Individual Results
1998 Charger Classic InvitationalSeptember 26, 1998 Boys Varsity 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:14:37.8 by Peter Muller of University High on November 2, 1996 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Westmont Tom Morrison (Sr) 0:15:39.1 2 2 Westmont Chris Mannos (Jr) 0:15:46.6 3 3 Illinois Math & Science Timothy Hachmeister (So) 0:16:06.1 4 4 East Aurora Lorenzo Clark 0:16:09.5 5 5 Aurora Central Catholic Jeffrey Cintron (Sr) 0:16:12.1 6 6 Westmont Jason Sherrier (Jr) 0:16:13.8 7 7 St. Francis Dean Accardi (Sr) 0:16:14.6 8 8 West Aurora Chris Gereer (Jr) 0:16:22.4 9 9 Westmont Gene Jagger (Sr) 0:16:24.0 10 10 West Aurora Anthony Salinas (So) 0:16:26.6 11 11 Illinois Math & Science Patrick Lambe (Sr) 0:16:27.3 12 12 St. Francis Bryan Moore (Jr) 0:16:33.5 13 13 St. Edward Shawn Lucas 0:16:39.7 14 14 Westmont Doug Barnacle (Sr) 0:16:40.3 15 15 Oswego Zach Tongate (Sr) 0:16:41.6 16 16 Aurora Central Catholic Michael Glosson (So) 0:16:49.0 17 17 St. Francis Pat Quinn (Fr) 0:16:52.3 18 18 Montini Riley Newton (Sr) 0:16:54.9 19 19 Illinois Math & Science Thomas Kim (So) 0:17:03.9 20 20 Westmont Dan Finn (Sr) 0:17:10.4 21 21 Aurora Central Catholic Carlos Esparza (Jr) 0:17:22.6 22 22 Oswego David Stoppel (Jr) 0:17:23.0 23 23 Burlington Central Doug Johnson (Jr) 0:17:23.4 24 24 West Aurora Gregory Ball (Sr) 0:17:24.1 25 Lisle Mike Smallwood (So) 0:17:24.8 26 25 West Aurora Christopher Fennell (Jr) 0:17:26.4 27 26 East Aurora Johnny Vorabouth 0:17:27.1 28 27 Marmion Andy Eberle (Sr) 0:17:28.1 29 28 West Aurora Michael Salinas (Sr) 0:17:28.6 30 29 East Aurora Tollie Redd 0:17:30.6 31 30 Oswego Shawn Spagnoli (Jr) 0:17:35.4 32 31 Aurora Central Catholic Manuel Barraza (So) 0:17:41.4 33 32 Aurora Central Catholic Sean Cook (Fr) 0:17:42.1 34 33 Wheaton Academy Andrew Burgress 0:17:46.4 35 34 West Aurora Paul Fernam (Jr) 0:17:47.0 36 35 Driscoll Catholic Chris Mores (So) 0:17:49.8 37 36 West Aurora Brad Hughes (Jr) 0:17:53.5 38 37 Westmont Dave Padolina (Jr) 0:17:54.1 39 38 Driscoll Catholic John Fennell (Jr) 0:17:55.9 40 Aurora Christian Mark Olson (Sr) 0:17:58.8 41 39 Chicago Christian Kyle Kinsteniet (Jr) 0:18:01.8 42 40 Illinois Math & Science John Sosa (Sr) 0:18:02.4 43 41 Marmion Anthony Pulco (Jr) 0:18:04.1 44 Aurora Christian Keenan Slagel (Fr) 0:18:04.6 45 42 Wheaton Academy Sam Larrabee 0:18:11.7 46 43 East Aurora Chris Cervantes 0:18:12.4 47 West Aurora Jeremy Agajanian (Sr) 0:18:12.8 48 44 Marmion Logan Gobeen (Jr) 0:18:13.4 49 45 Illinois Math & Science Derek Haas (Jr) 0:18:16.6 50 Westmont Andre Smith (Sr) 0:18:17.7 51 46 Aurora Central Catholic Joey Reyna (Jr) 0:18:18.5 52 47 Illinois Math & Science Henry Chu (Jr) 0:18:22.2 53 48 Timothy Christian Ken Parker (Sr) 0:18:23.9 54 49 Oswego Brian Peach (Sr) 0:18:24.6 55 50 Chicago Christian Rich Warehime (Jr) 0:18:25.2 56 51 Burlington Central Earl Ali (So) 0:18:25.8 57 52 Montini Reid Manning (Sr) 0:18:26.3 58 Westmont Ryan Bigeck (Sr) 0:18:26.6 59 53 St. Francis Tom O'Brien (Sr) 0:18:30.2 60 54 Illinois Math & Science Jorge Reyes (Jr) 0:18:32.0 61 55 St. Edward Scott Hoffman 0:18:36.9 62 56 East Aurora Willfred Reilly 0:18:38.4 63 57 Burlington Central Craig Stob (Jr) 0:18:41.1 64 58 Driscoll Catholic John Archer (Fr) 0:18:43.2 65 Illinois Math & Science Nicholas Morley (Jr) 0:18:46.0 66 59 St. Francis Brian Deutschendorf (Sr) 0:18:47.5 67 60 Marmion Jeyler Hernandez (Jr) 0:18:50.3 68 61 Oswego John Miller (Sr) 0:18:51.7 69 62 Burlington Central Mark Luker (Fr) 0:18:52.6 70 63 Aurora Central Catholic Matt Felten (So) 0:18:53.4 71 64 Oswego Roy Eiermann (Jr) 0:18:57.1 72 65 Driscoll Catholic Justin Kuhn (Fr) 0:18:58.2 73 66 Marmion Justin Koslowski (Sr) 0:19:07.3 74 67 Burlington Central Nick Egner (Jr) 0:19:08.5 75 68 Timothy Christian John Zigterman (Sr) 0:19:09.8 76 69 Timothy Christian Joe Kooima (Sr) 0:19:11.1 77 Illinois Math & Science Noah Lauricella (Jr) 0:19:12.8 78 70 Burlington Central Nick Ostrowski (Fr) 0:19:14.5 79 71 Burlington Central P.J. Carrol (Fr) 0:19:17.0 80 72 Wheaton Academy John Garvin 0:19:17.4 81 73 Wheaton Academy Chris Felinski 0:19:19.6 82 74 East Aurora Hector Villanueva 0:19:22.5 83 75 Marmion Dan Close (Sr) 0:19:22.9 84 76 Montini Robert Glaz (So) 0:19:25.2 85 77 Wheaton Academy Luke Neff 0:19:25.6 86 78 Marmion Suart Naylor (Sr) 0:19:27.0 87 Marmion Nick Perez (Jr) 0:19:28.2 88 79 Driscoll Catholic Joe Machuro (Jr) 0:19:28.9 89 80 Chicago Christian Dave Boss (Fr) 0:19:29.2 90 Marmion Mike Mancini (Sr) 0:19:29.7 91 Aurora Central Catholic Brad Barajas (Jr) 0:19:30.8 92 Marmion Willie Seibold (Jr) 0:19:33.3 93 Burlington Central Cliff Laird (Fr) 0:19:34.3 94 Westmont Bob Winston (Jr) 0:19:34.8 95 Westmont Sameer Vohra (Jr) 0:19:41.6 96 Aurora Central Catholic Fernando Morales (Jr) 0:19:45.2 97 81 Chicago Christian Jon Kiskes (Jr) 0:19:49.4 98 82 St. Francis Robby Kutter (Jr) 0:19:54.4 99 Marmion Adam Petitel (Jr) 0:19:54.7 100 83 St. Francis James Thomas (Sr) 0:19:55.9 101 Illinois Math & Science Kevin McGregor (Jr) 0:20:00.0 102 Marmion Dave Johnson (Jr) 0:20:03.3 103 84 Montini Chris Crawford (Jr) 0:20:06.8 104 St. Francis Ed Reding (Jr) 0:20:08.7 105 85 Timothy Christian Tyler Benjamin (So) 0:20:13.9 106 West Aurora Oxcar Peta (Jr) 0:20:18.5 107 Aurora Central Catholic Brian Lohse (Jr) 0:20:21.0 108 Marmion Nate Winter (Jr) 0:20:25.1 109 Illinois Math & Science Roman Ohler (Jr) 0:20:27.1 110 86 Driscoll Catholic David D'Amour (Jr) 0:20:28.8 111 87 St. Edward Michael Vojgrt 0:20:34.2 112 Illinois Math & Science Michael Commerford (Sr) 0:20:35.9 113 88 Driscoll Catholic Joe LaHart (So) 0:20:41.6 114 Aurora Christian Joe Cassidy (So) 0:20:46.1 115 Marmion Mike Cheung (Jr) 0:20:48.0 116 Marmion Justin McGrath (Jr) 0:21:13.5 117 89 Montini Matt Allred (Jr) 0:21:19.0 118 90 St. Edward Philip Kapogius 0:21:28.4 119 St. Francis Paul Bergl (Jr) 0:21:44.6 120 91 Oswego Dane Johnson (Sr) 0:21:48.1 121 St. Francis Tom Dabovich (Jr) 0:22:00.9 122 Burlington Central Kevin Coleman (Fr) 0:22:10.3 123 92 East Aurora Kevin Snow 0:22:10.7 124 Aurora Central Catholic Jason Frieders (Jr) 0:22:11.2 125 Driscoll Catholic David Grycz (Jr) 0:22:20.9 126 93 Wheaton Academy Drew Hawkins 0:22:23.8 127 94 Wheaton Academy John Sheesley 0:22:24.6 128 95 Chicago Christian Jonas Khilstrom (Sr) 0:22:32.1 129 96 Timothy Christian Colin Squier (So) 0:22:43.8 130 Marmion Jesse McGrade (Jr) 0:22:55.8 131 Marmion Chris Stolpe (Jr) 0:23:00.9 132 Marmion Chris Galloway (Sr) 0:23:12.1 133 Aurora Central Catholic John Elle (Sr) 0:23:40.7 134 Illinois Math & Science Matthew Roderick (Jr) 0:24:40.0 135 97 Timothy Christian Dan Tamez (Fr) 0:24:47.7 136 98 St. Edward Colin Sutherin 0:24:51.3 137 Westmont Chris Bodel (Sr) 0:25:44.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Westmont 32 1, 2, 6, 9, 14, 20, 37 2 West Aurora 95 8, 10, 24, 25, 28, 34, 36 3 Aurora Central Catholic 105 5, 16, 21, 31, 32, 46, 63 4 Illinois Math & Science 118 3, 11, 19, 40, 45, 47, 54 5 St. Francis 148 7, 12, 17, 53, 59, 82, 83 6 East Aurora 158 4, 26, 29, 43, 56, 74, 92 7 Oswego 177 15, 22, 30, 49, 61, 64, 91 8 Marmion 238 27, 41, 44, 60, 66, 75, 78 9 Burlington Central 260 23, 51, 57, 62, 67, 70, 71 10 Driscoll Catholic 275 35, 38, 58, 65, 79, 86, 88 11 Wheaton Academy 297 33, 42, 72, 73, 77, 93, 94 12 Montini 319 18, 52, 76, 84, 89 13 St. Edward 343 13, 55, 87, 90, 98 14 Chicago Christian 345 39, 50, 80, 81, 95 15 Timothy Christian 366 48, 68, 69, 85, 96, 97 16 Aurora Christian No Score - Had only 3 finishers 17 Lisle No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Westmont 80:45 16:09 1:02 15:39, 15:47, 16:14, 16:24, 16:41, 17:11 2 West Aurora 85:10 17:02 1:06 16:23, 16:27, 17:24, 17:27, 17:29, 17:47 3 Aurora Central Catholic 85:48 17:10 1:30 16:12, 16:49, 17:23, 17:42, 17:42, 18:19 4 Illinois Math & Science 85:58 17:12 2:11 16:06, 16:28, 17:04, 18:03, 18:17, 18:23 5 St. Francis 87:01 17:24 2:33 16:15, 16:34, 16:53, 18:31, 18:48, 19:55 6 East Aurora 88:00 17:36 2:29 16:10, 17:27, 17:31, 18:13, 18:39, 19:23 7 Oswego 88:58 17:48 2:10 16:42, 17:23, 17:36, 18:25, 18:52, 18:57 8 Marmion 91:45 18:21 1:40 17:28, 18:04, 18:14, 18:51, 19:08, 19:23 9 Burlington Central 92:33 18:31 1:45 17:24, 18:26, 18:41, 18:53, 19:09, 19:15 10 Driscoll Catholic 92:58 18:36 1:39 17:50, 17:56, 18:44, 18:59, 19:29, 20:29 11 Wheaton Academy 94:03 18:49 1:39 17:47, 18:12, 19:18, 19:20, 19:26, 22:24 12 Montini 96:14 19:15 4:24 16:55, 18:27, 19:26, 20:07, 21:19 13 Chicago Christian 98:20 19:40 4:30 18:02, 18:26, 19:30, 19:50, 22:32 14 Timothy Christian 99:43 19:57 4:20 18:24, 19:10, 19:11, 20:14, 22:44, 24:48 15 St. Edward 102:13 20:27 8:12 16:40, 18:37, 20:35, 21:29, 24:52 16 Aurora Christian No Score 17:59, 18:05, 20:46 17 Lisle No Score 17:25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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