Individual Results
1998 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 21, 1998 Girls 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:09:41.1 by Maureen Mohan of Lincoln on October 22, 1997 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Jefferson Jenny Dyer 0:10:03.4 2 2 Washington Claire Smith 0:10:11.9 3 3 Lincoln Lindsay Jurgensen 0:10:12.8 4 4 Washington Lisa Bonistalli 0:10:15.6 5 5 Gregory Sarah Radostits 0:10:40.7 6 6 Lincoln Krista Lewis 0:10:57.5 7 7 Thayer J. Hill Becky Russe 0:10:58.7 8 8 Madison Sheila Majumdar 0:11:01.4 9 9 Washington Megan Warren 0:11:02.7 10 10 Lincoln Justine Higgins 0:11:04.8 11 11 Washington Ashley Perich 0:11:09.1 12 12 Madison Kaitlin Adams 0:11:10.7 13 13 Lincoln Katie Teufel 0:11:12.8 14 14 Gregory Jenny Bock 0:11:13.1 15 15 Lincoln Kristi Anderson 0:11:21.0 16 16 Kennedy Lisa Schroeck 0:11:25.3 17 17 Jefferson Jill Murphy 0:11:26.2 18 18 Madison Laurel Shipley 0:11:26.5 19 19 Lincoln Gina Gargaro 0:11:27.9 20 20 Madison Susie Mamoun 0:11:30.4 21 21 Gregory Megan Boyle 0:11:31.9 22 22 Gregory Erin Fortin 0:11:32.2 23 23 Madison Meg Schafer 0:11:34.4 24 24 Madison Chelsea Schafer 0:11:36.1 25 25 Lincoln Jen Beresheim 0:11:38.1 26 26 Jefferson Christie Lee 0:11:39.7 27 27 Kennedy Lindsay Hamilton 0:11:40.0 28 28 Madison Amy Mengel 0:11:40.3 29 29 Jefferson Jessica Olive 0:11:41.1 30 30 Jefferson Stephanie Hyett 0:11:43.2 31 Madison Michelle Krema 0:11:49.8 32 Madison Katy Lazzari 0:11:50.8 33 31 Thayer J. Hill Amanda Wybolt 0:11:54.2 34 32 Thayer J. Hill Mary McCoy 0:11:56.8 35 Lincoln Katie Matteson 0:11:57.4 36 33 Jefferson Jessie Mahoney 0:12:01.2 37 34 Gregory Shirley Wittendorf 0:12:01.8 38 35 Kennedy Leslie Mah 0:12:02.9 39 Madison Lindsay Gross 0:12:08.2 40 36 Kennedy Kaitlyn Van Arsdell 0:12:10.4 41 37 Gregory Kristen Lally 0:12:12.5 42 38 Gregory Kellie Niepokoy 0:12:13.5 43 Madison Amelia Shister 0:12:15.4 44 39 Thayer J. Hill Shannon Kashur 0:12:16.7 45 40 Washington Adrien Keables 0:12:17.0 46 41 Kennedy Karen Schaschwary 0:12:17.2 47 42 Crone Carly Daggett 0:12:17.9 48 43 Granger Dana Hanegraaf 0:12:20.6 49 Lincoln Lindsay Ehrlich 0:12:20.9 50 44 Thayer J. Hill Emily Dewees 0:12:21.5 51 45 Thayer J. Hill Megan Heitz 0:12:25.3 52 46 Thayer J. Hill Alicia Abram 0:12:30.5 53 47 Jefferson Laura Turley 0:12:34.3 54 Jefferson Michelle Kerr 0:12:34.9 55 Jefferson Allie Richard 0:12:37.8 56 Lincoln Liz Rapp 0:12:38.7 57 48 Granger Heidi Roth 0:12:40.3 58 Thayer J. Hill Ellen Cox 0:12:41.7 59 Madison Holly Schumacher 0:12:42.0 60 Gregory Diane Waters 0:12:43.1 61 Gregory Annika Iyer 0:12:45.0 62 Gregory Kristen Keller 0:12:47.5 63 Jefferson Diana Nowakowski 0:12:49.9 64 Madison Caitlin Harrington 0:12:51.9 65 Madison Joy Basu 0:12:53.6 66 Gregory Tracy Cunningham 0:12:54.0 67 Lincoln Claire Elliott 0:12:56.4 68 Gregory Brittany Pagano 0:12:58.7 69 49 Crone Stacy Hlavach 0:12:59.4 70 Thayer J. Hill Rachel Thomas 0:12:59.8 71 50 Crone Nailah Sims 0:13:01.6 72 Thayer J. Hill Christina Demos 0:13:02.1 73 Madison Katie Kienstra 0:13:03.6 74 Thayer J. Hill Kate Levine 0:13:04.2 75 Thayer J. Hill Kim Wagner 0:13:04.6 76 Thayer J. Hill Lindsay Klein 0:13:07.4 77 Lincoln Margaret Burke 0:13:09.8 78 51 Kennedy Patricia Deely 0:13:10.4 79 Jefferson Cami Giles 0:13:12.4 80 Gregory Heather Petersen 0:13:15.6 81 Thayer J. Hill Amanda Lynch 0:13:18.2 82 Gregory Jacki Sylvester 0:13:18.8 83 Madison Angela Giacalone 0:13:19.9 84 Thayer J. Hill Amanda Goelz 0:13:24.3 85 52 Washington Maggie Kearns 0:13:25.3 86 53 Kennedy Zoe Everhart 0:13:25.6 87 Kennedy Christine Golebiewski 0:13:26.1 88 54 Granger Sam Penley 0:13:27.2 89 Gregory Susan Herrington 0:13:28.3 90 Lincoln Stephanie Colbert 0:13:28.7 91 Gregory Stephanie Begely 0:13:29.1 92 Gregory Caroline Rowland 0:13:30.8 93 55 Granger Emily Harvey 0:13:34.5 94 Lincoln Sheryl Jacobs 0:13:35.5 95 Jefferson Jaimie Savino 0:13:37.9 96 Kennedy Whitney Wadman 0:13:38.3 97 Gregory Maureen Rowland 0:13:40.5 98 Gregory Danielle Schuller 0:13:41.3 99 Thayer J. Hill Erin Kinney 0:13:46.2 100 Lincoln Christa Garza 0:13:49.2 101 56 Crone Nicole Yunger 0:13:50.3 102 Gregory Laura Spellman 0:13:53.2 103 Madison Jessica Wrzosek 0:13:54.7 104 57 Crone Courtney Brooks 0:13:56.4 105 Lincoln Kirsten Willett 0:13:56.9 106 Jefferson Laura Kautza 0:14:00.1 107 Lincoln Megan Gedutis 0:14:01.0 108 Thayer J. Hill Mallory Gulling 0:14:01.9 109 Thayer J. Hill Kim Hayes 0:14:03.8 110 58 Granger Alicia Turner 0:14:04.9 111 Jefferson Beth Bostrom 0:14:08.4 112 Madison Jacqueline Torres 0:14:13.0 113 Thayer J. Hill Amber Fijolek 0:14:14.6 114 Thayer J. Hill Leah Moeggenberg 0:14:18.7 115 Gregory Brittany Boodt 0:14:20.9 116 Lincoln Megan Lesley 0:14:22.9 117 Lincoln Jessica Pavesic 0:14:25.4 118 Gregory Andie Pivarinas 0:14:34.2 119 Thayer J. Hill Tracy Mulder 0:14:37.8 120 Jefferson Makenzie Petrik 0:14:48.8 121 Kennedy Simi Dutt 0:14:50.3 122 Lincoln Jamie Westall 0:14:52.2 123 Lincoln Colleen Kelly 0:14:53.8 124 Kennedy Denise Chang 0:14:54.1 125 59 Crone Beth Hickman 0:14:55.1 126 Lincoln Jenny Parks 0:15:21.6 127 Kennedy Emily Zuccaro 0:15:27.9 128 60 Crone Glynnis Lyons 0:15:30.9 129 Kennedy Sarah Abraham 0:15:35.6 130 Lincoln Kelley Jarvis 0:15:42.8 131 Thayer J. Hill Rachel Sehgal 0:16:01.8 132 Crone Amrita Sangal 0:16:15.2 133 Thayer J. Hill Megan Hallen 0:16:25.3 134 Kennedy Jenny Crause 0:16:28.1 135 Madison Noha Gohar 0:17:27.6 136 Crone Aarti Sharma 0:17:36.9 137 Crone Ashley Zaininger 0:17:38.1 138 61 Granger Ashley Stogner 0:17:47.5 139 Madison Lauren Longino 0:17:48.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 47 3, 6, 10, 13, 15, 19, 25 2 Washington 66 2, 4, 9, 11, 40, 52 3 Madison 81 8, 12, 18, 20, 23, 24, 28 4 Gregory 96 5, 14, 21, 22, 34, 37, 38 5 Jefferson 103 1, 17, 26, 29, 30, 33, 47 6 Thayer J. Hill 153 7, 31, 32, 39, 44, 45, 46 7 Kennedy 155 16, 27, 35, 36, 41, 51, 53 8 Crone 254 42, 49, 50, 56, 57, 59, 60 9 Granger 258 43, 48, 54, 55, 58, 61 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lincoln 54:50 10:58 1:08 10:13, 10:58, 11:05, 11:13, 11:21, 11:28 2 Washington 54:57 10:59 2:05 10:12, 10:16, 11:03, 11:09, 12:17, 13:26 3 Jefferson 56:36 11:19 1:40 10:04, 11:27, 11:40, 11:41, 11:44, 12:02 4 Madison 56:46 11:21 0:33 11:02, 11:11, 11:27, 11:31, 11:35, 11:36 5 Gregory 57:01 11:24 1:21 10:41, 11:13, 11:32, 11:33, 12:02, 12:13 6 Thayer J. Hill 59:30 11:54 1:23 10:59, 11:55, 11:57, 12:17, 12:22, 12:26 7 Kennedy 59:38 11:56 0:52 11:26, 11:40, 12:03, 12:11, 12:18, 13:11 8 Crone 66:08 13:14 1:39 12:18, 13:00, 13:02, 13:51, 13:57, 14:55 9 Granger 66:10 13:14 1:44 12:21, 12:41, 13:28, 13:35, 14:05, 17:48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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