Individual Results
Benedictine Univ. Eagle InvitationalOctober 7, 2005 Mens Division 8 km RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Marian Michael Kuria (Sr) 0:25:57.0 2 2 Marian Antony Kariuki (Jr) 0:26:04.7 3 3 St. Joseph's Joe King (Jr) 0:26:17.9 4 4 Sauk Valley Comm. Matt Baker (So) 0:26:52.0 5 5 Goshen Nick Adkins (So) 0:26:53.9 6 6 St. Joseph's Andy VanDeHey (Jr) 0:26:56.1 7 7 Illinois Central Drew Cisel (So) 0:27:15.7 8 8 St. Joseph's Eric Flemming (Jr) 0:27:19.1 9 Harper Comm. Patrick Walsh (Fr) 0:27:32.2 10 9 North Central Nick Courtney (Jr) 0:27:35.1 11 10 Illinois Central Kevin Martin (Fr) 0:27:42.4 12 11 Moraine Valley Comm. Kevin Deegan (So) 0:27:46.3 13 12 North Central Colin Bourdage (Jr) 0:27:46.8 14 13 Goshen Jake Gillette (So) 0:27:49.1 15 14 Univ. of Chicago Tom Deberge (Fr) 0:27:50.0 16 15 Bethel Peter Ryan (Sr) 0:27:54.3 17 16 Marian Kyle Hinkle (Fr) 0:27:57.0 18 17 North Central Jason Beer (Fr) 0:27:58.7 19 18 North Central Kurt Kamrath (Fr) 0:28:00.1 20 19 Calumet Joe Elizondo (So) 0:28:04.6 21 20 Marian Tom Williams (Fr) 0:28:08.2 22 21 Elgin Comm. Seth Lagerhausen (So) 0:28:10.8 23 22 Marian Matt Cummins (Fr) 0:28:12.4 24 23 North Central A.J. Schaeffer (So) 0:28:12.9 25 24 Bethel Calon Naragon (Fr) 0:28:14.0 26 25 North Central Kwiek Ryan (So) 0:28:14.9 27 26 Wheaton Jaron Balgarrd (So) 0:28:18.7 28 27 Bethel Kyle Steury (So) 0:28:27.5 29 28 Bethel Andy Gray (So) 0:28:29.9 30 29 Calumet Alfredo Guzman (Fr) 0:28:31.2 31 30 Wheaton Dylan Coster (Fr) 0:28:32.0 32 Unattached (Harper Comm.) Mike Guerrero (Fr) 0:28:33.8 33 31 Bethel Bryce Matteson (Fr) 0:28:39.1 34 32 Bethel Ryan Matteson (Sr) 0:28:41.7 35 33 Univ. of Chicago Will Selinger (So) 0:28:46.9 36 34 North Central Chris Clark (Sr) 0:28:47.6 37 North Central Jim Nebl (Fr) 0:28:50.6 38 35 Chicago State Drew Nelson (Sr) 0:28:51.9 39 36 Illinois Central Chris Brown (Fr) 0:28:52.4 40 North Central Colin Nolan (So) 0:28:53.3 41 37 Moraine Valley Comm. Eric Schmidt (So) 0:28:55.0 42 38 Wheaton Stephen Palmer (Jr) 0:28:56.1 43 North Central Kyle Horst (Fr) 0:28:56.8 44 39 Sauk Valley Comm. Tim Bentz (Fr) 0:28:58.2 45 40 Wheaton Chris Greene (Jr) 0:28:59.4 46 41 Wheaton Nate Lee (Jr) 0:29:05.4 47 North Central Eric Brechtel (Jr) 0:29:11.8 48 North Central Adam Manta (Jr) 0:29:14.3 49 42 Waubonsee Comm. Bolaji Adeoti (So) 0:29:15.0 50 43 Moraine Valley Comm. Anthony Kmetz (Fr) 0:29:15.6 51 Harper Comm. David Zick (Fr) 0:29:18.4 52 North Central Andrew Medwecky (Fr) 0:29:19.1 53 North Central Travis Hartke (Sr) 0:29:25.7 54 44 Univ. of Chicago Eugene Kobayashi (Fr) 0:29:26.8 55 45 Goshen David Rumsey (Fr) 0:29:31.9 56 46 DuPage Comm. Pat Derrico (Fr) 0:29:38.2 57 47 Goshen Aaron Aeschliman (Sr) 0:29:42.2 58 48 Univ. of Chicago Paul Wilczewski (Jr) 0:29:43.9 59 49 Benedictine Chris Check (Jr) 0:29:45.0 60 50 North Park Luke Johnson (Sr) 0:29:48.4 61 51 Concordia (IL) Dave Teike (So) 0:29:49.1 62 North Central VanKampen Ryan (Jr) 0:29:52.1 63 52 Benedictine Rick Burke (So) 0:29:54.7 64 53 Moraine Valley Comm. Dave Byrnes (So) 0:29:55.3 65 54 Goshen Ramadhan Onyango (So) 0:29:56.4 66 55 Calumet Sean McNamara (Fr) 0:29:57.1 67 56 Moraine Valley Comm. Kyle Kurecki (Fr) 0:29:58.8 68 Fairhaven Baptist Steve Boots (Sr) 0:30:00.7 69 57 Concordia (IL) Joe Lutzow (Fr) 0:30:08.4 70 58 Univ. of Chicago Zebulon Dingley (Jr) 0:30:19.5 71 59 Waubonsee Comm. Jason Engberg (Fr) 0:30:20.8 72 North Central J.J. Babb (Fr) 0:30:24.3 73 60 Elgin Comm. Dan Ingram (Fr) 0:30:26.7 74 61 Moraine Valley Comm. Nick Kwit (So) 0:30:28.3 75 62 Wheaton Sean Rivera (So) 0:30:29.7 76 North Central Matt Mueller (Fr) 0:30:31.7 77 63 Illinois Central Carlos Morrison (Fr) 0:30:34.4 78 64 Univ. of Chicago Stephen Berquist (So) 0:30:36.2 79 65 Illinois Central Travis Buchanan (Fr) 0:30:41.0 80 66 Goshen Sam Moyer (Jr) 0:30:44.5 81 67 Waubonsee Comm. Mark Holmes (Fr) 0:30:50.6 82 Prairie State Comm. Alex Moore (So) 0:30:51.0 83 68 Elgin Comm. Matt Hoppensteadt (Fr) 0:30:51.6 84 69 Sauk Valley Comm. Justin Jones (Fr) 0:30:52.4 85 70 Goshen Alex Bouwman (Jr) 0:30:53.1 86 71 Elgin Comm. Ross Stephens (Fr) 0:30:54.1 87 72 St. Joseph's Joe Larson (Jr) 0:30:54.9 88 73 DuPage Comm. Max Pinkevich (Fr) 0:30:56.5 89 74 Marian John Lewis (So) 0:30:58.1 90 Harper Comm. Ryan Herlihy (Fr) 0:30:59.0 91 75 Sauk Valley Comm. Aric Gosch (Fr) 0:31:16.5 92 76 North Park Sidney Dichoso (So) 0:31:18.6 93 77 Elgin Comm. Keith Bohlin (So) 0:31:20.6 94 78 Wheaton Matt Dull (So) 0:31:21.6 95 79 St. Joseph's Andrew Costello (So) 0:31:32.8 96 80 Illinois Central Kyle Willard (Fr) 0:31:33.5 97 Wheaton Jonathan Koehler (So) 0:31:34.0 98 Harper Comm. Sebastian Stec (Fr) 0:31:38.3 99 81 Univ. of Chicago Aaron Levine (Sr) 0:31:41.0 100 82 North Park Marcus Simmons (So) 0:31:42.4 101 83 Calumet Robert Torres (Fr) 0:31:48.3 102 84 Marian Dominic Neu (Fr) 0:31:49.5 103 85 Elgin Comm. Esteban Tinajero (So) 0:31:50.3 104 86 Sauk Valley Comm. Jason Wasser (Fr) 0:31:54.5 105 87 Moraine Valley Comm. David Caro (Fr) 0:31:59.1 106 88 Concordia (IL) Dave Witte (Sr) 0:32:00.8 107 89 DuPage Comm. Rick Kmak (Fr) 0:32:03.3 108 Goshen Nelson Kling (Fr) 0:32:09.1 109 90 Calumet Louie Guillen (So) 0:32:16.2 110 Dominican Derek Schriewer (Fr) 0:32:16.8 111 91 Sauk Valley Comm. Tony Milnes (Sr) 0:32:17.4 112 Fairhaven Baptist Seth Ammann (So) 0:32:18.5 113 92 North Park Daniel Jones (Fr) 0:32:37.6 114 93 DuPage Comm. Dave Ayello (Fr) 0:32:45.8 115 Univ. of Chicago John Connor (So) 0:32:52.5 116 94 Sauk Valley Comm. Michael Moore (So) 0:33:00.7 117 North Central Frank Martin (Fr) 0:33:17.8 118 Fairhaven Baptist Ethan Porozynski (Fr) 0:33:41.7 119 95 DuPage Comm. Wes Schoenfeldt (So) 0:33:43.1 120 Fairhaven Baptist David Warner (So) 0:33:45.3 121 Goshen Jason Young (Jr) 0:33:48.8 122 96 DuPage Comm. Aaron Van Someran (Fr) 0:34:06.3 123 Unattached (North Park) Don Fancher (Sr) 0:34:18.3 124 97 Chicago State Benjamin Bayless (Jr) 0:34:24.7 125 98 Elgin Comm. Rob Reed (So) 0:34:31.7 126 99 Waubonsee Comm. Steven Sifft (Fr) 0:34:35.2 127 Prairie State Comm. Juan Brooks (Fr) 0:34:39.8 128 100 Chicago State Delin Hill (So) 0:34:43.3 129 North Central Guthrie Hood (Sr) 0:34:43.7 130 101 North Park Joel Ylagan (So) 0:34:49.5 131 Sauk Valley Comm. Andy Raum (Fr) 0:35:02.3 132 102 DuPage Comm. Ryan Hoving (Fr) 0:35:14.6 133 Aurora Travis Quigley (So) 0:35:21.9 134 103 Chicago State Mike Runnels (Sr) 0:35:30.0 135 Dominican Patrick Kelley (Fr) 0:35:32.5 136 Dominican Keith Ponce (Fr) 0:35:43.8 137 104 Chicago State Stephon Harden (So) 0:35:44.0 138 105 North Park Daniel Michel (So) 0:35:57.1 139 106 Benedictine John Dehm (So) 0:35:59.6 140 107 Concordia (IL) Matt Bergholt (Sr) 0:36:42.9 141 Prairie State Comm. Ryan Jones (Fr) 0:36:44.9 142 Aurora Matt Waite (So) 0:36:46.2 143 Aurora Donald Pugh (Fr) 0:36:51.7 144 108 Concordia (IL) Shawn Barnett (Jr) 0:37:17.9 145 109 Chicago State Travis Williams (So) 0:37:40.4 146 Goshen Lucas Vachon (Sr) 0:37:44.0 147 110 Benedictine Alex Wolz (Fr) 0:38:13.4 148 Sauk Valley Comm. Josh Baker (Fr) 0:38:43.5 149 111 North Park Weston Gleffe (So) 0:40:12.7 150 North Park Matthew Capetta (Jr) 0:41:18.8 151 112 Waubonsee Comm. James Graham (Fr) 0:41:23.4 152 113 Concordia (IL) Matt Beck (Fr) 0:41:25.8 153 Dominican Matt Bernard (Fr) 0:41:44.5 154 114 Benedictine Jim Noland (So) 0:43:37.6 155 115 Concordia (IL) Josh Stanley (Jr) 0:46:20.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marian 61 1, 2, 16, 20, 22, 74, 84 2 North Central 79 9, 12, 17, 18, 23, 25, 34 3 Bethel 125 15, 24, 27, 28, 31, 32 4 Goshen 164 5, 13, 45, 47, 54, 66, 70 5 St. Joseph's 168 3, 6, 8, 72, 79 6 Wheaton 175 26, 30, 38, 40, 41, 62, 78 7 Illinois Central 181 7, 10, 36, 63, 65, 80 8 Univ. of Chicago 197 14, 33, 44, 48, 58, 64, 81 9 Moraine Valley Comm. 200 11, 37, 43, 53, 56, 61, 87 10 Sauk Valley Comm. 273 4, 39, 69, 75, 86, 91, 94 11 Calumet 276 19, 29, 55, 83, 90 12 Elgin Comm. 297 21, 60, 68, 71, 77, 85, 98 13 Waubonsee Comm. 379 42, 59, 67, 99, 112 14 DuPage Comm. 396 46, 73, 89, 93, 95, 96, 102 15 North Park 401 50, 76, 82, 92, 101, 105, 111 16 Concordia (IL) 411 51, 57, 88, 107, 108, 113, 115 17 Benedictine 431 49, 52, 106, 110, 114 18 Chicago State 439 35, 97, 100, 103, 104, 109 19 Aurora No Score - Had only 3 finishers 20 Dominican No Score - Had only 4 finishers 21 Fairhaven Baptist No Score - Had only 4 finishers 22 Harper Comm. No Score - Had only 4 finishers 23 Prairie State Comm. No Score - Had only 3 finishers 24 Unattached (Chgo State) No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Unattached (Harper Comm.) No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 Unattached (North Park) No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marian 136:21 27:16 2:16 25:57, 26:05, 27:57, 28:09, 28:13, 30:58 2 North Central 139:34 27:55 0:38 27:35, 27:47, 27:59, 28:00, 28:13, 28:15 3 Bethel 141:46 28:21 0:44 27:55, 28:14, 28:28, 28:30, 28:39, 28:42 4 St. Joseph's 143:01 28:36 5:15 26:18, 26:56, 27:19, 30:55, 31:33 5 Wheaton 143:53 28:47 0:47 28:19, 28:32, 28:56, 29:00, 29:06, 30:30 6 Goshen 143:55 28:47 3:03 26:54, 27:49, 29:32, 29:43, 29:57, 30:45 7 Illinois Central 145:08 29:02 3:25 27:16, 27:43, 28:53, 30:35, 30:41, 31:34 8 Moraine Valley Comm. 145:53 29:11 2:12 27:47, 28:55, 29:16, 29:56, 29:59, 30:29 9 Univ. of Chicago 146:08 29:14 2:30 27:50, 28:47, 29:27, 29:44, 30:20, 30:37 10 Sauk Valley Comm. 149:56 29:59 5:03 26:52, 28:59, 30:53, 31:17, 31:55, 32:18 11 Calumet 150:40 30:08 4:12 28:05, 28:32, 29:57, 31:49, 32:17 12 Elgin Comm. 151:45 30:21 3:10 28:11, 30:27, 30:52, 30:54, 31:21, 31:51 13 DuPage Comm. 159:09 31:50 4:04 29:39, 30:57, 32:04, 32:46, 33:43, 34:07 14 North Park 160:19 32:04 5:01 29:49, 31:19, 31:43, 32:38, 34:50, 35:58 15 Concordia (IL) 166:00 33:12 7:29 29:49, 30:09, 32:01, 36:43, 37:18, 41:26 16 Waubonsee Comm. 166:27 33:17 12:09 29:15, 30:21, 30:51, 34:36, 41:24 17 Chicago State 169:15 33:51 6:52 28:52, 34:25, 34:44, 35:30, 35:44, 37:41 18 Benedictine 177:32 35:30 13:53 29:45, 29:55, 36:00, 38:14, 43:38 19 Aurora No Score 35:22, 36:47, 36:52 20 Dominican No Score 32:17, 35:33, 35:44, 41:45 21 Fairhaven Baptist No Score 30:01, 32:19, 33:42, 33:46 22 Harper Comm. No Score 27:33, 29:19, 30:59, 31:39 23 Prairie State Comm. No Score 30:51, 34:40, 36:45 24 Unattached (Chgo State) No Score 25 Unattached (Harper Comm.) No Score 26 Unattached (North Park) No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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