Individual Results
30th Annual Larry Eddington InvitationalSeptember 18, 1999 Girls Frosh/Soph 2.4 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Rosary 398 Kristin Krol (So) 0:16:06.1 2 2 Glenbard North 260 Sophia Petmezas (So) 0:16:10.6 3 3 Jacobs 298 Janelle Summerkamp (So) 0:16:11.8 4 4 DeKalb 148 Emily McLinden (Fr) 0:16:15.0 5 5 Sycamore 426 Julie Stracher (Fr) 0:16:20.7 6 6 Glenbard North 248 Fara Jadran (Fr) 0:16:22.7 7 7 Benet 100 Lucy Vine (Fr) 0:16:25.2 8 8 DeKalb 151 Catherine Schwentes (So) 0:16:32.1 9 9 Benet 64 Carly Duff (Fr) 0:16:32.9 10 Illinois Math & Science 273 Heidi Grothaus (So) 0:16:42.6 11 10 DeKalb 139 Emily Belknop (Fr) 0:16:42.9 12 11 Neuqua Valley 359 Loren Flaherty (So) 0:16:48.9 13 12 Benet 77 Bree Lannon (So) 0:16:49.8 14 Illinois Math & Science 274 Lucy Guo (So) 0:16:51.6 15 13 Neuqua Valley 364 Tristin Kellogg (Fr) 0:16:53.0 16 14 DeKalb 140 Anna Booth (Fr) 0:16:54.1 17 15 Rosary 395 Amber Greviskes (So) 0:16:54.7 18 16 Benet 96 Joanna Szablewski (So) 0:16:56.6 19 17 Waubonsie Valley 441 Stephanie Carson (So) 0:16:59.2 20 18 Batavia 33 Kristina Dredge (Fr) 0:17:03.8 21 19 Kaneland 308 Brianna Musser (Fr) 0:17:04.6 22 Timothy Christian 433 Jessica Verlare (So) 0:17:10.9 23 20 Lockport 349 Shannon Stoffey (Fr) 0:17:12.0 24 21 Benet 98 Liz Trotta (So) 0:17:13.9 25 22 Rosary 388 Stephanie Bell (So) 0:17:15.2 26 23 Waubonsie Valley 454 Jennifer Nagle (So) 0:17:16.2 27 24 Sycamore 417 Liz Neukirch (Fr) 0:17:17.9 28 25 Lockport 334 Kristen Hink (Fr) 0:17:18.5 29 26 DeKalb 142 Alexandra Forsman (So) 0:17:19.9 30 27 Glenbard East 200 Sarah Armbruster (Fr) 0:17:23.2 31 28 West Chicago 517 Marina Savenok (So) 0:17:23.9 32 29 Glenbard North 238 Dana Cirock (Fr) 0:17:26.0 33 30 Glenbard East 204 Amy Burns (So) 0:17:30.4 34 31 Glenbard East 218 Adriana Martinez (So) 0:17:33.1 35 32 Glenbard East 222 Dusty Metcalf (Fr) 0:17:33.4 36 33 Batavia 48 Tracy Olszewski (So) 0:17:34.0 37 34 West Chicago 512 Jenny Boyd (So) 0:17:35.1 38 35 Neuqua Valley 376 Jennifer Plaskota (Fr) 0:17:38.5 39 36 Neuqua Valley 354 Diana Black (So) 0:17:39.7 40 37 West Chicago 528 Jessica Strock (So) 0:17:41.7 41 38 Lockport 327 Nicole Flounders (Fr) 0:17:43.9 42 39 Jacobs 292 Heather Long (So) 0:17:45.0 43 40 Lockport 326 Rebecca Eleiott (So) 0:17:46.0 44 41 Jacobs 297 Jill Scott (So) 0:17:47.3 45 42 Glenbard East 212 Bridget Hogan (Fr) 0:17:47.7 46 43 Lockport 335 Anna Kipta (So) 0:17:48.1 47 44 Neuqua Valley 362 Alyssa Heyden (Fr) 0:17:51.0 48 45 Benet 105 Celeste Zamarelli (Fr) 0:17:55.3 49 46 Burlington Central 129 Bridget Starks (So) 0:17:59.5 50 47 Kaneland 309 Mary Chris Zielinski (Fr) 0:18:03.4 51 48 Glenbard North 240 Kristi DeBartolo (So) 0:18:04.2 52 49 West Chicago 523 Krystal Muhlberger (Fr) 0:18:05.1 53 50 Neuqua Valley 375 Michelle Phillips (Fr) 0:18:08.8 54 51 Sycamore 416 Beth Kampton (Fr) 0:18:09.8 55 52 Rosary 393 Catlin Freehan (Fr) 0:18:10.9 56 53 Glenbard North 242 Vanessa Dewing (Fr) 0:18:11.9 57 54 Dundee-Crown 159 Ami Fetterman (Fr) 0:18:12.6 58 55 West Aurora 467 Corrie Ball (So) 0:18:17.2 59 56 Waubonsie Valley 455 Suma Parvethaneni (Fr) 0:18:19.0 60 57 Burlington Central 113 Dana Carbary (So) 0:18:20.8 61 58 Waubonsie Valley 436 Stephanie Anderson (Fr) 0:18:22.0 62 59 Neuqua Valley 380 Nora Shawki (Fr) 0:18:22.5 63 60 Batavia 40 Julia Lombardo (So) 0:18:23.2 64 61 Lockport 325 Dana Duer (Fr) 0:18:24.7 65 62 Waubonsie Valley 443 Laura Cummins (Fr) 0:18:26.1 66 63 Waubonsie Valley 451 Ashley Loan (So) 0:18:29.6 67 64 Burlington Central 125 Brianna Nightingale (Fr) 0:18:30.8 68 65 Benet 72 Megan Idstein (Fr0 0:18:31.9 69 66 West Aurora 484 Summer King (Fr) 0:18:33.8 70 67 Batavia 41 Sarah McCabe (So) 0:18:35.8 71 68 Waubonsie Valley 444 Amanda Diaz (Fr) 0:18:39.5 72 69 Lockport 341 Antoinette Lamke (So) 0:18:40.2 73 70 Glenbard North 257 Hannah Matzke (So) 0:18:46.7 74 71 West Chicago 515 Zoe Churan (So) 0:18:59.4 75 72 Kaneland 311 Erica Danielson (Fr) 0:19:03.4 76 73 Jacobs 288 Joy Dinaro (So) 0:19:04.1 77 74 Sycamore 424 Trisha Smart (So) 0:19:06.1 78 75 Jacobs 300 Amy Weglarz (Fr) 0:19:08.6 79 76 Glenbard North 267 Carrie Schmitt (Fr) 0:19:09.8 80 77 Rosary 408 Bridget Treccia (Fr) 0:19:10.3 81 78 Rosary 409 Maggie Williams (Jr) 0:19:11.1 82 Coal City 136 Tanya Noorohiof (Fr) 0:19:11.6 83 79 Burlington Central 121 Heidi Heinrich (So) 0:19:12.3 84 80 Batavia 43 Donna Micek (So) 0:19:19.9 85 81 Burlington Central 118 Joan Gabel (So) 0:19:21.6 86 82 Burlington Central 107 Susan Ally (Fr) 0:19:27.0 87 83 West Aurora 469 Angela Brown (So) 0:19:28.4 88 84 West Aurora 464 Nina Allen (So) 0:19:32.9 89 Bartlett 22 Autumn Duras (Fr) 0:19:33.7 90 85 DeKalb 141 Leah Brown (Fr) 0:19:37.6 91 86 Dundee-Crown 166 Shannon Kosmatka (Fr) 0:19:45.7 92 87 Kaneland 307 Amanda Bus (Fr) 0:19:46.3 93 88 West Aurora 505 Julia Tiedt (Fr) 0:19:49.1 94 89 Glenbard East 202 Stefanie Brodie (Fr) 0:19:52.9 95 90 West Chicago 530 Maggie Wdowiarz (Fr) 0:20:02.6 96 Timothy Christian 430 Karen McAuley (So) 0:20:05.8 97 91 Burlington Central 117 Heidi Finegan (Fr) 0:20:16.0 98 92 Dundee-Crown 156 Jenna Clark (Fr) 0:20:20.8 99 93 Dundee-Crown 167 Stacy Montangna (Fr) 0:20:23.9 100 94 West Aurora 500 Christa Slimmer (Fr) 0:20:27.8 101 95 West Aurora 480 Krishina Hettinger (Fr) 0:20:33.6 102 96 Rosary 402 Kelly McGowan (So) 0:20:39.0 103 Genoa-Kingston 194 Laura Byer (Fr) 0:20:48.4 104 97 Kaneland 304 Sadie Anderson (Fr) 0:20:55.7 105 98 Dundee-Crown 160 Elizabeth Gafka (Fr) 0:21:36.5 106 99 Sycamore 412 Ashleigh Braun (Fr) 0:21:38.2 107 100 Dundee-Crown 153 Nicole Barnocchi(Fr) 0:21:43.0 108 101 Kaneland 314 Margo Griffin (Fr) 0:21:59.5 109 102 Sycamore 420 Tara Raias (Fr) 0:22:39.1 110 103 Jacobs 295 Maureen Ryan (So) 0:27:54.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 DeKalb 62 4, 8, 10, 14, 26, 85 2 Benet 65 7, 9, 12, 16, 21, 45, 65 3 Glenbard North 138 2, 6, 29, 48, 53, 70, 76 4 Neuqua Valley 139 11, 13, 35, 36, 44, 50, 59 5 Glenbard East 162 27, 30, 31, 32, 42, 89 6 Lockport 166 20, 25, 38, 40, 43, 61, 69 7 Rosary 167 1, 15, 22, 52, 77, 78, 96 8 Waubonsie Valley 216 17, 23, 56, 58, 62, 63, 68 9 West Chicago 219 28, 34, 37, 49, 71, 90 10 Jacobs 231 3, 39, 41, 73, 75, 103 11 Sycamore 253 5, 24, 51, 74, 99, 102 12 Batavia 258 18, 33, 60, 67, 80 13 Kaneland 322 19, 47, 72, 87, 97, 101 14 Burlington Central 327 46, 57, 64, 79, 81, 82, 91 15 West Aurora 376 55, 66, 83, 84, 88, 94, 95 16 Dundee-Crown 423 54, 86, 92, 93, 98, 100 17 Bartlett No Score - Had only 1 finisher 18 Coal City No Score - Had only 1 finisher 19 Geneva No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Genoa-Kingston No Score - Had only 1 finisher 21 Illinois Math & Science No Score - Had only 2 finishers 22 Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 2 finishers 23 Westmont No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 DeKalb 83:44 16:45 1:05 16:15, 16:32, 16:43, 16:54, 17:20, 19:38 2 Benet 84:00 16:48 0:48 16:26, 16:33, 16:50, 16:57, 17:14, 17:56 3 Glenbard North 86:17 17:15 2:01 16:11, 16:23, 17:26, 18:05, 18:12, 18:47 4 Neuqua Valley 86:52 17:22 1:02 16:49, 16:53, 17:39, 17:40, 17:51, 18:09 5 Rosary 87:39 17:32 3:05 16:06, 16:55, 17:16, 18:11, 19:11, 19:11 6 Lockport 87:49 17:34 0:36 17:12, 17:19, 17:44, 17:46, 17:48, 18:25 7 Glenbard East 87:50 17:34 0:24 17:24, 17:31, 17:33, 17:34, 17:48, 19:53 8 Waubonsie Valley 89:24 17:53 1:26 17:00, 17:17, 18:19, 18:22, 18:26, 18:30 9 West Chicago 89:46 17:57 1:36 17:24, 17:35, 17:42, 18:05, 19:00, 20:03 10 Jacobs 89:58 17:60 2:57 16:12, 17:45, 17:48, 19:04, 19:09, 27:55 11 Batavia 90:58 18:12 2:16 17:04, 17:34, 18:24, 18:36, 19:20 12 Sycamore 92:34 18:31 5:18 16:21, 17:18, 18:10, 19:06, 21:39, 22:39 13 Burlington Central 93:27 18:41 1:22 18:00, 18:21, 18:31, 19:13, 19:22, 19:27 14 Kaneland 94:56 18:59 3:51 17:05, 18:04, 19:04, 19:47, 20:56, 22:00 15 West Aurora 95:43 19:09 1:31 18:18, 18:34, 19:29, 19:33, 19:49, 20:28 16 Dundee-Crown 100:21 20:04 3:24 18:13, 19:46, 20:21, 20:24, 21:37, 21:43 17 Bartlett No Score 19:34 18 Coal City No Score 19:12 19 Geneva No Score 20 Genoa-Kingston No Score 20:49 21 Illinois Math & Science No Score 16:43, 16:52 22 Timothy Christian No Score 17:11, 20:06 23 Westmont No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-1999 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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