Note: Times were accidentally lost for this race. Official Advancers
I.H.S.A. Class A Cross Country Regional Championship hosted by Marengo H.S.Official Advancers: The following teams will advance to the Lisle Sectional on Oct. 31, 1998. Place School Score --------------------------------------- 1 Marian Central Catholic 21 2 Winnebago 56 3 Harvard 93 4 Byron 96 5 Rockford Lutheran 129 --------------------------------------- The following five athletes will advance as individuals to the Lisle Sectional on Oct. 31, 1998. Ovral Place Name School ---------------------------------------------------------- 14 Megan Carlson (Jr) Stillman Valley 20 Jackie Freund (Jr) Marengo 21 Angela Antonou (Sr) North Boone 23 Julie Kromray (So) North Boone 28 Johanna Freiheit (So) Christian Life ----------------------------------------------------------
October 24, 1998 Girls Varsity 2.5 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 Marian Central Catholic 41 Catie LaBracke (Jr) 0:00:00.0 2 2 Marian Central Catholic 43 Brooke Lada (So) 0:00:00.0 3 3 Marian Central Catholic 44 Tiffany LaFontaine (Jr) 0:00:00.0 4 4 Harvard 22 Megan Pieper (Fr) 0:00:00.0 5 5 Winnebago 81 Jessica Elsen (So) 0:00:00.0 6 6 Winnebago 82 Missy Stevens (Fr) 0:00:00.0 7 7 Marian Central Catholic 45 Brynne Salomone (Jr) 0:00:00.0 8 8 Marian Central Catholic 42 Rachel Sierminski (Jr) 0:00:00.0 9 9 Harvard 21 Caroline Kirkland (Fr) 0:00:00.0 10 10 Byron 1 Stephanie Ware (Fr) 0:00:00.0 11 11 Byron 2 Michelle Ware (So) 0:00:00.0 12 12 Marian Central Catholic 46 Laura Guderyahn (Jr) 0:00:00.0 13 13 Rockford Lutheran 62 Corey Wilson (Fr) 0:00:00.0 14 Stillman Valley 71 Megan Carlson (Jr) 0:00:00.0 15 14 Winnebago 84 Lynnae Melin (Sr) 0:00:00.0 16 15 Winnebago 85 Jessica Stevens (Sr) 0:00:00.0 17 16 Winnebago 83 Anna Mullvain (Sr) 0:00:00.0 18 17 Winnebago 86 Krystal Laurence (So) 0:00:00.0 19 18 Byron 5 Lisa McKay (Sr) 0:00:00.0 20 19 Marengo 31 Jackie Freund (Jr) 0:00:00.0 21 20 North Boone 51 Angela Antonou (Sr) 0:00:00.0 22 21 Harvard 23 Sonia Garcia (Jr) 0:00:00.0 23 22 North Boone 53 Julie Kromray (So) 0:00:00.0 24 23 Marian Central Catholic 47 Annie Nawrocki (Fr) 0:00:00.0 25 24 Rockford Lutheran 64 Gretchen Nichols (Fr) 0:00:00.0 26 25 Rockford Lutheran 61 Erin Van Wetzinga (Sr) 0:00:00.0 27 26 Harvard 24 Anabel Garcia (So) 0:00:00.0 28 27 Christian Life 11 Johanna Freiheit (So) 0:00:00.0 29 28 Byron 6 Keely Denio (Fr) 0:00:00.0 30 29 Byron 4 Stefanie Aurand (Jr) 0:00:00.0 31 30 Byron 3 Brooke Bailey (Jr) 0:00:00.0 32 31 Marengo 33 Sarah Wardzala (Fr) 0:00:00.0 33 32 Rockford Lutheran 63 Nicole Osolin (Fr) 0:00:00.0 34 33 Harvard 25 Aindrea Dooley (So) 0:00:00.0 35 34 Marengo 34 Heidi Christensen (So) 0:00:00.0 36 35 Rockford Lutheran 65 Becky Lovitt (Fr) 0:00:00.0 37 36 Harvard 27 Kate Andrew (Sr) 0:00:00.0 38 37 Byron 7 Bethney Arnold (Sr) 0:00:00.0 39 38 Marengo 36 Missy Carlson (So) 0:00:00.0 40 39 Harvard 26 Norma Garcia (Fr) 0:00:00.0 41 40 Marengo 35 Rachel Krause (So) 0:00:00.0 42 41 North Boone 52 Ashley Knox (So) 0:00:00.0 43 42 Marengo 32 Erin Gaughan (Jr) 0:00:00.0 44 43 Christian Life 14 Heather Bell (Sr) 0:00:00.0 45 44 Christian Life 16 Erin Podewils (So) 0:00:00.0 46 45 Christian Life 15 LaToya Cypress (Sr) 0:00:00.0 47 46 Christian Life 12 Carol McClanathan (Fr) 0:00:00.0 48 47 North Boone 55 Anne Balsley (Jr) 0:00:00.0 49 48 Marengo 37 Brynn Anthony (Fr) 0:00:00.0 50 49 Rockford Lutheran 67 Colleen Dickey (Fr) 0:00:00.0 51 50 North Boone 57 Katie Franseen (Fr) 0:00:00.0 52 51 North Boone 56 Kristin Bullard (Jr) 0:00:00.0 53 52 Christian Life 17 Beth Dixon (So) 0:00:00.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marian Central Catholic 21 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 23 2 Winnebago 56 5, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17 3 Harvard 93 4, 9, 21, 26, 33, 36, 39 4 Byron 96 10, 11, 18, 28, 29, 30, 37 5 Rockford Lutheran 129 13, 24, 25, 32, 35, 49 6 Marengo 162 19, 31, 34, 38, 40, 42, 48 7 North Boone 180 20, 22, 41, 47, 50, 51 8 Christian Life 205 27, 43, 44, 45, 46, 52 9 Stillman Valley No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com TOP FIVE RUNNERS NOT PLACING IN THE TOP FIVE SCHOOLS Ovral Place Name BIB# School Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 Megan Carlson (Jr) 71 Stillman Valley 0:00:00.0 20 Jackie Freund (Jr) 31 Marengo 0:00:00.0 21 Angela Antonou (Sr) 51 North Boone 0:00:00.0 23 Julie Kromray (So) 53 North Boone 0:00:00.0 28 Johanna Freiheit (So) 11 Christian Life 0:00:00.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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