Individual Results
2001 Blackhawk StampedeOctober 6, 2001 Girls Fr/So 2.44 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Fremd Jessica Chalmers (So) 0:16:05.9 2 2 Fremd Jill Declerck (So) 0:16:21.1 3 3 Naperville Central Amy Mengel (So) 0:16:21.8 4 4 Glenbard North Natalie Pawlowicz (So) 0:16:25.7 5 West Aurora Cammie Felker (Fr) 0:16:31.1 6 5 Romeoville Ashley Johnson (Fr) 0:16:45.0 7 6 Romeoville Jennifer Roberts (Fr) 0:16:56.1 8 7 Geneva Kristina Donash (Fr) 0:16:59.4 9 8 Rosary Courtney Rohoe (So) 0:17:01.0 10 Plainfield South Leah DeLarosa (Fr) 0:17:02.4 11 9 Geneva Sara Steinke (Fr) 0:17:07.3 12 10 Rosary Tori Whittenhall (So) 0:17:09.1 13 11 Burlington Central Ashley Kijowski (Fr) 0:17:16.3 14 12 Naperville Central Sarah Vorderer (Fr) 0:17:21.9 15 13 Geneva Sarah Suchor (Fr) 0:17:23.3 16 14 Glenbard North Jamie Petito (So) 0:17:23.7 17 15 Neuqua Valley Bovard Lynn (Fr) 0:17:30.5 18 16 Fremd Lisa Nicholson (So) 0:17:32.4 19 West Aurora Allison Starke (Fr) 0:17:36.8 20 17 Romeoville Amy Pfeiffer (Fr) 0:17:37.2 21 18 Burlington Central Theresa Grandt (So) 0:17:41.0 22 19 St. Charles East Shannon Bixler (Fr) 0:17:42.6 23 20 Rosary Ashley Grahovec (So) 0:17:44.1 24 Elgin Michelle Linder (Fr) 0:17:44.8 25 21 Rosary Colleen Heffernan (Fr) 0:17:46.6 26 DeKalb Krista Stafstrom (Fr) 0:17:53.4 27 22 Naperville Central Sarah Sabalaskey (Fr) 0:17:55.8 28 23 Romeoville Emily Aranda (So) 0:17:56.2 29 24 Downers Grove North Katie McCutcheon (So) 0:17:57.0 30 25 Naperville Central Caryn Lowe (Fr) 0:17:58.7 31 26 Downers Grove South Jacquelyn Lee (Fr) 0:17:59.1 32 27 Neuqua Valley Liz Black (Fr) 0:17:59.8 33 28 Glenbard North Tiffany Kubielewicz (So) 0:18:00.5 34 29 Naperville Central Stacy Lignoski (Fr) 0:18:05.1 35 30 Naperville Central Sarah Schmitt (Fr) 0:18:05.5 36 31 Fremd Emma Miller (So) 0:18:05.8 37 Plainfield South Hannah Miller (Fr) 0:18:07.0 38 32 Downers Grove South Sarah Lucianek (Fr) 0:18:07.3 39 33 Neuqua Valley Liz Coyne (Fr) 0:18:13.1 40 34 Downers Grove North Amy Pendergast (So) 0:18:16.5 41 35 Downers Grove North Stacy Ensign (Fr) 0:18:17.2 42 36 Naperville Central Christy Bea (Fr) 0:18:24.2 43 37 Neuqua Valley MaryEllen Barron (So) 0:18:27.7 44 St. Charles North Olivia Miller (Fr) 0:18:28.0 45 Hampshire Jennifer Drendel (So) 0:18:28.2 46 38 Downers Grove South Stephanie Zielke (So) 0:18:28.9 47 39 Glenbard North Sarah Bryers (So) 0:18:32.4 48 40 Geneva Jordan Sadecki (Fr) 0:18:33.5 49 41 Geneva Susan Hedrick (Fr) 0:18:37.6 50 42 Romeoville Kristen Stewart (Fr) 0:18:39.0 51 43 Geneva Marissa Hradek (Fr) 0:18:40.8 52 44 Downers Grove South Maeve Hines (So) 0:18:42.9 53 Plainfield South Katie Vergo (Fr) 0:18:44.6 54 45 Glenbard North Erin Yuen (So) 0:18:48.1 55 46 Rosary Megan Hartranft (So) 0:18:50.8 56 47 Downers Grove South Eleanor Powell (So) 0:18:51.4 57 48 Downers Grove South Valerie Walker (So) 0:18:52.3 58 49 Downers Grove South Erin Durfey (Fr) 0:18:55.5 59 50 Geneva Kara Donash (So) 0:19:02.7 60 St. Charles North Meg Feiza (So) 0:19:03.3 61 51 St. Charles East Ashley Hauger (Fr) 0:19:04.8 62 52 Glenbard North Alicia Riggs (Fr) 0:19:10.3 63 West Aurora Joanna Cisneros (So) 0:19:11.8 64 53 St. Charles East Kate Campana (So) 0:19:13.2 65 54 Downers Grove North Katharine Wolf (So) 0:19:23.4 66 55 Burlington Central Brianna Kusk (Fr) 0:19:25.8 67 56 Glenbard North Megan Chrisos (So) 0:19:29.1 68 57 St. Charles East Amy Clausen (So) 0:19:29.8 69 West Aurora Jenny Sloan (So) 0:19:30.3 70 Streamwood Maggie Holm 0:19:34.2 71 Streamwood Rene Drwal 0:19:36.0 72 DeKalb Maurianna Noriega (Fr) 0:19:45.7 73 58 Burlington Central Erin Stoner (Fr) 0:19:51.3 74 Streamwood Samantha Recinto 0:19:51.9 75 59 Bartlett Candice Janowiak (So) 0:19:52.5 76 60 Downers Grove North Carly Ryan (So) 0:19:53.4 77 61 Fremd Kimberly Schmidt (So) 0:19:54.4 78 DeKalb Carie Bear (Fr) 0:19:56.2 79 62 Neuqua Valley Gen Roberts (So) 0:20:03.9 80 63 Neuqua Valley Lauren Siebach (Fr) 0:20:08.4 81 64 Neuqua Valley Mandy Schweitzer (So) 0:20:14.5 82 65 Downers Grove North Sarah Younker (Fr) 0:20:19.1 83 66 Romeoville Marisol Tostado (Fr) 0:20:19.6 84 67 Romeoville Robynn Cannon (Fr) 0:20:24.0 85 68 St. Charles East Lora Burgess (Fr) 0:20:46.1 86 Kennedy Anna Jasiewicz (Fr) 0:20:59.7 87 69 Bartlett Emily Staughton (So) 0:21:17.4 88 Elgin Larkin Melissa Manser (So) 0:21:22.9 89 Kennedy Clarrissa Juarez (Fr) 0:21:23.6 90 70 Bartlett Nicole Pirano (So) 0:21:24.0 91 Plainfield South Brianne Williams (So) 0:21:29.1 92 71 Bartlett Hilary Cebulko (Fr) 0:21:30.3 93 72 Bartlett Nikki Kaulich (So) 0:21:30.9 94 73 Burlington Central Margie Cahow (Fr) 0:21:44.8 95 74 Burlington Central Diana Brown (Fr) 0:24:05.0 96 Elgin Larkin Chelsea Pouncy (So) 0:24:43.8 97 75 Burlington Central Caroline Gable (Fr) 0:25:36.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Naperville Central 91 3, 12, 22, 25, 29, 30, 36 2 Romeoville 93 5, 6, 17, 23, 42, 66, 67 3 Rosary 105 8, 10, 20, 21, 46 4 Geneva 110 7, 9, 13, 40, 41, 43, 50 5 Fremd 111 1, 2, 16, 31, 61 6 Glenbard North 130 4, 14, 28, 39, 45, 52, 56 7 Neuqua Valley 174 15, 27, 33, 37, 62, 63, 64 8 Downers Grove South 187 26, 32, 38, 44, 47, 48, 49 9 Downers Grove North 207 24, 34, 35, 54, 60, 65 10 Burlington Central 215 11, 18, 55, 58, 73, 74, 75 11 St. Charles East 248 19, 51, 53, 57, 68 12 Bartlett 341 59, 69, 70, 71, 72 13 Carroll No Score - Had only 0 finishers 14 Dayton No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 DeKalb No Score - Had only 3 finishers 16 Elgin No Score - Had only 1 finisher 17 Elgin Larkin No Score - Had only 2 finishers 18 Hampshire No Score - Had only 1 finisher 19 Kennedy No Score - Had only 2 finishers 20 Plainfield South No Score - Had only 4 finishers 21 St. Charles North No Score - Had only 2 finishers 22 Streamwood No Score - Had only 3 finishers 23 West Aurora No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Naperville Central 87:44 17:33 1:43 16:22, 17:22, 17:56, 17:59, 18:05, 18:06 2 Romeoville 87:55 17:35 1:54 16:45, 16:56, 17:38, 17:57, 18:39, 20:20 3 Fremd 88:01 17:36 3:49 16:06, 16:21, 17:33, 18:06, 19:55 4 Rosary 88:32 17:42 1:50 17:01, 17:09, 17:44, 17:47, 18:51 5 Geneva 88:44 17:45 1:38 17:00, 17:08, 17:24, 18:34, 18:38, 18:41 6 Glenbard North 89:12 17:50 2:22 16:26, 17:24, 18:01, 18:33, 18:48, 19:11 7 Downers Grove South 92:11 18:26 0:53 17:59, 18:08, 18:29, 18:43, 18:52, 18:53 8 Neuqua Valley 92:16 18:27 2:33 17:31, 18:00, 18:13, 18:28, 20:04, 20:09 9 Downers Grove North 93:50 18:46 1:57 17:57, 18:17, 18:18, 19:24, 19:54, 20:19 10 Burlington Central 96:01 19:12 4:28 17:17, 17:41, 19:26, 19:52, 21:45, 24:05 11 St. Charles East 96:18 19:16 3:03 17:43, 19:05, 19:14, 19:30, 20:46 12 Bartlett 105:37 21:07 1:38 19:53, 21:18, 21:24, 21:31, 21:31 13 Carroll No Score 14 Dayton No Score 15 DeKalb No Score 17:54, 19:46, 19:57 16 Elgin No Score 17:45 17 Elgin Larkin No Score 21:23, 24:44 18 Hampshire No Score 18:29 19 Kennedy No Score 21:00, 21:24 20 Plainfield South No Score 17:03, 18:07, 18:45, 21:29 21 St. Charles North No Score 18:28, 19:04 22 Streamwood No Score 19:35, 19:36, 19:52 23 West Aurora No Score 16:31, 17:37, 19:12, 19:31 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2001 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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