Individual Results
41st Annual Reavis Rams InvitationalSeptember 11, 2004 Boys Fr/So 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Sandburg Kevin Adamowski (So) 0:15:54.2 2 2 Sandburg Brad LaRocque (So) 0:16:16.3 3 3 Lyons Township Paul Busse (So) 0:16:33.7 4 4 Hinsdale South Lee Vlcek (Fr) 0:16:38.2 5 5 Sandburg Chuck Archer (So) 0:16:41.8 6 6 Hinsdale South Alexander Wright (So) 0:16:42.4 7 7 Sandburg Justin Smith (So) 0:16:54.7 8 8 Sandburg Mike Young (So) 0:16:59.6 9 9 Sandburg Anthony Girton (So) 0:17:07.8 10 10 Lyons Township Drew Petersen (So) 0:17:19.3 11 11 Hinsdale South Loren Beres (So) 0:17:26.4 12 12 Andrew Brandon Grode (So) 0:17:26.6 13 13 Andrew Connor Williams (So) 0:17:27.0 14 14 Brother Rice Matt Corley (So) 0:17:29.1 15 15 Sandburg Tom Sideras (So) 0:17:32.5 16 16 Lyons Township Jake Discipio (So) 0:17:36.4 17 17 Lyons Township Patrick Donovan (Fr) 0:17:44.9 18 18 Hinsdale South Brian Denk (Fr) 0:17:46.2 19 19 Marist Ben Salabura (So) 0:17:55.7 20 20 Andrew Brian Maziarka (So) 0:18:03.2 21 21 Rich Central Reggie Wynne (So) 0:18:05.6 22 22 Lyons Township Casey Szulc (So) 0:18:08.4 23 23 Bremen Thomas Sifuentez (So) 0:18:14.4 24 24 Stagg Nathan Bohne (Fr) 0:18:17.6 25 25 Stagg Chris Malak (Fr) 0:18:21.8 26 26 Lyons Township Joe Lowe (So) 0:18:26.2 27 27 Lyons Township Michael Marik (Fr) 0:18:46.3 28 28 Andrew Kevin Omahen (So) 0:18:47.2 29 29 Stagg Nick Sustersic (Fr) 0:18:53.9 30 30 Bremen Austin Arianoutsos (So) 0:19:08.0 31 31 St. Rita Bill Hillgamayor (So) 0:19:12.3 32 32 Marist Kurt Rudolph (So) 0:19:16.3 33 33 Marian Catholic Matt Rossbach (So) 0:19:16.9 34 34 Marian Catholic Tom Athens (So) 0:19:21.3 35 35 Stagg Rick Davey (Fr) 0:19:24.6 36 36 Stagg Patrick Burtner (So) 0:19:26.5 37 37 Andrew Andrew Viola (Fr) 0:19:30.3 38 38 Andrew Will Scott (Fr) 0:19:35.0 39 39 Stagg Bob Toussaint (Fr) 0:19:44.2 40 40 Marian Catholic Ryan Merriman (Fr) 0:19:47.7 41 41 Argo Gabriel Torres (Fr) 0:20:02.3 42 42 Brother Rice Gerry Keane (So) 0:20:10.6 43 43 Oak Forest Dan Stock (Fr) 0:20:14.6 44 44 Bremen Anthony Burbatt (So) 0:20:14.9 45 45 Andrew Chris Campagna (Fr) 0:20:16.2 46 46 Marian Catholic Tom Nolan (So) 0:20:17.8 47 47 Marian Catholic Christian Haas (So) 0:20:19.1 48 48 Brother Rice Steve Rosenbaum (Fr) 0:20:22.1 49 49 Marist John Piko (So) 0:20:25.7 50 50 Hinsdale South Grant Lechner (Fr) 0:20:29.1 51 51 Bremen David Newton (Fr) 0:20:31.8 52 52 Eisenhower Justin Kozak (So) 0:20:32.0 53 53 Stagg Andy Relstab (Fr) 0:20:32.6 54 54 Marist Robert Villasenor (So) 0:20:33.7 55 55 Eisenhower Adrian Rodriguez (Fr) 0:20:36.6 56 56 Marist Michael Roos (Fr) 0:20:38.3 57 57 St. Rita Matt Majdecki (So) 0:20:39.4 58 58 Argo Bruce Lockett (Fr) 0:20:40.4 59 59 Bremen Jeffrey Meiner (Fr) 0:20:40.9 60 60 Bremen Keith Fuentes (Fr) 0:20:47.1 61 61 Brother Rice Mike Melaniphy (So) 0:20:57.0 62 62 Bremen Nick Stahl (Fr) 0:21:09.3 63 63 Marian Catholic John Flynn (So) 0:21:09.7 64 64 Hinsdale South Patrick Zanayed (So) 0:21:12.7 65 65 Oak Lawn Francisco Carraslo (So) 0:21:22.8 66 66 St. Rita Mike Cozzie (Fr) 0:21:29.5 67 67 Hinsdale South Michael Kreft (Fr) 0:21:30.0 68 68 Brother Rice Jordan Schleyer (Fr) 0:21:32.0 69 69 Brother Rice John Malone (Fr) 0:21:36.6 70 70 Marist Tyler Billings (Fr) 0:21:51.4 71 71 Rich Central Joseph Augustiniak (So) 0:21:55.5 72 Richards Jim Murray (Fr) 0:21:56.1 73 Richards Alan Siska (Fr) 0:21:58.0 74 72 Argo Craig Conoboy (So) 0:22:08.1 75 73 Oak Forest Keith Heden (So) 0:22:12.5 76 74 Oak Lawn Nicco Torres (Fr) 0:22:15.9 77 75 Marian Catholic Colin Doyle (So) 0:22:20.7 78 76 Rich Central Ja Fonta Lona (Fr) 0:22:24.1 79 77 St. Rita Bernard Sullivan (So) 0:22:26.1 80 78 Argo Adam Farej (So) 0:22:27.7 81 79 Argo Steven Lesniak (Fr) 0:22:32.5 82 80 Oak Forest John Darge (Fr) 0:22:33.9 83 81 Eisenhower Gabe Soto (So) 0:22:39.4 84 82 Rich Central Evan Mitchell (Fr) 0:22:43.6 85 83 Oak Forest Anthony Lasito (Fr) 0:22:49.7 86 84 St. Rita Chris Ferek (So) 0:22:56.7 87 St. Laurence Peter Dilger (So) 0:23:00.4 88 85 Argo Luke Sledz (Fr) 0:23:02.3 89 Reavis Tony Blomquist (Fr) 0:23:14.7 90 86 Oak Lawn Nasr Salim (Fr) 0:23:20.7 91 87 Argo Adrian Flores (Fr) 0:23:28.6 92 Richards John Zimirowsky (Fr) 0:23:45.0 93 88 Oak Forest Ron O'Neal (So) 0:23:50.1 94 89 Rich Central Michael Little (Fr) 0:24:04.2 95 Richards Steve Absher (Fr) 0:24:04.8 96 90 Oak Lawn Josh Berg (Fr) 0:24:38.5 97 91 St. Rita Adrian Zapata (Fr) 0:24:46.9 98 92 Marist Brendan Caddick (Fr) 0:24:55.3 99 93 St. Rita Sean Nix (Fr) 0:25:40.2 100 94 Oak Lawn Jared Oksanen (Fr) 0:28:15.4 101 95 Rich Central Jarrett Moore (Fr) 0:30:14.1 102 96 Eisenhower Matt Cruz (Fr) 0:30:32.5 103 St. Laurence James Kocher (Fr) 0:31:01.2 104 St. Laurence Brian Bock (Fr) 0:31:03.4 105 97 Eisenhower Patrick Kato (Fr) 0:32:13.1 106 98 Rich Central Michael Jones (Fr) 0:35:23.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sandburg 23 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 15 2 Lyons Township 68 3, 10, 16, 17, 22, 26, 27 3 Hinsdale South 89 4, 6, 11, 18, 50, 64, 67 4 Andrew 110 12, 13, 20, 28, 37, 38, 45 5 Stagg 149 24, 25, 29, 35, 36, 39, 53 6 Marian Catholic 200 33, 34, 40, 46, 47, 63, 75 7 Bremen 207 23, 30, 44, 51, 59, 60, 62 8 Marist 210 19, 32, 49, 54, 56, 70, 92 9 Brother Rice 233 14, 42, 48, 61, 68, 69 10 St. Rita 315 31, 57, 66, 77, 84, 91, 93 11 Argo 328 41, 58, 72, 78, 79, 85, 87 12 Rich Central 339 21, 71, 76, 82, 89, 95, 98 13 Oak Forest 367 43, 73, 80, 83, 88 14 Eisenhower 381 52, 55, 81, 96, 97 15 Oak Lawn 409 65, 74, 86, 90, 94 16 Austin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 Chicago Christian No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Reavis No Score - Had only 1 finisher 19 Richards No Score - Had only 4 finishers 20 St. Laurence No Score - Had only 3 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sandburg 82:49 16:34 1:05 15:55, 16:17, 16:42, 16:55, 17:00, 17:08 2 Lyons Township 87:25 17:29 1:35 16:34, 17:20, 17:37, 17:45, 18:09, 18:27 3 Hinsdale South 89:05 17:49 3:50 16:39, 16:43, 17:27, 17:47, 20:29, 21:13 4 Andrew 91:17 18:15 2:04 17:27, 17:27, 18:04, 18:48, 19:31, 19:35 5 Stagg 94:26 18:53 1:09 18:18, 18:22, 18:54, 19:25, 19:27, 19:45 6 Bremen 98:51 19:46 2:26 18:15, 19:08, 20:15, 20:32, 20:41, 20:47 7 Marist 98:52 19:46 2:43 17:56, 19:17, 20:26, 20:34, 20:39, 21:52 8 Marian Catholic 99:04 19:49 1:02 19:17, 19:22, 19:48, 20:18, 20:19, 21:10 9 Brother Rice 100:31 20:06 4:03 17:29, 20:11, 20:22, 20:57, 21:32, 21:37 10 St. Rita 106:46 21:21 3:44 19:13, 20:40, 21:30, 22:26, 22:57, 24:47 11 Argo 107:53 21:35 2:30 20:03, 20:41, 22:08, 22:28, 22:33, 23:03 12 Rich Central 109:15 21:51 5:59 18:06, 21:56, 22:24, 22:44, 24:05, 30:15 13 Oak Forest 111:42 22:20 3:35 20:15, 22:13, 22:34, 22:50, 23:50 14 Oak Lawn 119:55 23:59 6:53 21:23, 22:16, 23:21, 24:39, 28:16 15 Eisenhower 126:35 25:19 11:41 20:32, 20:37, 22:40, 30:33, 32:13 16 Austin No Score 17 Chicago Christian No Score 18 Reavis No Score 23:15 19 Richards No Score 21:56, 21:58, 23:45, 24:05 20 St. Laurence No Score 23:01, 31:02, 31:04 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2003 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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