Individual Results
42nd Annual Reavis Rams InvitationalSeptember 10, 2005 Boys Fr/So 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Sandburg Mike Marbach (So) 0:16:46.8 2 2 Lyons Township Kevin Campbell (So) 0:16:55.0 3 3 Sandburg Elliot Hevel (Fr) 0:17:00.0 4 4 Lyons Township Alex Lyons (Fr) 0:17:41.9 5 5 Sandburg Corey Puckett (So) 0:17:42.5 6 6 Bremen David Newton (So) 0:17:42.9 7 7 Sandburg Jake White (So) 0:17:50.4 8 8 Lyons Township Sean Francis (So) 0:17:51.8 9 9 Lyons Township Patrick Donovan (So) 0:18:05.7 10 10 Lyons Township Sam Kehoe (So) 0:18:06.3 11 11 Lyons Township Peter Bruton (Fr) 0:18:09.5 12 12 Argo Gabriel Torres (So) 0:18:14.6 13 13 Marist Tom Dehlin (So) 0:18:15.0 14 14 Hinsdale South Derek Briggs (So) 0:18:16.1 15 15 Stagg Nate Bohne (So) 0:18:18.8 16 16 Stagg Bob Toussaint (So) 0:18:19.3 17 17 Andrew Chad Linhart (Fr) 0:18:22.3 18 18 Stagg Kevin Wolz (Fr) 0:18:24.1 19 19 Sandburg Zach Daleen (So) 0:18:28.0 20 20 Andrew Will Scott (So) 0:18:30.7 21 21 Bremen Keith Fuentes (So) 0:18:31.2 22 22 Bremen Jeff Meiner (So) 0:18:32.6 23 23 Sandburg Bill Hinderman (So) 0:18:45.7 24 24 Argo Bart Zadlo (So) 0:18:48.7 25 25 Brother Rice Adam Currier (So) 0:18:48.9 26 26 Oak Lawn Anthony Ramsaran (So) 0:18:59.9 27 27 Sandburg Joe Martinez (So) 0:19:04.6 28 28 Bremen Shaun Paymaster (Fr) 0:19:10.5 29 29 Hinsdale South Max Rodriques (Fr) 0:19:14.1 30 30 Brother Rice Ryan Riemersma (Fr) 0:19:14.5 31 31 Brother Rice Jordan Schleyer (So) 0:19:14.8 32 32 Lyons Township Anthony Carrano (So) 0:19:20.7 33 33 Andrew Andrew Viola (So) 0:19:26.3 34 34 Oak Lawn Mike Wilson (So) 0:19:27.2 35 35 Marist Brian Enright (So) 0:19:28.1 36 36 Brother Rice Dan Gaudette (So) 0:19:29.6 37 37 Hinsdale South Paulius Dragunas (Fr) 0:19:34.4 38 38 Andrew Andrew Lewis (So) 0:19:37.5 39 39 Stagg Filip Pilatowski (Fr) 0:19:39.5 40 Rich Central Jonathan Walker (Fr) 0:19:43.0 41 40 Oak Forest Ryan Burke (So) 0:19:46.0 42 41 Bremen Steve McDonough (So) 0:19:50.1 43 42 Andrew Robin Joseph (So) 0:19:52.1 44 43 Brother Rice Steve Rosenbaum (So) 0:19:52.9 45 44 Argo Rory O'Connor (So) 0:19:55.3 46 45 Reavis Tony Ball (Fr) 0:19:57.9 47 46 Bremen Aaron Zielinski (So) 0:19:58.3 48 47 Marist Michael Roos (So) 0:20:00.9 49 48 Eisenhower Adrian Rodriguez (So) 0:20:01.6 50 49 Brother Rice Dan Keltzo (Fr) 0:20:07.9 51 50 Marist Joey DuBois (Fr) 0:20:08.5 52 51 Hinsdale South Chris Gabel (Fr) 0:20:11.0 53 52 Oak Lawn Pete Buys (Fr) 0:20:13.6 54 53 Eisenhower Oscar Sanchez (So) 0:20:14.0 55 54 Hinsdale South William Wallrich (Fr) 0:20:15.1 56 55 Oak Lawn Jason Abbott (Fr) 0:20:16.7 57 56 Marist Kevin Germino (Fr) 0:20:24.1 58 57 Oak Forest Matt Krolik (Fr) 0:20:29.9 59 58 Eisenhower Will Allen (So) 0:20:32.0 60 59 Bremen Benjamin Zielinski (So) 0:20:33.1 61 60 Andrew Sajith Bandara (Fr) 0:20:33.7 62 61 St. Lawrence Chris Batzel (Fr) 0:20:36.8 63 62 Marist Bill Langevin (So) 0:20:37.5 64 63 Andrew Steve Szynal (Fr) 0:20:39.9 65 64 St. Lawrence Sean Santos (Fr) 0:20:40.7 66 65 Stagg Brian Donohue (So) 0:20:43.0 67 66 Oak Lawn Mike Zero (So) 0:20:44.3 68 Simeon Warren Aimand (So) 0:20:45.1 69 67 Brother Rice Dan Koeber (Fr) 0:20:47.5 70 68 Argo Johnny Vazquez (So) 0:20:57.1 71 Richards Steve Galdek (So) 0:20:59.0 72 69 Oak Lawn Matt DePlaris (Fr) 0:21:00.8 73 70 Marist Brendan Caddick (So) 0:21:02.4 74 71 St. Rita Tom Phillips (Fr) 0:21:12.6 75 72 Argo Matt Fabala (So) 0:21:19.2 76 73 St. Lawrence Mike Carlson (Fr) 0:21:28.9 77 74 Reavis Jozef Slodycka (Fr) 0:21:32.6 78 75 Hinsdale South Huzefa Chinwala (So) 0:21:36.6 79 76 Marian Catholic Dominic Ortigara (So) 0:21:37.0 80 77 Oak Lawn Eben Lancerio (Fr) 0:21:37.2 81 78 Marian Catholic Pete McDonnell (So) 0:21:37.5 82 79 Marian Catholic John Cifelli (So) 0:21:39.7 83 80 Stagg Bill Knobbe (So) 0:21:42.4 84 81 St. Lawrence Matt Zabransky (Fr) 0:21:55.7 85 82 Oak Forest Anthony Losito (So) 0:21:59.8 86 83 Hinsdale South Aaron Light (Fr) 0:22:00.5 87 84 Stagg Tomas Trakis (Sr) 0:22:07.2 88 85 Oak Forest Fuad Rafidi (So) 0:22:13.8 89 86 St. Rita Tim Kennedy (So) 0:22:20.6 90 87 Eisenhower Marcus Toussaint (So) 0:22:41.2 91 88 Oak Forest Kol Karaz (Fr) 0:22:42.1 92 89 Eisenhower Philip Thurmon (So) 0:22:48.9 93 90 St. Rita Lathan Bonds (Fr) 0:22:58.5 94 91 Argo Adrian Flores (So) 0:23:06.3 95 Richards Lukas Gallagher (Fr) 0:23:22.8 96 92 Marian Catholic Chris Bozzetti (So) 0:23:23.1 97 93 St. Lawrence Jon Cervantes (So) 0:23:26.0 98 94 Oak Forest David Rodriguez (Fr) 0:23:28.5 99 95 St. Lawrence Kyle Nowatczyk (Fr) 0:23:40.8 100 96 Eisenhower Reggie Wilson (Fr) 0:23:55.7 101 97 Oak Forest Matt Moran (So) 0:24:00.1 102 98 Reavis Edwin Ortega (Fr) 0:24:25.9 103 99 St. Rita David Straple (Fr) 0:24:38.0 104 100 St. Lawrence Lou Segura (Fr) 0:24:39.8 105 101 Reavis Tim Patula (So) 0:24:56.2 106 102 St. Rita Jesse Alvarado (So) 0:24:56.5 107 103 St. Rita Sean Nix (So) 0:24:58.8 108 104 St. Rita Ken Acosta (So) 0:24:59.3 109 St. Jospeh Dan Gerger (So) 0:25:05.7 110 Simeon Dushaun Epps (Fr) 0:26:09.8 111 Rich Central Reginald Edwards (Fr) 0:27:11.9 112 Rich Central Mark Adame (Fr) 0:27:27.2 113 Simeon Ahmed Al-Hassa (Fr) 0:27:47.4 114 105 Reavis Dan Sanchez (Fr) 0:27:47.7 115 Richards Shane Gallegos (So) 0:28:19.3 116 106 Marian Catholic Dan Anderson (Fr) 0:28:29.3 117 107 Eisenhower Walt Marquardt (So) 0:29:18.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lyons Township 33 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 32 2 Sandburg 35 1, 3, 5, 7, 19, 23, 27 3 Bremen 118 6, 21, 22, 28, 41, 46, 59 4 Andrew 150 17, 20, 33, 38, 42, 60, 63 5 Stagg 153 15, 16, 18, 39, 65, 80, 84 6 Brother Rice 165 25, 30, 31, 36, 43, 49, 67 7 Hinsdale South 185 14, 29, 37, 51, 54, 75, 83 8 Marist 201 13, 35, 47, 50, 56, 62, 70 9 Argo 220 12, 24, 44, 68, 72, 91 10 Oak Lawn 233 26, 34, 52, 55, 66, 69, 77 11 Eisenhower 335 48, 53, 58, 87, 89, 96, 107 12 Oak Forest 352 40, 57, 82, 85, 88, 94, 97 13 St. Lawrence 372 61, 64, 73, 81, 93, 95, 100 14 Reavis 423 45, 74, 98, 101, 105 15 Marian Catholic 431 76, 78, 79, 92, 106 16 St. Rita 448 71, 86, 90, 99, 102, 103, 104 17 Rich Central No Score - Had only 3 finishers 18 Richards No Score - Had only 3 finishers 19 Simeon No Score - Had only 3 finishers 20 St. Jospeh No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sandburg 87:49 17:34 1:41 16:47, 17:00, 17:43, 17:51, 18:28, 18:46 2 Lyons Township 88:42 17:44 1:12 16:55, 17:42, 17:52, 18:06, 18:07, 18:10 3 Bremen 93:49 18:46 2:07 17:43, 18:32, 18:33, 19:11, 19:50, 19:59 4 Stagg 95:26 19:05 2:24 18:19, 18:20, 18:24, 19:40, 20:43, 21:43 5 Andrew 95:51 19:10 1:29 18:23, 18:31, 19:27, 19:38, 19:52, 20:34 6 Brother Rice 96:42 19:20 1:04 18:49, 19:15, 19:15, 19:30, 19:53, 20:08 7 Hinsdale South 97:31 19:30 1:59 18:16, 19:14, 19:35, 20:11, 20:15, 21:37 8 Marist 98:18 19:40 2:10 18:15, 19:28, 20:01, 20:09, 20:25, 20:38 9 Argo 99:17 19:51 3:05 18:15, 18:49, 19:56, 20:57, 21:20, 23:07 10 Oak Lawn 99:44 19:57 1:45 19:00, 19:28, 20:14, 20:17, 20:45, 21:01 11 Eisenhower 106:19 21:16 2:47 20:02, 20:14, 20:32, 22:42, 22:49, 23:56 12 Oak Forest 107:12 21:26 2:56 19:46, 20:30, 22:00, 22:14, 22:42, 23:29 13 St. Lawrence 108:09 21:38 2:49 20:37, 20:41, 21:29, 21:56, 23:26, 23:41 14 St. Rita 116:08 23:14 3:44 21:13, 22:21, 22:59, 24:38, 24:57, 24:59 15 Marian Catholic 116:48 23:22 6:53 21:37, 21:38, 21:40, 23:23, 28:30 16 Reavis 118:42 23:44 7:50 19:58, 21:33, 24:26, 24:57, 27:48 17 Rich Central No Score 19:43, 27:12, 27:28 18 Richards No Score 20:59, 23:23, 28:20 19 Simeon No Score 20:46, 26:10, 27:48 20 St. Jospeh No Score 25:06 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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