Individual Results
2002 Argo Cross Country InvitationalSeptember 21, 2002 Boys Fr/So 2.62 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:13:59.2 by Matt Witthrow of Andrew on September 15, 2001 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Thornwood Brandon Tucker (So) 0:15:14.5 2 2 Barrington Nick Farina (Fr) 0:15:22.9 3 3 Andrew Brian Syring (So) 0:15:23.3 4 4 Brother Rice Dan Regalado (So) 0:15:24.0 5 5 Thornwood David Brooks (So) 0:15:25.5 6 6 Argo Joshua Muzuma (Fr) 0:15:30.3 7 7 Brother Rice Lake Rohen (So) 0:15:33.1 8 8 Fenwick Adam Durkin (Fr) 0:15:54.9 9 9 Fenwick Paul Connelly (So) 0:15:58.9 10 10 Romeoville Adrian Aguilar (So) 0:16:02.7 11 11 Fenwick Mark Spadevecchia (Fr) 0:16:03.5 12 12 Barrington Josh Tomek (Fr) 0:16:04.7 13 13 St. Ignatius Andrew Brice (Fr) 0:16:06.0 14 14 Barrington Brian Maxfield (Fr) 0:16:08.1 15 15 Andrew Ken Breiner (So) 0:16:09.4 16 Thornton Frac. South Chris Sayre (So) 0:16:12.2 17 16 Lemont Brian Ratay (Fr) 0:16:12.8 18 17 Bremen Kyle Kurecki (So) 0:16:14.1 19 18 Andrew Pete Moritz (Fr) 0:16:14.6 20 19 Romeoville John Friedman (Fr) 0:16:15.0 21 20 Thornwood Jeremy Boswell (So) 0:16:21.7 22 21 Glenbard East Kevin Hartnett (So) 0:16:25.4 23 22 Argo Dennis Croucher (Fr) 0:16:31.9 24 23 Fenwick Mike Crane (So) 0:16:33.1 25 24 Brother Rice Mike McCarthy (Fr) 0:16:33.6 26 25 Argo Joseph Muzuma (Fr) 0:16:37.1 27 26 Argo Hector Rosales (So) 0:16:37.5 28 27 Leyden Jon Kasco (Fr) 0:16:38.1 29 28 Leyden Joe Balogh (So) 0:16:38.9 30 29 Willowbrook Aelf Herrat (Fr) 0:16:41.3 31 30 Willowbrook David Zietum (So) 0:16:42.4 32 31 Brother Rice Ryan Eber (Fr) 0:16:45.5 33 32 Lemont Ryan Hoving (So) 0:16:46.4 34 33 Lemont Josh Guiziec (So) 0:16:48.5 35 34 Plainfield Dan Patchin (Fr) 0:16:53.9 36 35 Ridgewood Erik Kinslow (So) 0:16:54.7 37 36 Bremen Troy Kuzma (So) 0:16:55.5 38 37 Shepard Michael O'Neill (So) 0:16:56.9 39 38 Lemont Matt Zvolanek (So) 0:16:58.9 40 39 Andrew Sean Mooney (Fr) 0:16:59.3 41 40 Notre Dame - Niles Alex Bonk (So) 0:16:59.6 42 41 Brother Rice Chris Gentile (Fr) 0:16:59.9 43 42 Lemont Jeremy Doebert (Fr) 0:17:00.5 44 43 Brother Rice Andy Rodriguez (So) 0:17:01.7 45 44 Fenwick Tim Vonachen (Fr) 0:17:02.2 46 45 Fenwick Brian Quinn (So) 0:17:03.3 47 46 Leyden Rob Beuse (So) 0:17:03.8 48 47 Barrington Dan Rhodes (So) 0:17:04.2 49 48 Barrington Joseph Altshuler (So) 0:17:04.5 50 49 Barrington Mike Laugal (Fr) 0:17:05.5 51 50 Oak Lawn Joshua Lopez (So) 0:17:08.5 52 51 Oak Lawn Tony White (Fr) 0:17:09.9 53 Crete-Monee Richard LeBarteau (Fr) 0:17:11.4 54 52 St. Ignatius Kevin White (So) 0:17:12.2 55 53 Andrew Justin Kleehammer (So) 0:17:14.5 56 54 Richards Tho Le (So) 0:17:16.8 57 55 Leyden Tom Gulo (So) 0:17:17.4 58 56 Willowbrook Juan Hernandez (Fr) 0:17:19.3 59 57 Riverside-Brookfield Brian Siazon (Fr) 0:17:20.7 60 58 Fenwick George Sweeney (So) 0:17:22.5 61 59 Stagg Frankie Sustersic (Fr) 0:17:25.3 62 60 Brother Rice John Reedy (Fr) 0:17:27.1 63 61 Stagg Tim Malak (So) 0:17:29.0 64 62 Bremen Nick Yuris (Fr) 0:17:29.3 65 Thornton Frac. South Jeff DeGroate (So) 0:17:31.8 66 63 Willowbrook Kurt Granreth (So) 0:17:36.9 67 Whitney Young David Platt (Fr) 0:17:37.3 68 64 Andrew Pat Leatherman (So) 0:17:38.0 69 Thornton Frac. South Nick Eyer (Fr) 0:17:39.1 70 65 Willowbrook Jeremy Kesla (Fr) 0:17:39.8 71 66 Stagg Graham Grochocinski (So) 0:17:41.6 72 67 St. Laurence Joe Mozdiarz (So) 0:17:43.2 73 68 St. Ignatius Aaron Hecht (Fr) 0:17:46.3 74 69 Notre Dame - Niles Nate Pierce (Fr) 0:17:46.7 75 70 Notre Dame - Niles Andy Anderson (Fr) 0:17:47.3 76 71 Andrew John Hernandez (So) 0:17:47.7 77 Bradley-Bourbonnais Chris Verdi (Fr) 0:17:48.2 78 72 Barrington Michael Schmidt (So) 0:17:49.5 79 73 Plainfield Neil Martin (Fr) 0:17:52.3 80 Whitney Young Aaron Jones (Fr) 0:17:52.9 81 74 Shepard Kenyarde Brown (Fr) 0:17:53.5 82 75 St. Ignatius James Pierce (Fr) 0:17:54.1 83 76 St. Laurence Matt Alvin (Fr) 0:17:54.8 84 77 Bremen Bret Miller (Fr) 0:18:00.6 85 78 Leyden Robert Neilsen (Fr) 0:18:06.2 86 79 Ridgewood Derek Lipinski (So) 0:18:08.2 87 80 Thornwood Arron McEwen (So) 0:18:09.3 88 81 Plainfield Collin Perle (Fr) 0:18:13.6 89 82 Notre Dame - Niles Max Estrada (So) 0:18:16.5 90 83 Stagg Chris Byrnes (Fr) 0:18:17.1 91 84 Glenbard East Dean Homola (So) 0:18:20.9 92 85 St. Ignatius Drew McKenna (So) 0:18:22.0 93 86 Bremen Dan Rolens (So) 0:18:24.4 94 87 Jones Magnet Todd Wong (Fr) 0:18:24.7 95 88 Richards Dimiri Dimizas (So) 0:18:26.6 96 89 Jones Magnet Jeff Wong (So) 0:18:34.9 97 90 Riverside-Brookfield Joe Koblarz (So) 0:18:36.0 98 Mount Carmel Jose DelReal (Fr) 0:18:36.3 99 91 Riverside-Brookfield Mike Czubik (So) 0:18:39.2 100 92 Romeoville Brandon Hileman (Fr) 0:18:40.0 101 93 Notre Dame - Niles Brian Flynn (So) 0:18:40.5 102 94 St. Ignatius Dan Walsh (So) 0:18:45.2 103 95 Ridgewood Ray Kahle (So) 0:18:45.9 104 96 Oak Lawn Jeff Achter (Fr) 0:18:50.7 105 Bradley-Bourbonnais Matt Mills (So) 0:18:51.4 106 97 Romeoville Paul Ramirez (Fr) 0:18:53.3 107 Mount Carmel Jon Ehrenstrom (Fr) 0:18:54.0 108 98 Stagg Tim Rowe (Fr) 0:18:56.1 109 99 St. Laurence Tim Pearson (Fr) 0:19:03.7 110 100 St. Ignatius Alex Chow (Fr) 0:19:03.9 111 101 Glenbard East Steve Zwolinski (Fr) 0:19:05.6 112 102 Thornwood Clinton Wilson (So) 0:19:06.8 113 103 Riverside-Brookfield Zoran Zelenka (So) 0:19:07.4 114 104 Riverside-Brookfield Jacob Rohter (Fr) 0:19:10.5 115 105 Glenbard East George Patterson (Fr) 0:19:12.3 116 106 Glenbard East Alex Sutor (So) 0:19:13.3 117 107 Thornton Township Carey Dixon-English (Fr) 0:19:15.3 118 108 Bremen Dustin Klimczak (Fr) 0:19:16.1 119 109 Willowbrook Steve Quesada (Fr) 0:19:17.1 120 110 Willowbrook Christopher Phillip (Fr) 0:19:22.0 121 111 Argo Jonathan Romero (Fr) 0:19:28.9 122 112 Leyden Brian Saflor (So) 0:19:31.7 123 113 Richards Joseph Lerner (Fr) 0:19:32.7 124 114 St. Laurence Tony Bertucci (So) 0:19:37.4 125 115 Reavis Marek Kowalewski (Fr) 0:19:37.5 126 116 Jones Magnet William Mosley (Fr) 0:19:40.3 127 117 Thornwood Jeremiah Winters (Fr) 0:19:40.9 128 118 Ridgewood Asim Prses (Fr) 0:19:42.7 129 119 St. Laurence Miguel Duenas (Fr) 0:19:44.3 130 120 Thornwood Vernon Cail (So) 0:19:45.2 131 Crete-Monee Corey Taft (Fr) 0:19:45.6 132 121 Stagg Jonas Vaicikonis (Fr) 0:19:46.3 133 122 Oak Lawn Ted Sileika (So) 0:19:51.9 134 123 Argo Alex Crozier (So) 0:19:53.9 135 124 Richards Quan Le (Fr) 0:19:54.3 136 125 Reavis Mike Klenn (Fr) 0:19:54.6 137 126 Plainfield Lorin Eichelberger (So) 0:19:56.1 138 Kennedy Bart Scollard (Fr) 0:19:57.3 139 127 Reavis Fabian Lopez (Fr) 0:19:59.8 140 Whitney Young Aaron Fleischhacker (So) 0:20:02.4 141 128 Jones Magnet Mike Strok (So) 0:20:06.6 142 129 Jones Magnet Tom Kasper (Fr) 0:20:07.5 143 130 Reavis Lucas Sikora (So) 0:20:08.4 144 131 Jones Magnet Dan Fagan (Fr) 0:20:11.6 145 132 Riverside-Brookfield Nick Ely (So) 0:20:15.2 146 133 Riverside-Brookfield Tyler Marks (Fr) 0:20:16.8 147 134 Shepard Eric Muse (So) 0:20:18.1 148 135 Leyden Dan Steimel (So) 0:20:22.6 149 136 Thornton Township James Leggette (Fr) 0:20:25.8 150 137 Stagg Jeremy Wiora (Fr) 0:20:26.3 151 138 Richards Josh Brankin (So) 0:20:28.3 152 139 Argo David Hernandez (Fr) 0:20:28.7 153 140 Shepard Yoshio Piediscalzi (Fr) 0:20:29.7 154 141 Shepard Brandon Motto (Fr) 0:20:32.6 155 Schurz Michael Lasiano (So) 0:20:33.6 156 142 Glenbard East Rich Morton (Fr) 0:20:34.2 157 143 Jones Magnet John Costas (Fr) 0:20:41.8 158 144 Richards Paul Perez (Fr) 0:20:46.1 159 145 Shepard Kevin McEnaney (Fr) 0:20:55.2 160 146 Plainfield Phil Guzman (Fr) 0:20:59.1 161 147 Notre Dame - Niles Karl Herr (Fr) 0:21:06.5 162 148 Notre Dame - Niles Will Harford (So) 0:21:31.7 163 149 St. Laurence John Maloney (Fr) 0:21:33.4 164 150 Thornton Township Johnathan Matthews (Fr) 0:21:40.7 165 Whitney Young Demetrius Williamson (So) 0:21:41.1 166 Mount Carmel Brandon Watson (Fr) 0:21:48.9 167 151 Reavis Steve Krug (Fr) 0:21:49.6 168 152 Thornton Township Wmery Williams (Fr) 0:21:51.4 169 153 Bremen Steve Gray (Fr) 0:21:57.1 170 154 Oak Lawn Kenny Grant (So) 0:21:57.9 171 155 Oak Lawn Dan O'Connor (So) 0:22:09.2 172 156 Romeoville David Esquival (So) 0:22:13.9 173 Mount Carmel Eric Miller (Fr) 0:22:30.1 174 157 Thornton Township Tyrius Smith (Fr) 0:23:05.4 175 158 Ridgewood Kody O'Connor (Fr) 0:23:17.6 176 159 Glenbard East Sean Angst (Fr) 0:23:19.9 177 160 Shepard Ryan Boesrsma (Fr) 0:23:46.5 178 161 St. Laurence Jeff Volin (So) 0:25:04.4 179 162 Reavis Greg Opyd (Fr) 0:25:22.1 180 Schurz Walton Westlake (So) 0:25:22.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 95 8, 9, 11, 23, 44, 45, 58 2 Brother Rice 107 4, 7, 24, 31, 41, 43, 60 3 Barrington 123 2, 12, 14, 47, 48, 49, 72 4 Andrew 128 3, 15, 18, 39, 53, 64, 71 5 Lemont 161 16, 32, 33, 38, 42 6 Argo 190 6, 22, 25, 26, 111, 123, 139 7 Thornwood 208 1, 5, 20, 80, 102, 117, 120 8 Leyden 234 27, 28, 46, 55, 78, 112, 135 9 Willowbrook 243 29, 30, 56, 63, 65, 109, 110 10 Bremen 278 17, 36, 62, 77, 86, 108, 153 11 St. Ignatius 293 13, 52, 68, 75, 85, 94, 100 12 Notre Dame - Niles 354 40, 69, 70, 82, 93, 147, 148 13 Stagg 367 59, 61, 66, 83, 98, 121, 137 14 Romeoville 374 10, 19, 92, 97, 156 15 Glenbard East 417 21, 84, 101, 105, 106, 142, 159 16 Riverside-Brookfield 445 57, 90, 91, 103, 104, 132, 133 17 Plainfield 460 34, 73, 81, 126, 146 18 Oak Lawn 473 50, 51, 96, 122, 154, 155 19 St. Laurence 475 67, 76, 99, 114, 119, 149, 161 20 Ridgewood 485 35, 79, 95, 118, 158 21 Richards 517 54, 88, 113, 124, 138, 144 22 Shepard 526 37, 74, 134, 140, 141, 145, 160 23 Jones Magnet 549 87, 89, 116, 128, 129, 131, 143 24 Reavis 648 115, 125, 127, 130, 151, 162 25 Thornton Township 702 107, 136, 150, 152, 157 26 Bradley-Bourbonnais No Score - Had only 2 finishers 27 Crete-Monee No Score - Had only 2 finishers 28 Kennedy No Score - Had only 1 finisher 29 Mount Carmel No Score - Had only 4 finishers 30 Schurz No Score - Had only 2 finishers 31 South Shore No Score - Had only 0 finishers 32 Thornton Frac. South No Score - Had only 3 finishers 33 Whitney Young No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Brother Rice 81:17 16:15 1:36 15:24, 15:33, 16:34, 16:46, 17:00, 17:02 2 Fenwick 81:34 16:19 1:08 15:55, 15:59, 16:04, 16:33, 17:03, 17:04 3 Barrington 81:46 16:21 1:42 15:23, 16:05, 16:08, 17:05, 17:05, 17:06 4 Andrew 82:04 16:25 1:51 15:24, 16:10, 16:15, 17:00, 17:15, 17:38 5 Lemont 83:49 16:46 0:48 16:13, 16:47, 16:49, 16:59, 17:01 6 Thornwood 84:20 16:52 3:52 15:15, 15:26, 16:22, 18:10, 19:07, 19:41 7 Argo 84:47 16:57 3:58 15:31, 16:32, 16:37, 16:38, 19:29, 19:54 8 Leyden 85:46 17:09 1:29 16:38, 16:39, 17:04, 17:18, 18:07, 19:32 9 Willowbrook 86:02 17:12 0:58 16:42, 16:43, 17:20, 17:37, 17:40, 19:17 10 Bremen 87:07 17:25 2:10 16:15, 16:56, 17:30, 18:01, 18:25, 19:16 11 St. Ignatius 87:22 17:28 2:16 16:06, 17:13, 17:47, 17:54, 18:22, 18:46 12 Notre Dame - Niles 89:33 17:55 1:41 17:00, 17:47, 17:48, 18:17, 18:41, 21:07 13 Stagg 89:51 17:58 1:31 17:26, 17:29, 17:42, 18:17, 18:57, 19:47 14 Romeoville 92:06 18:25 6:11 16:03, 16:15, 18:40, 18:54, 22:14 15 Glenbard East 92:20 18:28 2:48 16:26, 18:21, 19:06, 19:13, 19:14, 20:35 16 Riverside-Brookfield 92:56 18:35 1:50 17:21, 18:36, 18:40, 19:08, 19:11, 20:16 17 Plainfield 93:57 18:47 4:06 16:54, 17:53, 18:14, 19:56, 21:00 18 St. Laurence 94:06 18:49 2:01 17:44, 17:55, 19:04, 19:38, 19:45, 21:34 19 Oak Lawn 95:00 19:00 4:49 17:09, 17:10, 18:51, 19:52, 21:58, 22:10 20 Richards 95:41 19:08 3:12 17:17, 18:27, 19:33, 19:55, 20:29, 20:46 21 Shepard 96:12 19:14 3:36 16:57, 17:54, 20:18, 20:30, 20:33, 20:56 22 Ridgewood 96:51 19:22 6:23 16:55, 18:09, 18:46, 19:43, 23:18 23 Jones Magnet 96:56 19:23 1:43 18:25, 18:35, 19:41, 20:07, 20:08, 20:12 24 Reavis 101:32 20:18 2:12 19:38, 19:55, 20:00, 20:09, 21:50, 25:22 25 Thornton Township 106:21 21:16 3:50 19:16, 20:26, 21:41, 21:52, 23:06 26 Bradley-Bourbonnais No Score 17:49, 18:52 27 Crete-Monee No Score 17:12, 19:46 28 Kennedy No Score 19:58 29 Mount Carmel No Score 18:37, 18:54, 21:49, 22:30 30 Schurz No Score 20:34, 25:23 31 South Shore No Score 32 Thornton Frac. South No Score 16:13, 17:32, 17:39 33 Whitney Young No Score 17:38, 17:53, 20:03, 21:41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2002 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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