Individual Results
2003 Charger Classic InvitationalSeptember 27, 2003 Girls Varsity 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:18:24.1 by Jessica Mead of West Aurora H.S. on September 28, 2002 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Yorkville Bri Crawford (Sr) 0:18:11.9 2 1 St. Francis Natalie Lyzinski (Jr) 0:18:45.0 3 2 Wheaton Academy Elizabeth Frusti (Sr) 0:18:54.6 4 3 St. Francis Abby Travis (Fr) 0:18:57.8 5 4 Timothy Christian Tami Wieringa (Jr) 0:19:06.9 6 5 Timothy Christian Jenny Zylstra (Sr) 0:19:15.3 7 6 West Aurora Cairo Douglass (Fr) 0:19:27.4 8 7 Timothy Christian Alexis Euwema (Fr) 0:19:38.9 9 8 Westmont Betsy Baldo (Jr) 0:19:40.2 10 9 Wheaton Academy Britta Erickson (Sr) 0:19:42.7 11 10 Wheaton Academy Alice Shepro (Sr) 0:19:43.1 12 11 Wheaton Academy Kerri Aldridge (Fr) 0:19:43.7 13 12 Oswego Britni Johnson (Sr) 0:19:48.1 14 13 Timothy Christian Jenny Loerop (Sr) 0:19:51.1 15 14 Oswego Allison Fisher (Sr) 0:19:57.1 16 15 West Aurora Cammie Felker (Jr) 0:20:13.1 17 16 IMSA Agnes Rec (Sr) 0:20:15.2 18 17 Montini Catholic Maggie Novotny (Jr) 0:20:15.9 19 18 Timothy Christian Danielle Riley (Jr) 0:20:21.4 20 19 West Aurora Allison Stake (Jr) 0:20:25.1 21 20 St. Francis Catie Buresh (Jr) 0:20:26.2 22 21 St. Francis MarKate Polzin (Jr) 0:20:29.2 23 22 Oswego Megan Vaccaro (So) 0:20:37.6 24 23 Immaculate Heart of Mary Kathy Zbellae (Jr) 0:20:38.4 25 24 West Aurora Olivia Fonseca (Fr) 0:20:39.9 26 25 Oswego Cory Young (Jr) 0:20:40.4 27 26 Wheaton Academy Lauren Kremers (Jr) 0:20:41.1 28 27 St. Francis Molly Cosgrove (Sr) 0:20:41.9 29 Burlington Central Theresa Grandt (Sr) 0:20:44.0 30 28 St. Francis Margaret Coleman (Fr) 0:20:47.2 31 29 Montini Catholic Liz Chmel (Sr) 0:20:48.5 32 30 West Aurora Annie Hutches (Fr) 0:20:57.0 33 31 Wheaton Academy Lauren Tomasik (Jr) 0:21:07.1 34 Aurora Christian Kristen Rasich (Jr) 0:21:12.1 35 32 West Aurora Cailey Lanahan (Fr) 0:21:13.8 36 33 Oswego Liz Boeman (So) 0:21:14.5 37 Aurora Christian Kristen Renninger (So) 0:21:16.0 38 34 Wheaton Academy Jocy Persson (Sr) 0:21:18.8 39 East Aurora Karen Reyes (Sr) 0:21:23.4 40 Wheaton Academy Jaclyn Ziemba (Jr) 0:21:33.0 41 35 Westmont Meghan Tyminski (Sr) 0:21:33.5 42 Lisle Michelle DeSitter (Jr) 0:21:45.4 43 36 Oswego Rebecca Wheeler (Fr) 0:21:45.8 44 37 West Aurora Jenny Sloan (Sr) 0:21:56.7 45 38 Timothy Christian Christine Snoeyink (Jr) 0:22:01.2 46 West Aurora Noell Ealey (So) 0:22:07.9 47 39 IMSA Sharon Hong (Jr) 0:22:08.9 48 40 Immaculate Heart of Mary Michele Dupliucich (Jr) 0:22:10.1 49 Chicago Christian Kaitlyn Powell (So) 0:22:10.7 50 41 Westmont Lauren Pierson (Jr) 0:22:11.8 51 42 St. Francis Jamie Riggs (Jr) 0:22:12.5 52 Burlington Central Margie Cahow (Jr) 0:22:15.5 53 West Aurora Joanna Cisneros (Sr) 0:22:18.1 54 43 Oswego Jessica Sippel (Jr) 0:22:21.1 55 St. Francis Vickie Zdon (Sr) 0:22:25.3 56 St. Francis Brietne Marchese (Jr) 0:22:29.7 57 Oswego Valerie Grudzien (Jr) 0:22:36.1 58 Burlington Central Katie Johnson (Jr) 0:22:37.2 59 44 IMSA Christine Gebler (Jr) 0:22:43.1 60 45 Timothy Christian Anna Swierenga (Fr) 0:22:50.4 61 46 Montini Catholic Laura Glaz (Jr) 0:22:55.2 62 Yorkville Melissa Dubert (Sr) 0:23:04.1 63 Burlington Central Janessa Leach (Jr) 0:23:08.9 64 47 IMSA Kemi Azeez (Sr) 0:23:13.5 65 48 IMSA Isabella Rossi (So) 0:23:19.7 66 49 Montini Catholic Jen Francisco (So) 0:23:27.6 67 50 Montini Catholic Janet Kukulski (So) 0:23:39.1 68 Chicago Christian Emily vandenBrink (Jr) 0:23:47.5 69 51 IMSA Chelsey Bayor (So) 0:23:48.2 70 52 Westmont Jacque Miller (Jr) 0:24:06.6 71 53 IMSA Kathy Barnes (Jr) 0:24:15.0 72 IMSA Lyra Haas (Jr) 0:24:24.0 73 Chicago Christian Alicia Evenhouse (So) 0:24:26.1 74 54 Immaculate Heart of Mary Monica Jaminez (Jr) 0:24:44.7 75 Yorkville Elizabeth Hamm (Fr) 0:24:46.0 76 Oswego Gisele Tlusty (Sr) 0:24:48.1 77 55 Immaculate Heart of Mary Penny Perez (Jr) 0:24:57.6 78 Wheaton Academy Annie Baltes (Jr) 0:24:58.1 79 St. Francis Rita Packard (Sr) 0:24:59.0 80 56 Westmont Jessica Vath (Sr) 0:25:05.7 81 St. Francis Sarah Abernathy (Jr) 0:25:06.8 82 Yorkville Erin Krause (Jr) 0:25:25.0 83 IMSA Monica Radosenich (Sr) 0:25:27.1 84 Lisle Jane Smallwood (Sr) 0:26:58.8 85 Lisle Audrey Burris (So) 0:27:55.4 86 Oswego Stephanie Klein (Jr) 0:27:55.8 87 Oswego Kim Boviall (Jr) 0:27:56.0 88 Oswego Ashley Sampson (Jr) 0:28:26.7 89 57 Immaculate Heart of Mary Lauren Z (Jr) 0:29:43.7 90 IMSA Laura Hawkes (Jr) 0:30:08.5 91 Oswego Beth Meyers (Jr) 0:30:28.0 92 Chicago Christian Jillayne vandenBrink (Fr) 0:31:36.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Timothy Christian 47 4, 5, 7, 13, 18, 38, 45 2 Wheaton Academy 58 2, 9, 10, 11, 26, 31, 34 3 St. Francis 72 1, 3, 20, 21, 27, 28, 42 4 West Aurora 94 6, 15, 19, 24, 30, 32, 37 5 Oswego 106 12, 14, 22, 25, 33, 36, 43 6 Montini Catholic 191 17, 29, 46, 49, 50 7 Westmont 192 8, 35, 41, 52, 56 8 IMSA 194 16, 39, 44, 47, 48, 51, 53 9 Immaculate Heart of Mary 229 23, 40, 54, 55, 57 10 Aurora Central Catholic No Score - Had only 0 finishers 11 Aurora Christian No Score - Had only 2 finishers 12 Burlington Central No Score - Had only 4 finishers 13 Chicago Christian No Score - Had only 4 finishers 14 Driscoll Catholic No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 East Aurora No Score - Had only 1 finisher 16 Lisle No Score - Had only 3 finishers 17 Somonauk No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Waubonsie Valley No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Yorkville No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Timothy Christian 98:15 19:39 1:15 19:07, 19:16, 19:39, 19:51, 20:22, 22:02 2 Wheaton Academy 98:46 19:45 1:46 18:55, 19:43, 19:43, 19:44, 20:41, 21:07 3 St. Francis 99:22 19:52 1:57 18:45, 18:58, 20:27, 20:30, 20:42, 20:48 4 West Aurora 101:43 20:21 1:29 19:28, 20:13, 20:25, 20:40, 20:57, 21:14 5 Oswego 102:20 20:28 1:27 19:48, 19:58, 20:38, 20:41, 21:15, 21:46 6 Montini Catholic 111:08 22:14 3:23 20:16, 20:49, 22:56, 23:28, 23:39 7 IMSA 111:42 22:20 3:04 20:16, 22:09, 22:43, 23:14, 23:20, 23:49 8 Westmont 112:40 22:32 5:25 19:41, 21:34, 22:12, 24:07, 25:06 9 Immaculate Heart of Mary 122:16 24:27 9:05 20:39, 22:10, 24:45, 24:58, 29:44 10 Aurora Central Catholic No Score 11 Aurora Christian No Score 21:12, 21:16 12 Burlington Central No Score 20:44, 22:16, 22:38, 23:09 13 Chicago Christian No Score 22:11, 23:48, 24:26, 31:36 14 Driscoll Catholic No Score 15 East Aurora No Score 21:24 16 Lisle No Score 21:46, 26:59, 27:56 17 Somonauk No Score 18 Waubonsie Valley No Score 19 Yorkville No Score 18:12, 23:04, 24:46, 25:25 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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