Individual Results
2003 Argo Cross Country InvitationalSeptember 20, 2003 Boys Fr/So 2.62 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:13:59.2 by Matt Witthrow of Andrew on September 15, 2001 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Andrew Sean Mooney (So) 0:14:55.5 2 2 Fenwick Jordan Kramer (Fr) 0:14:59.7 3 3 Barrington Brian Johanneson (Fr) 0:15:09.6 4 4 Fenwick Adam Durkin (So) 0:15:14.5 5 5 Willowbrook Matt McIndoo (So) 0:15:17.2 6 6 Thornwood David Graham (So) 0:15:19.3 7 7 St. Laurence Joe Hosty (Fr) 0:15:24.0 8 8 Argo Dennis Croucher (So) 0:15:29.4 9 9 Willowbrook Joe Golba (So) 0:15:31.5 10 10 Shepard Scott Popik (So) 0:15:32.5 11 11 Fenwick Kyle Hope (So) 0:15:38.2 12 12 Plainfield Brandon Lee (Fr) 0:15:40.2 13 13 Willowbrook Asif Hazrat (So) 0:15:42.6 14 14 Fenwick Tom Gazdziak (So) 0:15:43.6 15 15 Fenwick Joseph Dylik (Fr) 0:15:45.2 16 16 Homewood-Flossmoor Kyle Boehm 0:15:45.7 17 17 Barrington Kevin O'Hara (So) 0:15:47.3 18 18 Whitney Young Griffin Lawler (Fr) 0:15:51.9 19 19 Andrew Pete Moritz (So) 0:15:54.4 20 20 Homewood-Flossmoor Tom Pearce 0:15:55.3 21 21 Shepard Wesley Sewell (Fr) 0:15:57.2 22 22 Brother Rice Ryan Eber (So) 0:15:57.8 23 23 Barrington Brian Maxfield (So) 0:16:04.6 24 24 Thornton Township Carey Dixon (So) 0:16:07.6 25 25 Thornton Township Byron Richards (So) 0:16:08.6 26 26 Thornton Township Jesse Jefferies (Fr) 0:16:09.3 27 27 Bremen Nicholas Yuris (So) 0:16:10.2 28 28 Fenwick Brooks Smith (Fr) 0:16:14.9 29 29 Fenwick Michael McGillen (So) 0:16:16.7 30 30 St. Ignatius Alex Chow (So) 0:16:19.9 31 31 Shepard Isam Hindia (So) 0:16:21.2 32 32 Willowbrook Juan Hernandez (So) 0:16:21.8 33 33 Rich East Domingo Cisneros (So) 0:16:23.1 34 Bradley-Bourbonnais Chris Verdi (So) 0:16:26.1 35 34 St. Ignatius Ethan Roeder (Fr) 0:16:28.5 36 35 Plainfield Brett Kinley (So) 0:16:29.0 37 36 Homewood-Flossmoor Mark Ahern 0:16:29.4 38 37 St. Laurence Matt Alvin (So) 0:16:30.1 39 38 Andrew Jack Pierce (So) 0:16:32.7 40 39 Lemont Andrew Kubacki (Fr) 0:16:35.8 41 40 Thornton Township Cameron Drake (So) 0:16:37.3 42 41 Oak Lawn Tony White (So) 0:16:37.8 43 42 Thornton Township LaRoyce Hawkins (So) 0:16:41.7 44 43 Shepard Brandon Motto (So) 0:16:45.4 45 Romeoville Carlos Alarcon (So) 0:16:47.9 46 44 Brother Rice Kevin Gannon (So) 0:16:50.6 47 45 Whitney Young David Platt (Jr) 0:16:53.6 48 Richards Joseph Lerner (So) 0:16:56.0 49 46 Willowbrook Jeremy Keske (So) 0:16:56.5 50 47 Thornton Township William Day (Fr) 0:16:59.3 51 48 St. Laurence Emmanuel Gonzalez (So) 0:17:01.6 52 49 Shepard Kevin Burke (So) 0:17:02.0 53 50 Willowbrook Israel Caldera (Fr) 0:17:02.7 54 51 Andrew Bill Moritz (So) 0:17:03.8 55 52 Shepard Zach Reyna (So) 0:17:04.9 56 53 Ridgewood Dave Raimondi (Fr) 0:17:05.5 57 54 Ridgewood Paul Stepkowski (Fr) 0:17:06.0 58 55 Plainfield Josh Bielman (Fr) 0:17:06.5 59 56 Andrew Kevin Omahen (Fr) 0:17:07.0 60 57 Homewood-Flossmoor Lloyd Lett 0:17:07.8 61 58 Plainfield Alex Contreras (Fr) 0:17:08.9 62 59 Oak Lawn Mark Miller (So) 0:17:11.3 63 60 St. Ignatius Brian Pankauskas (Fr) 0:17:12.1 64 61 Lemont Scott Wood (Fr) 0:17:12.7 65 62 Argo Adrian Cortez (Fr) 0:17:13.5 66 63 Glenbard East Manish Patel (Fr) 0:17:14.6 67 64 Brother Rice Matt Gorman (So) 0:17:15.3 68 65 St. Ignatius Billy Schauer (Fr) 0:17:16.3 69 66 Glenbard East Nick Quas (Fr) 0:17:17.4 70 67 Bremen Wayne Stephens (So) 0:17:19.5 71 Mount Carmel Maximilian Cole (Fr) 0:17:20.3 72 Romeoville Ryan Moore (Fr) 0:17:20.9 73 Bradley-Bourbonnais Aric Homberg (Fr) 0:17:21.3 74 68 Stagg Jonas Vaicikonis (So) 0:17:22.5 75 69 Rich East Jake Frontzak (So) 0:17:23.7 76 Notre Dame - Niles Andy Anderson (So) 0:17:24.6 77 70 Willowbrook Chris Philip (So) 0:17:25.8 78 71 Oak Lawn Jeff Achter (So) 0:17:28.1 79 72 Oak Lawn Matt Miller (So) 0:17:29.6 80 73 Bremen Bret Miller (So) 0:17:31.3 81 74 Bremen Thomas Sifuentez (Fr) 0:17:32.9 82 Bradley-Bourbonnais Dan Lane (So) 0:17:34.6 83 75 Andrew Connor Williams (Fr) 0:17:35.3 84 Notre Dame - Niles Sean DeDecker (So) 0:17:36.1 85 76 Andrew Brandon Grode (Fr) 0:17:37.3 86 77 Barrington Scott Anderson (So) 0:17:38.8 87 78 St. Laurence Miguel Duenas (So) 0:17:39.9 88 Bradley-Bourbonnais James Chesterfield (Fr) 0:17:41.0 89 79 Thornton Township Johnathan Day (So) 0:17:43.5 90 80 Riverside-Brookfield Tom Glista (So) 0:17:44.2 91 81 Crete Monee Mark Rose (So) 0:17:45.5 92 82 Rich East Jamon Jackson (Fr) 0:17:48.0 93 Mount Carmel Patrick Bourke (Fr) 0:17:50.5 94 83 Glenbard East Rich Morton (So) 0:17:51.9 95 84 Riverside-Brookfield Jacob Rohter (So) 0:17:56.5 96 85 Homewood-Flossmoor Darrien Farmer 0:17:57.2 97 86 Lemont Keith Lehuta (Fr) 0:18:00.6 98 87 St. Laurence Andrew Vowell (Fr) 0:18:01.7 99 88 Ridgewood Wally Ivanyshyn (Fr) 0:18:02.1 100 89 Brother Rice Jim Forrest (Fr) 0:18:02.7 101 90 Reavis Steve Krug (So) 0:18:04.6 102 Richards Paul Perez (So) 0:18:06.9 103 91 Brother Rice Chris Johnson (So) 0:18:07.7 104 92 Crete Monee Nathan James (So) 0:18:08.4 105 93 St. Laurence John Maloney (So) 0:18:09.3 106 94 Homewood-Flossmoor Charlie Harper 0:18:10.5 107 95 Plainfield Adam Decker (Fr) 0:18:12.8 108 96 Homewood-Flossmoor James McCoy 0:18:14.5 109 Mount Carmel Jon Ehrenstrom (So) 0:18:16.1 110 Romeoville Brandon Hileman (So) 0:18:17.2 111 97 Rich East Jarius Jackson (So) 0:18:18.3 112 98 Thornwood Daoun Jackson (Fr) 0:18:19.9 113 99 Crete Monee Corey Taitt (So) 0:18:21.8 114 100 St. Ignatius Ryan Bines (Fr) 0:18:22.8 115 101 Riverside-Brookfield Nevin Armic (So) 0:18:23.1 116 102 Glenbard East George Patterson (So) 0:18:24.4 117 103 Barrington Durand Cho (Fr) 0:18:26.0 118 104 Reavis Tim Strezo (Fr) 0:18:29.2 119 105 Ridgewood Kody O'Connor (So) 0:18:31.0 120 106 Rich East Gabe Vasquez (So) 0:18:32.2 121 107 Rich East Brian Johnson (Fr) 0:18:33.0 122 108 Rich East Ross Brazzale (So) 0:18:33.5 123 109 Argo Eric Duffek (So) 0:18:40.9 124 110 Argo Adam Farej (Fr) 0:18:41.8 125 111 Riverside-Brookfield Phil Lazzara (Fr) 0:18:42.6 126 112 Stagg Patrick Burtner (Fr) 0:18:43.4 127 113 Shepard Ryan O'Neill (Fr) 0:18:48.3 128 114 Argo David Hernandez (So) 0:18:48.5 129 115 Whitney Young Alex Komisarz (Fr) 0:18:58.5 130 116 Barrington Prashant Jayaraman (Fr) 0:19:01.0 131 117 Glenbard East Leonard Sklaney (So) 0:19:05.8 132 Chicago Int. Charter Jason Yasukawa (Fr) 0:19:07.7 133 118 Riverside-Brookfield Paul Marsh (Fr) 0:19:11.7 134 119 Riverside-Brookfield Dan Causton (Fr) 0:19:12.3 135 120 Bremen Colin Corder (So) 0:19:17.3 136 121 Stagg Tim Rowe (So) 0:19:17.8 137 122 Argo Robert Quintero (Fr) 0:19:22.0 138 123 Plainfield Dave Wodopian (Fr) 0:19:23.3 139 124 Whitney Young Ethan Heppner (Fr) 0:19:24.0 140 125 Barrington Jon Chang (Fr) 0:19:25.8 141 126 Ridgewood Dan Wichtendahl (Fr) 0:19:27.2 142 127 St. Ignatius Jon Mulcrone (Fr) 0:19:28.3 143 128 Bremen Anthony Burbatt (Fr) 0:19:30.0 144 129 Reavis Jeff Blankiewicz (Fr) 0:19:32.0 145 130 Argo Bruce Lockett (Fr) 0:19:37.5 146 131 Thornwood Sterling Andrew (Fr) 0:19:38.9 147 132 St. Ignatius David Owens (Fr) 0:19:39.7 148 133 Reavis Jim Higgins (So) 0:19:40.5 149 134 Thornwood Jeremiah Winters (So) 0:19:43.2 150 135 Bremen Austin Arianoutsos (Fr) 0:19:44.2 151 136 Plainfield Collin Perle (So) 0:19:45.1 152 137 Whitney Young Keith Moore (Fr) 0:19:48.8 153 138 Riverside-Brookfield Kevin Solik (So) 0:19:57.0 154 139 Lemont Mark Ende (So) 0:20:15.7 155 140 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:20:26.5 156 141 Stagg Tony Naples (So) 0:20:32.2 157 142 Reavis Tom Anderson (Fr) 0:20:37.4 158 Mount Carmel Philip Sherlock (So) 0:20:40.6 159 Notre Dame - Niles Brendan Mohr (Fr) 0:21:03.2 160 143 Whitney Young Dan Williams (So) 0:21:05.4 161 Leyden Mike Mukite (Fr) 0:21:06.2 162 144 Whitney Young Chris Johnson (Fr) 0:21:15.9 163 Leyden Art Thorne (So) 0:21:29.2 164 Notre Dame - Niles Erik Waring (Fr) 0:21:31.3 165 145 Crete Monee Ken Brennan (So) 0:21:34.7 166 146 St. Laurence Peter Dilger (Fr) 0:21:36.5 167 147 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:22:15.9 168 148 Reavis Orin Shearon (Fr) 0:22:25.3 169 Richards Patrick Connors (So) 0:22:30.7 170 149 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:22:32.4 171 Romeoville Alex Snigowski (Fr) 0:22:33.4 172 150 Thornwood David Ethridge (Fr) 0:22:36.2 173 Chicago Int. Charter Marty Teresi (Fr) 0:23:00.2 174 151 Stagg Marc Schissler (So) 0:23:27.5 175 Leyden Adam Yakush (So) 0:24:03.6 176 152 Lemont Mike Flemming (Fr) 0:24:08.7 177 153 Reavis Dave Zuk (Fr) 0:24:16.1 178 154 Oak Lawn Omar Elyyan (So) 0:24:35.9 179 155 Crete Monee Charles Wright (Fr) 0:24:48.9 180 156 Oak Lawn George Hannan (Fr) 0:25:08.5 181 Chicago Int. Charter Richard Bober (Fr) 0:27:14.7 182 157 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:28:37.1 183 158 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:28:43.2 184 159 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:29:05.6 185 160 Kenwood Unknown Athlete 0:29:46.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 46 2, 4, 11, 14, 15, 28, 29 2 Willowbrook 105 5, 9, 13, 32, 46, 50, 70 3 Shepard 154 10, 21, 31, 43, 49, 52, 113 4 Thornton Township 157 24, 25, 26, 40, 42, 47, 79 5 Andrew 165 1, 19, 38, 51, 56, 75, 76 6 Homewood-Flossmoor 214 16, 20, 36, 57, 85, 94, 96 7 Barrington 223 3, 17, 23, 77, 103, 116, 125 8 Plainfield 255 12, 35, 55, 58, 95, 123, 136 9 St. Laurence 257 7, 37, 48, 78, 87, 93, 146 10 St. Ignatius 289 30, 34, 60, 65, 100, 127, 132 11 Brother Rice 310 22, 44, 64, 89, 91 12 Bremen 361 27, 67, 73, 74, 120, 128, 135 13 Rich East 387 33, 69, 82, 97, 106, 107, 108 14 Oak Lawn 397 41, 59, 71, 72, 154, 156 15 Argo 403 8, 62, 109, 110, 114, 122, 130 16 Ridgewood 426 53, 54, 88, 105, 126 17 Glenbard East 431 63, 66, 83, 102, 117 18 Whitney Young 439 18, 45, 115, 124, 137, 143, 144 19 Lemont 477 39, 61, 86, 139, 152 20 Riverside-Brookfield 494 80, 84, 101, 111, 118, 119, 138 21 Thornwood 519 6, 98, 131, 134, 150 22 Crete Monee 572 81, 92, 99, 145, 155 23 Stagg 593 68, 112, 121, 141, 151 24 Reavis 598 90, 104, 129, 133, 142, 148, 153 25 Kenwood 751 140, 147, 149, 157, 158, 159, 160 26 Bradley-Bourbonnais No Score - Had only 4 finishers 27 Chicago Int. Charter No Score - Had only 3 finishers 28 Kennedy No Score - Had only 0 finishers 29 Leyden No Score - Had only 3 finishers 30 Mount Carmel No Score - Had only 4 finishers 31 Notre Dame - Niles No Score - Had only 4 finishers 32 Richards No Score - Had only 3 finishers 33 Romeoville No Score - Had only 4 finishers 34 South Shore No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 77:24 15:29 0:46 15:00, 15:15, 15:39, 15:44, 15:46, 16:15 2 Willowbrook 79:52 15:58 1:39 15:18, 15:32, 15:43, 16:22, 16:57, 17:03 3 Andrew 81:35 16:19 2:11 14:56, 15:55, 16:33, 17:04, 17:07, 17:36 4 Shepard 81:41 16:20 1:29 15:33, 15:58, 16:22, 16:46, 17:02, 17:05 5 Thornton Township 81:47 16:21 0:34 16:08, 16:09, 16:10, 16:38, 16:42, 17:00 6 Barrington 83:08 16:38 3:16 15:10, 15:48, 16:05, 17:39, 18:26, 19:01 7 Homewood-Flossmoor 83:18 16:40 2:12 15:46, 15:56, 16:30, 17:08, 17:58, 18:11 8 St. Laurence 84:39 16:56 2:38 15:24, 16:31, 17:02, 17:40, 18:02, 18:10 9 Plainfield 84:39 16:56 2:32 15:41, 16:29, 17:07, 17:09, 18:13, 19:24 10 St. Ignatius 85:41 17:08 2:03 16:20, 16:29, 17:12, 17:17, 18:23, 19:29 11 Brother Rice 86:16 17:15 2:10 15:58, 16:51, 17:16, 18:03, 18:08 12 Bremen 87:54 17:35 3:07 16:11, 17:20, 17:32, 17:33, 19:18, 19:30 13 Rich East 88:27 17:41 2:10 16:23, 17:24, 17:48, 18:19, 18:33, 18:33 14 Argo 88:56 17:47 3:19 15:30, 17:14, 18:41, 18:42, 18:49, 19:22 15 Glenbard East 89:56 17:59 1:51 17:15, 17:18, 17:52, 18:25, 19:06 16 Ridgewood 90:13 18:03 2:22 17:06, 17:06, 18:02, 18:31, 19:28 17 Whitney Young 90:58 18:12 3:57 15:52, 16:54, 18:59, 19:24, 19:49, 21:06 18 Riverside-Brookfield 92:00 18:24 1:27 17:45, 17:57, 18:23, 18:43, 19:12, 19:13 19 Oak Lawn 93:24 18:41 7:58 16:38, 17:12, 17:28, 17:30, 24:36, 25:09 20 Thornwood 95:40 19:08 7:17 15:20, 18:20, 19:39, 19:44, 22:37 21 Lemont 96:15 19:15 7:33 16:36, 17:13, 18:01, 20:16, 24:09 22 Reavis 96:26 19:17 2:33 18:05, 18:30, 19:32, 19:41, 20:38, 22:26 23 Stagg 99:26 19:53 6:05 17:23, 18:44, 19:18, 20:33, 23:28 24 Crete Monee 100:41 20:08 7:03 17:46, 18:09, 18:22, 21:35, 24:49 25 Kenwood 122:37 24:31 8:17 20:27, 22:16, 22:33, 28:37, 28:44, 29:06 26 Bradley-Bourbonnais No Score 16:26, 17:22, 17:35, 17:41 27 Chicago Int. Charter No Score 19:08, 23:01, 27:15 28 Kennedy No Score 29 Leyden No Score 21:07, 21:30, 24:04 30 Mount Carmel No Score 17:21, 17:51, 18:16, 20:41 31 Notre Dame - Niles No Score 17:25, 17:36, 21:04, 21:32 32 Richards No Score 16:56, 18:07, 22:31 33 Romeoville No Score 16:48, 17:21, 18:18, 22:34 34 South Shore No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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