Official Advancers
IHSA Class AA Cross Country Regional Championship hosted by Argo H.S.Official Advancers: The following teams will advance to the Niles West Sectional on Oct. 28, 2006. Place School Score --------------------------------------- 1 Lyons 22 2 University 72 3 Morton 75 4 Argo 97 5 Riverside-Brookfield 151 --------------------------------------- The following five athletes will advance as individuals to the Niles West Sectional on Oct. 28, 2006. Ovral Place Name School ---------------------------------------------------------- 9 Kellen Williams (So) Kenwood 11 Dan Smith (Jr) Nazareth Academy 30 Scott Centeno (So) Hubbard 31 Matt Doherty (Sr) De La Salle 32 Nick Aranda (Jr) De La Salle ----------------------------------------------------------
October 21, 2006 Boys Varsity 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:00.0 by Len Sitko of Notre Dame H.S. on Sept. 20, 1986 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Lyons Mike Janusek (So) 0:16:29.1 2 2 Lyons Sam Kehoe (Jr) 0:16:29.7 3 3 Morton Edgar Guzman (Sr) 0:16:36.0 4 4 Lyons Jack Hostettler (So) 0:16:58.7 5 5 University Iain Macdonald (Sr) 0:17:03.6 6 6 Morton Juan Juarez (Sr) 0:17:04.8 7 7 Lyons Derek Rieckmann (So) 0:17:05.6 8 8 Lyons Ryan Patena (Sr) 0:17:08.5 9 9 Kenwood Kellen Williams (So) 0:17:10.7 10 10 Lyons Adam Stephens (Jr) 0:17:14.9 11 11 Nazareth Academy Dan Smith (Jr) 0:17:16.6 12 12 University Peter Bush (Sr) 0:17:22.4 13 13 Lyons Drew Peterson (Sr) 0:17:27.9 14 14 Argo Charles Murray (Fr) 0:17:28.9 15 15 Argo Gabriel Torress (Jr) 0:17:38.2 16 16 Argo Bart Zadlo (Jr) 0:17:39.7 17 17 University Jarus Singh (Jr) 0:17:41.6 18 18 University Phil Verma (Jr) 0:17:46.0 19 19 Morton Danny Bulster (Jr) 0:17:51.5 20 20 University Ben Worcester (Sr) 0:17:55.9 21 21 Riverside-Brookfield Kevin Kunkel (Jr) 0:17:56.3 22 22 Riverside-Brookfield Steve Drake (Sr) 0:17:58.3 23 23 Morton Arturas Solcas (Jr) 0:18:02.0 24 24 Morton Angel Perez (Sr) 0:18:05.0 25 25 Argo Bruce Lockett (Sr) 0:18:12.9 26 26 Morton Timmy Bulster (Jr) 0:18:20.7 27 27 Argo Adam Sukiennik (Fr) 0:18:26.6 28 28 Morton Omar Bruno (Jr) 0:18:29.1 29 29 Argo Matt Fudala (Jr) 0:18:30.7 30 Hubbard Scott Centeno (So) 0:18:31.4 31 30 De La Salle Matt Doherty (Sr) 0:18:33.9 32 31 De La Salle Nick Aranda (Jr) 0:18:37.5 33 32 De La Salle Jacob Bugajski (Fr) 0:18:45.2 34 Hubbard Oscar Briseno (Jr) 0:18:49.8 35 33 Riverside-Brookfield Tom Dacy (Sr) 0:18:51.3 36 34 University Donald Traubert (So) 0:18:54.8 37 35 Riverside-Brookfield Ben Jendras (Sr) 0:18:55.6 38 36 Argo Steven Lesniak (Jr) 0:18:58.3 39 37 University Hugh Montag (Sr) 0:19:02.2 40 38 Kenwood Ilya Khramtsov (Sr) 0:19:15.4 41 39 De La Salle Jeremy Joanes (So) 0:19:19.7 42 40 Riverside-Brookfield Ihor Ikonikov (Sr) 0:19:19.9 43 41 Kenwood Elbert Whitfield (Sr) 0:19:30.7 44 42 Riverside-Brookfield Max Menchaca (Sr) 0:19:34.0 45 43 Kenwood Eric Hermogino (Sr) 0:19:39.9 46 44 Riverside-Brookfield Dave Melone (Fr) 0:19:40.7 47 45 Kenwood Jackson Phan (Sr) 0:19:48.9 48 46 De La Salle Robert Doherty (Jr) 0:19:55.9 49 47 Kelly Edel Vaca (Sr) 0:20:01.7 50 48 De La Salle Henry Scates (So) 0:20:03.5 51 49 Nazareth Academy Tom Dinon (Jr) 0:20:17.4 52 50 Nazareth Academy John Thomas (Sr) 0:20:21.8 53 51 De La Salle Quniten Castillo (Sr) 0:20:32.8 54 52 Nazareth Academy Adam Slad (Sr) 0:20:38.7 55 53 Nazareth Academy Kevin Lanham (Sr) 0:20:39.7 56 Hubbard Oscar Hernandez (Jr) 0:20:42.2 57 Hubbard Oscar Audiffred (So) 0:20:51.3 58 54 Nazareth Academy Joe Parenti (Fr) 0:21:11.2 59 55 Kelly Leopoldo Gonzalez (Fr) 0:21:14.8 60 56 Nazareth Academy Tom Amidei (Sr) 0:21:18.9 61 57 Kelly Miguel Taboada (Sr) 0:22:55.6 62 58 Kelly Darren Zhou (Sr) 0:22:56.0 63 Curie Liang Rui (Fr) 0:24:07.4 64 Curie Martinez Giovani (Fr) 0:24:16.3 65 Curie Tu Alan (Fr) 0:24:20.5 66 59 Kelly Carlos Aguayo (So) 0:24:38.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lyons 22 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13 2 University 72 5, 12, 17, 18, 20, 34, 37 3 Morton 75 3, 6, 19, 23, 24, 26, 28 4 Argo 97 14, 15, 16, 25, 27, 29, 36 5 Riverside-Brookfield 151 21, 22, 33, 35, 40, 42, 44 6 Kenwood 176 9, 38, 41, 43, 45 7 De La Salle 178 30, 31, 32, 39, 46, 48, 51 8 Nazareth Academy 215 11, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56 9 Kelly 276 47, 55, 57, 58, 59 10 Curie No Score - Had only 3 finishers 11 Hubbard No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com TOP FIVE RUNNERS NOT PLACING IN THE TOP FIVE SCHOOLS Ovral Place Name School Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Kellen Williams (So) Kenwood 0:17:10.7 11 Dan Smith (Jr) Nazareth Academy 0:17:16.6 30 Scott Centeno (So) Hubbard 0:18:31.4 31 Matt Doherty (Sr) De La Salle 0:18:33.9 32 Nick Aranda (Jr) De La Salle 0:18:37.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lyons 84:13 16:51 0:40 16:29, 16:30, 16:59, 17:06, 17:09, 17:15 2 Morton 87:40 17:32 1:29 16:36, 17:05, 17:52, 18:02, 18:05, 18:21 3 University 87:51 17:34 0:52 17:04, 17:23, 17:42, 17:46, 17:56, 18:55 4 Argo 89:28 17:54 0:58 17:29, 17:39, 17:40, 18:13, 18:27, 18:31 5 Riverside-Brookfield 93:04 18:37 1:23 17:57, 17:59, 18:52, 18:56, 19:20, 19:34 6 De La Salle 95:14 19:03 1:22 18:34, 18:38, 18:46, 19:20, 19:56, 20:04 7 Kenwood 95:27 19:05 2:38 17:11, 19:16, 19:31, 19:40, 19:49 8 Nazareth Academy 99:16 19:51 3:23 17:17, 20:18, 20:22, 20:39, 20:40, 21:12 9 Kelly 111:48 22:22 4:37 20:02, 21:15, 22:56, 22:56, 24:39 10 Curie No Score 24:08, 24:17, 24:21 11 Hubbard No Score 18:32, 18:50, 20:43, 20:52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com TOP FIVE RUNNERS NOT PLACING IN THE TOP FIVE SCHOOLS (from total team time) Ovral Place Name School Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9 Kellen Williams (So) Kenwood 0:17:10.7 11 Dan Smith (Jr) Nazareth Academy 0:17:16.6 30 Scott Centeno (So) Hubbard 0:18:31.4 31 Matt Doherty (Sr) De La Salle 0:18:33.9 32 Nick Aranda (Jr) De La Salle 0:18:37.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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