Official Advancers
IHSA Class AA Cross Country Regional Championship hosted by Proviso West H.S.Official Advancers: The following teams will advance to the Niles West Sectional on Oct. 29, 2005. Place School Score --------------------------------------- 1 York 22 2 Glenbard South 45 3 Glenbard East 104 4 Willowbrook 108 5 Fenton 113 --------------------------------------- The following five athletes will advance as individuals to the Niles West Sectional on Oct. 29, 2005. Ovral Place Name School ---------------------------------------------------------- 29 Jon Kasco (Sr) Leyden 31 Rocky Madero (So) Guerin 32 Zak Pligge (Jr) Leyden 34 Ray Marchlewicz (Jr) Leyden 40 George Stanil (Jr) Leyden ----------------------------------------------------------
October 22, 2005 Boys Varsity 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 York Eric Dettman (Sr) 0:15:18.5 2 2 Glenbard South Bruce MacTaggart (Sr) 0:15:19.2 3 3 York Matt Dettman (Sr) 0:15:20.0 4 4 Willowbrook Jesse Luciano (Sr) 0:15:24.7 5 5 York Nick Kuczwara (Jr) 0:15:30.7 6 6 York David Montgomery (Sr) 0:15:31.9 7 7 York Tom Achtein (So) 0:15:32.8 8 8 York Mike Fry (Jr) 0:15:40.7 9 9 Glenbard South Tim Honig (Jr) 0:16:03.0 10 10 Glenbard South Brian Wurtz (Sr) 0:16:04.3 11 11 Glenbard South Daniel Kuhlman (Jr) 0:16:10.4 12 12 York Ron Stefani (Sr) 0:16:11.0 13 13 Glenbard South Brian Billie (So) 0:16:21.8 14 14 Glenbard South John Navarro (Jr) 0:16:23.0 15 15 Willowbrook Matt McIndoo (Sr) 0:16:37.7 16 16 Fenton Edgar Chaidez (So) 0:16:39.0 17 17 Glenbard South Charlie Mueller (Jr) 0:16:40.4 18 18 Glenbard East Sean Angst (Sr) 0:16:46.5 19 19 Fenton Mike Siemers (So) 0:16:47.7 20 20 Glenbard East Brian Peters (So) 0:16:53.6 21 21 Glenbard East Tom Self (So) 0:16:59.2 22 22 Glenbard East Jim Fahey (So) 0:17:02.4 23 23 Glenbard East Manish Patel (Jr) 0:17:11.8 24 24 Fenton Patrick Fritch (Sr) 0:17:12.9 25 25 Glenbard East Greg Bopp (Jr) 0:17:16.9 26 26 Fenton Kyle Werner (Jr) 0:17:18.1 27 27 Willowbrook Asif Hazrat (Sr) 0:17:28.4 28 28 Fenton Josh Current (Sr) 0:17:40.0 29 29 Leyden Jon Kasco (Sr) 0:17:48.0 30 30 Willowbrook Erik Andersen (Jr) 0:17:51.1 31 Guerin Rocky Madero (So) 0:17:56.0 32 31 Leyden Zak Pligge (Jr) 0:17:58.4 33 32 Willowbrook Jeremy Keske (Sr) 0:18:00.7 34 33 Leyden Ray Marchlewicz (Jr) 0:18:01.7 35 34 Willowbrook Jeff Stapleton (So) 0:18:06.9 36 35 Glenbard East Steve Dujka (So) 0:18:08.1 37 36 Fenton Frank Postelnick (So) 0:18:15.1 38 37 Fenton Martin Heinrich (Jr) 0:18:17.0 39 38 Willowbrook Juan Hernandez (Sr) 0:18:18.4 40 39 Leyden George Stanil (Jr) 0:18:33.0 41 40 Proviso West Marcus Calloway (Sr) 0:18:34.7 42 41 Leyden Tom Stanil (Jr) 0:18:38.3 43 42 Proviso West Chris Peterka (Jr) 0:19:01.9 44 43 Elmwood Park Yu-Cheng Ma (Sr) 0:19:34.5 45 44 Elmwood Park Kyle Horist (Sr) 0:19:35.2 46 45 Elmwood Park Jesse Anderer (So) 0:19:41.5 47 46 Proviso West John Kappel (Jr) 0:19:42.4 48 47 Proviso West Demetrius Suddeth (Jr) 0:19:44.4 49 Guerin Mike Pendergrass (Jr) 0:19:47.5 50 48 Leyden Adam Yakush (Sr) 0:19:59.1 51 49 Leyden Kevin Sanchez (Sr) 0:20:04.1 52 50 Proviso West Rene Perez (Sr) 0:20:06.9 53 Guerin Dominic Morabito (Jr) 0:20:19.8 54 51 Proviso West Isaiah Frias (Sr) 0:20:26.3 55 52 Proviso West Jamel Lawson (Fr) 0:20:44.8 56 53 Elmwood Park Ian Guerrero (Sr) 0:21:09.0 57 54 Elmwood Park Robert Roberson (Jr) 0:21:18.8 58 55 Elmwood Park Cristopher Noguera (So) 0:21:36.0 59 56 Elmwood Park Patrick Hurst (So) 0:22:33.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 York 22 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 2 Glenbard South 45 2, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17 3 Glenbard East 104 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 35 4 Willowbrook 108 4, 15, 27, 30, 32, 34, 38 5 Fenton 113 16, 19, 24, 26, 28, 36, 37 6 Leyden 173 29, 31, 33, 39, 41, 48, 49 7 Proviso West 225 40, 42, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52 8 Elmwood Park 239 43, 44, 45, 53, 54, 55, 56 9 Guerin No Score - Had only 3 finishers 10 St. Joseph No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com TOP FIVE RUNNERS NOT PLACING IN THE TOP FIVE SCHOOLS Ovral Place Name School Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29 Jon Kasco (Sr) Leyden 0:17:48.0 31 Rocky Madero (So) Guerin 0:17:56.0 32 Zak Pligge (Jr) Leyden 0:17:58.4 34 Ray Marchlewicz (Jr) Leyden 0:18:01.7 40 George Stanil (Jr) Leyden 0:18:33.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 York 77:15 15:27 0:14 15:19, 15:20, 15:31, 15:32, 15:33, 15:41 2 Glenbard South 80:01 16:00 1:02 15:20, 16:03, 16:05, 16:11, 16:22, 16:23 3 Glenbard East 84:56 16:59 0:25 16:47, 16:54, 17:00, 17:03, 17:12, 17:17 4 Willowbrook 85:24 17:05 2:36 15:25, 16:38, 17:29, 17:51, 18:01, 18:07 5 Fenton 85:38 17:08 1:01 16:39, 16:48, 17:13, 17:18, 17:40, 18:16 6 Leyden 91:01 18:12 0:51 17:48, 17:59, 18:02, 18:33, 18:39, 19:59 7 Proviso West 97:12 19:26 1:32 18:35, 19:02, 19:43, 19:45, 20:07, 20:27 8 Elmwood Park 101:21 20:16 1:44 19:35, 19:36, 19:42, 21:09, 21:19, 21:36 9 Guerin No Score 17:56, 19:48, 20:20 10 St. Joseph No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com TOP FIVE RUNNERS NOT PLACING IN THE TOP FIVE SCHOOLS (from total team time) Ovral Place Name School Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29 Jon Kasco (Sr) Leyden 0:17:48.0 31 Rocky Madero (So) Guerin 0:17:56.0 32 Zak Pligge (Jr) Leyden 0:17:58.4 34 Ray Marchlewicz (Jr) Leyden 0:18:01.7 40 George Stanil (Jr) Leyden 0:18:33.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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