Individual Results
15th Annual Big Cat InvitationalSeptember 8, 2001 Boys Varsity 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Wheaton-Warrenville South Mike Popejoy (So) 0:16:18.4 2 2 Glenbard West Anthony Becknek (Jr) 0:16:31.9 3 3 Geneva Dan Huling (Sr) 0:16:34.8 4 4 Geneva Andrew McQuillan (Sr) 0:16:45.9 5 5 Belvidere Brian Carlson (Sr) 0:16:49.9 6 6 Wheaton-Warrenville South Gary Pfenning (Jr) 0:16:52.4 7 7 Glenbard West Owen Connelly (Sr) 0:16:53.2 8 8 Kennedy Emiliano Perez (Sr) 0:17:00.1 9 9 Wheaton-Warrenville South John McHale (Jr) 0:17:04.2 10 10 St. Patrick Larry Cardenas (Sr) 0:17:09.3 11 11 Neuqua Valley Ben Barron (Jr) 0:17:10.9 12 12 Bolingbrook Byron Etta (So) 0:17:13.6 13 13 Wheaton-Warrenville South Pat Parish (Jr) 0:17:19.7 14 14 Wheaton-Warrenville South Josh Peck (Sr) 0:17:24.4 15 15 Belvidere Shea Maudsley (So) 0:17:26.5 16 16 Downers Grove South William Potempa (Jr) 0:17:30.9 17 17 Geneva Rob Humphreys (Jr) 0:17:32.2 18 18 Glenbard West James Brophy (Sr) 0:17:37.1 19 19 Neuqua Valley Dan Box (So) 0:17:37.7 20 20 East Aurora Daniel Rodriguez (Jr) 0:17:38.5 21 21 Batavia Shane Orlow (Sr) 0:17:39.1 22 22 Aurora Central Catholic Kyle Mikovski (So) 0:17:40.1 23 23 Jacobs Joseph Binder (Sr) 0:17:40.6 24 24 Geneva Brian Honeyman (Sr) 0:17:42.3 25 25 Wheaton-Warrenville South Paul Fortunato (Jr) 0:17:42.8 26 26 Bolingbrook Nathan Kennedy (So) 0:17:46.5 27 27 St. Patrick Jason Felix (So) 0:17:48.1 28 28 Batavia Bronco Meeks (Sr) 0:17:49.0 29 29 Neuqua Valley David Krist (So) 0:17:50.5 30 30 Geneva Mike Aitken (So) 0:17:51.0 31 31 Downers Grove South Dan McArdle (Sr) 0:17:51.5 32 32 Lincoln-Way Central Eric Fraser (Sr) 0:17:54.2 33 33 Lincoln-Way Central Mike White (So) 0:17:54.6 34 34 Batavia Alex Nerad (Sr) 0:17:55.2 35 Plano Matt Johnson (Sr) 0:17:58.5 36 35 Neuqua Valley Nick Dunn (So) 0:18:00.8 37 36 St. Patrick Jimmy Labuz (Sr) 0:18:02.8 38 37 Belvidere Ken Beever (Jr) 0:18:05.8 39 38 Lincoln-Way Central Pat Johnsen (Sr) 0:18:07.8 40 39 Neuqua Valley Robert Long (Jr) 0:18:09.2 41 40 St. Patrick Alberto Villa (So) 0:18:11.5 42 41 St. Charles North Paul Perez (Jr) 0:18:12.1 43 42 St. Patrick Matt Policastro (Sr) 0:18:12.9 44 43 St. Charles North Matt McCollum (Jr) 0:18:14.5 45 44 Bolingbrook Nick Rodriguez (Jr) 0:18:15.8 46 45 Lincoln-Way East John Ames (Jr) 0:18:16.5 47 46 Neuqua Valley Steve Spain (Sr) 0:18:17.8 48 47 Downers Grove South Roland Hopkins (Sr) 0:18:19.1 49 48 Geneva Jeff Noethlich (Sr) 0:18:19.8 50 49 Batavia Steve Wieland (Sr) 0:18:20.4 51 50 Batavia Jeremy Jones (Jr) 0:18:23.1 52 51 Wheaton North Michael Duncan (Sr) 0:18:24.3 53 52 Batavia Steve Sundvall (Jr) 0:18:27.6 54 53 Lincoln-Way East Tim Scanlin (So) 0:18:28.1 55 54 Downers Grove South Jeremy Wimmer (Sr) 0:18:28.8 56 55 Belvidere Alan Beardsley (Jr) 0:18:29.7 57 56 Aurora Central Catholic Brian Carew (Sr) 0:18:30.3 58 57 Geneva Eric Leninger (Sr) 0:18:32.1 59 58 Marmion Ryan Smith (Jr) 0:18:32.9 60 59 Lincoln-Way Central Mike Ready (Sr) 0:18:33.1 61 60 Marmion Troy Woodard (Jr) 0:18:33.5 62 61 St. Patrick Mark Labuz (Jr) 0:18:33.9 63 62 Kennedy Sam Chwlak (So) 0:18:35.0 64 63 Aurora Central Catholic Danny Hernandez (Jr) 0:18:36.8 65 64 Glenbard West Greg Haberer (Sr) 0:18:38.5 66 65 Belvidere Don Penny (Jr) 0:18:39.2 67 66 Aurora Central Catholic Michael Kivisto (Sr) 0:18:40.3 68 67 Neuqua Valley Bryan Kruszka (Jr) 0:18:42.5 69 68 Bolingbrook Joe Eagleson (So) 0:18:45.1 70 69 Wheaton North Matthew Koehler (Jr) 0:18:45.7 71 70 Downers Grove South Ryan Lahey (Jr) 0:18:46.6 72 71 Lincoln-Way Central Ryan Biniak (Sr) 0:18:48.1 73 72 Leyden Tony Aceyes (Sr) 0:18:48.7 74 73 Wheaton North Tom Dunn (Jr) 0:18:49.4 75 74 Downers Grove South Douglas May (Jr) 0:18:50.6 76 75 East Aurora Neto Hernandez (Sr) 0:18:51.8 77 76 Marmion Nick Grahovec (Sr) 0:18:52.5 78 77 Wheaton-Warrenville South Chris Zaruba (Sr) 0:18:53.0 79 78 Belvidere Russ Moore (Sr) 0:18:55.0 80 79 Aurora Central Catholic Saul Bustamante (Jr) 0:18:58.5 81 80 Lincoln-Way Central Dave Jones (Sr) 0:19:01.7 82 81 Sterling Jacob Blum (Sr) 0:19:07.9 83 82 Glenbard West Joe Qualiato (Sr) 0:19:10.2 84 83 Aurora Central Catholic Ryan Horner (Jr) 0:19:10.9 85 84 Wheaton North Arthur Lundby (Sr) 0:19:13.4 86 85 St. Charles North Dan Slonina (Jr) 0:19:14.2 87 86 Sterling John Lee (Sr) 0:19:15.1 88 87 Batavia Brian Dempster (Jr) 0:19:15.9 89 88 Sterling Michael Commisso (Sr) 0:19:16.8 90 89 Wheaton North Stephen Vebber (Sr) 0:19:17.7 91 90 Illinois Math & Science Viab Upadhyay (Jr) 0:19:19.1 92 91 Leyden Kevin Jarzab (Jr) 0:19:22.0 93 92 Lincoln-Way East Jesse Strilich (Jr) 0:19:23.8 94 93 Kennedy Nester Lara (Jr) 0:19:25.1 95 94 Marmion Joe Mitacek (Jr) 0:19:25.7 96 95 Marmion Matt VanAcker (Jr) 0:19:28.3 97 96 Aurora Central Catholic Amador Contreras (Jr) 0:19:30.4 98 97 Lincoln-Way East Mike Toomey (Jr) 0:19:31.3 99 98 St. Charles North Nate Lescelius (Fr) 0:19:32.6 100 99 Lincoln-Way East Cid Larderos (Jr) 0:19:33.8 101 100 Glenbard West Dan Dorger (Jr) 0:19:34.6 102 101 Jacobs Jonathan Scott (Sr) 0:19:35.5 103 102 Oswego Jason Engberg 0:19:36.8 104 103 Lincoln-Way East Chris Gravitt (Jr) 0:19:38.0 105 104 Belvidere Mike Wartgow (Jr) 0:19:39.5 106 105 Illinois Math & Science Chris Jones (Sr) 0:19:42.1 107 106 Wheaton North Eric Stephan (Sr) 0:19:43.5 108 107 Bolingbrook Matt Braun (Jr) 0:19:44.4 109 108 Glenbard West Derek Dion (Jr) 0:19:45.1 110 109 Sterling Adam Rodriguez (Jr) 0:19:46.2 111 110 Marmion Paul Cordogan (Jr) 0:19:47.6 112 111 Sterling Lucas Munz (Sr) 0:19:50.5 113 112 Kennedy Abraham Mirales (Jr) 0:19:54.1 114 113 Marmion Bryan Timm (Sr) 0:20:01.2 115 114 Leyden Bob Wetttein (Jr) 0:20:03.9 116 115 Jacobs Brian Kephart (Fr) 0:20:06.8 117 116 DeKalb Matt Rogowski (Sr) 0:20:08.6 118 117 St. Charles North David McCurdy (So) 0:20:09.9 119 118 DeKalb Dean Clark (Sr) 0:20:14.3 120 119 Sterling David Cluber (Sr) 0:20:15.5 121 120 Oswego Bobby Draper 0:20:21.2 122 121 Lincoln-Way East Joe Bush (So) 0:20:23.5 123 122 Downers Grove South Daniel Herman (Sr) 0:20:24.1 124 123 Lincoln-Way Central Nick Grabovoy (Jr) 0:20:26.9 125 124 Oswego Brandon Ekren 0:20:29.0 126 125 Kennedy Carlos Sanchez (Sr) 0:20:29.7 127 126 Leyden Dominic Rossi (Jr) 0:20:31.3 128 127 DeKalb Derek Erdmann (Jr) 0:20:31.8 129 128 Wheaton North Christopher Daywalt (Sr) 0:20:34.1 130 129 Illinois Math & Science Andy Friedl (Sr) 0:20:36.2 131 130 St. Charles North David Brackmann (So) 0:20:37.8 132 131 St. Charles North Graham Faassen (Jr) 0:20:38.7 133 132 East Aurora Erick Gomez (Jr) 0:20:39.6 134 133 Kennedy David Salgado (Sr) 0:20:46.9 135 134 Jacobs Matthew Stasiak (Jr) 0:20:47.5 136 135 DeKalb Kasey Campbell (Sr) 0:20:49.3 137 136 Oswego Greg McClure 0:20:50.2 138 137 DeKalb Pierce Ebbesen (Sr) 0:20:54.1 139 138 Sterling Greg Ebersole (Sr) 0:21:03.3 140 139 Leyden Juan Dorado (So) 0:21:03.7 141 140 DeKalb Andrew Cherry (Sr) 0:21:09.0 142 141 Leyden Erik Hodges (Sr) 0:21:09.7 143 142 Leyden Jaziel Escobedo (Jr) 0:21:11.7 144 143 Illinois Math & Science Kevin Bock (So) 0:21:12.2 145 Plano Matt Walker (Sr) 0:21:12.7 146 144 Jacobs Christopher Menoni (Fr) 0:21:19.8 147 145 Bolingbrook Asim Goraya (Jr) 0:21:26.2 148 146 Jacobs Patrick Engracia (Fr) 0:21:28.0 149 147 Illinois Math & Science Jim Chen (So) 0:21:30.5 150 148 East Aurora Dion James (Sr) 0:21:41.8 151 149 DeKalb Steve Dudgeon (Jr) 0:21:46.6 152 150 East Aurora Leonel Villanueva (Sr) 0:21:57.7 153 151 Oswego Adam Schnitz 0:22:08.3 154 152 East Aurora Josue Alvarez (Jr) 0:22:11.1 155 153 Bolingbrook David Aguilar (Sr) 0:22:18.7 156 154 Jacobs Paul Carlson (So) 0:22:24.1 157 155 Illinois Math & Science Eric Szczesniak (Sr) 0:22:53.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wheaton-Warrenville South 43 1, 6, 9, 13, 14, 25, 77 2 Geneva 78 3, 4, 17, 24, 30, 48, 57 3 Neuqua Valley 133 11, 19, 29, 35, 39, 46, 67 4 St. Patrick 155 10, 27, 36, 40, 42, 61 5 Glenbard West 173 2, 7, 18, 64, 82, 100, 108 6 Belvidere 177 5, 15, 37, 55, 65, 78, 104 7 Batavia 182 21, 28, 34, 49, 50, 52, 87 8 Downers Grove South 218 16, 31, 47, 54, 70, 74, 122 9 Lincoln-Way Central 233 32, 33, 38, 59, 71, 80, 123 10 Bolingbrook 257 12, 26, 44, 68, 107, 145, 153 11 Aurora Central Catholic 286 22, 56, 63, 66, 79, 83, 96 12 Wheaton North 366 51, 69, 73, 84, 89, 106, 128 13 Marmion 383 58, 60, 76, 94, 95, 110, 113 14 St. Charles North 384 41, 43, 85, 98, 117, 130, 131 15 Lincoln-Way East 386 45, 53, 92, 97, 99, 103, 121 16 Kennedy 400 8, 62, 93, 112, 125, 133 17 Sterling 475 81, 86, 88, 109, 111, 119, 138 18 Jacobs 517 23, 101, 115, 134, 144, 146, 154 19 East Aurora 525 20, 75, 132, 148, 150, 152 20 Leyden 542 72, 91, 114, 126, 139, 141, 142 21 Illinois Math & Science 614 90, 105, 129, 143, 147, 155 22 DeKalb 633 116, 118, 127, 135, 137, 140, 149 23 Oswego 633 102, 120, 124, 136, 151 24 Glenbard South No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Plano No Score - Had only 2 finishers 26 Rockford East No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wheaton-Warrenville South 85:02 17:00 1:06 16:19, 16:53, 17:05, 17:20, 17:25, 17:43 2 Geneva 86:28 17:18 1:16 16:35, 16:46, 17:33, 17:43, 17:51, 18:20 3 Neuqua Valley 88:51 17:46 0:59 17:11, 17:38, 17:51, 18:01, 18:10, 18:18 4 Glenbard West 88:53 17:47 2:39 16:32, 16:54, 17:37, 18:39, 19:11, 19:35 5 St. Patrick 89:26 17:53 1:03 17:10, 17:48, 18:03, 18:12, 18:13, 18:34 6 Belvidere 89:33 17:55 1:50 16:50, 17:27, 18:06, 18:30, 18:40, 18:55 7 Batavia 90:09 18:02 0:43 17:40, 17:49, 17:56, 18:21, 18:23, 18:28 8 Downers Grove South 90:58 18:12 1:16 17:31, 17:52, 18:19, 18:29, 18:47, 18:51 9 Lincoln-Way Central 91:19 18:16 0:53 17:55, 17:55, 18:08, 18:33, 18:48, 19:02 10 Bolingbrook 91:47 18:21 2:31 17:14, 17:47, 18:16, 18:45, 19:45, 21:27 11 Aurora Central Catholic 92:28 18:30 1:19 17:40, 18:31, 18:37, 18:41, 18:59, 19:11 12 Wheaton North 94:33 18:55 0:53 18:25, 18:46, 18:50, 19:14, 19:18, 19:44 13 Marmion 94:55 18:59 0:56 18:33, 18:34, 18:53, 19:26, 19:29, 19:48 14 Lincoln-Way East 95:15 19:03 1:17 18:17, 18:28, 19:24, 19:32, 19:34, 19:38 15 Kennedy 95:24 19:05 3:30 17:00, 18:35, 19:25, 19:54, 20:30, 20:47 16 St. Charles North 95:25 19:05 1:58 18:12, 18:15, 19:15, 19:33, 20:10, 20:38 17 Sterling 97:18 19:28 0:43 19:08, 19:15, 19:17, 19:47, 19:51, 20:16 18 Jacobs 99:32 19:54 3:39 17:41, 19:36, 20:07, 20:48, 21:20, 21:28 19 Leyden 99:51 19:58 2:15 18:49, 19:22, 20:04, 20:32, 21:04, 21:10 20 East Aurora 100:51 20:10 4:19 17:39, 18:52, 20:40, 21:42, 21:58, 22:11 21 Illinois Math & Science 102:22 20:28 2:12 19:19, 19:42, 20:37, 21:13, 21:31, 22:53 22 DeKalb 102:40 20:32 0:45 20:09, 20:15, 20:32, 20:50, 20:54, 21:09 23 Oswego 103:28 20:42 2:32 19:37, 20:22, 20:29, 20:51, 22:09 24 Glenbard South No Score 25 Plano No Score 17:59, 21:13 26 Rockford East No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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