Individual Results
2006 Charger Classic InvitationalSeptember 23, 2006 Boys Frosh/Soph 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:16:01.9 by Dustin Cook of Rockford Christian H.S. on Sept. 24, 2005 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Rockford Christian Jeff Rehfeldt (So) 0:16:55.1 2 2 Burlington Central Ryan Kohls (So) 0:17:00.1 3 3 East Aurora Tony Hernandez (So) 0:17:11.5 4 4 East Aurora Andy Parra (Fr) 0:17:12.8 5 5 Burlington Central Nic Laggett (Fr) 0:17:21.7 6 6 Aurora Central Catholic Dan Kottkamp (Fr) 0:17:30.5 7 7 Aurora Christian Dylan Melody (So) 0:17:33.0 8 8 Waubonsie Valley Billy East (So) 0:17:33.7 9 9 Aurora Central Catholic Garrett McCarthy (So) 0:17:34.9 10 10 Waubonsie Valley Tyler Nichols (So) 0:17:51.1 11 11 Waubonsie Valley Pooj Padmaraj (So) 0:17:54.2 12 12 Aurora Christian Nate McNamara (Fr) 0:17:55.2 13 13 Waubonsie Valley Jack Foley (So) 0:18:00.3 14 14 Westmont Kevin Barnacle (Fr) 0:18:01.5 15 15 Marmion Pat Milder (So) 0:18:05.2 16 16 Aurora Christian Spencer Johnson (Fr) 0:18:11.0 17 17 IMSA Robert Delaney (So) 0:18:16.7 18 18 IMSA Anthony Knuckey (So) 0:18:18.0 19 19 Marmion Ian Duncan (Fr) 0:18:19.2 20 20 Yorkville Josh Ellertson (So) 0:18:21.0 21 Oswego Steve Figgins (So) 0:18:21.6 22 21 Waubonsie Valley Mike Schmelzel (So) 0:18:26.7 23 22 Marmion Jack Ledvora (So) 0:18:27.8 24 23 Marmion Joe Fuja (So) 0:18:28.0 25 24 Marmion Ben Matson (Fr) 0:18:30.3 26 Somonauk Nick Gottlieb (So) 0:18:32.7 27 Somonauk Eric Towle (So) 0:18:33.2 28 25 West Aurora Javier Garibay (So) 0:18:33.7 29 Lisle Ian Scarlato (So) 0:18:35.4 30 26 IMSA Grant Skudlarek (So) 0:18:43.3 31 27 Westmont Adib El Zakhem (Fr) 0:18:44.8 32 28 Marmion Nathan Valaik (So) 0:18:45.4 33 29 St. Francis Dan Jaeger (Fr) 0:18:46.1 34 30 Yorkville Nick Cowger (So) 0:18:46.6 35 31 St. Francis Ben Lewis (So) 0:18:47.1 36 32 St. Francis Grant Conner (So) 0:18:50.7 37 Lisle Jon Rodriguez (So) 0:18:52.7 38 33 Aurora Central Catholic Ryan Sobucki (Fr) 0:18:54.1 39 34 Aurora Central Catholic Tom Barkei (So) 0:18:55.4 40 35 West Aurora Matt Zambrano (So) 0:18:56.1 41 36 Rockford Christian Nathan Keesee (Fr) 0:18:56.5 42 37 West Aurora Shawn Loomis (Fr) 0:19:01.1 43 38 Aurora Central Catholic Bryan Rudolph (Fr) 0:19:03.0 44 39 Marmion Andrew Schroeder (Fr) 0:19:04.6 45 40 Aurora Central Catholic Junior Venecia (So) 0:19:07.9 46 Oswego Kyle Olson (So) 0:19:09.0 47 41 Yorkville Jack Bilinski (So) 0:19:09.7 48 42 Yorkville Matt Barry (So) 0:19:10.1 49 43 Aurora Central Catholic Robert Peterson (Fr) 0:19:10.6 50 Aurora Central Catholic Jon Jochum (Fr) 0:19:16.5 51 44 East Aurora Ignacio Cervantes (Fr) 0:19:17.2 52 45 St. Francis Andrew Nelson (Fr) 0:19:17.5 53 46 Montini Michael Vesely (So) 0:19:21.1 54 47 Aurora Christian Alex Woodworth (Fr) 0:19:22.0 55 48 St. Francis Steve Reczek (So) 0:19:22.3 56 49 IMSA Charlie Frye (So) 0:19:23.0 57 Oswego Ryan Tackitt (So) 0:19:24.4 58 50 Waubonsie Valley Patrick Hockberger (So) 0:19:24.9 59 51 East Aurora Mikey Banualos (So) 0:19:26.0 60 52 Rockford Christian Gabe Orem (Fr) 0:19:27.3 61 53 Aurora Christian Jarred Harrell (Fr) 0:19:29.6 62 54 West Aurora Marco Martinez (So) 0:19:35.1 63 55 West Aurora Ivan Gomez (Fr) 0:19:39.5 64 56 Aurora Christian Brian Waalen (So) 0:19:40.2 65 Marmion Ryan Lifka (Fr) 0:19:40.9 66 Marmion Pete Rodriguez (So) 0:19:41.7 67 57 Montini Paul Kaefer (So) 0:19:44.5 68 58 Burlington Central Joe Russo (Fr) 0:19:45.1 69 Driscoll Catholic Jeremy Wilk (So) 0:19:45.8 70 59 Rockford Christian Nathan Erickson (Fr) 0:19:46.3 71 60 West Aurora Chris Frommert (Fr) 0:19:52.2 72 Marmion Jim Wollwert (So) 0:19:52.9 73 61 Waubonsie Valley Spencer Cotton (Fr) 0:19:53.8 74 62 Burlington Central Kevin Marshall (So) 0:19:54.9 75 Waubonsie Valley Aswin Aswin (Fr) 0:19:56.3 76 63 Westmont Zach White (So) 0:20:00.8 77 Waubonsie Valley Joel Wolf (So) 0:20:04.4 78 Wheaton Academy David Gibbons (Fr) 0:20:06.7 79 Marmion Kevin Labarbera (Fr) 0:20:07.6 80 Waubonsie Valley Dennis Piehl (So) 0:20:08.6 81 Lisle Greg Danner (Fr) 0:20:13.2 82 Wheaton Academy Josh Veague (Sr) 0:20:13.8 83 64 Rockford Christian Zach Tuneberg (Fr) 0:20:14.2 84 Timothy Christian Kei Loerop (So) 0:20:16.4 85 65 Burlington Central Matt Zipoy (Fr) 0:20:17.4 86 Marmion Brian Strohmaier (Fr) 0:20:26.8 87 66 IMSA Donald Lee-Brown (So) 0:20:28.7 88 67 IMSA Ilya Nepomnyashchiy (So) 0:20:29.6 89 68 IMSA James Perrone (So) 0:20:31.4 90 IMSA Joel Borcherding (So) 0:20:34.5 91 69 Montini Keegan Goss (So) 0:20:35.3 92 70 Yorkville Steven Greyer (So) 0:20:36.2 93 Aurora Central Catholic John Cisneros (Fr) 0:20:39.0 94 Marmion Alex Delacruz (Fr) 0:20:41.6 95 Waubonsie Valley Erik Shinn (Fr) 0:20:42.4 96 71 West Aurora Zach Price (Fr) 0:20:51.7 97 West Aurora Tom Martin (Fr) 0:20:57.0 98 72 Aurora Christian Kyle Larson (So) 0:20:57.8 99 73 Burlington Central Ryan Nightingale (So) 0:20:59.5 100 74 Westmont Jon Martin (So) 0:21:02.4 101 75 East Aurora Alex Rodela (Fr) 0:21:06.7 102 West Aurora Rafael Vizcaino (So) 0:21:07.4 103 Waubonsie Valley Neal Muthu (So) 0:21:12.6 104 Marmion Matt West (Fr) 0:21:18.8 105 West Aurora Zach Frodyma (Fr) 0:21:24.9 106 Aurora Central Catholic Tyler Simpson (Fr) 0:21:31.4 107 West Aurora Trenton Bruns (Fr) 0:21:37.6 108 Wheaton Academy Matt Wilburn (Fr) 0:21:39.7 109 Waubonsie Valley Jay Henderson (Fr) 0:21:40.1 110 76 Burlington Central Jack Foust (So) 0:21:51.7 111 77 Westmont Zac Crichlow (Fr) 0:21:57.2 112 Aurora Central Catholic Paul Tanner (Fr) 0:21:59.2 113 78 St. Francis Ben Graunke (Fr) 0:22:00.4 114 Timothy Christian Andrew Munson (Fr) 0:22:02.9 115 Aurora Central Catholic Miguel Riveria (Fr) 0:22:05.1 116 Lisle Jon Early (So) 0:22:10.8 117 79 Westmont Amr Daoud (So) 0:22:14.1 118 80 East Aurora Nick Rodriguez (Fr) 0:22:36.5 119 Aurora Central Catholic Manuel Sauceda (Fr) 0:22:37.2 120 81 St. Francis Kevin Noonan (Fr) 0:22:43.6 121 Marmion Ross Morales (Fr) 0:22:47.1 122 82 East Aurora Javier Perez (Fr) 0:23:03.7 123 East Aurora Filiberto Villareal (Fr) 0:23:04.2 124 Aurora Central Catholic Allan Maddock (Fr) 0:23:16.4 125 Driscoll Catholic Paul Rogus (So) 0:23:17.8 126 83 Montini Colin Main (So) 0:23:24.3 127 Aurora Central Catholic Matt Ucarne (Jr) 0:23:26.7 128 Wheaton Academy Spike Shepro (Sr) 0:23:28.0 129 Aurora Central Catholic Adam Esposito (Fr) 0:23:28.8 130 84 Westmont Damon Porch (Fr) 0:23:31.1 131 IMSA Opeyemi Kusoro (So) 0:23:33.1 132 Waubonsie Valley Gautham Nara (Fr) 0:23:55.9 133 Waubonsie Valley Matthew Heise (Fr) 0:24:27.5 134 85 Yorkville Jose Contreras (Fr) 0:24:43.4 135 East Aurora Alex Rodriguez (Fr) 0:24:47.8 136 East Aurora Cesar Villa (Fr) 0:24:53.2 137 Aurora Central Catholic Nick Jarnell (Fr) 0:25:29.8 138 Aurora Central Catholic David Saltijeral (Fr) 0:26:11.6 139 86 Montini Charles Ebersole (Fr) 0:26:43.8 140 East Aurora Alonzo Villinuava (Fr) 0:27:19.6 141 St. Francis Felix Ogles (So) 0:27:28.1 142 Burlington Central Justin Blum (So) 0:29:08.5 143 Aurora Central Catholic Zane Kirkpatrick (Fr) 0:31:34.8 144 Aurora Central Catholic Mark Pfotenauer (Fr) 0:31:35.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Waubonsie Valley 63 8, 10, 11, 13, 21, 50, 61 2 Marmion 103 15, 19, 22, 23, 24, 28, 39 3 Aurora Central Catholic 120 6, 9, 33, 34, 38, 40, 43 4 Aurora Christian 135 7, 12, 16, 47, 53, 56, 72 5 IMSA 176 17, 18, 26, 49, 66, 67, 68 6 East Aurora 177 3, 4, 44, 51, 75, 80, 82 7 St. Francis 185 29, 31, 32, 45, 48, 78, 81 8 Burlington Central 192 2, 5, 58, 62, 65, 73, 76 9 Yorkville 203 20, 30, 41, 42, 70, 85 10 West Aurora 206 25, 35, 37, 54, 55, 60, 71 11 Rockford Christian 212 1, 36, 52, 59, 64 12 Westmont 255 14, 27, 63, 74, 77, 79, 84 13 Montini 341 46, 57, 69, 83, 86 14 Driscoll Catholic No Score - Had only 2 finishers 15 Lisle No Score - Had only 4 finishers 16 Oswego No Score - Had only 3 finishers 17 Plano No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Somonauk No Score - Had only 2 finishers 19 St. Edward No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Timothy Christian No Score - Had only 2 finishers 21 Wheaton Academy No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Waubonsie Valley 89:48 17:58 0:53 17:34, 17:51, 17:55, 18:01, 18:27, 19:25 2 Marmion 91:53 18:23 0:25 18:06, 18:20, 18:28, 18:28, 18:31, 18:46 3 Aurora Central Catholic 91:59 18:24 1:32 17:31, 17:35, 18:54, 18:56, 19:03, 19:08 4 Aurora Christian 92:32 18:30 1:57 17:33, 17:56, 18:11, 19:22, 19:30, 19:41 5 East Aurora 94:16 18:51 3:55 17:12, 17:13, 19:18, 19:26, 21:07, 22:37 6 Burlington Central 94:21 18:52 3:17 17:01, 17:22, 19:45, 19:55, 20:18, 21:00 7 St. Francis 95:05 19:01 0:37 18:46, 18:47, 18:51, 19:18, 19:23, 22:01 8 IMSA 95:11 19:02 2:12 18:17, 18:18, 18:44, 19:23, 20:29, 20:30 9 Rockford Christian 95:22 19:04 3:20 16:55, 18:57, 19:28, 19:47, 20:15 10 West Aurora 95:46 19:09 1:06 18:34, 18:56, 19:01, 19:35, 19:40, 19:53 11 Yorkville 96:05 19:13 2:16 18:21, 18:47, 19:10, 19:10, 20:37, 24:44 12 Westmont 99:49 19:58 3:56 18:02, 18:45, 20:01, 21:03, 21:58, 22:14 13 Montini 109:51 21:58 7:23 19:21, 19:45, 20:36, 23:25, 26:44 14 Driscoll Catholic No Score 19:46, 23:18 15 Lisle No Score 18:36, 18:53, 20:14, 22:11 16 Oswego No Score 18:22, 19:09, 19:25 17 Plano No Score 18 Somonauk No Score 18:33, 18:34 19 St. Edward No Score 20 Timothy Christian No Score 20:17, 22:03 21 Wheaton Academy No Score 20:07, 20:14, 21:40, 23:28 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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