Individual Results
2005 Annual European Meet hosted by Yorkville H.S.August 31, 2005 Boys Fr/So 2.90 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Lemont Neal Casey (Fr) 0:17:25.6 2 2 Yorkville Ban Pape (So) 0:17:29.3 3 3 Yorkville Scott Tanis (So) 0:17:58.6 4 4 Lemont Ryan Strauss (So) 0:18:01.2 5 5 Plainfield South Sean Smith (Fr) 0:18:10.4 6 6 Plainfield South Brendan Metz (So) 0:18:10.7 7 7 Plainfield South Antonio McSwine (Fr) 0:18:35.4 8 8 Marmion Mike Weiler (Fr) 0:18:39.8 9 9 Marmion Matt Grange (So) 0:18:46.6 10 10 West Aurora Nick Petingalo (Fr) 0:18:50.2 11 11 Marmion Noel Van Scoit (So) 0:18:51.0 12 12 Plainfield South Daniel Botero (Fr) 0:19:17.3 13 13 Marmion T.J. Heffernan (Fr) 0:19:23.3 14 14 West Aurora Phil Lindgren (Fr) 0:19:24.7 15 15 West Aurora Kyle Clark (So) 0:19:25.8 16 16 Marmion Patrick Milder (Fr) 0:19:26.1 17 17 Yorkville Jake Austin (Fr) 0:19:26.6 18 18 Lemont Chris Pankow (So) 0:19:29.3 19 19 Marmion Kevin Brown (Fr) 0:19:37.5 20 20 Marmion Greg Havlicek (Fr) 0:19:41.3 21 21 Oswego East Reinhardt Van Wyk (Fr) 0:19:42.1 22 22 Oswego East Bill Brandwein (So) 0:20:04.8 23 Marmion John Medernach (So) 0:20:09.9 24 23 Yorkville Terence Enders (Fr) 0:20:19.3 25 24 Lemont Kyle Woods (Fr) 0:20:22.1 26 25 Plainfield South Tim Waldvogel (Fr) 0:20:24.3 27 Marmion Tyler Schmidt (So) 0:20:32.8 28 Marmion Mike O'Brien (So) 0:20:34.2 29 26 Oswego East Joshua Mercuri (Fr) 0:20:35.5 30 27 Yorkville Matt Zilch (Fr) 0:20:36.2 31 28 West Aurora Jordan Morano (So) 0:20:36.9 32 29 West Aurora Steve Acuff (Fr) 0:20:39.7 33 30 West Aurora James Smith (So) 0:20:45.2 34 Marmion Jim Wollwert (Fr) 0:20:45.6 35 Marmion Pete Rodriguez (Fr) 0:20:54.0 36 31 West Aurora Nate Strusz (Fr) 0:21:09.2 37 West Aurora James Gonka (Fr) 0:21:23.7 38 Marmion Joe Fuja (Fr) 0:21:26.4 39 Marmion Nick Daly (So) 0:21:27.1 40 West Aurora Doug Hardekopf (So) 0:21:41.3 41 West Aurora Vince Morris (Fr) 0:21:45.7 42 Marmion Nathan Valaik (Fr) 0:21:47.0 43 Marmion Rich Peck (So) 0:21:59.1 44 West Aurora Matt Zambrano (Fr) 0:22:01.9 45 32 Yorkville Stephen Greyer (Fr) 0:22:03.8 46 West Aurora Michael Nelson (Fr) 0:22:04.9 47 33 Oswego East Justine White (Fr) 0:22:09.8 48 Marmion Jack Ledvora (Fr) 0:22:12.2 49 34 Yorkville Joe Anderson (Fr) 0:22:22.9 50 35 Lemont Ethan Wood (Fr) 0:22:39.7 51 Marmion Andrew Funk (So) 0:23:03.4 52 West Aurora Nathan Sibon (Fr) 0:23:10.3 53 36 Oswego East Clark Gillespie (Fr) 0:23:17.8 54 Yorkville Josh Ellertson (Fr) 0:23:33.2 55 37 Oswego East Irving Dawoodi (Fr) 0:23:40.7 56 West Aurora Javier Garibay (Fr) 0:23:49.5 57 Yorkville Mike Addison (Fr) 0:23:51.3 58 West Aurora David Starck (Fr) 0:23:51.5 59 38 Oswego East Stephen Zolper (Fr) 0:24:00.2 60 Marmion Greg Schmit (Fr) 0:24:09.9 61 Oswego East Anthony Molina (Fr) 0:24:49.5 62 Oswego East Jonathon Edwards (Fr) 0:24:59.6 63 Aurora Christian Matt Bird (So) 0:25:11.6 64 Oswego East Toussaint Egan (Fr) 0:26:39.7 65 Aurora Christian Mike Lichius (Fr) 0:26:46.4 66 39 Lemont Steve Dillenberg (Fr) 0:27:10.8 67 Oswego East Hamza Fareedi (Fr) 0:29:16.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Plainfield South 55 5, 6, 7, 12, 25 2 Marmion 57 8, 9, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20 3 Yorkville 72 2, 3, 17, 23, 27, 32, 34 4 Lemont 82 1, 4, 18, 24, 35, 39 5 West Aurora 96 10, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31 6 Oswego East 138 21, 22, 26, 33, 36, 37, 38 7 Aurora Christian No Score - Had only 2 finishers 8 East Aurora No Score - Had only 0 finishers 9 Lisle No Score - Had only 0 finishers 10 Morris No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Plainfield South 94:41 18:56 2:14 18:11, 18:11, 18:36, 19:18, 20:25 2 Marmion 95:09 19:02 0:47 18:40, 18:47, 18:51, 19:24, 19:27, 19:38 3 Yorkville 95:53 19:11 3:07 17:30, 17:59, 19:27, 20:20, 20:37, 22:04 4 Lemont 98:00 19:36 5:14 17:26, 18:02, 19:30, 20:22, 22:40, 27:11 5 West Aurora 98:59 19:48 1:49 18:51, 19:25, 19:26, 20:37, 20:40, 20:46 6 Oswego East 105:51 21:10 3:36 19:42, 20:05, 20:36, 22:10, 23:18, 23:41 7 Aurora Christian No Score 25:12, 26:47 8 East Aurora No Score 9 Lisle No Score 10 Morris No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2005 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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