Individual Results
2004 Charger Classic InvitationalSeptember 25, 2004 Boys Varsity 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:14:37.8 by Peter Muller of University High on November 2, 1996 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Marmion Dave Grange (So) 0:15:01.1 2 2 St. Francis Dave Jaeger (Sr) 0:15:02.4 3 3 Oswego Luke Rygh (Jr) 0:15:13.2 4 4 Marmion Brandon Ritchey (Sr) 0:15:15.9 5 Fox Valley Lutheran Sam DuBose (Jr) 0:15:17.3 6 5 West Aurora Adam Ahlden (So) 0:15:20.1 7 Timothy Christian Erik VanKampen (Sr) 0:15:23.1 8 6 St. Francis Ryan Darin (Jr) 0:15:32.6 9 7 Wheaton Academy Apollos Frusti (Jr) 0:15:37.0 10 8 Oswego Ted Clark (Sr) 0:15:40.3 11 9 St. Francis Kyle Schlegel (Sr) 0:15:44.5 12 10 Lisle Steve DeSitter (Jr) 0:15:48.3 13 11 St. Edward John Waldorf (Sr) 0:15:49.9 14 12 Oswego Marco Brewell (Sr) 0:15:51.5 15 Rockford Christian Jared Carlson (Jr) 0:15:55.6 16 13 St. Francis Bill Travis (Sr) 0:15:55.8 17 14 Marmion Andrew Hebert (Jr) 0:15:57.2 18 15 Wheaton Academy Will Phillips (Jr) 0:15:58.2 19 Yorkville Pat Austin (Jr) 0:16:02.9 20 16 St. Francis Johnny Wright (So) 0:16:03.4 21 17 Marmion Tim Keefe (Sr) 0:16:03.9 22 18 Lisle Karl Geweniger (Sr) 0:16:05.2 23 19 Waubonsie Valley Henry Lapka (So) 0:16:06.1 24 20 Waubonsie Valley Kyle Yonkers (Sr) 0:16:08.4 25 21 St. Francis Jacob Nelson (So) 0:16:11.3 26 22 Somonauk Tommy Ferguson (Sr) 0:16:12.0 27 23 Westmont Frank Nese (Jr) 0:16:13.3 28 24 Burlington Central Mike Gurney (Jr) 0:16:14.3 29 25 West Aurora Jared Mead (Jr) 0:16:15.4 30 26 St. Francis Matt Rentner (Sr) 0:16:15.9 31 27 Waubonsie Valley Alan Krol (So) 0:16:16.8 32 St. Francis DeClan Holzman (Jr) 0:16:17.6 33 28 Marmion Josh Stein (Fr) 0:16:18.4 34 St. Francis Mike Brown (Sr) 0:16:21.2 35 29 East Aurora Yohnathan Parra (Fr) 0:16:21.9 36 30 Aurora Central Catholic Bill Strobel (Sr) 0:16:22.8 37 31 Waubonsie Valley Brooks Yohannes (Jr) 0:16:28.8 38 32 Waubonsie Valley Tracey Drew (Sr) 0:16:32.5 39 Rockford Christian Kyle Ekberg (Sr) 0:16:33.5 40 33 West Aurora Kevin Peters (Jr) 0:16:34.0 41 34 Waubonsie Valley Nicholas Thomas (Fr) 0:16:34.6 42 35 St. Edward Matt Louis (Sr) 0:16:35.0 43 36 Waubonsie Valley Daniel Severance (Sr) 0:16:37.9 44 Chicago Christian Dan Lindbloom (Sr) 0:16:38.7 45 37 IMSA Vyas Visuanathan (Sr) 0:16:45.8 46 38 West Aurora Ryan Strusz (Jr) 0:16:50.5 47 39 Marmion Ryan Riordan (Jr) 0:16:52.5 48 40 Oswego Brian Schwardfeger (So) 0:16:54.0 49 41 West Aurora Hans Lauzen (So) 0:16:55.4 50 St. Francis Tim Feeney (Jr) 0:16:56.6 51 St. Francis Kevin Strohmaier (Jr) 0:16:57.6 52 42 East Aurora Julian Ramirez (So) 0:16:58.4 53 43 Marmion Jason Richmond (So) 0:16:59.5 54 Marmion Mike Nothnagel (Sr) 0:17:03.7 55 44 IMSA Everett Brokaw (So) 0:17:04.3 56 45 Oswego Josh Bodine (Jr) 0:17:05.1 57 46 Wheaton Academy Andrew Costley (Sr) 0:17:05.7 58 47 Burlington Central Kyle Botsford (So) 0:17:07.4 59 Chicago Christian Keith Kosmal (Sr) 0:17:08.5 60 Waubonsie Valley Billy DeLisle (Jr) 0:17:11.5 61 48 Oswego Andy Lia (Sr) 0:17:15.0 62 49 Burlington Central Max Williams (Jr) 0:17:18.0 63 50 Burlington Central John Carbary (So) 0:17:18.9 64 51 Burlington Central Kevin Meyer (Fr) 0:17:20.5 65 52 East Aurora Adan Castellanos (Jr) 0:17:21.7 66 53 Westmont Phil Siwinski (Sr) 0:17:23.5 67 54 Lisle Nick Orlock (Sr) 0:17:23.8 68 55 East Aurora Jeremy Hernandez (Jr) 0:17:26.8 69 56 St. Edward Mike Lenard (Sr) 0:17:27.3 70 Aurora Christian David Risdall (Sr) 0:17:31.0 71 57 East Aurora Rory Reyana (Jr) 0:17:34.9 72 58 Westmont Sunny Gill (Jr) 0:17:37.4 73 Waubonsie Valley Bradley Cummins (Sr) 0:17:39.1 74 59 Aurora Central Catholic Mike Estrada (Sr) 0:17:41.0 75 60 Oswego Andy Notbusch (Jr) 0:17:41.8 76 61 St. Edward Chris Jones (Sr) 0:17:42.2 77 62 West Aurora Tj Miller (Jr) 0:17:42.6 78 Waubonsie Valley Kevin Mack (Sr) 0:17:43.0 79 63 Wheaton Academy Kevin Lewis (Jr) 0:17:43.8 80 Rockford Christian David Kleckler (Jr) 0:17:47.8 81 64 St. Edward Rob Allanson (Jr) 0:17:48.4 82 65 Aurora Central Catholic Brian Grismer (Sr) 0:17:52.1 83 66 East Aurora Andy Warren (Jr) 0:17:57.0 84 67 East Aurora Agustin Perez (Jr) 0:17:57.7 85 Waubonsie Valley Jayesh Madrecha (Jr) 0:17:58.9 86 68 Burlington Central Ryan Sabin (Sr) 0:17:59.4 87 Oswego Ryan Nalezny (Jr) 0:18:02.4 88 69 Burlington Central Eric Ondera (So) 0:18:03.8 89 Yorkville Norman Dubert (Jr) 0:18:05.0 90 70 Wheaton Academy Matt Davis (So) 0:18:07.1 91 Yorkville Grant Wyeth (Jr) 0:18:09.8 92 71 West Aurora Chris Parke (Sr) 0:18:10.2 93 East Aurora Gilberto Perez (Fr) 0:18:11.1 94 72 Somonauk Josh Shaw (Fr) 0:18:16.9 95 Marmion Ben Schmidt (Jr) 0:18:17.4 96 Oswego Levi Baker (Jr) 0:18:17.7 97 73 Somonauk Eric Stadler (So) 0:18:26.5 98 74 Westmont Tony Wilder (Sr) 0:18:27.8 99 75 IMSA Carl Herrmann (Sr) 0:18:28.6 100 Aurora Christian Mark Stonitch (Sr) 0:18:29.1 101 Waubonsie Valley Matt Bielaga (Sr) 0:18:29.5 102 Driscoll Catholic Jon Sopcak (Sr) 0:18:29.8 103 East Aurora Genaro Saenz (Fr) 0:18:30.5 104 76 Westmont Raj Gavini (Sr) 0:18:32.4 105 Marmion Fred Wennlund (Jr) 0:18:33.8 106 77 Lisle Brad Vodicka (Sr) 0:18:36.3 107 78 Lisle Pat Schau (Sr) 0:18:37.6 108 Marmion Joe McLean (Jr) 0:18:42.4 109 Yorkville Nelson Holmberg (Jr) 0:18:49.0 110 St. Francis Pat Duffy (Sr) 0:18:49.7 111 East Aurora Phillip Nightengale (Sr) 0:18:50.5 112 79 Aurora Central Catholic Mike Lopez (Jr) 0:18:54.2 113 80 Somonauk Joel Carlson (So) 0:18:55.9 114 St. Francis Brett Diaz (Jr) 0:18:57.0 115 81 IMSA Tavares Allen (Sr) 0:18:57.7 116 82 Lisle Mike O'Neill (Jr) 0:18:59.9 117 83 Lisle Lucas Chapman (Sr) 0:19:08.8 118 Burlington Central John Atkinson (Sr) 0:19:14.6 119 84 Wheaton Academy Brett VanderVeen (Sr) 0:19:22.3 120 East Aurora Michael Fonseca (Jr) 0:19:23.2 121 West Aurora Caleb Ackerman (Jr) 0:19:26.6 122 85 Somonauk Jacob Glover (Sr) 0:19:27.2 123 Oswego Kyle Paxton (Sr) 0:19:28.3 124 Marmion Cole Johnson (Jr) 0:19:29.3 125 86 Aurora Central Catholic Matt Edwards (Jr) 0:19:30.6 126 87 Westmont Paul Hardiek (Sr) 0:19:34.6 127 88 Westmont Eddie Moy (Sr) 0:19:36.4 128 Marmion Bob Rath (Sr) 0:19:38.8 129 89 Somonauk Marcus Toft (Sr) 0:19:40.6 130 90 IMSA Albert Ho (So) 0:19:41.7 131 91 Somonauk Matt McDaniels (Fr) 0:19:44.9 132 Chicago Christian Jason Burton (So) 0:19:56.9 133 92 St. Edward Ryan Patchett (Fr) 0:20:03.4 134 93 IMSA Jay Ruddy (Sr) 0:20:16.1 135 Waubonsie Valley Christopher Zarebi (Sr) 0:20:16.9 136 Waubonsie Valley David Sohn (Jr) 0:20:25.0 137 94 Aurora Central Catholic Andrew Bernhard (Jr) 0:20:25.5 138 East Aurora Adrian Acvedo (Jr) 0:20:59.5 139 95 IMSA Mark Simmons (Sr) 0:21:09.3 140 Chicago Christian Mike Nasser (Sr) 0:21:17.1 141 96 Wheaton Academy Mike Farber (Sr) 0:21:22.3 142 IMSA Gannon Pierce (Sr) 0:21:30.2 143 97 Aurora Central Catholic Mike Krupa (Sr) 0:21:30.5 144 Wheaton Academy Jon Camerer (Jr) 0:21:51.1 145 Waubonsie Valley Aaron LaPlant (Jr) 0:22:06.7 146 East Aurora Cosme Ramos (Sr) 0:22:17.5 147 Marmion Paul Gawlas (Jr) 0:22:18.3 148 Marmion Grant Gundrum (Jr) 0:22:21.9 149 IMSA Jordan Burdinie (Sr) 0:23:35.0 150 East Aurora Mike Schweisthal (Jr) 0:24:14.2 151 Westmont Brad West (Jr) 0:29:28.7 152 Somonauk Jim Smith (Sr) 0:39:16.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Francis 46 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 21, 26 2 Marmion 64 1, 4, 14, 17, 28, 39, 43 3 Oswego 108 3, 8, 12, 40, 45, 48, 60 4 Waubonsie Valley 129 19, 20, 27, 31, 32, 34, 36 5 West Aurora 142 5, 25, 33, 38, 41, 62, 71 6 Wheaton Academy 201 7, 15, 46, 63, 70, 84, 96 7 Burlington Central 221 24, 47, 49, 50, 51, 68, 69 8 St. Edward 227 11, 35, 56, 61, 64, 92 9 East Aurora 235 29, 42, 52, 55, 57, 66, 67 10 Lisle 237 10, 18, 54, 77, 78, 82, 83 11 Westmont 284 23, 53, 58, 74, 76, 87, 88 12 Aurora Central Catholic 319 30, 59, 65, 79, 86, 94, 97 13 IMSA 327 37, 44, 75, 81, 90, 93, 95 14 Somonauk 332 22, 72, 73, 80, 85, 89, 91 15 Aurora Christian No Score - Had only 2 finishers 16 Chicago Christian No Score - Had only 4 finishers 17 Driscoll Catholic No Score - Had only 1 finisher 18 Fox Valley Lutheran No Score - Had only 1 finisher 19 Rockford Christian No Score - Had only 3 finishers 20 Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 1 finisher 21 Yorkville No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Francis 78:21 15:40 1:01 15:03, 15:33, 15:45, 15:56, 16:04, 16:12 2 Marmion 78:38 15:44 1:18 15:01, 15:16, 15:58, 16:04, 16:19, 16:53 3 Oswego 80:46 16:09 1:51 15:14, 15:41, 15:52, 16:54, 17:05, 17:15 4 Waubonsie Valley 81:34 16:19 0:27 16:06, 16:09, 16:17, 16:29, 16:33, 16:35 5 West Aurora 81:58 16:24 1:35 15:21, 16:16, 16:34, 16:51, 16:56, 17:43 6 Wheaton Academy 84:33 16:55 2:30 15:37, 15:59, 17:06, 17:44, 18:07, 19:23 7 Burlington Central 85:21 17:04 1:06 16:15, 17:08, 17:18, 17:19, 17:21, 18:00 8 St. Edward 85:25 17:05 1:59 15:50, 16:35, 17:28, 17:43, 17:49, 20:04 9 East Aurora 85:45 17:09 1:13 16:22, 16:59, 17:22, 17:27, 17:35, 17:57 10 Lisle 86:34 17:19 2:49 15:49, 16:06, 17:24, 18:37, 18:38, 19:00 11 Westmont 88:17 17:39 2:19 16:14, 17:24, 17:38, 18:28, 18:33, 19:35 12 Aurora Central Catholic 90:22 18:04 3:08 16:23, 17:41, 17:52, 18:55, 19:31, 20:26 13 IMSA 91:00 18:12 2:56 16:46, 17:05, 18:29, 18:58, 19:42, 20:16 14 Somonauk 91:20 18:16 3:16 16:12, 18:17, 18:27, 18:56, 19:28, 19:41 15 Aurora Christian No Score 17:31, 18:29 16 Chicago Christian No Score 16:39, 17:09, 19:57, 21:17 17 Driscoll Catholic No Score 18:30 18 Fox Valley Lutheran No Score 15:18 19 Rockford Christian No Score 15:56, 16:34, 17:48 20 Timothy Christian No Score 15:23 21 Yorkville No Score 16:03, 18:05, 18:10, 18:49 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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