Individual Results
30th Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 7, 2000 Boys Fr (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Barrington Brian Robertson (Fr) 0:11:17.3 2 2 Lane Tech Unknown Athlete 0:11:21.4 3 3 Barrington Kyle Ferry (Fr) 0:11:33.5 4 4 Barrington Matt Andersson (Fr) 0:11:34.3 5 5 Barrington Eric Kerchberger (Fr) 0:11:44.3 6 6 Mt. Horeb, WI Michael Wilson (Fr) 0:11:46.3 7 7 Elk Grove Joey Jambrone (Fr) 0:11:47.5 8 8 Hinsdale South Joe Smutny (Fr) 0:11:47.8 9 9 Glenbrook South Max Palmer (Fr) 0:11:48.1 10 10 Glenbrook South Eric Drucker (Fr) 0:11:48.4 11 11 Leo Kenneth Williams (Fr) 0:11:48.7 12 12 Deerfield John Schlesinger (Fr) 0:11:51.0 13 13 Argo Pablo Sarianna (Fr) 0:11:56.1 14 14 Mather Chris Wilhite (Fr) 0:12:03.0 15 15 Barrington Sean Piper (Fr) 0:12:04.4 16 16 Dundee-Crown Philip Shrake (Fr) 0:12:04.8 17 17 Hinsdale Central Matt Johnson (Fr) 0:12:05.5 18 18 Jones Magnet Jeremy Harris (Fr) 0:12:11.2 19 19 Leo Dominic Simmons (Fr) 0:12:11.6 20 20 Deerfield Mike Anderson (Fr) 0:12:18.4 21 21 Deerfield Miles Schermerhorn (Fr) 0:12:21.2 22 22 Lake Park Dave Pirszel (Fr) 0:12:23.6 23 23 Elk Grove Andrew Krok (Fr) 0:12:30.6 24 24 Barrington Tim Broderick (Fr) 0:12:31.5 25 25 Dundee-Crown Eric Roos (Fr) 0:12:32.6 26 26 Mather Tommy Sampson (Fr) 0:12:35.3 27 27 Elk Grove Robbie Bourne (Fr) 0:12:39.6 28 28 Hinsdale Central Scott Latto (Fr) 0:12:40.8 29 29 Barrington Jimmy Hoehlein (Fr) 0:12:43.2 30 30 Dundee-Crown Pat Sullivan (Fr) 0:12:44.9 31 31 Hinsdale South Jame Cao (Fr) 0:12:46.7 32 32 Leyden Javier Murillo (Fr) 0:12:49.6 33 33 Glenbrook South Jon Huffman (Fr) 0:12:51.3 34 34 Glenbrook South Juve Chavez (Fr) 0:12:51.7 35 35 Leyden Juan Dorado (Fr) 0:12:53.3 36 36 Leo Nelson Miller (Fr) 0:12:54.6 37 37 Hinsdale South Jeff Bayers (Fr) 0:12:56.0 38 38 Elk Grove Ben Jarosch (Fr) 0:12:56.4 39 39 Grayslake Matt Reynolds (Fr) 0:12:56.7 40 40 Deerfield Brian Walsh (Fr) 0:12:57.3 41 41 Dundee-Crown Ivan Melendez (So) 0:12:58.1 42 42 Mt. Horeb, WI James Resch (Fr) 0:12:58.9 43 43 Leo Sean Woods (Fr) 0:12:59.5 44 44 Dundee-Crown Robert Alsen (Fr) 0:13:01.0 45 45 Hinsdale Central Mark Hodges (Fr) 0:13:05.1 46 46 Leo Jarrell Johnson (Fr) 0:13:10.5 47 47 Elk Grove J.P. Marin (Fr) 0:13:10.8 48 48 Jones Magnet Bryant Ousley (Fr) 0:13:11.4 49 49 Elk Grove Jerry Kraweic (Fr) 0:13:15.3 50 50 Glenbrook South Saagar Patel (Fr) 0:13:17.1 51 51 Highland Park Tim Bloomquist (Fr) 0:13:20.6 52 52 Elk Grove Sean Prorak (Fr) 0:13:21.1 53 53 Dundee-Crown Carlton Smith (Fr) 0:13:23.9 54 54 Argo Tom Dominguez (Fr) 0:13:26.9 55 55 Hinsdale Central Jim Du (Fr) 0:13:29.2 56 56 Dundee-Crown Jon Treu (Fr) 0:13:33.4 57 57 Lake Park Yoshio Adachi (Fr) 0:13:34.3 58 Dundee-Crown Taylor Kastilahn (Fr) 0:13:36.4 59 58 Argo Daniel Bohaczyk (Fr) 0:13:37.2 60 59 Argo Chris Zyozik (Fr) 0:13:37.7 61 60 Hinsdale Central Jeff Burk (Fr) 0:13:38.2 62 61 Foreman Adam Pawula (Fr) 0:13:38.7 63 62 Grayslake Dave Krause (Fr) 0:13:39.5 64 63 Glenbrook South Owen Newberry (Fr) 0:13:39.9 65 64 Latin Christopher Lagrange (Fr) 0:13:40.1 66 65 Mount Carmel Brian Spear (Fr) 0:13:41.1 67 66 Leyden Billy Jones (Fr) 0:13:44.1 68 Elk Grove Matt Mok (Fr) 0:13:50.5 69 67 Leo Fredrick Hollins (Fr) 0:13:52.3 70 68 Mount Carmel Brian Rogers (Fr) 0:13:54.7 71 Elk Grove Peter Sifnotis (Fr) 0:13:55.1 72 69 Glenbrook South Matt Sener (Fr) 0:13:55.5 73 70 Jones Magnet Chris Benson (Fr) 0:13:55.8 74 71 Highland Park Ben Holtzman (Fr) 0:13:56.9 75 72 Leo Gus Reid (Fr) 0:13:57.7 76 73 Hinsdale South Andrew Kordower (Fr) 0:13:58.4 77 Leo Brandon Jackson (Fr) 0:13:59.7 78 74 Deerfield Jon Meisner (Fr) 0:14:03.8 79 75 Hinsdale South Robert Foggia (Fr) 0:14:04.3 80 76 Hinsdale Central Naveen Penmasta (Fr) 0:14:04.7 81 77 Highland Park Michael Hannick (Fr) 0:14:04.9 82 78 Hinsdale Central Mike Theodore (Fr) 0:14:05.3 83 79 Highland Park Trajan Braxton (Fr) 0:14:05.9 84 Dundee-Crown Derek Howe (Fr) 0:14:15.2 85 80 Jones Magnet Boris Alfaro (Fr) 0:14:22.3 86 Hinsdale Central Jason Kush (Fr) 0:14:23.4 87 81 Leyden Steve Spayer (Fr) 0:14:27.9 88 82 Hinsdale South Maynard Tan (Fr) 0:14:31.9 89 Elk Grove Clinton Weber (Fr) 0:14:43.7 90 83 Highland Park Ben Greenberg (Fr) 0:15:01.9 91 84 Mt. Horeb, WI Matt Fehrman (Fr) 0:15:08.2 92 85 Argo Ryan Stanis (Fr) 0:15:13.2 93 Leo Winslow Purham (Fr) 0:15:27.9 94 Glenbrook South Andrew Nichols (Fr) 0:15:31.8 95 86 Argo Jeff LaRocquez (Fr) 0:15:44.4 96 Glenbrook South William Cole (Fr) 0:15:48.6 97 87 Leyden Israel Valasco (Fr) 0:15:49.3 98 Glenbrook South Koichi Sato (Fr) 0:15:52.7 99 88 Foreman Wojciech Mikutel (Fr) 0:15:53.1 100 89 Jones Magnet Calvin Connor (Fr) 0:15:56.7 101 90 Hinsdale South Ryan Keller (Fr) 0:15:59.2 102 Hinsdale South Utham Balachandran (Fr) 0:16:18.7 103 Leo John Hardy (Fr) 0:16:28.9 104 91 Foreman Timohty Woodson (Fr) 0:16:46.3 105 92 Argo Andy Cavares (Fr) 0:17:31.1 106 93 Deerfield Jason Blau (Fr) 0:17:31.7 107 94 Leyden Artemio Murillo (Fr) 0:17:36.9 108 Hinsdale Central Justin Sterling (Fr) 0:18:01.2 109 Argo Sheuop Bradford (Fr) 0:18:30.0 110 95 Mather Donnie Divina (Fr) 0:20:07.9 111 Dundee-Crown Matt Godowski (Fr) 0:21:22.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 28 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 24, 29 2 Glenbrook South 136 9, 10, 33, 34, 50, 63, 69 3 Elk Grove 142 7, 23, 27, 38, 47, 49, 52 4 Leo 155 11, 19, 36, 43, 46, 67, 72 5 Dundee-Crown 156 16, 25, 30, 41, 44, 53, 56 6 Deerfield 167 12, 20, 21, 40, 74, 93 7 Hinsdale Central 205 17, 28, 45, 55, 60, 76, 78 8 Hinsdale South 224 8, 31, 37, 73, 75, 82, 90 9 Argo 269 13, 54, 58, 59, 85, 86, 92 10 Leyden 301 32, 35, 66, 81, 87, 94 11 Jones Magnet 305 18, 48, 70, 80, 89 12 Mt. Horeb, WI 324 6, 42, 84, 96, 96 13 Mather 327 14, 26, 95, 96, 96 14 Highland Park 361 51, 71, 77, 79, 83 15 Lake Park 367 22, 57, 96, 96, 96 16 Lane Tech 386 2, 96, 96, 96, 96 17 Grayslake 389 39, 62, 96, 96, 96 18 Mount Carmel 421 65, 68, 96, 96, 96 19 Foreman 432 61, 88, 91, 96, 96 20 Latin 448 64, 96, 96, 96, 96 21 Farragut No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Glenbrook North No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Gordon Tech No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Hales Franciscan No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Kelvyn Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Kenwood Academy No Score - Had only 0 finishers 27 Lincoln Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 Luther South No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 58:12 11:38 0:47 11:17, 11:33, 11:34, 11:44, 12:04, 12:31 2 Glenbrook South 62:35 12:31 1:29 11:48, 11:48, 12:51, 12:51, 13:17, 13:39 3 Leo 63:02 12:36 1:22 11:48, 12:11, 12:54, 12:59, 13:10, 13:52 4 Elk Grove 63:02 12:36 1:23 11:47, 12:30, 12:39, 12:56, 13:10, 13:15 5 Dundee-Crown 63:19 12:40 0:57 12:04, 12:32, 12:44, 12:58, 13:01, 13:23 6 Deerfield 63:30 12:42 2:12 11:51, 12:18, 12:21, 12:57, 14:03, 17:31 7 Hinsdale Central 64:57 12:59 1:33 12:05, 12:40, 13:05, 13:29, 13:38, 14:04 8 Hinsdale South 65:31 13:06 2:17 11:47, 12:46, 12:56, 13:58, 14:04, 14:31 9 Argo 67:49 13:34 3:17 11:56, 13:26, 13:37, 13:37, 15:13, 15:44 10 Jones Magnet 69:35 13:55 3:45 12:11, 13:11, 13:55, 14:22, 15:56 11 Leyden 69:42 13:56 3:00 12:49, 12:53, 13:44, 14:27, 15:49, 17:36 12 Highland Park 70:26 14:05 1:41 13:20, 13:56, 14:04, 14:05, 15:01 13 Farragut No Score 14 Foreman No Score 13:38, 15:53, 16:46 15 Glenbrook North No Score 16 Gordon Tech No Score 17 Grayslake No Score 12:56, 13:39 18 Hales Franciscan No Score 19 Kelvyn Park No Score 20 Kenwood Academy No Score 21 Lake Park No Score 12:23, 13:34 22 Lane Tech No Score 11:21 23 Latin No Score 13:40 24 Lincoln Park No Score 25 Luther South No Score 26 Mather No Score 12:03, 12:35, 20:07 27 Mount Carmel No Score 13:41, 13:54 28 Mt. Horeb, WI No Score 11:46, 12:58, 15:08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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