Individual Results
2004 Blackhawk StampedeOctober 9, 2004 Girls Fr/So 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Naperville Central Allyce Husband (So) 0:19:11.5 2 2 Downers Grove South Angi Mitas (Fr) 0:19:14.8 3 3 St. Charles East Kirsten Lang (So) 0:19:20.9 4 4 Naperville Central Emily Fischer (So) 0:19:34.7 5 5 Naperville Central Mollie Szmurlo (So) 0:19:40.3 6 6 Carl Sandburg Kris Sutherland (Fr) 0:19:47.5 7 7 Geneva Glenna Murphy (Fr) 0:20:03.2 8 8 St. Charles North Beth Ward (Fr) 0:20:06.5 9 9 St. Charles North Catherine Williams (So) 0:20:08.1 10 10 Downers Grove South Alyssa Kelly (So) 0:20:08.8 11 11 Downers Grove South Kristen Fischer (So) 0:20:10.4 12 12 Downers Grove South Amanda Tenerelli (Fr) 0:20:11.4 13 13 Downers Grove South Kasey Pontarelli (Fr) 0:20:13.3 14 14 St. Charles North Liz Lanning (So) 0:20:17.6 15 15 Carl Sandburg Megan Hanrahan (Fr) 0:20:25.8 16 16 Downers Grove North Veronica Garcia (Fr) 0:20:30.2 17 17 Downers Grove North Theresa Claus (So) 0:20:30.5 18 18 Neuqua Valley Sara Hartley (Fr) 0:20:31.0 19 19 Downers Grove South Michelle Compton (So) 0:20:33.6 20 20 Downers Grove North Krystyna Banas (So) 0:20:35.3 21 21 Carl Sandburg Tricia Jurcak (Fr) 0:20:39.8 22 22 Downers Grove North Samantha Nekolny (So) 0:20:40.6 23 23 St. Charles North Claire OBrien (Fr) 0:20:44.8 24 24 Rosary Stephanie Roth (Fr) 0:20:46.2 25 25 Wheaton-Warrenville South Christine Fielder (So) 0:20:51.8 26 26 Downers Grove North Brin McAnnally (So) 0:20:53.8 27 27 Wheaton-Warrenville South Krista Anderson (So) 0:20:54.4 28 28 Naperville Central Kelly Short (Fr) 0:20:55.5 29 29 Naperville Central Eileen Meyer (So) 0:20:57.5 30 30 Naperville Central Katie Beernink (Fr) 0:20:58.1 31 31 Glenbard North Courtney Colburn (Fr) 0:21:02.7 32 32 Neuqua Valley Jennifer Harkey (Fr) 0:21:06.4 33 33 Geneva Becca Scatterday (So) 0:21:17.7 34 34 St. Charles North Brittany Haas (So) 0:21:18.4 35 35 Downers Grove North Kellie Rios (Fr) 0:21:18.9 36 36 Downers Grove North Anita Maurer (So) 0:21:25.0 37 37 West Aurora Latisha Belton (Fr) 0:21:26.8 38 38 Carl Sandburg Brianne Dillman (Fr) 0:21:27.3 39 39 St. Charles East Dayna Mazur (Fr) 0:21:28.1 40 40 Neuqua Valley Lindsey Hagmeyer (So) 0:21:35.5 41 41 Fremd Jennifer Kauth (Fr) 0:21:36.0 42 42 Geneva Elizabeth Bastian (So) 0:21:37.2 43 43 St. Charles East Aubree Hoepper (So) 0:21:38.2 44 44 Glenbard North Leah Guidolin (Fr) 0:21:41.8 45 45 Downers Grove South Kaye Lapcewich (So) 0:21:42.6 46 46 Burlington Central Emily Zipoy (Fr) 0:21:51.3 47 47 Bartlett Elizabeth McSherry (So) 0:21:53.0 48 48 Bartlett Hana Sutchar (Fr) 0:21:56.6 49 49 Geneva Susan Gallantine (So) 0:21:57.2 50 50 Plainfield South Grace Bright (Fr) 0:21:58.6 51 51 Carl Sandburg Julie White (Fr) 0:21:59.1 52 Romeoville Krissy Kinder (Fr) 0:21:59.7 53 52 Wheaton-Warrenville South Dana Miranda (So) 0:22:00.3 54 53 Batavia Emily Gottshalk (So) 0:22:01.5 55 54 Bartlett Kelly Simon (So) 0:22:04.2 56 55 Bartlett Kristin Chomenko (So) 0:22:05.4 57 56 Plainfield South Shannon Trautmann (So) 0:22:08.4 58 57 West Aurora Jenny Iglesias (Fr) 0:22:10.2 59 58 Wheaton-Warrenville South Courtney Otto (So) 0:22:13.3 60 59 St. Charles North Amanda Spies (Fr) 0:22:13.8 61 60 Wheaton-Warrenville South Morgan Hill (So) 0:22:18.0 62 61 Burlington Central Tessa Meyer (So) 0:22:21.0 63 62 St. Charles North Melissa Acton (So) 0:22:35.5 64 63 Wheaton-Warrenville South Amy Quintana (Fr) 0:22:38.6 65 64 St. Charles East Jackie Swider (So) 0:22:43.1 66 65 Glenbard North Brooke Stronsky (Fr) 0:22:45.3 67 66 Carl Sandburg Shannon Crotty (Fr) 0:22:50.6 68 67 Bartlett Carissa Hollenbeck (Fr) 0:22:53.9 69 68 Fremd Divya Iyengar (So) 0:22:54.9 70 69 Geneva Erika Shorr (Fr) 0:22:56.1 71 70 Batavia Brianna Giese (Fr) 0:22:56.6 72 71 Rosary Ellie Arnold (Fr) 0:22:58.0 73 72 Glenbard North Megan Ney (Fr) 0:23:02.7 74 73 Naperville Central Kathleen McMullan (So) 0:23:06.9 75 74 Fremd Monica Mammarella (Fr) 0:23:10.2 76 75 Bartlett Meeghan McKeown (So) 0:23:10.6 77 76 St. Charles East Danielle Desso (Fr) 0:23:18.5 78 77 St. Charles East Andrea Hannaford (Fr) 0:23:18.9 79 78 Glenbard North Lauren Strawn (So) 0:23:19.3 80 79 Fremd Katherine Woznyj (So) 0:23:24.4 81 80 Burlington Central Leah Katz (Fr) 0:23:36.2 82 81 Carl Sandburg Erum Ahsan (So) 0:23:40.4 83 82 Fremd Marie Elise Gonzalez (So) 0:23:44.0 84 83 Glenbard North Michelle Driscoll (So) 0:23:44.7 85 84 Plainfield South Emily Seymour (Fr) 0:23:46.0 86 85 Neuqua Valley Carolyn Brunner (So) 0:23:50.9 87 86 Rosary Kathy McNally (Fr) 0:23:52.4 88 Elgin Larkin Jennifer Koch (Fr) 0:23:57.1 89 87 Fremd Megan Fasanella (Fr) 0:24:00.9 90 88 West Aurora Meagan Remington (So) 0:24:08.2 91 89 West Aurora Anna Von Ohlen (Fr) 0:24:10.6 92 90 Neuqua Valley Victoria McCarthy (Fr) 0:24:13.5 93 91 Neuqua Valley Claire Simpson (Fr) 0:24:16.0 94 92 Geneva Linnea Elliott (So) 0:24:17.1 95 93 West Aurora Taylor Standish (Fr) 0:24:18.3 96 Oswego Amanda Curry (So) 0:24:23.3 97 94 Glenbard North Courtney Donovan (So) 0:24:36.5 98 95 West Aurora Traci Lowe (So) 0:24:37.8 99 96 Fremd Anna Gonzalez (Fr) 0:24:51.8 100 97 Geneva Courtney Ahern (So) 0:24:54.4 101 98 Batavia Aubrey Penney (So) 0:24:59.1 102 99 Batavia Jeni Liechti (Fr) 0:25:01.3 103 100 Batavia Caroline Cagney (So) 0:25:19.1 104 101 Neuqua Valley Angelina Manna (So) 0:25:21.4 105 102 Batavia Alison Scheffert (Fr) 0:25:34.8 106 103 Burlington Central AJ Wilks (Fr) 0:25:40.0 107 Elgin Larkin Holly Capello (Fr) 0:25:40.4 108 104 Wheaton-Warrenville South Heather Shiner (Fr) 0:26:02.7 109 Streamwood Kendra Whipple (Fr) 0:26:03.2 110 Oswego Besco Lauren (So) 0:26:22.1 111 105 Rosary Christina Saldana (So) 0:26:29.7 112 106 Plainfield South Marquisha Trice (Fr) 0:27:04.4 113 107 Plainfield South Jen Marquez (So) 0:27:18.6 114 108 Rosary Alexis Hawkins (Fr) 0:27:55.8 115 109 Burlington Central Brittany Houser (Fr) 0:27:57.1 116 Streamwood Melissa Dittman (Fr) 0:28:17.5 117 110 West Aurora Shannon Roache (So) 0:29:00.4 118 111 Burlington Central Diedra Reddix (Fr) 0:29:46.9 119 Elgin Larkin Kathleen Ulrich (So) 0:29:55.3 120 Elgin Larkin Michelle Ulrich (Fr) 0:30:04.5 121 112 Plainfield South Melissa Claudio (Fr) 0:30:32.8 122 113 Plainfield South Katie Ziemba (Fr) 0:31:09.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Downers Grove South 48 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 45 2 Naperville Central 67 1, 4, 5, 28, 29, 30, 73 3 St. Charles North 88 8, 9, 14, 23, 34, 59, 62 4 Downers Grove North 101 16, 17, 20, 22, 26, 35, 36 5 Carl Sandburg 131 6, 15, 21, 38, 51, 66, 81 6 Geneva 200 7, 33, 42, 49, 69, 92, 97 7 Wheaton-Warrenville South 222 25, 27, 52, 58, 60, 63, 104 8 St. Charles East 225 3, 39, 43, 64, 76, 77 9 Neuqua Valley 265 18, 32, 40, 85, 90, 91, 101 10 Bartlett 271 47, 48, 54, 55, 67, 75 11 Glenbard North 290 31, 44, 65, 72, 78, 83, 94 12 Fremd 344 41, 68, 74, 79, 82, 87, 96 13 West Aurora 364 37, 57, 88, 89, 93, 95, 110 14 Rosary 394 24, 71, 86, 105, 108 15 Burlington Central 399 46, 61, 80, 103, 109, 111 16 Plainfield South 403 50, 56, 84, 106, 107, 112, 113 17 Batavia 420 53, 70, 98, 99, 100, 102 18 Elgin No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Elgin Larkin No Score - Had only 4 finishers 20 Kennedy No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Oswego No Score - Had only 2 finishers 22 Romeoville No Score - Had only 1 finisher 23 Streamwood No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Downers Grove South 100:01 20:00 0:59 19:15, 20:09, 20:11, 20:12, 20:14, 20:34 2 Naperville Central 100:22 20:04 1:46 19:12, 19:35, 19:41, 20:56, 20:58, 20:58 3 St. Charles North 102:37 20:31 1:12 20:07, 20:08, 20:18, 20:45, 21:19, 22:14 4 Downers Grove North 103:13 20:39 0:23 20:31, 20:31, 20:36, 20:41, 20:54, 21:19 5 Carl Sandburg 104:21 20:52 2:11 19:48, 20:26, 20:40, 21:28, 21:59, 22:51 6 Geneva 107:54 21:35 2:52 20:04, 21:18, 21:38, 21:58, 22:56, 24:17 7 Wheaton-Warrenville South 108:20 21:40 1:26 20:52, 20:55, 22:01, 22:14, 22:18, 22:39 8 St. Charles East 108:30 21:42 3:58 19:21, 21:28, 21:39, 22:43, 23:19, 23:19 9 Bartlett 110:55 22:11 1:01 21:53, 21:57, 22:05, 22:06, 22:54, 23:11 10 Neuqua Valley 111:19 22:16 3:43 20:31, 21:07, 21:36, 23:51, 24:14, 24:16 11 Glenbard North 111:54 22:23 2:17 21:03, 21:42, 22:46, 23:03, 23:20, 23:45 12 Fremd 114:51 22:58 2:08 21:36, 22:55, 23:11, 23:25, 23:44, 24:01 13 West Aurora 116:17 23:15 2:52 21:27, 22:11, 24:09, 24:11, 24:19, 24:38 14 Batavia 120:19 24:04 3:17 22:02, 22:57, 24:59, 25:02, 25:19, 25:35 15 Burlington Central 121:27 24:17 6:05 21:52, 22:21, 23:37, 25:40, 27:57, 29:47 16 Rosary 122:04 24:25 7:09 20:47, 22:58, 23:53, 26:30, 27:56 17 Plainfield South 122:18 24:28 5:20 21:59, 22:09, 23:46, 27:05, 27:19, 30:33 18 Elgin No Score 19 Elgin Larkin No Score 23:57, 25:41, 29:56, 30:05 20 Kennedy No Score 21 Oswego No Score 24:24, 26:22 22 Romeoville No Score 22:00 23 Streamwood No Score 26:04, 28:18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2004 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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