Individual Results
2005 Bill Keel InvitationalOctober 5, 2005 Girls 8th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:08:43.0 by Amber Stack of MacArthur on Oct. 9, 2002 Place School Name Time ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hubble Heidi Ansiel (8) 0:08:51.8 2 Hill Vanessa DiBernardo (8) 0:08:58.0 3 Percy Julian Katherine Rack (8) 0:08:58.9 4 Percy Julian Evangelie Zachos (8) 0:09:00.3 5 Kennedy Mallory Loar (8) 0:09:14.3 6 Percy Julian Camille Range (8) 0:09:16.4 7 Cooper Erin Cleary (8) 0:09:18.6 8 Kennedy Joanna Brodecki (8) 0:09:19.4 9 Madison Shelby Pealer (8) 0:09:20.1 10 Lincoln Alex Coon (8) 0:09:24.4 11 O'Neill Grace Magliola (8) 0:09:25.8 12 Roosevelt Molly Sutton (8) 0:09:30.9 13 Lincoln Vanessa Hendrix (8) 0:09:34.3 14 Hadley Carmie Orbegoso (8) 0:09:36.9 15 Hubble Jessica Wasser (8) 0:09:37.9 16 O'Neill Ellen Wiese (8) 0:09:42.3 17 Cooper Deanna Guyton (8) 0:09:47.2 18 Lincoln Sarah VandenHuevel (8) 0:09:48.5 19 Troy Rachel Mormon (8) 0:09:52.0 20 Cooper Ashley Atchison (8) 0:09:52.8 21 Madison Grace Kim (8) 0:09:55.6 22 Roosevelt Clare Quinn (8) 0:09:56.9 23 Hubble Caitlin Schwark (8) 0:09:57.6 24 Thompson Holly Robertson (8) 0:09:58.1 25 Percy Julian Rosa Pergams (8) 0:09:58.9 26 Cooper Christina Wellbank (8) 0:10:00.0 27 Hubble Ally Bratzel (8) 0:10:02.6 28 Hubble Rachel Adomschick (8) 0:10:03.6 29 Roosevelt Suzanne Kirk (7) 0:10:04.4 30 Hadley Kristen Wittmuss (8) 0:10:05.2 31 Roosevelt Alex Adeli (8) 0:10:05.8 32 Washington Elizabeth Biegalski (8) 0:10:06.3 33 Cooper Laura Burke (8) 0:10:06.8 34 Hill Victoria Baldacci (8) 0:10:07.6 35 Hill Emily Scheckel (8) 0:10:08.4 36 Hill Michelle Dillman (8) 0:10:09.2 37 Hubble Lindsay Christensen (8) 0:10:10.8 38 Stratford Kayla Redingger (8) 0:10:11.6 39 Hubble Annie Wanner (8) 0:10:12.2 40 Hadley Katie Renwick (8) 0:10:13.8 41 Edison Liz Behrens (8) 0:10:15.5 42 Jefferson Emily Grissom (8) 0:10:16.7 43 Lincoln Caley Faulkner (8) 0:10:18.6 44 Lincoln Sarah Buczkiewicz (8) 0:10:19.0 45 Troy Toria Trost (8) 0:10:19.5 46 Stratford Adrianna LaCandia (8) 0:10:22.1 47 Roosevelt Maeve O'Connor (7) 0:10:27.5 48 Edison Andrea Kerwin (8) 0:10:28.9 49 Jay Stream Yen Le (8) 0:10:29.4 50 Lincoln Megan Ambrose (8) 0:10:30.3 51 Troy Lauren Reinhard (8) 0:10:30.9 52 Roosevelt Meredith Diamond (7) 0:10:32.3 53 Roosevelt Gena Wendt (7) 0:10:33.5 54 Hill Sinead DeVries (8) 0:10:34.1 55 Glen Crest Marla Tharp (8) 0:10:35.4 56 Kennedy Anna Langhenry (8) 0:10:35.9 57 Hill KellyAnn Hennessy (8) 0:10:36.5 58 Troy Brooke Fromm (8) 0:10:37.3 59 Hadley Olivia Schwartz (8) 0:10:38.0 60 Madison Lindsey Rohan (8) 0:10:38.5 61 Jefferson Emily Janacek (8) 0:10:39.3 62 Lincoln Alyssa Lindley (8) 0:10:40.3 63 O'Neill Desiree Flores (8) 0:10:43.6 64 Jefferson Emma Williams (8) 0:10:44.7 65 Washington Emma DeGan (8) 0:10:48.3 66 Madison Abbey Kromphardt (8) 0:10:49.6 67 Hadley Carly Walker (8) 0:10:50.1 68 O'Neill Emily Drews (8) 0:10:51.4 69 Glen Crest Rikki Henderson (8) 0:10:52.7 70 Edison Megan Munzing (8) 0:10:53.5 71 Kennedy Chelsey Porter (8) 0:10:54.2 72 Jay Stream Sarah Wellner (8) 0:10:54.8 73 Cooper Nicky Delaney (8) 0:10:57.2 74 Thompson Ashley Perez (8) 0:10:57.7 75 Stratford Jessica Moffitt (8) 0:10:58.3 76 Kennedy Kathleen Gallagher (8) 0:10:59.0 77 Kennedy Anne Marie Boswell (8) 0:11:00.3 78 Kennedy Rachel Rodi (8) 0:11:01.0 79 Jay Stream Natalie Johnson (8) 0:11:03.5 80 Hill Catherine Bock (8) 0:11:04.0 81 Washington Diana Xu (8) 0:11:04.4 82 Hadley Maggie Deaton (8) 0:11:04.8 83 Washington Michelle Heneghan (8) 0:11:05.3 84 Washington Gina Pancottine (8) 0:11:05.9 85 Hadley Bridget Franke (8) 0:11:08.2 86 Jefferson Maria Garcia (8) 0:11:09.1 87 O'Neill Danielle Bozek (8) 0:11:12.2 88 Cooper Knar Bedian (8) 0:11:12.9 89 Jefferson Maggie Corcoran (8) 0:11:13.5 90 Percy Julian Stephanie Whited (8) 0:11:14.4 91 Percy Julian Kristie Borg (8) 0:11:17.5 92 O'Neill Jessica Sonnenberger (8) 0:11:19.3 93 Washington Rachel Arata (8) 0:11:19.9 94 O'Neill Alyssa Markham (8) 0:11:20.5 95 Glen Crest Eileen Knowles (8) 0:11:25.9 96 Jay Stream Karen Nolasco (7) 0:11:26.5 97 Jefferson Becca Fisher (8) 0:11:27.0 98 Washington Claire Morley (8) 0:11:32.9 99 Madison Sarah Reasons (8) 0:11:33.6 100 Troy Lauren Baugh (8) 0:11:34.3 101 Thompson Caitlyn Camuti (8) 0:11:39.5 102 Glen Crest Alesia Fowlkes (8) 0:11:45.7 103 Madison Adaobi Ujari (8) 0:11:46.1 104 Jay Stream Jessica Zweifel (8) 0:11:46.6 105 Jefferson Callie Ault (8) 0:11:49.2 106 Jay Stream Nicole Rinde (8) 0:11:50.3 107 Madison Lauren Baxter (8) 0:11:50.8 108 Thompson Allison Heinz (8) 0:11:51.2 109 Thompson Stephanie Sawyer (8) 0:11:51.7 110 Thompson Alexandra Cristelli (8) 0:11:53.6 111 Troy Tiara P'Pool (8) 0:12:20.8 112 Jay Stream Karen Woznicki (8) 0:12:32.2 113 Thompson Kellie Weaver (8) 0:12:33.1 114 Glen Crest Jackie Hawking (8) 0:12:36.3 115 Edison Blair Engel (8) 0:13:12.2 116 Edison Susie Pearson (8) 0:13:24.3 117 Stratford Zahra Jamal (8) 0:14:40.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hubble 94 1, 15, 23, 27, 28, 37, 39 2 Cooper 103 7, 17, 20, 26, 33, 73, 88 3 Lincoln 128 10, 13, 18, 43, 44, 50, 62 4 Percy Julian 128 3, 4, 6, 25, 90, 91 5 Roosevelt 141 12, 22, 29, 31, 47, 52, 53 6 Hill 161 2, 34, 35, 36, 54, 57, 80 7 Hadley 210 14, 30, 40, 59, 67, 82, 85 8 Kennedy 216 5, 8, 56, 71, 76, 77, 78 9 O'Neill 245 11, 16, 63, 68, 87, 92, 94 10 Madison 255 9, 21, 60, 66, 99, 103, 107 11 Troy 273 19, 45, 51, 58, 100, 111 12 Jefferson 342 42, 61, 64, 86, 89, 97, 105 13 Washington 345 32, 65, 81, 83, 84, 93, 98 14 Edison 390 41, 48, 70, 115, 116 15 Jay Stream 400 49, 72, 79, 96, 104, 106, 112 16 Thompson 416 24, 74, 101, 108, 109, 110, 113 17 Glen Crest 435 55, 69, 95, 102, 114 18 Stratford No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Percy Julian 48:31 9:42 2:16 8:59, 9:01, 9:17, 9:59, 11:15, 11:18 2 Hubble 48:35 9:43 1:12 8:52, 9:38, 9:58, 10:03, 10:04, 10:11 3 Cooper 49:07 9:49 0:48 9:19, 9:48, 9:53, 10:00, 10:07, 10:58 4 Lincoln 49:27 9:53 0:54 9:25, 9:35, 9:49, 10:19, 10:19, 10:31 5 Hill 50:00 10:00 1:37 8:58, 10:08, 10:09, 10:10, 10:35, 10:37 6 Roosevelt 50:07 10:01 0:57 9:31, 9:57, 10:05, 10:06, 10:28, 10:33 7 Kennedy 51:05 10:13 1:44 9:15, 9:20, 10:36, 10:55, 10:59, 11:01 8 Hadley 51:25 10:17 1:13 9:37, 10:06, 10:14, 10:38, 10:50, 11:05 9 O'Neill 51:58 10:24 1:47 9:26, 9:43, 10:44, 10:52, 11:13, 11:20 10 Madison 52:19 10:28 2:14 9:20, 9:56, 10:39, 10:50, 11:34, 11:47 11 Troy 52:56 10:35 1:43 9:52, 10:20, 10:31, 10:38, 11:35, 12:21 12 Jefferson 54:05 10:49 0:57 10:17, 10:40, 10:45, 11:09, 11:14, 11:27 13 Washington 54:13 10:51 0:59 10:07, 10:49, 11:05, 11:06, 11:06, 11:20 14 Jay Stream 55:43 11:09 1:17 10:30, 10:55, 11:04, 11:27, 11:47, 11:51 15 Thompson 56:20 11:16 1:54 9:58, 10:58, 11:40, 11:52, 11:52, 11:54 16 Glen Crest 57:18 11:28 2:01 10:36, 10:53, 11:26, 11:46, 12:37 17 Edison 58:17 11:39 3:09 10:16, 10:29, 10:54, 13:13, 13:25 18 Stratford No Score 10:12, 10:22, 10:59, 14:41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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