Individual Results
29th Annual Larry Eddington InvitationalSeptember 19, 1998 Boys Frosh/Soph 2.4 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Dundee-Crown 153 Brian Rohrbacher (So) 0:12:58.9 2 2 Jacobs 306 David Aggen (So) 0:13:10.4 3 3 Kaneland 336 Henry Norris (So) 0:13:11.9 4 4 Wheaton-Warrenville South 577 Brandon Todd (So) 0:13:17.2 5 DeKalb 122 Justin Griffiths (So) 0:13:32.6 6 5 Jacobs 318 Elliott O'Claire (So) 0:13:41.0 7 6 Geneva 196 Andrew McQuillan (Fr) 0:13:41.6 8 7 Geneva 208 Craig Young (So) 0:13:42.2 9 8 Glenbard West 250 Dave Lyons (So) 0:13:43.1 10 9 Neuqua Valley 392 Paul Schuller (Fr) 0:13:46.1 11 10 Glenbard West 275 Ryan Wolski (So) 0:13:47.1 12 11 Wheaton-Warrenville South 560 Jonathan Dexheimer (So) 0:14:01.3 13 12 Jacobs 313 Timothy Heim (So) 0:14:02.3 14 13 Waubonsie Valley 499 Jon Maduza (So) 0:14:02.9 15 14 Kaneland 328 Chris Clark (So) 0:14:05.8 16 15 St. Charles 446 Scott Weranko (Fr) 0:14:08.6 17 16 Sycamore 466 Sean Miller (So) 0:14:09.1 18 17 Jacobs 307 Steve Ballard (So) 0:14:09.7 19 18 Neuqua Valley 404 Brian Waite (Fr) 0:14:13.3 20 19 Waubonsie Valley 488 Matt Archambault (Fr) 0:14:14.1 21 20 St. Charles 410 Adam Baes (Fr) 0:14:14.4 22 21 Glenbard West 225 Matt Carter (So) 0:14:15.1 23 22 Glenbard West 238 Andy Frank (So) 0:14:16.2 24 Westmont 535 Chris Holden (So) 0:14:17.9 25 23 Neuqua Valley 393 Kyle Signorelli (So) 0:14:18.8 26 24 East Aurora 160 Brandon Baumann 0:14:19.4 27 25 Benet 66 David Karch (Fr) 0:14:21.0 28 26 Glenbard West 270 Mark Waterman (So) 0:14:21.7 29 27 Neuqua Valley 402 Ben Wagoner (Fr) 0:14:24.4 30 Westmont 545 Elliot Tobin (So) 0:14:26.0 31 28 Benet 50 Dominic Bufalino (So) 0:14:31.4 32 29 Kaneland 332 Jonathan Heckert (Fr) 0:14:32.1 33 30 Jacobs 323 Steven Schmidt (So) 0:14:33.4 34 31 Wheaton-Warrenville South 582 Charles Wohlhuter (Fr) 0:14:34.4 35 32 West Aurora 529 Frank Thom (So) 0:14:35.0 36 33 Neuqua Valley 390 Brad Rothman (So) 0:14:35.7 37 34 Wheaton-Warrenville South 576 Timothy Schumm (Fr) 0:14:36.4 38 35 Jacobs 327 Geoffrey Shrake (So) 0:14:37.4 39 36 St. Charles 449 Steve Wittleder (Fr) 0:14:38.6 40 37 St. Charles 423 Pete Fecteau (So) 0:14:42.3 41 38 East Aurora 161 Juan Cardenas 0:14:43.3 42 39 Kaneland 340 Scott Walgamotte (Fr) 0:14:43.9 43 40 Geneva 189 Brian Honeyman (Fr) 0:14:44.2 44 41 Kaneland 334 Ben Kirkland (Fr) 0:14:44.7 45 42 East Aurora 175 Leonel Villanueva 0:14:45.1 46 43 Neuqua Valley 405 Dave Walczak (So) 0:14:45.7 47 44 Glenbard West 271 Dave Watson (So) 0:14:46.2 48 45 Wheaton-Warrenville South 578 Nikhil Vajaria (So) 0:14:47.3 49 46 Glenbard West 218 Jim Adduci (So) 0:14:48.9 50 Genoa-Kingston 217 Elliot Tovor (So) 0:14:49.4 51 47 Bartlett 13 Ben Cruz 0:14:50.6 52 48 Benet 83 Flynn Murphy (So) 0:14:51.1 53 49 Lockport 356 James Lunk (So) 0:14:51.6 54 50 Waubonsie Valley 489 Bob Astudillo (So) 0:14:55.9 55 51 St. Charles 418 Dan Craychee (So) 0:14:57.4 56 52 West Aurora 530 Eric Undgren (So) 0:14:57.8 57 DeKalb 120 Joel Brown (Fr) 0:14:58.4 58 53 Bartlett 25 Eric Walton 0:14:59.2 59 54 Dundee-Crown 148 Kris Lindquist (So) 0:15:00.5 60 Genoa-Kingston 216 Derrick Snyder (So) 0:15:01.8 61 55 Wheaton-Warrenville South 570 Joshua Peck (Fr) 0:15:03.4 62 56 Neuqua Valley 385 B.J. Mullany (So) 0:15:03.9 63 57 St. Charles 426 Brad Hadamik (So) 0:15:04.7 64 58 Benet 77 Tim Lowery (So) 0:15:07.2 65 59 Sycamore 457 Mark Heintz (So) 0:15:08.2 66 60 East Aurora 177 Tony Wooden 0:15:08.8 67 61 Benet 79 Steve Marshall (So) 0:15:09.7 68 62 Burlington Central 101 P.J. Carrol (Fr) 0:15:10.9 69 63 Benet 61 Peter Hoffman (Fr) 0:15:11.8 70 64 Burlington Central 107 Mark Luker (Fr) 0:15:13.0 71 65 Sycamore 461 Andy Koehring (So) 0:15:14.4 72 66 Geneva 200 Dave Rauch (So) 0:15:15.2 73 67 Illinois Math & Science 281 Roy Droste (So) 0:15:15.8 74 68 Sycamore 469 Jon Perez (So) 0:15:19.5 75 69 Waubonsie Valley 496 Demetrio Francois (So) 0:15:21.3 76 70 Geneva 199 Jesse Parker (So) 0:15:22.2 77 71 Geneva 195 Ryan Mather (Fr) 0:15:22.8 78 72 Wheaton-Warrenville South 559 Timothy Delaney (So) 0:15:23.3 79 73 Lockport 342 Dan Archer (Fr) 0:15:24.1 80 74 Benet 64 Matt Johnson (Fr) 0:15:25.0 81 75 St. Charles 447 Jeff White (Fr) 0:15:25.8 82 76 Waubonsie Valley 503 Wally Pruitt (So) 0:15:26.4 83 77 Geneva 188 Ryan Hellehan (So) 0:15:27.2 84 78 Dundee-Crown 133 Jacob Cassidy (So) 0:15:27.9 85 79 Lockport 344 Tim Benist (So) 0:15:29.0 86 80 Kaneland 331 Fred Gruber (So) 0:15:29.6 87 81 Dundee-Crown 157 Marc Westlund (So) 0:15:33.3 88 82 Illinois Math & Science 302 Eric Sutton (So) 0:15:33.8 89 83 Dundee-Crown 155 Carlos Tejada (Fr) 0:15:39.3 90 Genoa-Kingston 213 Sam Pickerell (Fr) 0:15:41.6 91 Westmont 541 Jimmy Rakowski (So) 0:15:45.4 92 84 Burlington Central 109 Nick Ostrowski (Fr) 0:15:45.8 93 85 Lockport 346 Brandon Bowtan (Fr) 0:15:47.1 94 86 Lockport 353 Tim Hesmanas (So) 0:15:52.0 95 87 Illinois Math & Science 278 James Carney (So) 0:15:53.6 96 88 Jacobs 324 Jonathan Scott (Fr) 0:15:56.0 97 89 Dundee-Crown 132 Russell Bennett (Fr) 0:16:01.3 98 90 Bartlett 24 Jon Uvegas 0:16:03.0 99 91 Dundee-Crown 146 Ryan Langkan (Fr) 0:16:05.3 100 92 Burlington Central 106 Cliff Laird (Fr) 0:16:08.3 101 93 Sycamore 462 Erik Kummer (So) 0:16:16.2 102 94 Sycamore 459 Brian Horst (Fr) 0:16:18.2 103 95 West Aurora 524 Bryan Penkala (Fr) 0:16:23.4 104 96 West Aurora 523 Taylor McWilliams (Fr) 0:16:23.9 105 97 Bartlett 11 Greg Alt 0:16:34.9 106 98 Lockport 359 Jon Rudziewicz (r) 0:16:35.9 107 99 Bartlett 16 Tom Heraty 0:16:38.0 108 100 East Aurora 165 Bernardo Escalante 0:16:45.3 109 101 Sycamore 476 Josh Ward (Fr) 0:16:47.3 110 102 Illinois Math & Science 283 Matthew Femrite (So) 0:16:48.0 111 103 Waubonsie Valley 487 Fermin Apantemco (Fr) 0:16:49.7 112 Timothy Christian 483 Coin Squire (So) 0:16:51.7 113 104 Kaneland 341 Jon Zielinski (So) 0:16:52.8 114 DeKalb 123 Andy Hiatt (Fr) 0:16:57.6 115 Genoa-Kingston 212 Joe Myers (Fr) 0:16:58.1 116 105 Illinois Math & Science 288 David Ignacio (So) 0:17:08.7 117 106 Burlington Central 102 Kevin Coleman (Fr) 0:17:15.3 118 107 West Aurora 521 Derek Martin (So) 0:17:16.1 119 108 East Aurora 162 Daniel Carlson 0:17:16.9 120 109 Waubonsie Valley 500 John Magill (So) 0:17:19.1 121 110 Burlington Central 108 Brandon Metz (Fr) 0:17:19.6 122 Timothy Christian 484 Dan Tamez (Fr) 0:17:52.2 123 111 Lockport 355 Scott Kocquda (Fr) 0:18:26.4 124 112 Burlington Central 105 Bill Juns (Fr) 0:19:05.3 125 Timothy Christian 478 Tyler Benjamin (So) 0:19:28.5 126 113 Bartlett 23 Andy Strong 0:19:40.0 127 114 West Aurora 517 Brandon Bridges (Fr) 0:19:44.6 128 115 Illinois Math & Science 294 Kent Limpichareon (So) 0:19:46.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jacobs 66 2, 5, 12, 17, 30, 35, 88 2 Glenbard West 87 8, 10, 21, 22, 26, 44, 46 3 Neuqua Valley 110 9, 18, 23, 27, 33, 43, 56 4 Wheaton-Warrenville South 125 4, 11, 31, 34, 45, 55, 72 5 Kaneland 126 3, 14, 29, 39, 41, 80, 104 6 St. Charles 159 15, 20, 36, 37, 51, 57, 75 7 Geneva 189 6, 7, 40, 66, 70, 71, 77 8 Benet 220 25, 28, 48, 58, 61, 63, 74 9 Waubonsie Valley 227 13, 19, 50, 69, 76, 103, 109 10 East Aurora 264 24, 38, 42, 60, 100, 108 11 Dundee-Crown 297 1, 54, 78, 81, 83, 89, 91 12 Sycamore 301 16, 59, 65, 68, 93, 94, 101 13 Lockport 372 49, 73, 79, 85, 86, 98, 111 14 West Aurora 382 32, 52, 95, 96, 107, 114 15 Bartlett 386 47, 53, 90, 97, 99, 113 16 Burlington Central 408 62, 64, 84, 92, 106, 110, 112 17 Illinois Math & Science 443 67, 82, 87, 102, 105, 115 18 Batavia No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Coal City No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 DeKalb No Score - Had only 3 finishers 21 Genoa-Kingston No Score - Had only 4 finishers 22 Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 3 finishers 23 Westmont No Score - Had only 3 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Jacobs 69:39 13:56 1:23 13:11, 13:41, 14:03, 14:10, 14:34, 14:38 2 Glenbard West 70:24 14:05 0:39 13:43, 13:47, 14:15, 14:17, 14:22, 14:47 3 Kaneland 71:19 14:16 1:33 13:12, 14:06, 14:32, 14:44, 14:45, 15:30 4 Wheaton-Warrenville South 71:20 14:16 1:30 13:18, 14:02, 14:35, 14:37, 14:48, 15:04 5 Neuqua Valley 71:20 14:16 0:50 13:46, 14:14, 14:19, 14:25, 14:36, 14:46 6 St. Charles 72:44 14:33 0:49 14:09, 14:15, 14:39, 14:43, 14:58, 15:05 7 Geneva 72:49 14:34 1:41 13:42, 13:43, 14:45, 15:16, 15:23, 15:23 8 Waubonsie Valley 74:02 14:48 1:24 14:03, 14:14, 14:56, 15:22, 15:27, 16:50 9 Benet 74:02 14:48 0:49 14:21, 14:32, 14:51, 15:08, 15:10, 15:12 10 Dundee-Crown 74:42 14:56 2:41 12:59, 15:01, 15:28, 15:34, 15:40, 16:02 11 East Aurora 75:44 15:09 2:26 14:20, 14:44, 14:45, 15:09, 16:46, 17:17 12 Sycamore 76:10 15:14 2:08 14:09, 15:09, 15:15, 15:20, 16:17, 16:19 13 Lockport 77:24 15:29 1:00 14:52, 15:24, 15:29, 15:47, 15:52, 16:36 14 Bartlett 79:07 15:49 1:47 14:51, 15:00, 16:03, 16:35, 16:38, 19:40 15 Burlington Central 79:35 15:55 2:05 15:11, 15:13, 15:46, 16:09, 17:16, 17:20 16 West Aurora 79:37 15:55 2:41 14:35, 14:58, 16:24, 16:24, 17:16, 19:45 17 Illinois Math & Science 80:41 16:08 1:53 15:16, 15:34, 15:54, 16:48, 17:09, 19:47 18 Batavia No Score 19 Coal City No Score 20 DeKalb No Score 13:33, 14:59, 16:58 21 Genoa-Kingston No Score 14:50, 15:02, 15:42, 16:58 22 Timothy Christian No Score 16:52, 17:53, 19:29 23 Westmont No Score 14:18, 14:26, 15:46 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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