Individual Results
1998 Blackhawk StampedeOctober 10, 1998 Boys Fr/So 2.44 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Neuqua Valley Jeff Goode (So) 0:13:31.8 2 2 Naperville Central Greg Roberts (Fr) 0:13:37.1 3 3 Naperville Central Dan Rickert (Fr) 0:13:39.8 4 4 Neuqua Valley Matt Bailey (So) 0:13:45.4 5 5 Batavia Gio Reyes (So) 0:13:46.6 6 6 Neuqua Valley Kevin Beirne (So) 0:13:46.9 7 7 Wheaton-Warrenville South Charles Wohlhuter (Fr) 0:13:58.4 8 8 Fremd Michael McNamara (So) 0:13:59.8 9 9 Naperville Central Josh Hardy (So) 0:14:00.8 10 10 Batavia Bronco Meeks (Fr) 0:14:01.4 11 Genoa-Kingston Derrick Snyder (So) 0:14:01.9 12 11 Palatine Matthew Ricci (So) 0:14:03.2 13 12 St. Charles Scott Weranko (Fr) 0:14:04.8 14 13 Wheaton-Warrenville South Nikhil Vajaria (So) 0:14:06.8 15 Farragut Jose M. Macius (Fr) 0:14:08.4 16 14 Batavia Dan Montgomery (So) 0:14:08.7 17 15 Palatine Jim Milner (So) 0:14:09.4 18 16 Geneva Steve Jeske (Fr) 0:14:10.2 19 17 Geneva Craig Young (So) 0:14:10.7 20 18 Glenbard South Ahmad Rashid (So) 0:14:11.1 21 19 St. Charles Steve Wittleder (Fr) 0:14:14.6 22 20 Palatine Jonathan Rimler (So) 0:14:16.0 23 21 St. Charles Adam Baes (Fr) 0:14:17.3 24 22 St. Charles Jeff White (Fr) 0:14:17.9 25 23 Fremd Joshua Anderson (Fr) 0:14:18.6 26 24 Batavia Nick Lombardo (So) 0:14:19.4 27 25 Naperville Central Andy Gush (Fr) 0:14:23.3 28 26 Palatine Michael Chermak (So) 0:14:24.5 29 27 St. Charles Mike Dreiling (Fr) 0:14:25.4 30 28 Fremd Nicholas Kuhnz (So) 0:14:26.9 31 29 Kennedy Johnaton Masangcay (So) 0:14:27.3 32 30 Glenbard South Roger Hsieh (Fr) 0:14:29.3 33 31 Wheaton-Warrenville South Kevin Callarman (So) 0:14:30.6 34 32 Fremd Peter Bergquist (So) 0:14:31.3 35 33 Palatine Mark Polard (So) 0:14:32.1 36 34 Naperville Central Dan Shoup (So) 0:14:32.7 37 35 Batavia Shane Orlow (Fr) 0:14:32.9 38 36 Palatine Andrew Petersen (So) 0:14:36.0 39 37 Naperville Central Ben Rosenberg (So) 0:14:37.3 40 38 Batavia Jeff Ott (So) 0:14:37.9 41 West Aurora Eric Lindgren (So) 0:14:38.4 42 39 Fremd Thomas Lentz (So) 0:14:39.5 43 40 Wheaton-Warrenville South Timothy Schumm (Fr) 0:14:42.7 44 41 St. Charles Brad Hadamik (So) 0:14:44.9 45 42 Downers Grove North eduardo Borjon (Fr) 0:14:45.2 46 West Aurora Frank Thom (So) 0:14:46.0 47 43 Fremd Andrew Curry (So) 0:14:46.4 48 Burlington Central Cliff Laird (Fr) 0:14:47.0 49 44 Geneva Dave Rauch (So) 0:14:47.5 50 45 Fremd Adam Schmulzel (So) 0:14:50.6 51 Genoa-Kingston Elliot Tovar (So) 0:14:51.2 52 46 Neuqua Valley Dave Walczak (So) 0:14:53.5 53 47 Neuqua Valley Brad Rothman (So) 0:14:55.9 54 48 Geneva Brian Honeyman (Fr) 0:15:06.0 55 49 Neuqua Valley Paul Schuller (Fr) 0:15:07.2 56 50 Naperville Central Kevin Spalding (So) 0:15:07.5 57 51 Batavia Alex Nerad (Fr) 0:15:12.2 58 52 Kennedy Emiliano Perez (Fr) 0:15:12.9 59 53 Kennedy Richard Petre (So) 0:15:14.5 60 54 Downers Grove South Brian Green (So) 0:15:15.8 61 55 Kennedy Carlos Ocampo (Fr) 0:15:18.1 62 56 Bartlett Ben Cruz (Fr) 0:15:18.6 63 57 Wheaton-Warrenville South Michael Rieber (So) 0:15:19.8 64 58 Marmion Nick Grahovec (Fr) 0:15:22.3 65 59 Neuqua Valley B.J. Mullany (So) 0:15:24.8 66 60 Glenbard South Robbie Hanauer (Fr) 0:15:25.8 67 61 Wheaton-Warrenville South Joshua Peck (Fr) 0:15:26.7 68 62 Marmion Bryan Timan (Fr) 0:15:27.9 69 63 Streamwood Phil Salgado 0:15:32.0 70 64 Geneva Ryan Mather (Fr) 0:15:33.7 71 Foreman Roman Sroka (Fr) 0:15:34.2 72 65 St. Charles Matt Braddock (So) 0:15:35.5 73 66 Wheaton-Warrenville South Timothy Delaney (So) 0:15:36.5 74 67 Downers Grove North Steven Bridges (Fr) 0:15:36.7 75 68 Glenbard South Alan Wiedenbeck (So) 0:15:37.3 76 69 Palatine Thomas Riemer (So) 0:15:37.8 77 70 Downers Grove South Daniel McArdle (Fr) 0:15:41.3 78 Genoa-Kingston Sam Pickerell (Fr) 0:15:41.6 79 Foreman Alberto Rodriguez (So) 0:15:42.7 80 71 Geneva Ryan Hellehan (So) 0:15:47.9 81 72 Marmion Steve Horak (Fr) 0:15:48.3 82 73 Downers Grove South Roland Hopkins (Fr) 0:15:48.9 83 74 Geneva Jesse Parker (So) 0:15:49.4 84 Farragut Fernando Valenzuela (Fr) 0:15:52.9 85 Genoa-Kingston Joe Myers (Fr) 0:15:53.6 86 75 Bartlett Jon Uvegas (So) 0:15:54.5 87 76 Kennedy Miquel Salgado (So) 0:15:55.1 88 77 Kennedy David Salgado (Fr) 0:15:56.0 89 78 Marmion Anthony Milder (So) 0:15:57.3 90 Lane Tech Armando Angarita (Fr) 0:15:58.7 91 Farragut Ricardo Palomino (So) 0:15:59.2 92 Lane Tech Keith littkowiak (Fr) 0:16:00.2 93 79 Streamwood Tim Roberts 0:16:00.8 94 West Aurora Taylor McWilliams (Fr) 0:16:05.2 95 80 Downers Grove South Michael Daniels (Fr) 0:16:09.7 96 81 Glenbard South Ronny Parayno (Fr) 0:16:11.6 97 82 Downers Grove South Fernando Perez 0:16:12.1 98 83 Marmion Paul Biles (So) 0:16:15.2 99 84 Bartlett Greg Alt (So) 0:16:29.1 100 85 Streamwood Donnell Granados 0:16:30.1 101 86 Downers Grove North Manu Kothavale (Fr) 0:16:32.1 102 87 Bartlett Dan Jalove (So) 0:16:39.0 103 88 Marmion Pat Kalita (Fr) 0:16:39.7 104 Burlington Central Brandon Metz (Fr) 0:16:40.9 105 89 Bartlett Eric Walton (So) 0:16:43.2 106 90 Kennedy German Moreno (So) 0:16:45.8 107 Elgin Larkin Robert Kosek 0:16:46.3 108 91 Streamwood Tom Roberts 0:16:46.8 109 DeKalb Andy Hiatt (Fr) 0:16:51.2 110 92 Downers Grove North Joseph Monarrez (Fr) 0:16:52.0 111 93 Marmion Joe Turner (So) 0:16:54.9 112 DeKalb John-Michael Ordera (Fr) 0:16:57.7 113 DeKalb Doug MacClure (Sr) 0:17:02.5 114 Lane Tech Sean Sills (Fr) 0:17:04.6 115 94 Streamwood Ramiro Gallegos 0:17:21.6 116 Foreman Chazzaray Astacio (So) 0:17:34.9 117 Foreman Laron Nelson (Fr) 0:17:36.2 118 Elgin Larkin Mike Peterson (Fr) 0:17:53.8 119 95 Downers Grove North Nicholas Mazzarella (Fr) 0:17:56.1 120 96 Hales franciscan Maurice Germany 0:17:56.3 121 Burlington Central Kevin Coleman (Fr) 0:17:59.2 122 97 Downers Grove North Knute Ellingson (fr) 0:18:02.7 123 Lane Tech Michael Westlund (Fr) 0:18:18.6 124 98 Glenbard South Michael Zeunert (Fr) 0:18:30.9 125 99 Bartlett Jonathan Curtis (So) 0:18:49.1 126 Burlington Central Bill Juns (Fr) 0:18:57.9 127 Elgin Larkin Dave Guetschow (So) 0:19:03.0 128 100 Hales franciscan Piergie Doyle 0:19:09.0 129 101 Streamwood Chris Novak 0:19:24.3 130 102 Downers Grove North Christopher Mehrer (Fr) 0:19:24.5 131 103 Bartlett Austin Hopkin (Fr) 0:19:51.7 132 West Aurora Derek Martin (So) 0:20:14.3 133 104 Hales franciscan Terry Davis 0:21:49.7 134 105 Hales franciscan Chris Carthans 0:22:03.3 135 106 Hales franciscan Quinn Rivers 0:26:00.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Naperville Central 73 2, 3, 9, 25, 34, 37, 50 2 Batavia 88 5, 10, 14, 24, 35, 38, 51 3 St. Charles 101 12, 19, 21, 22, 27, 41, 65 4 Neuqua Valley 104 1, 4, 6, 46, 47, 49, 59 5 Palatine 105 11, 15, 20, 26, 33, 36, 69 6 Fremd 130 8, 23, 28, 32, 39, 43, 45 7 Wheaton-Warrenville South 148 7, 13, 31, 40, 57, 61, 66 8 Geneva 189 16, 17, 44, 48, 64, 71, 74 9 Glenbard South 257 18, 30, 60, 68, 81, 98 10 Kennedy 265 29, 52, 53, 55, 76, 77, 90 11 Marmion 353 58, 62, 72, 78, 83, 88, 93 12 Downers Grove South 359 54, 70, 73, 80, 82 13 Downers Grove North 382 42, 67, 86, 92, 95, 97, 102 14 Bartlett 391 56, 75, 84, 87, 89, 99, 103 15 Streamwood 412 63, 79, 85, 91, 94, 101 16 Hales franciscan 511 96, 100, 104, 105, 106 17 Burlington Central No Score - Had only 4 finishers 18 Carroll (Ohio) No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 DeKalb No Score - Had only 3 finishers 20 Elgin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Elgin Larkin No Score - Had only 3 finishers 22 Farragut No Score - Had only 3 finishers 23 Foreman No Score - Had only 4 finishers 24 Genoa-Kingston No Score - Had only 4 finishers 25 Lane Tech No Score - Had only 4 finishers 26 West Aurora No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Naperville Central 70:15 14:03 0:56 13:37, 13:40, 14:01, 14:24, 14:33, 14:38 2 Batavia 70:51 14:10 0:46 13:47, 14:02, 14:09, 14:20, 14:33, 14:38 3 Neuqua Valley 70:55 14:11 1:24 13:32, 13:46, 13:47, 14:54, 14:56, 15:08 4 St. Charles 71:22 14:16 0:21 14:05, 14:15, 14:18, 14:18, 14:26, 14:45 5 Palatine 71:27 14:17 0:28 14:04, 14:10, 14:16, 14:25, 14:32, 14:36 6 Fremd 71:58 14:24 0:40 14:00, 14:19, 14:27, 14:32, 14:40, 14:47 7 Wheaton-Warrenville South 72:40 14:32 1:21 13:59, 14:07, 14:31, 14:43, 15:20, 15:27 8 Geneva 73:50 14:46 1:23 14:11, 14:11, 14:48, 15:06, 15:34, 15:48 9 Glenbard South 75:57 15:11 2:01 14:11, 14:30, 15:26, 15:38, 16:12, 18:31 10 Kennedy 76:09 15:14 1:27 14:28, 15:13, 15:15, 15:18, 15:55, 15:56 11 Marmion 78:54 15:47 0:53 15:23, 15:28, 15:49, 15:58, 16:16, 16:40 12 Downers Grove South 79:09 15:50 0:56 15:16, 15:42, 15:49, 16:10, 16:12 13 Bartlett 81:06 16:13 1:25 15:19, 15:55, 16:29, 16:39, 16:44, 18:49 14 Downers Grove North 81:43 16:21 3:10 14:46, 15:37, 16:32, 16:52, 17:56, 18:03 15 Streamwood 82:12 16:26 1:50 15:32, 16:01, 16:30, 16:47, 17:22, 19:25 16 Hales franciscan 107:00 21:24 8:03 17:57, 19:09, 21:50, 22:04, 26:00 17 Burlington Central No Score 14:47, 16:41, 18:00, 18:58 18 Carroll (Ohio) No Score 19 DeKalb No Score 16:52, 16:58, 17:03 20 Elgin No Score 21 Elgin Larkin No Score 16:47, 17:54, 19:03 22 Farragut No Score 14:09, 15:53, 16:00 23 Foreman No Score 15:35, 15:43, 17:35, 17:37 24 Genoa-Kingston No Score 14:02, 14:52, 15:42, 15:54 25 Lane Tech No Score 15:59, 16:01, 17:05, 18:19 26 West Aurora No Score 14:39, 14:46, 16:06, 20:15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1998 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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