Individual Results
2004 Palatine InvitationalSeptember 25, 2004 Boys JV Open 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:38.6 by Dan McAndrew of York H.S. on September 28, 2002 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 York Daniel Pizzi (Jr) 0:15:28.4 2 2 York Ron Stefani (Jr) 0:15:31.5 3 3 York Lionel Montenegro (Jr) 0:15:47.7 4 4 Palatine Daniel Holbach (Jr) 0:15:51.1 5 5 York Matt Edwards (Jr) 0:15:51.9 6 6 Palatine Alejandro Soto (Jr) 0:16:00.1 7 7 Palatine Eric Repking (Sr) 0:16:06.6 8 8 York Konrad Piotrowski (Sr) 0:16:07.7 9 9 Palatine Michael Ducore (Jr) 0:16:10.0 10 10 Palatine Michael McCain (Jr) 0:16:13.6 11 11 Palatine Michael Nigliaccio (Sr) 0:16:16.3 12 12 Loyola Bo Ford (Jr) 0:16:21.0 13 13 York John Fisher (Jr) 0:16:22.0 14 14 Prospect Juno Okano (Jr) 0:16:26.3 15 15 Palatine Brian McLain (Sr) 0:16:27.2 16 16 Hersey Derek Honcoop (Sr) 0:16:27.8 17 17 Lyons Township Jacob Nachel (Jr) 0:16:28.8 18 18 York Jose Sanchez (Jr) 0:16:30.0 19 19 Prospect Steve Chen (Jr) 0:16:30.7 20 20 Prairie Ridge Will Bremer (Jr) 0:16:33.1 21 21 Lyons Township Mike Yocius (Sr) 0:16:38.5 22 22 Prospect Nick Addante (Jr) 0:16:41.1 23 York Michael Marchese (Jr) 0:16:42.3 24 23 Dundee Crown Ryan Court (Jr) 0:16:44.0 25 24 Prospect Clark Wolfe (Sr) 0:16:46.1 26 25 Fremd Robert Sullivan (Jr) 0:16:47.6 27 26 Lake Forest Paul Holmer (Jr) 0:16:48.1 28 27 Prospect Thomas Carrato (Jr) 0:16:50.8 29 28 Lyons Township Dave Carlson (Jr) 0:16:52.7 30 Palatine David Erstad (Sr) 0:16:54.4 31 29 Loyola Tom McShane (Jr) 0:16:56.9 32 30 Prospect Erik Kennedy (Jr) 0:16:57.8 33 31 Hersey Dave Carter (Jr) 0:16:59.0 34 32 Fenton Adam Ostrander (Jr) 0:16:59.5 35 33 Lake Forest Katen Kapadia (Sr) 0:17:00.4 36 34 Barrington Sean Conway (Sr) 0:17:00.7 37 Palatine Don Macatangay (Jr) 0:17:02.3 38 35 Dundee Crown Brandon Polcik (Sr) 0:17:05.1 39 36 Hersey Joe Molitor (Jr) 0:17:06.3 40 37 Lyons Township Tom Avram (Jr) 0:17:08.4 41 38 Barrington Eric O'Floy (Sr) 0:17:09.8 42 39 Buffalo Grove Nick Battisti (Jr) 0:17:10.6 43 40 Loyola William Fulara (Jr) 0:17:10.9 44 41 Lake Forest Kyle Farver (Jr) 0:17:11.2 45 42 Prospect Matt VanEgeren (Sr) 0:17:13.6 46 43 Maine South Greg Udzielak (Jr) 0:17:14.4 47 44 Lyons Township Kevin McCarty (Jr) 0:17:15.3 48 45 Loyola Chris Graca (Sr) 0:17:16.8 49 46 Libertyville Ken Young (Sr) 0:17:17.4 50 47 Loyola Mike Gutbrod (Jr) 0:17:18.2 51 York Doug Herrera (So) 0:17:19.0 52 Prospect Matt Karren (Jr) 0:17:19.4 53 48 Buffalo Grove Nick Eich (Jr) 0:17:20.9 54 49 Barrington Mike Scmidt (Sr) 0:17:21.9 55 50 Hersey Andrew Wiseman (Sr) 0:17:23.1 56 51 Fremd Jason Lund (Jr) 0:17:28.0 57 52 Lake Forest Austin Woodruff (Jr) 0:17:28.8 58 53 Loyola Mark Maciuch (Jr) 0:17:30.8 59 54 Prairie Ridge Craig McKenna (Sr) 0:17:31.9 60 55 Lyons Township Jeff Nemeth (Sr) 0:17:34.0 61 56 Loyola Andrew Radosevich (Sr) 0:17:34.5 62 Loyola Matt Pall (Jr) 0:17:35.2 63 57 Libertyville Mike Salvatore (Fr) 0:17:35.6 64 58 Barrington Jon Alobini (Jr) 0:17:36.1 65 Palatine Brian Dankowski (Jr) 0:17:36.9 66 59 Hersey Jon Scholin (Jr) 0:17:37.6 67 60 Prairie Ridge Sean Scott (Jr) 0:17:38.3 68 61 Crystal Lake Central Ned Davies (Sr) 0:17:38.7 69 York Anthony Desantis (Jr) 0:17:39.1 70 62 Fremd Inman Alex (Sr) 0:17:39.9 71 Palatine Kevin Yee (Jr) 0:17:41.4 72 Loyola Mike Damario (Jr) 0:17:42.5 73 63 St. Henry Dave Soper (Jr) 0:17:43.0 74 64 Hersey Tom Prendergast (Jr) 0:17:44.0 75 65 Dundee Crown Chris Lindsey (Jr) 0:17:44.9 76 66 Prairie Ridge Nick Arens (Sr) 0:17:45.9 77 67 St. Henry Michael Spare (Fr) 0:17:46.8 78 68 Barrington Brian Maxfeild (Jr) 0:17:47.8 79 69 St. Henry John Hughes (So) 0:17:48.6 80 70 Lyons Township Ben Danielson (Sr) 0:17:50.0 81 71 Buffalo Grove Collin Ripley (Jr) 0:17:51.0 82 72 St. Henry Doug Boh (Fr) 0:17:51.8 83 Prospect John Maglieri (Jr) 0:17:52.8 84 York Joel Russ (Jr) 0:17:53.8 85 Lyons Township Matt Stork (So) 0:17:54.1 86 73 Maine South Gilby Lifton (Jr) 0:17:56.1 87 74 Hersey Pat Hamann (Fr) 0:17:57.3 88 75 Barrington Chase Wiseman (Jr) 0:17:57.7 89 76 Lake Forest Will Amarantos (So) 0:17:58.0 90 77 Fremd Benjamin Schulz (Jr) 0:17:58.4 91 78 Maine West Anthony Jacks (Jr) 0:17:59.8 92 Loyola James Melia (So) 0:18:00.2 93 79 Libertyville Shaun Cepican (Sr) 0:18:01.5 94 Prospect Ben Zintak (Sr) 0:18:02.8 95 80 Fremd Hand Steve (Sr) 0:18:03.7 96 81 St. Henry Travis Grill (Jr) 0:18:04.7 97 82 Maine South Greg Mitchell (Jr) 0:18:05.4 98 83 Lake Forest Sam Brown (Fr) 0:18:05.9 99 York Paul Fetscher (So) 0:18:06.3 100 York Jose Ponce (Jr) 0:18:07.3 101 Prospect Kevin VanEgeren (So) 0:18:09.2 102 84 Prairie Ridge Mike Lewis (Sr) 0:18:11.7 103 85 Lake Forest Kelly Stevens (Fr) 0:18:12.3 104 86 Maine South Craig Conrad (Sr) 0:18:12.7 105 87 Dundee Crown Ed Domich (Sr) 0:18:13.2 106 York Tom Murphy (Sr) 0:18:13.7 107 Lake Forest Reed Douglass (Jr) 0:18:14.2 108 York Del Thornton (So) 0:18:16.7 109 88 St. Henry Steven Gerl (Jr) 0:18:17.1 110 Palatine Matthew Morlock (Sr) 0:18:18.4 111 89 Barrington Todd McCollough (Sr) 0:18:20.5 112 90 Maine South Vince Mathe (Jr) 0:18:22.0 113 Hersey Jay Sommer (Jr) 0:18:22.8 114 91 Libertyville Greg Mittelman (Jr) 0:18:23.6 115 92 Buffalo Grove Stephen Little (Jr) 0:18:24.0 116 93 Libertyville Jon Whiting (Jr) 0:18:24.8 117 York Luke Freeman (So) 0:18:25.4 118 94 Dundee Crown Kam Kissamis (Jr) 0:18:27.8 119 Lake Forest Sam Knecht (Jr) 0:18:28.9 120 York Timothy Grittani (So) 0:18:29.5 121 Hersey Bill Wisser (Fr) 0:18:29.9 122 York Eric Marselle (So) 0:18:30.6 123 95 Libertyville Billy Dempsey (Sr) 0:18:31.1 124 York Michael Schulte (Jr) 0:18:31.4 125 York David Bennett (So) 0:18:31.8 126 96 Maine South Chris Lenzini (Jr) 0:18:32.4 127 97 Maine South Matt Lenzini (Jr) 0:18:32.8 128 Lyons Township Joe Piatkiewicz (Jr) 0:18:33.7 129 Prospect EJ Horstman (So) 0:18:34.1 130 98 Prairie Ridge Arvind Maheshwari (Jr) 0:18:34.6 131 Prospect Pat Phalen (Jr) 0:18:36.5 132 Prospect Sam Detch (So) 0:18:37.0 133 Lyons Township Matthew Graff (Sr) 0:18:38.6 134 York Adam Zaremba (So) 0:18:39.5 135 99 Fremd Bradley Bolton (Jr) 0:18:39.8 136 Lyons Township Matt Anderson (So) 0:18:40.3 137 100 Fremd Fleming Charlie (Sr) 0:18:41.6 138 Hersey Joe Farrell (Jr) 0:18:42.0 139 101 Maine West Mike Kuhn (Jr) 0:18:42.5 140 102 Cary Grove Cody Snyder (Fr) 0:18:42.9 141 103 Libertyville Andy Jensen (Sr) 0:18:43.3 142 Libertyville Kevin Ross (Sr) 0:18:43.7 143 104 St. Henry Adam Molony (Sr) 0:18:44.8 144 Libertyville Josh Vollmer (Sr) 0:18:45.8 145 105 Prairie Ridge Stefan Jellicoe (Sr) 0:18:46.3 146 Loyola Jerry Mandujano (Jr) 0:18:46.7 147 Prairie Ridge Colin Picchietti (Jr) 0:18:47.2 148 106 Crystal Lake Central Andy Border (Jr) 0:18:48.0 149 Prospect Matt Pinto (Jr) 0:18:48.7 150 Libertyville Taylor Elrod (Jr) 0:18:49.2 151 St. Henry Ethan Mills (Sr) 0:18:49.8 152 Loyola Phil Gutsell (Sr) 0:18:51.7 153 107 Dundee Crown Jeremy Lutzow (Sr) 0:18:52.2 154 St. Henry Andy Lubbers (So) 0:18:52.6 155 Lyons Township Matt Peters (So) 0:18:53.1 156 Lyons Township Todd Salerno (So) 0:18:53.7 157 108 Dundee Crown Kevin Groenhoff (Jr) 0:18:54.8 158 Prospect Ben Troutman (Sr) 0:18:55.4 159 109 St. Charles East Alex Robertson (Fr) 0:18:55.9 160 110 Cary Grove Mark Rainey (So) 0:18:56.3 161 St. Henry Bryan Davis (Fr) 0:18:56.7 162 York Boping Liu (So) 0:18:58.5 163 Lyons Township Mike Eckwall (Sr) 0:18:59.2 164 York Sean Callahan (Sr) 0:19:00.5 165 Lake Forest David Betts (Jr) 0:19:02.5 166 111 Buffalo Grove Matt Passanante (Sr) 0:19:03.0 167 York Andrew Bosworth (So) 0:19:03.4 168 St. Henry Matt Dusing (Jr) 0:19:04.2 169 Libertyville Mike Diehl (So) 0:19:05.8 170 112 Maine West Sami Somo (Jr) 0:19:06.4 171 Fremd Mike Byun (Sr) 0:19:07.8 172 York Andrew Tomasiewicz (So) 0:19:08.4 173 Prospect Paul Berauer (So) 0:19:10.4 174 Prairie Ridge Zach Berillo (Jr) 0:19:10.9 175 York Mike Giannetto (So) 0:19:11.6 176 Lyons Township Mike Jaklic (So) 0:19:12.1 177 York Kris Mallo (So) 0:19:12.6 178 Hersey Rick Diaz (So) 0:19:13.1 179 Loyola Patrick Needham (Sr) 0:19:13.5 180 Barrington Jacob Lee (Jr) 0:19:13.9 181 Lake Forest Will Chaney (So) 0:19:16.2 182 St. Henry Tyler Gunkel (So) 0:19:16.7 183 Libertyville Alex Mason (Fr) 0:19:17.6 184 Prospect Mark Atkinson (Jr) 0:19:18.0 185 Libertyville Matt Karnstedt (Fr) 0:19:18.5 186 Dundee Crown Torey Peterson (So) 0:19:19.4 187 Lake Forest Ken Vottero (Fr) 0:19:19.8 188 113 Homewood-Flossmoor Matt Debelak (Jr) 0:19:20.3 189 St. Henry Nathan Lubbers (Fr) 0:19:21.0 190 York Dan Desantis (So) 0:19:22.5 191 York Daniel Ponce (Jr) 0:19:26.2 192 York Kyle Hinchley (Jr) 0:19:28.1 193 St. Henry Bobby Loudenslager (So) 0:19:28.4 194 Lyons Township Mike Dooley (Sr) 0:19:28.9 195 Libertyville Irvin Wang (Jr) 0:19:30.2 196 York Matt Wiese (Sr) 0:19:32.2 197 Dundee Crown Tom Green (Jr) 0:19:33.2 198 Loyola Patrick Lisinski (Jr) 0:19:33.8 199 York Frank Alonso (Jr) 0:19:35.4 200 Libertyville Tyler Haws (Jr) 0:19:38.3 201 Lyons Township Per Birkeland (Jr) 0:19:38.7 202 Dundee Crown Bill Hellyer (So) 0:19:40.5 203 York Jonathan Ireland (So) 0:19:42.4 204 York David Dirisamer (So) 0:19:43.0 205 Prairie Ridge David Bachman (Sr) 0:19:43.7 206 Loyola Scott Ahlstrom (Jr) 0:19:44.1 207 Dundee Crown Keith Pittner (So) 0:19:44.6 208 Fremd D'Souza Keith (Sr) 0:19:45.5 209 Libertyville Dan Thelen (Jr) 0:19:46.2 210 Lake Forest Jason Richman (Sr) 0:19:46.7 211 Dundee Crown Mike Tuma (Sr) 0:19:47.2 212 York Alex Wilczewski (So) 0:19:48.2 213 Prospect Taylor Smith (So) 0:19:49.8 214 York Gilbert Castellanos (So) 0:19:50.8 215 St. Henry Troy Hofacre (So) 0:19:52.7 216 Dundee Crown Brandon Edgar (Jr) 0:19:53.2 217 114 Crystal Lake Central John Carmon (So) 0:19:55.9 218 115 Homewood-Flossmoor Charlie Harper (Jr) 0:19:58.2 219 Maine South Kevin Manson (Jr) 0:20:04.8 220 Maine South Mickey Mangun (Sr) 0:20:05.6 221 St. Henry Tom Ash (So) 0:20:07.5 222 Libertyville Tony Sparer (Fr) 0:20:08.8 223 116 St. Charles East Tue Tran (So) 0:20:09.6 224 York Ed Bush (Jr) 0:20:11.7 225 Lyons Township Jim Bailey (Sr) 0:20:13.2 226 Libertyville Bjorn Wrolstad (So) 0:20:14.4 227 117 Maine West Pritesh Patel (Jr) 0:20:15.5 228 Maine South Tom Logsdon (Jr) 0:20:18.9 229 Palatine Matthew Kulikowski (Jr) 0:20:19.8 230 Prairie Ridge Nick Pierson (Jr) 0:20:20.4 231 York Ben Sharko (So) 0:20:21.0 232 Dundee Crown Dan Mena (Jr) 0:20:21.9 233 118 Cary Grove Dave Wagner (So) 0:20:23.4 234 York Matt Cleeton (So) 0:20:25.0 235 York Jim Jane (Sr) 0:20:25.7 236 Hersey Matt Hill (So) 0:20:26.0 237 Loyola David Gieger (So) 0:20:26.3 238 Libertyville Mike Ding (Jr) 0:20:28.2 239 York Nick Tsicouris (So) 0:20:30.2 240 York Andy Oh (So) 0:20:32.8 241 Dundee Crown Nick Castagna (Jr) 0:20:34.4 242 Hersey Dan Balogh (So) 0:20:36.4 243 Lake Forest Brian Lacy (Sr) 0:20:39.9 244 119 Fenton Patrick Swankowski (So) 0:20:40.5 245 Maine South Mike Collins (Jr) 0:20:41.4 246 Lake Forest Mark Stelter (So) 0:20:45.2 247 Loyola Liam Logan (Jr) 0:20:46.8 248 Libertyville Sanket Gokhale (Sr) 0:20:47.2 249 York Axton Orrico (So) 0:20:47.6 250 Lyons Township Matt Sweeney (So) 0:20:49.0 251 Palatine Michael Vargas (Sr) 0:20:49.8 252 Hersey John Tisza (Jr) 0:20:50.3 253 Libertyville Eric Shafer (Jr) 0:20:50.8 254 Loyola Dan Ronan (So) 0:20:51.3 255 Loyola Patrick Lawler (So) 0:20:53.2 256 120 Maine West Wictor Stopka (Sr) 0:20:59.4 257 York Dan Bles (So) 0:21:05.4 258 121 Maine West Matt Sachtler (Sr) 0:21:13.4 259 Lyons Township Kevin Schwendt (So) 0:21:17.5 260 Libertyville Steve Clow (So) 0:21:19.9 261 Lake Forest Drew Whitehead (Sr) 0:21:21.0 262 Lyons Township Jim Mulcahy (So) 0:21:22.0 263 Libertyville Kevin Ryan (Jr) 0:21:28.7 264 Libertyville Jeff Bryant (Sr) 0:21:29.6 265 York Jonathan Mueller (So) 0:21:30.5 266 122 Maine West Chris Kaage (Jr) 0:21:31.0 267 Fremd Matthew Benson (Jr) 0:21:34.6 268 Lyons Township Michael Kevorkian (Sr) 0:21:35.7 269 Libertyville Alex Gilman-Smith (Sr) 0:21:37.1 270 York William Mayers (So) 0:21:43.5 271 Maine South Jp Carolan (Jr) 0:21:46.1 272 Lake Forest Cole Werner (Jr) 0:21:47.6 273 123 Vernon Hills Jeff Boucher (Jr) 0:22:00.6 274 124 Cary Grove Pat Laughlin (Fr) 0:22:01.0 275 St. Henry Ben Eisenmenger (So) 0:22:02.5 276 St. Henry Josh Berling (So) 0:22:04.9 277 York Reed Sundberg (So) 0:22:05.6 278 York Andrew Davis (So) 0:22:07.1 279 125 Crystal Lake Central Eric Wilbrandt (So) 0:22:09.2 280 Libertyville Andy Panega (So) 0:22:10.9 281 Libertyville Jay Schneider (So) 0:22:12.2 282 Libertyville Kyle Oberman (So) 0:22:21.7 283 126 Vernon Hills Nathan Kim (So) 0:22:22.1 284 York Sam Lee (Jr) 0:22:32.0 285 Libertyville Kris Janezic (So) 0:22:40.8 286 Lyons Township Andrew Colby (Sr) 0:22:42.5 287 Loyola Spencer Dwyer (So) 0:22:48.0 288 York Samuel Perez (So) 0:22:52.6 289 York Chris Liberti (Sr) 0:22:55.0 290 127 St. Charles East Alex Malamos (So) 0:22:56.8 291 Lyons Township Mike Feltman (So) 0:23:22.7 292 Maine South George Gianakakos (Jr) 0:23:35.0 293 Prospect David Back (So) 0:23:58.9 294 St. Henry Ryan Baeten (Fr) 0:24:14.4 295 St. Henry Anthony Calk (Fr) 0:24:19.1 296 Maine West Alex Chavez (So) 0:24:27.7 297 Libertyville Jake Conrad (Sr) 0:24:35.6 298 Libertyville Matt Dasher (Jr) 0:25:08.6 299 Lake Forest Stewart Yoo (Fr) 0:25:11.4 300 Palatine Patrick Nyczaj (Sr) 0:25:47.2 301 York Ken Karstedt (Sr) 0:26:34.1 302 York Robert VanRiet (Sr) 0:26:34.7 303 York Christopher McCall (Sr) 0:26:35.3 304 York Nick Stefani (Sr) 0:26:35.7 305 York Chris Hecker (Jr) 0:26:36.2 306 York Daniel Lamplot (So) 0:26:36.6 307 York Andrew DelCarmen (So) 0:26:37.0 308 York Andrew Popelka (So) 0:26:37.8 309 York Bill Kirchoff (So) 0:26:38.2 310 York Ryan McAuley (Jr) 0:26:38.5 311 York Bradley Olalde (Jr) 0:26:38.8 312 York Stephen Weigel (Jr) 0:26:39.2 313 York Matt Shepley (Jr) 0:26:39.5 314 York Ian Vollmer (So) 0:26:39.8 315 York Demitri Angelos (So) 0:26:40.1 316 York Mike Higgins (So) 0:26:40.5 317 York John Nikolas (So) 0:26:40.8 318 York Chris Goluszka (Jr) 0:26:41.2 319 York Andy Karns (Jr) 0:26:41.5 320 Dundee Crown David Schuldt (So) 0:26:41.9 321 York Taylor Harmeyer (So) 0:26:42.2 322 York Chris Mosher (Jr) 0:26:42.7 323 York Mike McCormick (So) 0:26:43.1 324 York Mohammad Shah (So) 0:26:43.4 325 York Zach Brundage (So) 0:26:43.9 326 St. Henry Kyle Smith (Sr) 0:28:23.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 York 19 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 18 2 Palatine 36 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 15 3 Prospect 106 14, 19, 22, 24, 27, 30, 42 4 Lyons Township 147 17, 21, 28, 37, 44, 55, 70 5 Loyola 173 12, 29, 40, 45, 47, 53, 56 6 Hersey 192 16, 31, 36, 50, 59, 64, 74 7 Lake Forest 228 26, 33, 41, 52, 76, 83, 85 8 Barrington 247 34, 38, 49, 58, 68, 75, 89 9 Prairie Ridge 284 20, 54, 60, 66, 84, 98, 105 10 Fremd 295 25, 51, 62, 77, 80, 99, 100 11 Dundee Crown 304 23, 35, 65, 87, 94, 107, 108 12 St. Henry 352 63, 67, 69, 72, 81, 88, 104 13 Buffalo Grove 361 39, 48, 71, 92, 111 14 Libertyville 366 46, 57, 79, 91, 93, 95, 103 15 Maine South 374 43, 73, 82, 86, 90, 96, 97 16 Maine West 528 78, 101, 112, 117, 120, 121, 122 17 Crystal Lake Central 534 61, 106, 114, 125, 128 18 Fenton 535 32, 119, 128, 128, 128 19 Cary Grove 582 102, 110, 118, 124, 128 20 St. Charles East 608 109, 116, 127, 128, 128 21 Homewood-Flossmoor 612 113, 115, 128, 128, 128 22 Vernon Hills 633 123, 126, 128, 128, 128 23 Carmel No Score - Had only 0 finishers 24 Elgin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Elgin St. Edward No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Marist No Score - Had only 0 finishers 27 Notre Dame - Niles No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 St. Patrick No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 York 78:44 15:45 0:39 15:28, 15:31, 15:47, 15:51, 16:07, 16:22 2 Palatine 80:20 16:04 0:22 15:51, 16:00, 16:06, 16:10, 16:13, 16:16 3 Prospect 83:13 16:39 0:24 16:26, 16:30, 16:41, 16:46, 16:50, 16:57 4 Lyons Township 84:21 16:52 0:47 16:28, 16:38, 16:52, 17:08, 17:15, 17:34 5 Loyola 85:01 17:00 0:57 16:21, 16:56, 17:10, 17:16, 17:18, 17:30 6 Hersey 85:32 17:06 1:10 16:27, 16:59, 17:06, 17:23, 17:37, 17:44 7 Lake Forest 86:25 17:17 1:10 16:48, 17:00, 17:11, 17:28, 17:58, 18:05 8 Barrington 86:53 17:23 0:47 17:00, 17:09, 17:21, 17:36, 17:47, 17:57 9 Prairie Ridge 87:38 17:32 1:38 16:33, 17:31, 17:38, 17:45, 18:11, 18:34 10 Fremd 87:55 17:35 1:16 16:47, 17:28, 17:39, 17:58, 18:03, 18:39 11 Dundee Crown 88:13 17:39 1:43 16:44, 17:05, 17:44, 18:13, 18:27, 18:52 12 St. Henry 89:12 17:50 0:21 17:43, 17:46, 17:48, 17:51, 18:04, 18:17 13 Libertyville 89:40 17:56 1:07 17:17, 17:35, 18:01, 18:23, 18:24, 18:31 14 Buffalo Grove 89:48 17:58 1:53 17:10, 17:20, 17:51, 18:24, 19:03 15 Maine South 89:49 17:58 1:08 17:14, 17:56, 18:05, 18:12, 18:22, 18:32 16 Maine West 97:01 19:24 3:00 17:59, 18:42, 19:06, 20:15, 20:59, 21:13 17 Carmel No Score 18 Cary Grove No Score 18:42, 18:56, 20:23, 22:01 19 Crystal Lake Central No Score 17:38, 18:48, 19:55, 22:09 20 Elgin No Score 21 Elgin St. Edward No Score 22 Fenton No Score 16:59, 20:40 23 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score 19:20, 19:58 24 Marist No Score 25 Notre Dame - Niles No Score 26 St. Charles East No Score 18:55, 20:09, 22:56 27 St. Patrick No Score 28 Vernon Hills No Score 22:00, 22:22 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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