.9 55 54 Marist Pat Morgan (Jr) 0:17:53.5 56 55 Argo Rick Gomez (Sr) 0:17:53.9 57 56 Willowbrook Matt Green (Sr) 0:17:54.6 58 57 Kennedy - Chicago Thomas Raley (Sr) 0:17:56.9 59 58 Mount Carmel Kevin Conway (So) 0:17:58.2 60 59 Willowbrook Todd Siebert (Jr) 0:18:01.3 61 60 Willowbrook Dan Stumpf (Sr) 0:18:03.1 62 61 Willowbrook Brian Mazzoni (Sr) 0:18:04.0 63 62 Plainfield Dan Porath (Sr) 0:18:04.6 64 63 Glenbard East Brian Thompson (Jr) 0:18:06.5 65 64 Crete-Monee Steven Stolzenbach (Sr) 0:18:09.9 66 65 St. Laurence John Clemens (Jr) 0:18:11.1 67 Shepard Bill Werges (Sr) 0:18:11.8 68 66 Glenbard East Dave Pawlowski (Sr) 0:18:12.6 69 67 Plainfield Owen Margherio (Sr) 0:18:13.1 70 68 Thornton Frac. South Jeremiah Mayerak (Jr) 0:18:13.7 71 69 Argo Hermino Rosales (Jr) 0:18:15.1 72 70 Romeoville Chris Cullen (Sr) 0:18:16.2 73 71 Richards Jim Schultz (So) 0:18:16.7 74 72 Lemont Mark Piechocinski (Sr) 0:18:17.1 75 73 Plainfield Mike Hogan (Jr) 0:18:19.3 76 74 Andrew Jeff Lakdawala (Sr) 0:18:19.9 77 75 Thornwood Daane Chappell (Sr) 0:18:23.4 78 76 Fenwick Tom Halleran (So) 0:18:24.7 79 77 Joliet Catholic Roman Rodriquez (Jr) 0:18:27.5 80 78 Kennedy - Chicago Jose Nieves (Sr) 0:18:28.1 81 79 Lemont Chris Robb (Jr) 0:18:28.9 82 80 Stagg James Kupka (Jr) 0:18:32.6 83 81 Plainfield Mike Moran (Sr) 0:18:33.7 84 Thornton Township Terrance Chapman (Jr) 0:18:34.2 85 82 Eisenhower Eric Esparza (Sr) 0:18:35.2 86 83 Marist Marty Gavin (Jr) 0:18:37.3 87 84 Lemont Matt Hennebry (So) 0:18:39.5 88 85 Notre Dame - Niles Chris Xanas (Jr) 0:18:40.1 89 86 St. Ignatius Ed Hamilton (Jr) 0:18:41.9 90 87 Lemont Joe Vucko (So) 0:18:42.9 91 88 Argo Emmie Dominguez (So) 0:18:43.4 92 Reavis Martin Soto (Sr) 0:18:43.8 93 89 Andrew Eric Visnyak (Sr) 0:18:47.0 94 90 Thornton Frac. South Jim Dorsch (Jr) 0:18:53.1 95 91 Notre Dame - Niles Matt Zelasko (Jr) 0:18:53.5 96 92 Plainfield Kyle Patchin (Jr) 0:18:58.8 97 93 Eisenhower Adrian Aviles (Jr) 0:18:59.8 98 Thornton Frac. North Nathan Visak (Jr) 0:19:03.7 99 94 Kennedy - Chicago Elvis Diaz (Jr) 0:19:06.2 100 95 Notre Dame - Niles Mike Ackerman (So) 0:19:07.1 101 96 Willowbrook Nick Sabella (Jr) 0:19:07.5 102 Bremen Charles Abromaitis (Jr) 0:19:09.7 103 97 Notre Dame - Niles Alan Montera (So) 0:19:10.8 104 98 Joliet Catholic John Cabey (Sr) 0:19:11.8 105 99 Glenbard East Matt Zadak (Sr) 0:19:15.7 106 100 Andrew Dan Koponec (Sr) 0:19:16.5 107 101 Brother Rice Pat McNally (Jr) 0:19:17.1 108 102 Leyden Brian Allen (Jr) 0:19:17.9 109 103 Willowbrook Steve Swanson (So) 0:19:18.4 110 104 Andrew Jerry Teresi (Jr) 0:19:23.3 111 105 Notre Dame - Niles Mark Stafford (So) 0:19:23.9 112 106 Richards Bob Brickman (Sr) 0:19:25.6 113 107 Lemont Justin Fricka (Jr) 0:19:26.3 114 108 Romeoville Mat Johnson (Sr) 0:19:27.3 115 109 Thornton Frac. South Phil Mayer (Jr) 0:19:28.5 116 110 Fenwick Pat Fitzgerald (So) 0:19:31.3 117 111 Thornton Frac. South Justin Mamak (Jr) 0:19:34.0 118 112 St. Laurence Mike Petru (Jr) 0:19:35.3 119 113 Stagg Justin Andriusis (Jr) 0:19:36.0 120 114 Thornton Frac. South Jeff Friesema (Jr) 0:19:37.6 121 115 Oak Lawn Pat Moses (Jr) 0:19:38.3 122 116 Marist John Canning (Jr) 0:19:44.1 123 117 Notre Dame - Niles Kevin Clarke (So) 0:19:45.1 124 118 Romeoville Aaron Bradley (Jr) 0:19:46.5 125 119 Thornwood Rasheed Jeffries (Sr) 0:19:48.4 126 120 Richards Aaron Brickman (Fr) 0:19:49.2 127 121 Leyden Eric Carlson (Sr) 0:19:49.9 128 122 Romeoville Chris Davey (Jr) 0:19:51.3 129 123 Oak Lawn Joe Neumann (Jr) 0:19:54.4 130 124 Richards Mike Morgan (Sr) 0:19:56.3 131 125 Willowbrook Steve Power (Jr) 0:19:59.5 132 126 Andrew Joe Ligammari (Sr) 0:20:01.1 133 Bremen Dave Burke (Sr) 0:20:01.9 134 127 Stagg Daniel Skupien (Jr) 0:20:02.9 135 128 Andrew Jim DeMarie (Jr) 0:20:04.1 136 129 Oak Lawn Joe Banasiak (Jr) 0:20:10.4 137 130 Eisenhower Homero Penuelas (Jr) 0:20:11.4 138 Reavis Curtis Brown (Jr) 0:20:12.7 139 131 Stagg Thomas Martin (Jr) 0:20:14.6 140 132 Marist Mike Pearson (Sr) 0:20:15.5 141 Reavis Dave Boyer (Sr) 0:20:16.1 142 133 Mount Carmel Daniel Welch (So) 0:20:17.0 143 134 Romeoville Joe Walkosz (Sr) 0:20:19.1 144 135 Marist Matt Rigor (Jr) 0:20:24.5 145 Shepard Joe Abraham (Jr) 0:20:26.6 146 136 St. Laurence Adam Tomasik (Sr) 0:20:28.2 147 137 Thornton Frac. South Mike Biederstadt (Jr) 0:20:30.9 148 138 Glenbard East Marc Sugudom (Sr) 0:20:33.7 149 139 Leyden Jason Lantgen (Sr) 0:20:37.0 150 140 Stagg Kevin Prendergast (Sr) 0:20:38.2 151 141 Mount Carmel Brian Biros (Sr) 0:20:39.4 152 142 Joliet Catholic Tommy Hall (Jr) 0:20:40.4 153 Thornton Frac. North Eric DelReal (Sr) 0:20:42.2 154 143 Leyden Matt Lehman (Jr) 0:20:43.7 155 144 Marist Brad Hrad (Jr) 0:20:47.5 156 145 Eisenhower Velarmino Arroyo (Sr) 0:20:49.5 157 146 Joliet Catholic Kevin Kill (So) 0:20:51.9 158 147 Eisenhower Orlando Rojas (Jr) 0:20:58.5 159 148 St. Laurence Vince Bertucci (Sr) 0:21:01.6 160 149 Oak Lawn Tony Fantozzi (Jr) 0:21:02.4 161 150 Notre Dame - Niles Jeff Show (Sr) 0:21:10.8 162 151 Thornton Frac. South Josh Mayerak (Fr) 0:21:12.3 163 152 Crete-Monee Aaron Carter (Jr) 0:21:16.6 164 153 Marist Matt Watson (Sr) 0:21:19.9 165 154 Crete-Monee Ryan Huisman (Jr) 0:21:22.5 166 155 Thornwood Aaron Thomas (Sr) 0:21:25.5 167 156 Crete-Monee Mike Knapp (Sr) 0:21:42.4 168 157 Crete-Monee Chris Mouw (Jr) 0:21:53.2 169 158 Richards Jack Johnson (Sr) 0:22:10.4 170 159 Eisenhower Mark Johnston (Jr) 0:22:14.4 171 160 Eisenhower Octavio Carbajal (Sr) 0:22:24.8 172 161 Joliet Catholic Buck Hanson (Jr) 0:22:25.7 173 162 Lemont Keith Thomas (Jr) 0:22:29.6 174 163 Oak Lawn Chris McCarthy (Sr) 0:22:46.7 175 164 Joliet Catholic Dan Fisch (Jr) 0:22:51.1 176 Reavis Kevin Sendra (Sr) 0:23:01.5 177 165 Stagg Matthew Duszka (Sr) 0:25:08.7 178 166 Romeoville Michael Harris (Jr) 0:25:33.2 179 Bremen Matthew Taillon (Fr) 0:31:47.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 109 3, 13, 15, 31, 47 2 Fenwick 122 5, 17, 28, 30, 42, 76, 110 3 Kennedy - Chicago 123 8, 9, 23, 26, 57, 78, 94 4 St. Ignatius 125 1, 14, 19, 43, 48, 53, 86 5 Argo 143 7, 18, 27, 36, 55, 69, 88 6 Thornwood 196 12, 21, 39, 49, 75, 119, 155 7 Brother Rice 215 4, 32, 34, 44, 101 8 Glenbard East 228 10, 38, 51, 63, 66, 99, 138 9 Mount Carmel 259 2, 16, 50, 58, 133, 141 10 Plainfield 274 20, 52, 62, 67, 73, 81, 92 11 St. Laurence 280 22, 35, 46, 65, 112, 136, 148 12 Willowbrook 332 56, 59, 60, 61, 96, 103, 125 13 Richards 337 11, 29, 71, 106, 120, 124, 158 14 Lemont 362 40, 72, 79, 84, 87, 107, 162 15 Andrew 408 41, 74, 89, 100, 104, 126, 128 16 Crete-Monee 427 24, 33, 64, 152, 154, 156, 157 17 Leyden 432 25, 45, 102, 121, 139, 143 18 Stagg 457 6, 80, 113, 127, 131, 140, 165 19 Notre Dame - Niles 473 85, 91, 95, 97, 105, 117, 150 20 Thornton Frac. South 492 68, 90, 109, 111, 114, 137, 151 21 Joliet Catholic 500 37, 77, 98, 142, 146, 161, 164 22 Marist 520 54, 83, 116, 132, 135, 144, 153 23 Romeoville 552 70, 108, 118, 122, 134, 166 24 Eisenhower 597 82, 93, 130, 145, 147, 159, 160 25 Oak Lawn 679 115, 123, 129, 149, 163 26 Bremen No Score - Had only 3 finishers 27 Reavis No Score - Had only 4 finishers 28 Riverside-Brookfield No Score - Had only 0 finishers 29 Shepard No Score - Had only 2 finishers 30 Thornton Frac. North No Score - Had only 2 finishers 31 Thornton Township No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 85:16 17:03 1:27 16:21, 16:47, 16:54, 17:26, 17:48 2 St. Ignatius 85:38 17:08 1:34 16:15, 16:52, 17:00, 17:42, 17:49, 17:52 3 Kennedy - Chicago 85:46 17:09 1:19 16:38, 16:42, 17:11, 17:18, 17:57, 18:28 4 Fenwick 85:50 17:10 1:15 16:26, 16:57, 17:21, 17:25, 17:41, 18:25 5 Argo 86:20 17:16 1:21 16:33, 16:58, 17:19, 17:36, 17:54, 18:15 6 Thornwood 87:47 17:33 1:38 16:46, 17:08, 17:39, 17:50, 18:24, 19:49 7 Brother Rice 88:23 17:41 2:53 16:24, 17:26, 17:30, 17:46, 19:17 8 Glenbard East 88:33 17:43 1:29 16:44, 17:38, 17:51, 18:07, 18:13, 19:16 9 Mount Carmel 89:19 17:52 4:00 16:17, 16:56, 17:50, 17:59, 20:17, 20:40 10 Plainfield 89:31 17:54 1:18 17:02, 17:51, 18:05, 18:13, 18:20, 18:34 11 St. Laurence 90:17 18:03 2:27 17:09, 17:33, 17:48, 18:11, 19:36, 20:29 12 Willowbrook 91:12 18:14 1:13 17:55, 18:02, 18:03, 18:04, 19:08, 19:19 13 Richards 91:41 18:20 3:05 16:45, 17:23, 18:17, 19:26, 19:50, 19:57 14 Lemont 91:49 18:22 1:03 17:40, 18:17, 18:29, 18:40, 18:43, 19:27 15 Andrew 93:29 18:42 1:43 17:41, 18:20, 18:47, 19:17, 19:24, 20:01 16 Leyden 94:46 18:57 3:22 17:15, 17:46, 19:18, 19:50, 20:37, 20:44 17 Stagg 94:58 18:60 3:44 16:31, 18:33, 19:36, 20:03, 20:15, 20:39 18 Notre Dame - Niles 95:16 19:03 0:44 18:40, 18:54, 19:07, 19:11, 19:24, 19:45 19 Crete-Monee 95:32 19:06 4:11 17:12, 17:30, 18:10, 21:17, 21:23, 21:43 20 Thornton Frac. South 95:48 19:10 1:24 18:14, 18:53, 19:29, 19:34, 19:38, 20:31 21 Joliet Catholic 96:50 19:22 3:15 17:37, 18:28, 19:12, 20:41, 20:52, 22:26 22 Marist 96:57 19:23 2:31 17:54, 18:38, 19:44, 20:16, 20:25, 20:48 23 Romeoville 97:43 19:33 2:02 18:17, 19:28, 19:47, 19:52, 20:19, 25:34 24 Eisenhower 99:37 19:55 2:23 18:36, 19:00, 20:12, 20:50, 20:59, 22:15 25 Oak Lawn 103:35 20:43 3:08 19:39, 19:55, 20:11, 21:03, 22:47 26 Bremen No Score 19:10, 20:02, 31:48 27 Reavis No Score 18:44, 20:13, 20:16, 23:02 28 Riverside-Brookfield No Score 29 Shepard No Score 18:12, 20:27 30 Thornton Frac. North No Score 19:04, 20:43 31 Thornton Township No Score 17:03, 18:35 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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