Individual Results
2006 Leavey InvitationalSeptember 2, 2006 Boys Open 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 St. Charles North Mike Strasser (Jr) 0:16:15.7 2 2 Wheaton North Jack Vebber (Sr) 0:16:22.4 3 3 St. Charles North Jose Sanchez-Vasquez (Sr) 0:16:52.0 4 4 Downers Grove North Joshua Blondell (Sr) 0:16:55.0 5 5 Geneva Will Fritsch (Sr) 0:16:56.1 6 6 Downers Grove North Andrew Becker (Jr) 0:16:56.5 7 7 Downers Grove North Gregory Deddo (Sr) 0:16:59.9 8 8 Batavia Kenny Herrmann (Jr) 0:17:02.9 9 9 Batavia Paul Jurgens (Sr) 0:17:05.6 10 10 Wheaton North Cam Most (Fr) 0:17:11.0 11 11 St. Charles North Pat Manser (Jr) 0:17:16.3 12 12 Glenbrook South Artem Genchanok (Jr) 0:17:17.6 13 13 Wheaton North Adam Siemer (Jr) 0:17:20.4 14 14 St. Charles North Ben Zeman (Sr) 0:17:21.1 15 15 Wheaton North Andrew Kaehr (Jr) 0:17:30.1 16 16 Downers Grove North Jared Wissmiller (Jr) 0:17:31.1 17 17 Wheaton North T.J. Luby (Jr) 0:17:33.4 18 18 Prairie Ridge Kyle Berillo (Jr) 0:17:38.7 19 19 Geneva Eric Young (Sr) 0:17:41.5 20 20 Downers Grove North Joseph Lambert (Jr) 0:17:43.4 21 21 Wheaton North Kevin Johnson (Sr) 0:17:43.9 22 22 Wheaton North Matt Hafer (So) 0:17:44.3 23 23 Downers Grove North Christopher Fox (Sr) 0:17:47.5 24 24 Jacobs Fransico Langer (Jr) 0:17:47.9 25 25 Downers Grove North Robert Turnholt (Jr) 0:17:53.1 26 Downers Grove North Evan Martin (Sr) 0:17:57.2 27 26 Geneva Kevin Ruane (Jr) 0:18:00.1 28 Downers Grove North John Sterr (Jr) 0:18:00.9 29 27 Waubonsie Valley Tim Sunzeri (Sr) 0:18:02.6 30 28 Lake Forest Will Chaney (Sr) 0:18:03.0 31 29 St. Charles North Steve Kelder (Jr) 0:18:06.3 32 30 Geneva Brian Tompkinson (Jr) 0:18:06.6 33 31 Prairie Ridge Paul Wilson (Jr) 0:18:11.2 34 Downers Grove North Ethan Montague (So) 0:18:12.5 35 32 Lake Forest Colin Briskman (Fr) 0:18:13.0 36 Downers Grove North Brett Bernatowicz (Jr) 0:18:13.4 37 Wheaton North Andy Janopoulos (Jr) 0:18:13.7 38 Downers Grove North Jeffrey Afryl (Jr) 0:18:14.4 39 33 Bartlett Bryce Hassall (Sr) 0:18:14.7 40 34 Prairie Ridge Ethan Berillo (So) 0:18:18.3 41 35 Glenbrook South Paul Lee (Jr) 0:18:18.6 42 36 Bartlett Dan DuPree (Jr) 0:18:20.5 43 37 Glenbrook South Marc Drucker (Sr) 0:18:20.8 44 Wheaton North Kevin Berliner (Jr) 0:18:24.1 45 38 Lake Forest Scott Gale (Sr) 0:18:25.6 46 Downers Grove North Thomas Callahan (Sr) 0:18:25.9 47 39 Batavia Andrew Rymarz (Jr) 0:18:28.2 48 Wheaton North Nick Bridle (Sr) 0:18:29.2 49 40 Lake Forest Jamie Baik (Sr) 0:18:39.7 50 41 Waubonsie Valley Bradley Bibbs (Jr) 0:18:40.1 51 42 Geneva Eric Blake (Fr) 0:18:45.0 52 43 Geneva Sean Whalen (Sr) 0:18:47.9 53 44 Glenbrook South Makoto Mikuni (Sr) 0:18:48.8 54 Wheaton North Robert Steele (Sr) 0:18:49.2 55 45 Lake Forest Ken Vottero (Jr) 0:18:50.3 56 46 Geneva Dan Keasler (Sr) 0:18:50.7 57 Downers Grove North Frank Delmedico (Sr) 0:18:51.3 58 47 Lake Forest Devon McDermott (Jr) 0:18:51.7 59 48 Bartlett David Elder (Jr) 0:18:52.2 60 49 St. Ignatius Stephen Wrenn (Jr) 0:18:54.4 61 Wheaton North Chris Norton (Sr) 0:18:55.8 62 50 St. Ignatius Jack Glascott (Jr) 0:18:56.3 63 Downers Grove North Paul Brandenstein (Sr) 0:18:56.7 64 51 Waubonsie Valley Jack Foley (So) 0:18:57.2 65 Downers Grove North Mitchell Penninger (Fr) 0:18:57.5 66 52 Lake Forest Jared Maloney (Sr) 0:19:00.5 67 53 Lake Zurich Adam Burke (So) 0:19:02.1 68 Geneva Dan Dalpiaz (So) 0:19:03.7 69 54 Bartlett Brian Shanahan (Jr) 0:19:06.6 70 Downers Grove North Michael Brennan (Sr) 0:19:10.0 71 55 Lake Zurich Andrew Gebhardt (So) 0:19:10.7 72 Geneva John Erb (Jr) 0:19:13.8 73 56 St. Charles North Kyle Kuczynski (Fr) 0:19:14.5 74 57 Batavia Adam Heranadez (Jr) 0:19:15.4 75 Downers Grove North Daniel Smith (So) 0:19:16.4 76 Downers Grove North Ryan Walters (So) 0:19:16.7 77 58 Batavia Foster Pottle (Jr) 0:19:17.3 78 Wheaton North Colin Gierzynski (Jr) 0:19:17.6 79 59 St. Charles North Josh Eassa (Sr) 0:19:18.9 80 Wheaton North Logan Blair (Fr) 0:19:19.6 81 Wheaton North Nate Kinkley (Jr) 0:19:20.2 82 Geneva Mike Bellavia (Jr) 0:19:20.6 83 60 Bartlett Nick Zbasnik (Jr) 0:19:20.9 84 61 Prairie Ridge Matt Neubauer (Fr) 0:19:21.3 85 62 Prairie Ridge Matt Dyer (So) 0:19:21.7 86 St. Charles North Aaron Sanchez (Fr) 0:19:22.1 87 63 Jacobs Mike Paolini (So) 0:19:23.6 88 64 Waubonsie Valley Andrew Dalpini (Jr) 0:19:25.5 89 65 St. Ignatius David Owens (Sr) 0:19:27.5 90 66 Lake Zurich Derek Allen (Sr) 0:19:28.3 91 67 St. Ignatius Tom Kelleher (Jr) 0:19:32.3 92 68 Waubonsie Valley Abrahim Fahs (Jr) 0:19:32.6 93 69 Bartlett Steve Schleicher (Sr) 0:19:33.7 94 St. Charles North Kyle Zankowski (Fr) 0:19:34.1 95 Downers Grove North Joseph Sterr (Jr) 0:19:34.8 96 70 Lake Zurich Mitch Heffernan (So) 0:19:35.3 97 Wheaton North Zach Leinweber (Sr) 0:19:35.8 98 Wheaton North Matt Ahlberg (Jr) 0:19:36.1 99 Downers Grove North Joey Smith (Sr) 0:19:36.5 100 Downers Grove North John Menard (Jr) 0:19:37.0 101 Downers Grove North Robert Southard (Jr) 0:19:37.4 102 Wheaton North Nathan Bristow (Fr) 0:19:37.9 103 St. Charles North Brad Boynton (So) 0:19:38.3 104 Wheaton North Ross Lach (Fr) 0:19:39.0 105 Downers Grove North Zachary Dawes (Fr) 0:19:40.0 106 St. Charles North Robby Hillard (Sr) 0:19:42.9 107 Lake Forest John Clark (So) 0:19:45.5 108 Wheaton North Jeff Ragsdale (Sr) 0:19:46.2 109 Lake Forest Charles Burgis (Sr) 0:19:47.2 110 Geneva Andrew Beardsley (Fr) 0:19:47.7 111 71 Waubonsie Valley Ryan Keane (Jr) 0:19:49.3 112 72 Bartlett Eric Kaplan (Jr) 0:19:51.1 113 Geneva Conrad Connor (Fr) 0:19:54.3 114 73 Glenbrook South Mike Alpern (Jr) 0:19:56.0 115 74 Batavia Josiah Norville (Jr) 0:19:56.5 116 75 Prairie Ridge Chase Teberg (Jr) 0:19:58.5 117 76 St. Ignatius Frank Soto (Jr) 0:20:03.1 118 Bartlett Dane Perkins (Sr) 0:20:04.2 119 Lake Forest Dane Shea (So) 0:20:04.7 120 77 Rockford Guilford Philip Peerboom (Sr) 0:20:05.1 121 Lake Forest Felix Richter (So) 0:20:06.3 122 St. Charles North Patrick Eschenfeldt (Jr) 0:20:06.8 123 St. Charles North Kyle Norton (So) 0:20:07.4 124 78 Prairie Ridge Will Yanez (Jr) 0:20:07.9 125 Wheaton North Ryan Hoffman (Jr) 0:20:08.3 126 79 Glenbrook South Tim Kreutzfeldt (Fr) 0:20:09.1 127 Downers Grove North Shane Zemel (Fr) 0:20:09.4 128 Bartlett Adam Brhel (Fr) 0:20:10.0 129 80 Glenbrook South James Hilton (Sr) 0:20:11.0 130 Wheaton North Matt Hetrick (Jr) 0:20:13.2 131 81 Waubonsie Valley Mike Schmelzel (So) 0:20:13.6 132 Glenbrook South Austin Kim (Jr) 0:20:15.4 133 Bartlett Nick Schreiner (Sr) 0:20:16.6 134 Glenbrook South Cody Theriault (Fr) 0:20:17.2 135 Prairie Ridge Ryan Mangler (Sr) 0:20:17.7 136 Lake Forest Nathaniel Zibart (Sr) 0:20:18.0 137 Lake Forest Kelly Stevens (Jr) 0:20:18.5 138 Glenbrook South Sean Grandfield (So) 0:20:19.5 139 82 Jacobs Rafay Basheer (Jr) 0:20:19.9 140 Lake Forest John Kinzer (Jr) 0:20:20.2 141 83 Lake Zurich Alex Ryan (Fr) 0:20:20.7 142 Downers Grove North Thomas Anderson (So) 0:20:21.0 143 Wheaton North Kevin Wiley (So) 0:20:21.4 144 Downers Grove North Daniel Havenga (So) 0:20:21.9 145 Waubonsie Valley Connor Whittington (Fr) 0:20:22.2 146 Downers Grove North Timothy Sparacio (Sr) 0:20:24.2 147 Geneva Dylan Crawshaw (Fr) 0:20:25.0 148 Geneva Mike Erickson (So) 0:20:25.6 149 Wheaton North Dan Bristow (Sr) 0:20:26.8 150 84 Rockford Guilford Matthew Johnson (Sr) 0:20:27.6 151 Downers Grove North Joseph Sidrys (Sr) 0:20:28.2 152 Waubonsie Valley Patrick Hockberger (So) 0:20:29.0 153 Downers Grove North Jordan Frank (So) 0:20:30.7 154 85 St. Ignatius Vito Montana (Fr) 0:20:31.1 155 86 Lake Zurich Ryan Baartmans (Fr) 0:20:32.4 156 Prairie Ridge Michael Pekovitch (Fr) 0:20:32.7 157 Bartlett Kyle Carey (Jr) 0:20:33.6 158 Lake Forest John Swisher (Sr) 0:20:33.9 159 Wheaton North Jason Soderlund (Sr) 0:20:35.9 160 87 Rockford Guilford Sean Copeland (So) 0:20:36.7 161 Downers Grove North Nathan O'Neil (Jr) 0:20:39.3 162 Prairie Ridge Ben Jellicoe (Jr) 0:20:39.9 163 88 Lake Zurich Mike Tirrell (Jr) 0:20:40.2 164 St. Charles North Kyle Barker (Jr) 0:20:40.6 165 Glenbrook South Nate Beasley (Jr) 0:20:41.6 166 Bartlett Steve Polheber (Jr) 0:20:42.6 167 Lake Forest Brian Barker (Fr) 0:20:44.1 168 Bartlett Oscar Velarde (Sr) 0:20:44.6 169 89 Jacobs Gordon Utendahl (Fr) 0:20:44.9 170 Prairie Ridge Josh Spencer (Jr) 0:20:45.3 171 Wheaton North Adam Stephan (Fr) 0:20:45.7 172 St. Charles East Kyle Sarvas (Sr) 0:20:46.2 173 Wheaton North James Colten (Sr) 0:20:46.7 174 Glenbrook South David Salk (Fr) 0:20:47.1 175 Lake Zurich Kurt Gibson (So) 0:20:47.6 176 Waubonsie Valley Jonathon Solis (Fr) 0:20:48.0 177 Downers Grove North Ryan Zmora (Jr) 0:20:50.3 178 Wheaton North Jeff Malahy (Jr) 0:20:50.7 179 Downers Grove North Adam Goodell (Jr) 0:20:51.4 180 Wheaton North Steven Carter (Sr) 0:20:53.5 181 Glenbrook South Max Hilton (Fr) 0:20:55.3 182 Wheaton North Kel Williams (Jr) 0:20:56.1 183 Geneva Pat Ulaszek (So) 0:20:56.8 184 St. Charles East Mark Hayes (Fr) 0:20:59.2 185 Wheaton North Spencer Meek (So) 0:20:59.5 186 Glenbrook South Charlie Reighard (Fr) 0:21:01.0 187 Bartlett Kyle Zimmerman (So) 0:21:02.6 188 Wheaton North Craig Danwin (Fr) 0:21:04.1 189 90 Jacobs Luke Peters (Fr) 0:21:04.4 190 91 Jacobs Matt Jorgensen (Fr) 0:21:05.3 191 Downers Grove North Austin McGrane (So) 0:21:05.6 192 Lake Forest Hunter Ousterhout (So) 0:21:06.4 193 Downers Grove North Seb Garcia (Sr) 0:21:07.9 194 Lake Forest Mark Stelter (Sr) 0:21:09.0 195 Glenbrook South Sean Freeman (Fr) 0:21:09.6 196 Downers Grove North Joshua Williams (Fr) 0:21:10.4 197 Glenbrook South Kyle Hammond (Jr) 0:21:10.9 198 92 Jacobs Zach Cash (Jr) 0:21:12.0 199 Glenbrook South Zach Avila (Fr) 0:21:13.1 200 Bartlett Alex Policht (Fr) 0:21:13.7 201 93 St. Ignatius Luis Abrego (Fr) 0:21:14.8 202 Lake Forest David Kang (So) 0:21:15.3 203 Downers Grove North Siva Nalla (Sr) 0:21:17.0 204 Downers Grove North Luke Tecson (Jr) 0:21:17.5 205 Prairie Ridge Caleb Ebert (Sr) 0:21:19.0 206 Wheaton North Sam Wood (Fr) 0:21:19.8 207 Wheaton North T.J. Herzog (So) 0:21:21.1 208 Wheaton North Gabe Donndelinger (So) 0:21:22.3 209 Lake Zurich Greg Bielak (Fr) 0:21:23.6 210 Bartlett James Blaney (So) 0:21:24.2 211 Wheaton North Chris Marange (Fr) 0:21:24.6 212 Wheaton North Jon Norton (So) 0:21:27.5 213 Glenbrook South Ian Mooney (So) 0:21:29.2 214 Lake Forest Harrison Demas (Fr) 0:21:30.4 215 Geneva Zak Kammerer (So) 0:21:30.8 216 Wheaton North Marc Hebbard (Fr) 0:21:31.3 217 Lake Forest Donald Boyce (Jr) 0:21:33.7 218 Wheaton North Brad Storey (So) 0:21:34.1 219 Glenbrook South Sam Gabuzzi (Fr) 0:21:35.4 220 94 Rockford Guilford Rowell Apolinar (So) 0:21:36.3 221 Prairie Ridge Ben Simon (So) 0:21:36.7 222 St. Ignatius David O'Donaghue (Fr) 0:21:39.9 223 Glenbrook South Rupesh Manam (Sr) 0:21:40.3 224 Glenbrook South Ji Kong (Sr) 0:21:40.9 225 Glenbrook South Alex Choo (Sr) 0:21:41.2 226 Wheaton North Parth Doshi (So) 0:21:43.0 227 Lake Forest Balthazar Heldring (Fr) 0:21:43.4 228 95 Glenbard South Louie Rymarcsuk (Fr) 0:21:44.6 229 Downers Grove North Andrew Montague (Fr) 0:21:44.9 230 Lake Forest Joe Raudabaugh (Sr) 0:21:45.4 231 Glenbrook South Luke Hampton (Jr) 0:21:46.6 232 Glenbrook South Sean Ziegler (Jr) 0:21:47.7 233 Lake Forest Stewart Yoo (Jr) 0:21:48.0 234 Downers Grove North Kevin Labno (So) 0:21:50.1 235 Lake Zurich Joe Finedore (Fr) 0:21:53.2 236 Glenbrook South Caleb Lowry (So) 0:21:53.6 237 Lake Forest Graham Hoke (Sr) 0:21:55.0 238 Moline Andrew Kalinauskas (Jr) 0:21:56.3 239 Lake Forest Matthew Ehrhard (Fr) 0:21:56.6 240 Bartlett Tommy Urani (Fr) 0:21:57.6 241 Lake Zurich Alec Kollar (So) 0:21:59.2 242 Downers Grove North Eric Thonn (Sr) 0:21:59.5 243 St. Ignatius David Alonso (So) 0:22:00.0 244 St. Ignatius Brendan Caffrey (Fr) 0:22:00.4 245 Waubonsie Valley Spencer Cotton (Fr) 0:22:01.6 246 Geneva Nick Archibald (Fr) 0:22:02.1 247 Lake Forest Adam Harkins (So) 0:22:02.9 248 Lake Forest Ben Traut (Fr) 0:22:03.7 249 Waubonsie Valley Bobby Gault (Fr) 0:22:04.1 250 Downers Grove North Zachary Mcleod (Sr) 0:22:05.0 251 St. Charles East Jason Wandrey (So) 0:22:08.2 252 Jacobs Eric Lin (So) 0:22:08.9 253 96 Rockford Guilford Ryan Marinelli (Sr) 0:22:09.2 254 St. Charles North Will Paskey (Jr) 0:22:10.7 255 Lake Forest John Nedeau (So) 0:22:11.0 256 Wheaton North Tom Jaderholm (Fr) 0:22:14.6 257 Geneva Patrick Murray (Fr) 0:22:17.5 258 Glenbrook South David Lim (Sr) 0:22:18.6 259 Glenbrook South Ben Weintraub (Jr) 0:22:20.6 260 Waubonsie Valley Andy Goldberg (Fr) 0:22:25.5 261 Downers Grove North Jordan Munk (Jr) 0:22:25.8 262 Downers Grove North Ty Conness (Sr) 0:22:26.2 263 Downers Grove North Richard Osborn (Sr) 0:22:30.9 264 Wheaton North Berhane Tebarek (So) 0:22:31.2 265 Glenbrook South Shane Mones (Fr) 0:22:31.5 266 Lake Forest Prasad Nandam (Fr) 0:22:35.1 267 Downers Grove North Taylor Smith (So) 0:22:37.9 268 97 Glenbard South Austin Williams (Fr) 0:22:38.8 269 Downers Grove North Nathan Mosby (Fr) 0:22:39.1 270 St. Ignatius Luke Cunniff (Fr) 0:22:42.1 271 Bartlett Mike Buck (Sr) 0:22:44.7 272 98 Rockford Guilford Cuauhtemoc Perez (Fr) 0:22:46.7 273 Lake Forest Alex Morrow (So) 0:22:47.5 274 Glenbrook South Yo-Han Chang (Sr) 0:22:48.7 275 Jacobs Alec Schmidt (Fr) 0:22:52.1 276 Bartlett Brian Limanowski (So) 0:22:52.4 277 Wheaton North Eric Decamp (Fr) 0:22:53.3 278 St. Ignatius Max Haneberg (Fr) 0:22:53.7 279 Lake Forest Daniel Perret (So) 0:22:54.1 280 St. Ignatius Michael Welsh (Fr) 0:22:54.9 281 Moline Alex Timm (Fr) 0:22:55.5 282 Wheaton North Jules Patry (Jr) 0:22:55.8 283 St. Charles North Chase Banias (Fr) 0:22:56.2 284 Bartlett Pat Wedolowski (Fr) 0:22:56.7 285 Wheaton North Troy Rexilius (Jr) 0:22:57.3 286 Lake Forest Jack Gillen (So) 0:22:57.8 287 Prairie Ridge Nick Manrose (Fr) 0:22:58.3 288 Downers Grove North Alex Barry (Fr) 0:23:00.4 289 Bartlett Chris Sawyer (So) 0:23:05.5 290 Prairie Ridge Brian Lee (Fr) 0:23:05.8 291 Lake Forest Eric Russell (So) 0:23:06.4 292 99 Rockford Guilford Gavin Epperson (So) 0:23:08.0 293 Waubonsie Valley Erik Shinn (Fr) 0:23:09.1 294 Prairie Ridge Ryan Bos (Fr) 0:23:15.9 295 Wheaton North Jack Blanchard (Fr) 0:23:16.9 296 Wheaton North Matt Peters (So) 0:23:19.6 297 St. Charles North John Georgeson (Fr) 0:23:20.4 298 Lake Forest Tom Beilke (Fr) 0:23:23.9 299 Lake Forest Peter Briggs (Fr) 0:23:27.4 300 Wheaton North Dylan Jones (So) 0:23:43.6 301 100 Glenbard South Russell Cerda (Fr) 0:23:44.8 302 Moline Jeremiah Love (Fr) 0:23:48.8 303 Downers Grove North Christian Schneider (Fr) 0:23:49.2 304 Downers Grove North Thomas Malleck (Sr) 0:23:50.5 305 101 Batavia Brandon Loughran (So) 0:23:50.9 306 102 Glenbard South David Ringenberg (So) 0:23:51.4 307 Lake Forest A.J. Favale (Jr) 0:23:55.3 308 Downers Grove North Joseph Mcaleer (Fr) 0:23:55.8 309 Lake Forest Graham Sauser (Fr) 0:23:58.5 310 Batavia Michael Pottle (Fr) 0:24:00.5 311 Wheaton North Tyler Kamperschroer (Jr) 0:24:04.7 312 Prairie Ridge Mike Arens (Jr) 0:24:07.1 313 103 Glenbard South Will Van Eijk (Fr) 0:24:13.6 314 Bartlett Ankeet Patel (Jr) 0:24:16.4 315 Batavia Ryan Penman (Fr) 0:24:17.1 316 Downers Grove North Brian Drabik (Jr) 0:24:20.6 317 Downers Grove North Araz Zarkhah (Jr) 0:24:24.8 318 Lake Forest Tim Polich (So) 0:24:25.1 319 Lake Forest Alex Lee (So) 0:24:43.4 320 St. Ignatius Dan Anderson (Jr) 0:24:43.7 321 Lake Zurich Phil Rykse (So) 0:24:44.5 322 Downers Grove North Todd Duke (Jr) 0:24:45.6 323 Lake Forest Hendrik DuToit (So) 0:24:50.9 324 Lake Forest Frank Fineis (So) 0:24:51.4 325 Downers Grove North Greg Loumos (Jr) 0:24:53.3 326 Prairie Ridge Jeff Grier (Sr) 0:24:56.8 327 St. Ignatius Kevin Dollear (So) 0:24:57.8 328 Lake Forest Nate Balk (Fr) 0:25:13.6 329 Prairie Ridge Kyle Magly (Jr) 0:25:20.5 330 Waubonsie Valley Gautham Nara (Fr) 0:25:29.8 331 Downers Grove North Patrick Kasper (Sr) 0:25:33.5 332 Rockford Guilford Andrew Selander (Jr) 0:25:41.8 333 Wheaton North Jeff Sommars (Jr) 0:25:47.6 334 St. Charles North Eric Stoffregen (Fr) 0:25:51.1 335 Lake Forest Anthony Reinert (Fr) 0:25:51.7 336 Glenbrook South Kyu Whang (Jr) 0:25:58.5 337 Wheaton North Alec Gierzynski (Fr) 0:26:03.6 338 Downers Grove North Assad Baig (Sr) 0:26:07.8 339 Downers Grove North Mike Munoz (Jr) 0:26:15.3 340 Geneva Jake Stricker (Jr) 0:26:27.0 341 Lake Zurich Sean Livelsburger (So) 0:26:41.1 342 Moline Alex Nelson (So) 0:26:44.0 343 Lake Zurich Dan Rykse (So) 0:26:47.9 344 Downers Grove North Benjamin Armstrong (Fr) 0:26:53.3 345 Batavia Erik Browne (Jr) 0:27:03.2 346 Batavia Kristofer Deahl (Fr) 0:27:14.6 347 Waubonsie Valley Aaron Titiner (Fr) 0:27:28.4 348 Lake Forest Matt Beck (Fr) 0:28:23.4 349 Rockford Guilford Seth Cook (Sr) 0:28:40.4 350 Downers Grove North Matthew Tecson (So) 0:28:46.9 351 Downers Grove North David Steffen (So) 0:28:56.8 352 Lake Forest Joe Kovach (Fr) 0:29:02.9 353 Downers Grove North Michael Gennardo (Sr) 0:29:04.1 354 Wheaton North Max Dease (Fr) 0:31:19.9 355 Lake Forest William Moore (Fr) 0:31:52.3 356 Downers Grove North Kevin Salik (Fr) 0:34:15.6 357 Downers Grove North Christopher Priebe (Sr) 0:35:10.9 358 Downers Grove North Ayden Zarkhah (Fr) 0:36:15.8 359 Downers Grove North Michael Drabik (Sr) 0:40:55.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Downers Grove North 53 4, 6, 7, 16, 20, 23, 25 2 Wheaton North 57 2, 10, 13, 15, 17, 21, 22 3 St. Charles North 58 1, 3, 11, 14, 29, 56, 59 4 Geneva 122 5, 19, 26, 30, 42, 43, 46 5 Batavia 171 8, 9, 39, 57, 58, 74, 101 6 Lake Forest 183 28, 32, 38, 40, 45, 47, 52 7 Glenbrook South 201 12, 35, 37, 44, 73, 79, 80 8 Prairie Ridge 206 18, 31, 34, 61, 62, 75, 78 9 Bartlett 231 33, 36, 48, 54, 60, 69, 72 10 Waubonsie Valley 251 27, 41, 51, 64, 68, 71, 81 11 St. Ignatius 307 49, 50, 65, 67, 76, 85, 93 12 Lake Zurich 327 53, 55, 66, 70, 83, 86, 88 13 Jacobs 348 24, 63, 82, 89, 90, 91, 92 14 Rockford Guilford 438 77, 84, 87, 94, 96, 98, 99 15 Glenbard South 497 95, 97, 100, 102, 103 16 Moline No Score - Had only 4 finishers 17 Montini Catholic No Score - Had only 0 finishers 18 Proviso East No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 St. Charles East No Score - Had only 3 finishers 20 Wheaton Academy No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 St. Charles North 85:53 17:11 1:51 16:16, 16:52, 17:17, 17:21, 18:07, 19:15 2 Wheaton North 85:59 17:12 1:11 16:23, 17:11, 17:21, 17:30, 17:34, 17:44 3 Downers Grove North 86:07 17:13 0:49 16:55, 16:57, 17:00, 17:31, 17:44, 17:48 4 Geneva 89:30 17:54 1:49 16:56, 17:42, 18:00, 18:07, 18:45, 18:48 5 Batavia 91:12 18:14 2:15 17:03, 17:06, 18:29, 19:16, 19:18, 19:57 6 Lake Forest 92:13 18:27 0:48 18:03, 18:13, 18:26, 18:40, 18:51, 18:52 7 Glenbrook South 92:43 18:33 2:38 17:18, 18:19, 18:21, 18:49, 19:56, 20:09 8 Prairie Ridge 92:54 18:35 1:43 17:39, 18:12, 18:19, 19:22, 19:22, 19:59 9 Bartlett 93:57 18:47 1:06 18:15, 18:21, 18:53, 19:07, 19:21, 19:34 10 Waubonsie Valley 94:40 18:56 1:30 18:03, 18:40, 18:58, 19:26, 19:33, 19:50 11 St. Ignatius 96:56 19:23 1:08 18:55, 18:57, 19:28, 19:33, 20:03, 20:31 12 Lake Zurich 97:39 19:32 1:19 19:02, 19:11, 19:29, 19:36, 20:21, 20:33 13 Jacobs 99:22 19:52 3:17 17:48, 19:24, 20:20, 20:45, 21:05, 21:06 14 Rockford Guilford 104:57 20:59 2:05 20:05, 20:28, 20:37, 21:37, 22:10, 22:47 15 Glenbard South 116:15 23:15 2:29 21:45, 22:39, 23:45, 23:52, 24:14 16 Moline No Score 21:57, 22:56, 23:49, 26:44 17 Montini Catholic No Score 18 Proviso East No Score 19 St. Charles East No Score 20:47, 21:00, 22:09 20 Wheaton Academy No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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