Individual Results
35th Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalOctober 1, 2005 Boys Fr (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Fenwick Brian Barron (Fr) 0:10:59.5 2 2 Barrington Micah Koenig (Fr) 0:11:10.6 3 3 Fenwick Tom Lazer (Fr) 0:11:21.7 4 4 Lake Park Craig Watson (Fr) 0:11:27.6 5 5 Glenbrook South George Pappamichiel (Fr) 0:11:29.7 6 6 Niles North Matt Hanson (Fr) 0:11:38.0 7 7 Cambridge (WI) Patrick Jenkins (Fr) 0:11:42.3 8 8 Glenbrook South Jeff Takaki (Fr) 0:11:45.5 9 9 Fenwick Jack Boyle (Fr) 0:11:45.8 10 10 Glenbrook South Tim Zerwic (Fr) 0:11:53.5 11 11 Evanston Matt Marol (Fr) 0:11:55.8 12 12 Fenwick Michael Yerkes (Fr) 0:12:00.0 13 13 Niles North Alex Bandas (Fr) 0:12:07.0 14 14 Glenbrook South Dan Lee (Fr) 0:12:08.6 15 15 Hinsdale Central Cody Smith (Fr) 0:12:09.5 16 16 Glenbrook South Luke Faith (Fr) 0:12:15.8 17 17 Hinsdale Central Eric Olson (Fr) 0:12:20.7 18 18 Fenwick Andrew Barta (Fr) 0:12:22.0 19 19 Hinsdale Central Jim Doheny (Fr) 0:12:22.7 20 20 Highland Park Yosi Ruiz (Fr) 0:12:23.7 21 21 Grayslake Robert Delaney (Fr) 0:12:24.1 22 22 Glenbrook North Josh Baigelman (Fr) 0:12:25.8 23 23 Barrington Owen Hull (Fr) 0:12:28.8 24 24 Leyden Rafael Crisosto (Fr) 0:12:30.1 25 25 Niles North Sam Segal (Fr) 0:12:39.2 26 26 Lake Park Kelsey Morgan (Fr) 0:12:39.8 27 27 Barrington David DeWitt (Fr) 0:12:44.2 28 28 Lake Park Dan Peel (Fr) 0:12:44.7 29 29 Mather Omar Hernendez (Fr) 0:12:46.5 30 30 Barrington Jon Kniesel (Fr) 0:12:49.3 31 31 Highland Park Jon Menke (Fr) 0:12:49.7 32 32 Highland Park Scott Rothschild (Fr) 0:12:50.6 33 33 Barrington Beau Conrad (Fr) 0:12:52.5 34 34 Glenbrook South Jeff Richards (Fr) 0:12:53.5 35 35 Glenbrook South Will Davis (Fr) 0:12:56.7 36 36 Lake Park Kenny Becker (Fr) 0:12:58.6 37 37 Leo Mario Bullock (Fr) 0:13:00.0 38 38 Hinsdale Central Alex Kazer (Fr) 0:13:00.8 39 39 Lake Park Nick Militello (Fr) 0:13:09.9 40 40 Barrington Jeff Robinson (Fr) 0:13:11.0 41 41 Cambridge (WI) Ben Roberts (Fr) 0:13:12.0 42 Glenbrook South Tom Sobczak (Fr) 0:13:14.1 43 42 Grayslake Cory Leeper (Fr) 0:13:15.3 44 43 Mather Anthony Vargas (Fr) 0:13:17.5 45 44 Fenwick Luke Herrmann (Fr) 0:13:18.9 46 45 Grayslake Jimmy Johnson (Fr) 0:13:24.4 47 46 Barrington Ben Altshuler (Fr) 0:13:25.3 48 47 Mather Terrel Williams (Fr) 0:13:29.9 49 48 Cambridge (WI) Cody Sanoy (Fr) 0:13:38.5 50 49 Hinsdale Central Mike Andreou (Fr) 0:13:40.9 51 50 Lake Forest Academy Jason Chung (Fr) 0:13:42.8 52 Barrington Steve Johnston (Fr) 0:13:48.8 53 51 Mather Miguel Medina (Fr) 0:13:49.2 54 52 Grayslake Randy Wood (Fr) 0:13:50.9 55 53 Lake Park Matt Ryan (Fr) 0:13:54.9 56 54 Fenwick Matt Miller (Fr) 0:13:56.7 57 55 Lake Forest Academy Daniel Paez (Fr) 0:13:57.4 58 56 Mather Eddie Torres (Fr) 0:13:59.5 59 57 Cambridge (WI) Tony Dedie (Fr) 0:14:03.6 60 58 Niles North David Kohn (Fr) 0:14:04.3 61 Glenbrook South Caleb Lowry (Fr) 0:14:05.8 62 59 Hinsdale Central Ivan Davis (Fr) 0:14:06.4 63 60 Mather Sheedy Victor (Fr) 0:14:07.5 64 61 Highland Park Jordan Broutman (Fr) 0:14:08.3 65 Glenbrook South Sean Grandfield (Fr) 0:14:09.7 66 62 Highland Park Ben Swerdlow (Fr) 0:14:10.6 67 Glenbrook South Alex Basak (Fr) 0:14:16.3 68 63 Evanston James Keeley (Fr) 0:14:16.9 69 Glenbrook South Josh Kraft (Fr) 0:14:17.4 70 64 Glenbrook North Grant Spathis (Fr) 0:14:18.1 71 65 Hinsdale Central Chris Murray (Fr) 0:14:21.3 72 Barrington Kevin Griffin (Fr) 0:14:27.5 73 66 Highland Park Holden Sheftel (Fr) 0:14:28.0 74 67 Glenbrook North Kyle Moy (Fr) 0:14:28.5 75 68 Lake Forest Academy Mike Kim (Fr) 0:14:29.0 76 Hinsdale Central Alex Manta (Fr) 0:14:37.8 77 69 Mather Justin Garth (Fr) 0:14:43.5 78 Fenwick Vlad Iordache (Fr) 0:14:44.1 79 Hinsdale Central Adam Lopinski (Fr) 0:14:45.3 80 Glenbrook South Nick Szafranski (Fr) 0:14:46.0 81 70 Highland Park Michael Ochoa (Fr) 0:14:52.5 82 71 Leyden Tony Gargano (Fr) 0:15:06.9 83 72 Lake Forest Academy Bill Cho (Fr) 0:15:08.0 84 73 Glenbrook North Nick Morley (Fr) 0:15:08.4 85 74 Leyden John Roman (Fr) 0:15:11.3 86 75 Lake Forest Academy Taylor Gorter (Fr) 0:15:12.2 87 76 Niles North Curtis Tam (Fr) 0:15:12.8 88 77 Lake Forest Academy Mark Mesrobian (Fr) 0:15:14.2 89 78 Leo Mike Jach (So) 0:15:17.0 90 79 Leyden Moses Hernandez (Fr) 0:15:26.6 91 Glenbrook South Phil Lewis (Fr) 0:15:28.9 92 Hinsdale Central Eric Groh (Fr) 0:15:36.9 93 80 Glenbrook North Steven Hesky (Fr) 0:15:39.0 94 81 Grayslake Kevin Yatsushiro (Fr) 0:15:39.6 95 82 Leyden Eric Thomas (Fr) 0:15:41.6 96 Barrington Nick Balsamo (Fr) 0:15:48.7 97 83 Lake Forest Academy Sam Shaprio (Fr) 0:15:51.2 98 84 Grayslake Andrew Schmitt (Fr) 0:15:58.0 99 Barrington Lincoln Schulte (Fr) 0:16:03.7 100 Mather Alex Sorapru (Fr) 0:16:07.0 101 Barrington Austin Denten (Fr) 0:16:38.6 102 Mather Joshua King (Fr) 0:16:44.5 103 Barrington Dan Arnold (Fr) 0:16:49.0 104 Mather Jon Cid (Fr) 0:17:40.7 105 Mather Tommy Vargas (Fr) 0:17:41.3 106 85 Leyden Bill Vasquez (Fr) 0:17:52.1 107 Barrington Chris Koepsel (Fr) 0:19:05.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 43 1, 3, 9, 12, 18, 44, 54 2 Glenbrook South 53 5, 8, 10, 14, 16, 34, 35 3 Barrington 115 2, 23, 27, 30, 33, 40, 46 4 Lake Park 133 4, 26, 28, 36, 39, 53 5 Hinsdale Central 138 15, 17, 19, 38, 49, 59, 65 6 Niles North 178 6, 13, 25, 58, 76 7 Highland Park 206 20, 31, 32, 61, 62, 66, 70 8 Mather 226 29, 43, 47, 51, 56, 60, 69 9 Cambridge (WI) 239 7, 41, 48, 57, 86 10 Grayslake 241 21, 42, 45, 52, 81, 84 11 Glenbrook North 306 22, 64, 67, 73, 80 12 Lake Forest Academy 320 50, 55, 68, 72, 75, 77, 83 13 Leyden 330 24, 71, 74, 79, 82, 85 14 Evanston 332 11, 63, 86, 86, 86 15 Leo 373 37, 78, 86, 86, 86 16 Argo No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 Hinsdale South No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Hubbard No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Jones No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Kelvyn Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Lockport No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Madison West (WI) No Score - Had only 0 finishers 23 Mount Carmel No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Fenwick 58:27 11:41 1:23 10:59, 11:21, 11:45, 12:00, 12:22, 13:18 2 Glenbrook South 59:30 11:54 0:46 11:29, 11:45, 11:53, 12:08, 12:15, 12:53 3 Barrington 62:03 12:25 1:42 11:10, 12:28, 12:44, 12:49, 12:52, 13:11 4 Lake Park 62:57 12:35 1:42 11:27, 12:39, 12:44, 12:58, 13:09, 13:54 5 Hinsdale Central 63:31 12:42 1:31 12:09, 12:20, 12:22, 13:00, 13:40, 14:06 6 Niles North 65:40 13:08 3:34 11:38, 12:07, 12:39, 14:04, 15:12 7 Highland Park 66:20 13:16 1:47 12:23, 12:49, 12:50, 14:08, 14:10, 14:28 8 Mather 67:20 13:28 1:13 12:46, 13:17, 13:29, 13:49, 13:59, 14:07 9 Grayslake 68:32 13:42 3:15 12:24, 13:15, 13:24, 13:50, 15:39, 15:58 10 Glenbrook North 71:58 14:24 3:14 12:25, 14:18, 14:28, 15:08, 15:39 11 Lake Forest Academy 72:28 14:30 1:30 13:42, 13:57, 14:29, 15:08, 15:12, 15:14 12 Leyden 73:54 14:47 3:11 12:30, 15:06, 15:11, 15:26, 15:41, 17:52 13 Argo No Score 14 Cambridge (WI) No Score 11:42, 13:12, 13:38, 14:03 15 Evanston No Score 11:55, 14:16 16 Hinsdale South No Score 17 Hubbard No Score 18 Jones No Score 19 Kelvyn Park No Score 20 Leo No Score 13:00, 15:17 21 Lockport No Score 22 Madison West (WI) No Score 23 Mount Carmel No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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