Individual Results
2005 Palatine InvitationalSeptember 24, 2005 Girls Fr/So 2.5 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:21.5 by Sarah Arnberger of Barrington H.S. on Sept. 27, 2003 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Maine West Elizabeth Meier (Fr) 0:15:12.6 2 2 Palatine Emma Maslanka (Fr) 0:15:22.5 3 3 Palatine Meg Harahan (Fr) 0:15:30.7 4 4 Cary Grove Lisa Anderson (Fr) 0:15:32.1 5 5 Lake Forest Ally Grumley (So) 0:15:33.7 6 6 Lake Forest Katherine Lukas (So) 0:15:38.1 7 7 Lake Forest Caroline Martin (So) 0:15:42.2 8 8 Dundee-Crown Jessica Fliginger (Fr) 0:15:44.5 9 9 Libertyville Erin Boyle (Fr) 0:15:45.1 10 10 Lake Forest Caroline Kelleher (Fr) 0:15:45.6 11 11 Barrington Kala Bingham (So) 0:15:46.2 12 12 Cary Grove Jenna Miner (Fr) 0:16:03.5 13 13 Barrington Erin Rappleye (So) 0:16:04.7 14 14 Lyons Township Ruth Bowhay (Fr) 0:16:10.6 15 15 Lyons Township Wendy Wise (So) 0:16:11.1 16 16 Libertyville Margaret McCall (So) 0:16:11.6 17 17 Libertyville Alyssa Corrigan (Fr) 0:16:12.1 18 18 Lyons Township Sarah Sipek (So) 0:16:13.1 19 19 Mother McAuley Annie Waugh (So) 0:16:14.0 20 20 Palatine Diana Cruz (So) 0:16:14.5 21 21 Loyola Academy Kristen Kirland (So) 0:16:15.3 22 22 Lyons Township Allie Corrigan (So) 0:16:16.5 23 23 Palatine Bethann Hamer (So) 0:16:17.3 24 24 Loyola Academy Krystina O'Connor (Fr) 0:16:18.0 25 25 Barrington Ellie Brindise (So) 0:16:22.8 26 26 Lake Forest Katie Krapf (So) 0:16:25.0 27 27 Cary Grove Kelli Anderson (Fr) 0:16:25.6 28 28 Barrington Annie Choi (Fr) 0:16:31.8 29 29 Lake Forest Jessica Barton (Fr) 0:16:32.4 30 30 Buffalo Grove Amanda Eich (Fr) 0:16:33.1 31 31 Lake Zurich Megan Beigl (Fr) 0:16:33.7 32 32 Buffalo Grove Carolin Kissner (Fr) 0:16:34.2 33 33 Mother McAuley Gwen Mallon (So) 0:16:34.7 34 34 Prospect Alex Moxley (So) 0:16:35.4 35 35 Lyons Township Ashley Pilipiszyn (So) 0:16:36.0 36 36 Barrington Karis Ailabouni (Fr) 0:16:38.0 37 37 Cary Grove Andie Ozarowski (So) 0:16:42.5 38 38 Lyons Township Megan MacIver (Fr) 0:16:46.0 39 39 Cary Grove Annika Garcia (Fr) 0:16:46.7 40 40 Downers Grove North Kelly Rounce (So) 0:16:48.5 41 41 Dundee-Crown Katie Dunning (So) 0:16:50.4 42 42 Dundee-Crown Samantha Clark (Fr) 0:16:51.4 43 43 Lake Forest Ellie Douglass (Fr) 0:16:52.0 44 44 Lyons Township Mimi Nora (So) 0:16:56.1 45 45 Prairie Ridge Meghan Burkes (So) 0:16:57.1 46 46 Palatine Taylor Shaw (Fr) 0:16:59.5 47 47 Stevenson Haley Quinlan (So) 0:17:00.9 48 48 Palatine Chelsea McPherson (So) 0:17:01.5 49 49 Prairie Ridge Julia Mangler (Fr) 0:17:02.1 50 50 Carmel Allison Hamman (So) 0:17:05.5 51 51 Barrington Judy Chung (Fr) 0:17:07.1 52 52 Mother McAuley Jill Novosel (So) 0:17:08.5 53 53 Dundee-Crown Katie Wendt (So) 0:17:10.0 54 54 Loyola Academy Sabrina Marino (Fr) 0:17:11.3 55 55 Buffalo Grove Ashley Foster (Fr) 0:17:12.2 56 56 Loyola Academy Kelly Skowera (Fr) 0:17:13.3 57 57 Mother McAuley Lauren Kleist (Fr) 0:17:15.0 58 58 Prospect Erin Lusk (So) 0:17:16.0 59 59 Hersey Kristen Mullen-Muhr (So) 0:17:17.0 60 60 Carmel Laura Nozicka (So) 0:17:17.8 61 61 Prospect Michelle Sciontino (Fr) 0:17:18.6 62 62 Carmel Kristen Gattuso (So) 0:17:19.6 63 63 Carmel Kacie Poll (Fr) 0:17:20.7 64 McHenry Ariana Nykaza (Fr) 0:17:21.9 65 64 Buffalo Grove Colleen Maher (Fr) 0:17:23.0 66 65 Barrington Arielle Schwartz (Fr) 0:17:25.0 67 66 Hersey Katie Mijal (So) 0:17:25.5 68 67 Prospect Brittney Caberea (So) 0:17:26.2 69 68 Dundee-Crown Meghan Elgan (So) 0:17:27.6 70 69 Hersey Ashley Somenek (So) 0:17:30.1 71 70 Stevenson Abby Miller (So) 0:17:33.5 72 71 Prospect Carilyn Kragh (So) 0:17:35.7 73 72 Buffalo Grove Ioana Ciungan (Fr) 0:17:36.5 74 73 Downers Grove North Annie Correll (Fr) 0:17:40.7 75 74 Prospect Tessa Reedy (Fr) 0:17:41.3 76 75 Downers Grove North Amanda Fry (Fr) 0:17:41.8 77 76 Lake Zurich Karen Dionesotes (Fr) 0:17:42.5 78 77 Libertyville Kate Tunicliff (Fr) 0:17:43.0 79 78 Buffalo Grove Erin McGrath (Fr) 0:17:44.4 80 79 Loyola Academy Joanna Peters (Fr) 0:17:45.9 81 80 Dundee-Crown Kelly Clarton (Fr) 0:17:46.9 82 81 Dundee-Crown Katie Bein (So) 0:17:48.0 83 82 Libertyville Kendra Foley (Fr) 0:17:49.3 84 83 Stevenson Sam Kempf (So) 0:17:50.2 85 84 Palatine Jamie Cieslak (So) 0:17:51.3 86 85 Downers Grove North Emily Henson (Fr) 0:17:52.0 87 86 Mother McAuley Megan Rowan (So) 0:17:52.7 88 87 Mother McAuley Claire Newell (Fr) 0:17:53.7 89 88 Libertyville Erin Knauff (So) 0:17:55.6 90 89 Carmel Nicole Bersani (So) 0:17:56.5 91 90 Hersey Dana Jacobsen (Fr) 0:17:57.4 92 91 Mother McAuley Lizzy Podlasek (Fr) 0:17:59.0 93 92 Buffalo Grove Megan Kelley (So) 0:18:00.2 94 93 Stevenson Michelle Bredin (So) 0:18:02.1 95 94 Libertyville Katie Larson (So) 0:18:05.5 96 Mundelein Ali Havlik (Fr) 0:18:08.4 97 95 Downers Grove North Jessica Bollow (Fr) 0:18:09.7 98 96 Downers Grove North Kathy Dejmek (Fr) 0:18:12.6 99 97 Downers Grove North Ana Aceves-Bayardo (Fr) 0:18:16.8 100 98 Maine West Chelsea Zilinger (So) 0:18:20.6 101 99 Maine West Katie Cullotta (Fr) 0:18:26.1 102 100 Carmel Christina Sabato (So) 0:18:27.8 103 101 Lake Zurich Stephanie Laidlaw (So) 0:18:28.4 104 102 Prospect Amanda Adamiec (So) 0:18:29.0 105 103 Prairie Ridge Amanda Barth (Fr) 0:18:29.8 106 104 Joliet Township Jessica Juarez (So) 0:18:31.3 107 105 Joliet Township Gina Wartenberg (So) 0:18:33.9 108 106 Lake Zurich Julie Bergman (So) 0:18:36.1 109 107 Prairie Ridge Camille Clausen (Fr) 0:18:42.1 110 108 Maine West Kelly Coyne (So) 0:18:46.2 111 McHenry Addie Cadavid (So) 0:19:02.4 112 109 Lake Zurich Devon Fortelka (So) 0:19:05.8 113 110 Joliet Township Emily Wedge (Fr) 0:19:07.3 114 111 Joliet Township Amanda Piercy (Fr) 0:19:08.1 115 112 Hersey Kendall Papa (Fr) 0:19:09.1 116 McHenry Amber Barrett (So) 0:19:12.1 117 113 Joliet Township Emily Bayci (So) 0:19:26.8 118 114 Maine West Rose Andersen (So) 0:19:36.7 119 115 Hersey Stephanie Durkacz (So) 0:19:43.8 120 116 Joliet Township Christina Contrerez (So) 0:19:49.3 121 117 Maine West Janna Proctor (So) 0:19:50.3 122 118 Stevenson Jami Klein (So) 0:19:53.2 123 Mundelein Jamie Rasor (Fr) 0:20:07.2 124 119 Stevenson Jaclyn Pappageorge (Fr) 0:20:15.1 125 Mundelein Dulce Arroyo (So) 0:20:23.1 126 120 Hersey Sara Sneddon (Fr) 0:20:31.4 127 121 Maine West Caroline Bednarski (So) 0:20:36.1 128 122 Stevenson Anjulie Gang (Fr) 0:20:41.1 129 Mundelein Lupe Olmos (Fr) 0:20:53.3 130 Maine West Stephanie French (Fr) 0:20:55.4 131 123 Prairie Ridge Stephanie Brown (So) 0:21:14.7 132 124 Joliet Township Amanda Nemec (So) 0:21:21.2 133 Maine West Michelle Sachtler (So) 0:21:34.6 134 McHenry Carla Anglada (Fr) 0:22:39.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lake Forest 54 5, 6, 7, 10, 26, 29, 43 2 Palatine 94 2, 3, 20, 23, 46, 48, 84 3 Lyons Township 104 14, 15, 18, 22, 35, 38, 44 4 Barrington 113 11, 13, 25, 28, 36, 51, 65 5 Cary Grove 119 4, 12, 27, 37, 39 6 Libertyville 201 9, 16, 17, 77, 82, 88, 94 7 Dundee-Crown 212 8, 41, 42, 53, 68, 80, 81 8 Loyola Academy 234 21, 24, 54, 56, 79 9 Mother McAuley 247 19, 33, 52, 57, 86, 87, 91 10 Buffalo Grove 253 30, 32, 55, 64, 72, 78, 92 11 Prospect 291 34, 58, 61, 67, 71, 74, 102 12 Carmel 324 50, 60, 62, 63, 89, 100 13 Downers Grove North 368 40, 73, 75, 85, 95, 96, 97 14 Hersey 396 59, 66, 69, 90, 112, 115, 120 15 Stevenson 411 47, 70, 83, 93, 118, 119, 122 16 Maine West 420 1, 98, 99, 108, 114, 117, 121 17 Lake Zurich 423 31, 76, 101, 106, 109 18 Prairie Ridge 427 45, 49, 103, 107, 123 19 Joliet Township 543 104, 105, 110, 111, 113, 116, 124 20 Crystal Lake Central No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 McHenry No Score - Had only 4 finishers 23 Mundelein No Score - Had only 4 finishers 24 Vernon Hills No Score - Had only 0 finishers 25 Wauconda No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lake Forest 79:06 15:49 0:51 15:34, 15:38, 15:43, 15:46, 16:25, 16:33 2 Palatine 80:27 16:05 1:37 15:23, 15:31, 16:15, 16:18, 17:00, 17:02 3 Barrington 81:25 16:17 0:51 15:47, 16:05, 16:23, 16:32, 16:38, 17:07 4 Lyons Township 81:28 16:18 0:25 16:11, 16:11, 16:13, 16:17, 16:36, 16:46 5 Cary Grove 81:32 16:18 1:15 15:32, 16:04, 16:26, 16:43, 16:47 6 Libertyville 83:42 16:44 2:05 15:45, 16:12, 16:12, 17:43, 17:50, 17:56 7 Dundee-Crown 84:06 16:49 1:43 15:45, 16:51, 16:52, 17:10, 17:28, 17:47 8 Loyola Academy 84:46 16:57 1:30 16:16, 16:18, 17:12, 17:14, 17:46 9 Mother McAuley 85:06 17:01 1:39 16:14, 16:35, 17:09, 17:15, 17:53, 17:54 10 Buffalo Grove 85:21 17:04 1:04 16:33, 16:35, 17:13, 17:23, 17:37, 17:45 11 Prospect 86:14 17:15 1:00 16:36, 17:16, 17:19, 17:27, 17:36, 17:42 12 Carmel 87:02 17:24 0:51 17:06, 17:18, 17:20, 17:21, 17:57, 18:28 13 Downers Grove North 88:14 17:39 1:21 16:49, 17:41, 17:42, 17:52, 18:10, 18:13 14 Hersey 89:20 17:52 1:52 17:17, 17:26, 17:30, 17:58, 19:09, 19:44 15 Stevenson 90:22 18:04 2:53 17:01, 17:34, 17:51, 18:02, 19:54, 20:15 16 Maine West 90:24 18:05 4:24 15:13, 18:21, 18:26, 18:47, 19:37, 19:51 17 Lake Zurich 90:28 18:06 2:32 16:34, 17:43, 18:29, 18:36, 19:06 18 Prairie Ridge 92:26 18:29 4:18 16:57, 17:02, 18:30, 18:42, 21:15 19 Joliet Township 94:49 18:58 0:55 18:32, 18:34, 19:08, 19:08, 19:27, 19:50 20 Crystal Lake Central No Score 21 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score 22 McHenry No Score 17:22, 19:03, 19:12, 22:40 23 Mundelein No Score 18:09, 20:08, 20:23, 20:54 24 Vernon Hills No Score 25 Wauconda No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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