Individual Results
1999 Charger Classic InvitationalSeptember 25, 1999 Girls Varsity 2.25 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:12:43.3 by Catie LaBrack of Marion Central Catholic on November 2, 1996 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Oswego Casie Simpson (Jr) 0:12:57.0 2 2 Aurora Central Catholic Leah Rygh (Sr) 0:13:16.1 3 East Aurora Lizet Diaz (Jr) 0:13:25.1 4 3 Oswego Molly Voegtle (Sr) 0:13:32.1 5 4 Aurora Christian Bekah Brunner (So) 0:13:34.2 6 5 Aurora Central Catholic Donna Cintron (Sr) 0:13:39.9 7 6 West Aurora Jessica Mead (Fr) 0:13:56.1 8 7 St. Francis Jenny Gadzinski (Jr) 0:13:57.1 9 8 Wheaton Academy ???? McAlister 0:14:00.4 10 9 Wheaton Academy ???? Spirgis 0:14:02.0 11 10 Wheaton Academy ???? Fichera 0:14:02.4 12 11 Oswego Ashley Dahn (So) 0:14:06.8 13 12 Wheaton Academy ???? Long 0:14:12.1 14 13 St. Francis Kristin Newton (So) 0:14:14.6 15 14 St. Francis Ashley Lalonde (Jr) 0:14:15.1 16 15 Oswego Kelly Puppillo (Jr) 0:14:16.3 17 16 St. Francis Lisa Carroll (Sr) 0:14:18.9 18 17 Wheaton Academy Kristin Williams 0:14:19.9 19 18 St. Francis Shannon Cullerton (So) 0:14:22.4 20 19 West Aurora Liz Ball (Jr) 0:14:25.2 21 20 Aurora Central Catholic Melissa Juneau (So) 0:14:27.1 22 21 Burlington Central Anna Dickson (Sr) 0:14:35.5 23 22 West Aurora Leigh Anderson (So) 0:14:36.9 24 23 Aurora Christian Jacquie Ackerman 0:14:38.0 25 24 Driscoll Catholic Lauren Pagliuco 0:14:38.6 26 25 West Aurora Abigail Laughlin (Jr) 0:14:43.0 27 26 West Aurora Sarah Ball (Jr) 0:14:43.4 28 27 Oswego Evelyne Soemer (Sr) 0:14:43.7 29 28 Wheaton Academy Jamie Mauw 0:14:44.0 30 Westmont Hannah Bowen (Sr) 0:14:49.2 31 29 Oswego Tasha Patterson (Sr) 0:14:49.7 32 30 St. Edward Katherine Zurek (Jr) 0:14:50.9 33 31 Aurora Christian Alexis Cervantes (So) 0:14:52.4 34 Timothy Christian Charise Parker (Sr) 0:14:57.5 35 32 St. Edward Sara Leyden (Jr) 0:14:58.6 36 33 St. Francis Katie Hanley (Jr) 0:15:02.1 37 34 St. Francis Laura Beth Spiezio 0:15:05.1 38 35 Aurora Central Catholic Stephanie Thielk (Sr) 0:15:05.4 39 36 Aurora Central Catholic Alex Contreras (So) 0:15:12.5 40 37 West Aurora Rachel Farnum (So) 0:15:15.0 41 38 Illinois Math & Science Erin Huffington (Jr) 0:15:16.5 42 39 Chicago Christian Jessie Loerop (Sr) 0:15:17.0 43 40 Oswego Erin Ernst (Sr) 0:15:18.1 44 41 West Aurora Rachel Kuhn (Sr) 0:15:23.1 45 Oswego Kristen Shallow (Jr) 0:15:28.8 46 42 Burlington Central Ariel Hargrave (Sr) 0:15:33.4 47 43 St. Edward Jessica Hart 0:15:35.2 48 44 Burlington Central Amy Ally (Sr) 0:15:35.6 49 45 Chicago Christian Esther Holwerda 0:15:36.2 50 46 Chicago Christian Sandi Hoekstra 0:15:36.9 51 47 Aurora Christian Anne Meyer 0:15:39.7 52 48 Aurora Christian Brenna Melvin 0:15:46.3 53 49 Illinois Math & Science Meghan Hall (Sr) 0:15:50.0 54 50 Chicago Christian Holly Munk 0:15:50.6 55 51 Burlington Central Dana Carbary (So) 0:15:50.9 56 West Aurora Mary Miceli (Jr) 0:15:51.6 57 52 Burlington Central Amanda Bergman (Jr) 0:15:53.8 58 53 Aurora Central Catholic Emily Intrain (Jr) 0:15:59.4 59 54 Driscoll Catholic Deirdre Archer 0:16:05.0 60 West Aurora Jessie Gonzalez (Jr) 0:16:07.9 61 55 Illinois Math & Science Kathy King (Jr) 0:16:10.1 62 Oswego April Koos (Sr) 0:16:12.3 63 56 Chicago Christian Mandy Mudde (So) 0:16:13.1 64 57 Burlington Central Jenny Ramsay (Sr) 0:16:13.3 65 West Aurora Gracie Patino (Jr) 0:16:14.7 66 Oswego Christina Hansen (Jr) 0:16:27.8 67 58 Burlington Central Bridget Starks (So) 0:16:36.6 68 Burlington Central Jill Ostrowski (Sr) 0:16:39.7 69 Montini Jennifer Pack 0:16:48.8 70 59 Illinois Math & Science Katherine Lorentzen (Jr) 0:16:49.2 71 Seneca Brenda Cardenas 0:16:49.5 72 West Aurora Catherine Spaargaren (Jr) 0:16:56.3 73 West Aurora Jennifer Morris (Jr) 0:16:58.2 74 60 Chicago Christian Lori Slagter 0:17:00.2 75 Oswego Stephanie Neppl (Jr) 0:17:00.5 76 61 Driscoll Catholic Rachel DeButio (So) 0:17:08.9 77 West Aurora Nancy Conger (Jr) 0:17:09.5 78 62 St. Edward Kate Ostdick (So) 0:17:13.0 79 63 Aurora Christian Emily Swanson (Jr) 0:17:14.9 80 Oswego Alisha Hoffman (Jr) 0:17:18.6 81 West Aurora Amy Luther (Sr) 0:17:20.8 82 64 Illinois Math & Science Colleen Unger (Jr) 0:17:25.7 83 Burlington Central Katie Juns (Jr) 0:17:27.2 84 65 St. Edward Brianna Fox (So) 0:17:27.7 85 West Aurora Jessica Cisneros (Jr) 0:17:28.6 86 66 Driscoll Catholic Kate Brenan (Sr) 0:17:45.8 87 Seneca Lindsey Miller 0:17:50.9 88 67 St. Edward Rachel Smyczynski (So) 0:17:58.9 89 Lisle Erin Patterson (Jr) 0:18:00.5 90 68 Illinois Math & Science Alison Ruddy (Jr) 0:18:09.1 91 Burlington Central Jackie Wisz (Jr) 0:18:11.6 92 West Aurora Katherine Dougherty (Sr) 0:18:18.2 93 Lisle Colleen Carrell (Jr) 0:18:22.3 94 West Aurora Emily Giraldo (Sr) 0:18:23.2 95 69 Chicago Christian Rachel Ooms 0:18:30.7 96 West Aurora Stephanie Orland (Sr) 0:19:07.3 97 West Aurora Bethany Hartman (Sr) 0:19:18.0 98 70 Driscoll Catholic Donna Reeves 0:19:31.9 99 Burlington Central Sarah Hunt (Jr) 0:19:48.0 100 St. Francis Nicole Thomas (Jr) 0:19:58.8 101 West Aurora Deidre Jackson (Sr) 0:20:04.5 102 West Aurora Margaret Rauens (Jr) 0:22:11.0 103 Lisle Marissa Ramirez (So) 0:22:12.0 104 Montini Andrea Esposito 0:22:13.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wheaton Academy 56 8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 28 2 Oswego 57 1, 3, 11, 15, 27, 29, 40 3 St. Francis 68 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 33, 34 4 West Aurora 98 6, 19, 22, 25, 26, 37, 41 5 Aurora Central Catholic 98 2, 5, 20, 35, 36, 53 6 Aurora Christian 153 4, 23, 31, 47, 48, 63 7 Burlington Central 210 21, 42, 44, 51, 52, 57, 58 8 St. Edward 232 30, 32, 43, 62, 65, 67 9 Chicago Christian 236 39, 45, 46, 50, 56, 60, 69 10 Illinois Math & Science 265 38, 49, 55, 59, 64, 68 11 Driscoll Catholic 275 24, 54, 61, 66, 70 12 East Aurora No Score - Had only 1 finisher 13 Lisle No Score - Had only 3 finishers 14 Montini No Score - Had only 2 finishers 15 Seneca No Score - Had only 2 finishers 16 Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 1 finisher 17 Westmont No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Oswego 69:37 13:55 1:47 12:57, 13:32, 14:07, 14:17, 14:44, 14:50 2 Wheaton Academy 70:38 14:08 0:19 14:01, 14:02, 14:03, 14:12, 14:20, 14:44 3 St. Francis 71:09 14:14 0:26 13:57, 14:15, 14:15, 14:19, 14:23, 15:02 4 Aurora Central Catholic 71:42 14:20 1:57 13:16, 13:40, 14:27, 15:06, 15:13, 16:00 5 West Aurora 72:26 14:29 0:48 13:56, 14:26, 14:37, 14:43, 14:44, 15:15 6 Aurora Christian 74:33 14:55 2:12 13:35, 14:38, 14:53, 15:40, 15:47, 17:15 7 Burlington Central 77:31 15:30 1:18 14:36, 15:34, 15:36, 15:51, 15:54, 16:14 8 Chicago Christian 78:35 15:43 0:56 15:17, 15:37, 15:37, 15:51, 16:13, 17:01 9 St. Edward 80:07 16:01 2:37 14:51, 14:59, 15:36, 17:13, 17:28, 17:59 10 Illinois Math & Science 81:33 16:19 2:09 15:17, 15:50, 16:10, 16:50, 17:26, 18:09 11 Driscoll Catholic 85:11 17:02 4:53 14:39, 16:05, 17:09, 17:46, 19:32 12 East Aurora No Score 13:25 13 Lisle No Score 18:01, 18:23, 22:12 14 Montini No Score 16:49, 22:13 15 Seneca No Score 16:50, 17:51 16 Timothy Christian No Score 14:58 17 Westmont No Score 14:50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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