Individual Results
2000 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 17, 2000 Boys 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Washington Matt Ward (8) 0:11:18.5 2 2 Lincoln Billy Travis (8) 0:11:20.3 3 3 Gregory Nick Buenger (8) 0:11:26.8 4 4 Jefferson Tom DeBerge (8) 0:11:30.4 5 5 Madison John Stamm (8) 0:11:32.4 6 6 Madison John Taylor (8) 0:11:41.6 7 7 Still Kevin Pojman (8) 0:11:43.0 8 8 Madison Douglas Mikita (8) 0:11:43.8 9 9 Still Jeremy Ask (8) 0:11:45.8 10 10 Lincoln Kent Reschke (8) 0:11:48.6 11 11 Kennedy Justus Raepple (8) 0:11:49.8 12 12 Madison David Weir (8) 0:11:52.7 13 13 Jefferson Caesar Arturo (8) 0:11:56.3 14 14 Jefferson Michael Tu (8) 0:12:01.6 15 15 Kennedy Tom Nolle (8) 0:12:07.2 16 16 Lincoln Casey Naruszewicz (8) 0:12:13.1 17 17 Lincoln William Crissy (8) 0:12:15.0 18 18 Madison Clay Bishop (8) 0:12:17.1 19 19 Granger Jeremy Brown (8) 0:12:18.9 20 20 Madison Kieran Potterton (8) 0:12:26.8 21 21 Jefferson Chris DeSalvo (8) 0:12:27.9 22 22 Washington Ben Sheu (8) 0:12:33.4 23 23 Washington Jacek Kolacz (8) 0:12:33.7 24 24 Gregory Joey Bergelin (8) 0:12:34.3 25 25 Granger Danny Severence (8) 0:12:34.8 26 26 Granger Brad Cummins (8) 0:12:37.7 27 27 Granger Justin Rosenblume (8) 0:12:38.4 28 28 Kennedy Trent Dorschorst (8) 0:12:40.2 29 29 Gregory Tyler Matthews (8) 0:12:42.2 30 30 Still Dane Moores (8) 0:12:46.4 31 31 Granger Pablo Martenez (8) 0:12:48.4 32 32 Lincoln Matthew Witt (8) 0:12:48.6 33 33 Madison Amit Thomas (8) 0:12:48.9 34 34 Gregory Danny Horvath (8) 0:12:50.6 35 35 Still Justin Spears (8) 0:12:57.8 36 36 Jefferson Ryan Russell (8) 0:13:00.0 37 37 Kennedy Li Dan (8) 0:13:06.4 38 38 Jefferson Mike Majewski (8) 0:13:10.2 39 39 Lincoln Phil Ruge (8) 0:13:15.8 40 40 Hill Mark Pelletier (8) 0:13:20.3 41 41 Washington Joe Reneker (8) 0:13:26.5 42 42 Gregory Nick Picciano (8) 0:13:32.5 43 43 Granger Matt Cook (8) 0:13:33.0 44 Crone Jonathan Knopp (8) 0:13:33.4 45 44 Washington Mickey Novak (8) 0:13:33.9 46 Madison Dave Farley (8) 0:13:35.2 47 45 Still Kurtis Banks (8) 0:13:37.0 48 Madison David Jeong (8) 0:13:40.9 49 Madison Dan Arrigo (8) 0:13:45.4 50 46 Lincoln Jon Hunt (8) 0:13:51.5 51 47 Hill Jeff Dalton (8) 0:13:55.9 52 48 Gregory Alex Krueger (8) 0:14:00.6 53 49 Kennedy David Yang (8) 0:14:03.1 54 50 Granger Erik Cosgrove (8) 0:14:03.5 55 51 Washington Kenan Yargicoglu (8) 0:14:04.0 56 52 Jefferson Mike Thurston (8) 0:14:04.5 57 53 Kennedy Nik Bajaj (8) 0:14:04.9 58 Jefferson John Termaat (8) 0:14:09.1 59 54 Washington J.T. Weizeorick (8) 0:14:12.4 60 55 Gregory Ryan Kwiakowski (8) 0:14:14.6 61 Crone Billy Schmidt (8) 0:14:18.0 62 Madison Brett Zielinski (8) 0:14:19.2 63 Gregory Brent Foley (8) 0:14:21.9 64 Gregory Ben Pomeroy (8) 0:14:28.5 65 Washington Andy Ference (8) 0:14:29.1 66 56 Hill Miguel Aleman (8) 0:14:31.0 67 Madison Peter Gao (8) 0:14:36.6 68 57 Hill Matt Bilaga (8) 0:14:37.7 69 58 Kennedy Kevin Lage (8) 0:14:42.6 70 Kennedy Brian Fitzgerald (8) 0:15:03.2 71 Kennedy Jon Shih (8) 0:15:11.6 72 Madison Kyle Butts (8) 0:15:17.6 73 Kennedy Matt Hamedani (8) 0:15:21.3 74 59 Hill Daniel Sigety (8) 0:15:27.3 75 60 Hill Mark Therman (8) 0:16:02.3 76 Kennedy Edward Tszeng (8) 0:16:14.2 77 Madison Matt Fender (8) 0:16:16.6 78 Lincoln Greg Josken (8) 0:17:25.5 79 61 Hill Arjun Khetarpal (8) 0:17:36.8 80 Granger Victor Macias (8) 0:17:37.3 81 Granger Jesse Cervantes (8) 0:24:53.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Madison 49 5, 6, 8, 12, 18, 20, 33 2 Lincoln 77 2, 10, 16, 17, 32, 39, 46 3 Jefferson 88 4, 13, 14, 21, 36, 38, 52 4 Still 126 7, 9, 30, 35, 45 5 Granger 128 19, 25, 26, 27, 31, 43, 50 6 Washington 131 1, 22, 23, 41, 44, 51, 54 7 Gregory 132 3, 24, 29, 34, 42, 48, 55 8 Kennedy 140 11, 15, 28, 37, 49, 53, 58 9 Hill 259 40, 47, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61 10 Crone No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Madison 59:09 11:50 0:44 11:33, 11:42, 11:44, 11:53, 12:17, 12:27 2 Lincoln 60:27 12:05 1:28 11:21, 11:49, 12:13, 12:15, 12:49, 13:16 3 Jefferson 60:58 12:12 1:29 11:31, 11:57, 12:02, 12:28, 13:00, 13:11 4 Still 62:51 12:34 1:54 11:43, 11:46, 12:47, 12:58, 13:37 5 Granger 63:00 12:36 0:30 12:19, 12:35, 12:38, 12:39, 12:49, 13:33 6 Gregory 63:09 12:38 2:06 11:27, 12:35, 12:43, 12:51, 13:33, 14:01 7 Washington 63:28 12:42 2:15 11:19, 12:34, 12:34, 13:27, 13:34, 14:04 8 Kennedy 63:49 12:46 2:13 11:50, 12:08, 12:41, 13:07, 14:03, 14:05 9 Hill 71:54 14:23 2:07 13:21, 13:56, 14:31, 14:38, 15:28, 16:03 10 Crone No Score 13:34, 14:18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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