Individual Results
2006 Palatine InvitationalSeptember 23, 2006 Girls Fr/So 2.5 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:12.6 by Elizabeth Meier of Main West H.S. on Sept. 24, 2005 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Mother McAuley Megan McGreal (Fr) 0:15:18.0 2 2 Mother McAuley Beth McGreal (Fr) 0:15:18.3 3 3 Hersey Sarah Reynolds (Fr) 0:15:29.8 4 4 Downers Grove North Staci Bates (Fr) 0:15:39.4 5 5 Palatine Olivia Gregorio (So) 0:15:42.3 6 6 Cary Grove Alexa Engles (So) 0:15:44.6 7 7 Carmel Alexis Mientus (So) 0:15:49.1 8 8 Hersey Audrina Smelser (Fr) 0:15:55.1 9 9 Lyons Township Eliza Dudley (Fr) 0:15:55.4 10 10 Cary Grove Molly MacInnes (So) 0:15:55.7 11 11 Lyons Township Emily Meingast (Fr) 0:15:56.2 12 12 Lyons Township Meggie McDonald (So) 0:15:56.6 13 13 Lyons Township Alexa Adducci (Fr) 0:16:00.2 14 14 Prospect Emily Salzman (Fr) 0:16:01.4 15 15 Hersey Lauren Frisbie (Fr) 0:16:03.9 16 16 Carmel Hilary Halford (Fr) 0:16:05.7 17 17 Cary Grove Emily Cummings (Fr) 0:16:06.6 18 18 Cary Grove Lindsay Young (Fr) 0:16:07.2 19 19 Palatine Anna Novikova (So) 0:16:09.2 20 20 Barrington Karis Ailabouni (So) 0:16:11.1 21 21 Palatine Anusha Narayanan (Fr) 0:16:12.6 22 22 Prairie Ridge Amanda Marwitz (Fr) 0:16:13.4 23 23 Lake Forest Caroline Kelleher (So) 0:16:16.5 24 24 Downers Grove North Amanda Fry (So) 0:16:17.9 25 25 Prairie Ridge Kyra Saley (Fr) 0:16:18.5 26 26 Lake Zurich Amy Pietro (Fr) 0:16:18.9 27 27 Libertyville Megan Janezic (Fr) 0:16:19.4 28 28 Barrington Liza McIntosh (Fr) 0:16:20.0 29 29 Lyons Township Shelley Stears (So) 0:16:30.2 30 30 Prospect Laura Burnton (Fr) 0:16:31.1 31 31 Dundee Crown Nikki Kasala (So) 0:16:32.0 32 32 Prospect Amy Abdnor (Fr) 0:16:33.8 33 33 Lake Zurich Kelsey Iverhouse (Fr) 0:16:34.4 34 34 Lake Forest Alexis Serbin (Fr) 0:16:34.9 35 35 Mother McAuley Beth McKendry (So) 0:16:36.7 36 36 Hersey Dana Jacobsen (So) 0:16:39.3 37 37 Palatine Ruth Allen (Fr) 0:16:39.8 38 38 Buffalo Grove Amy Eich (So) 0:16:42.2 39 39 Palatine Laura Schlosser (Fr) 0:16:43.4 40 40 Mother McAuley Rachel Carr (So) 0:16:44.1 41 Vernon Hills Megan Bess (Fr) 0:16:45.0 42 41 Downers Grove North Anne Correll (So) 0:16:46.6 43 42 Cary Grove Sammi Zelm (So) 0:16:48.7 44 43 Barrington Annie Choi (So) 0:16:49.2 45 44 Lyons Township Ruth Bowhay (So) 0:16:49.8 46 45 Barrington Arielle Schwartz (So) 0:16:50.5 47 46 Lake Forest Lily Barrie (Fr) 0:16:51.1 48 47 Mother McAuley Lizzy Podlasek (So) 0:16:53.4 49 48 Hersey Andrea Kubicki (Fr) 0:16:53.7 50 49 Downers Grove North Alexandra Wirtas (Fr) 0:16:54.2 51 50 Libertyville Kristy Williams (So) 0:16:55.0 52 51 Lyons Township Lea Metz (Fr) 0:16:56.3 53 52 Barrington Sarah Bach (Fr) 0:17:00.0 54 53 Lake Forest Jenny Dent (So) 0:17:02.5 55 54 Cary Grove Rachel Boyd (Fr) 0:17:03.0 56 55 Hersey Katie Drees (Fr) 0:17:04.3 57 56 Prospect Evelyn Smith (Fr) 0:17:05.9 58 57 Downers Grove North Jessica Balagtas (Fr) 0:17:12.1 59 58 Buffalo Grove Ashley Foster (So) 0:17:13.9 60 59 Carmel Jakie Migliarse (Fr) 0:17:15.6 61 60 Downers Grove North Kathy Dejmek (So) 0:17:17.5 62 61 Buffalo Grove Laura Chicoine (Fr) 0:17:17.9 63 62 Cary Grove Anni Garcia (So) 0:17:18.2 64 63 Lake Zurich Olivia Holicky (Fr) 0:17:20.6 65 64 Carmel Abby Nazarian (So) 0:17:24.2 66 65 Lake Forest Ellie Douglass (So) 0:17:25.1 67 66 Libertyville Mo O'Connor (So) 0:17:25.5 68 67 Libertyville Nicole Babbini (So) 0:17:26.3 69 68 Lake Zurich Veronika Felts (Fr) 0:17:30.3 70 69 Carmel Emma Lewis (Fr) 0:17:30.8 71 70 Libertyville Mackenzie Jaroch (Fr) 0:17:31.7 72 71 Mother McAuley Erin Holland (Fr) 0:17:33.0 73 72 Prospect Molly Blunck (Fr) 0:17:33.5 74 73 Palatine Meg Harahan (So) 0:17:34.0 75 74 Maine West Katie Cullotta (So) 0:17:34.5 76 75 Lake Zurich Herel Hughes (Fr) 0:17:35.8 77 76 Libertyville Sarah Farish (Fr) 0:17:39.0 78 77 Prospect Tessa Ready (So) 0:17:41.5 79 78 Barrington Emily Kelly (Fr) 0:17:48.0 80 79 Buffalo Grove Deanna Guyton (Fr) 0:17:48.5 81 80 Prairie Ridge Julia Mangler (So) 0:17:49.0 82 81 Prairie Ridge Amanda Barth (So) 0:17:49.3 83 82 Libertyville Erin Boyle (So) 0:17:50.0 84 83 Hersey Domenica Giancola (Fr) 0:17:59.7 85 84 Palatine Megan Hanson (So) 0:18:07.9 86 85 Barrington Beth Geshwender (Fr) 0:18:09.0 87 86 Carmel Trysta Lee (So) 0:18:13.3 88 87 Maine West Angel Parrilli (Fr) 0:18:19.1 89 88 Lake Forest Kendall Wageman (Jr) 0:18:21.5 90 89 Buffalo Grove Mila Sadovnikova (Fr) 0:18:26.6 91 90 Carmel Kacie Poll (So) 0:18:28.5 92 91 Mother McAuley Courtney Boulukos (So) 0:18:32.1 93 Homewood-Flossmoor Hailey Ongman (Fr) 0:18:36.4 94 92 Dundee Crown Amanda Lares (Fr) 0:18:39.6 95 93 Lake Zurich Julia Moore (Fr) 0:18:40.2 96 Vernon Hills Kelsey George (So) 0:18:48.4 97 94 Prospect Liesl Eurich (Fr) 0:18:55.6 98 95 Lake Zurich Julia Rossdeutcher (Fr) 0:18:59.7 99 96 Dundee Crown Jenna Groenhof (Fr) 0:19:03.4 100 97 Joliet Township Emily Wedge (So) 0:19:05.7 101 98 Maine West Emilie Sinkler (Fr) 0:19:09.7 102 99 Maine West Sara Ring (So) 0:19:17.5 103 100 Lake Forest Emily Anderson (Fr) 0:19:27.6 104 101 Maine West Ellen Coogan (Fr) 0:19:31.3 105 102 Joliet Township Amanda Piercy (So) 0:19:39.5 106 103 Maine West Dontina Walsten (Fr) 0:19:42.0 107 104 Prairie Ridge Kristen Suhrhoff (So) 0:19:46.9 108 Vernon Hills Megan Keller (Fr) 0:19:49.6 109 105 Prairie Ridge Ashley Chung (Fr) 0:19:53.1 110 106 Maine West Stephanie French (So) 0:20:07.0 111 Homewood-Flossmoor Franchelle Valentine (So) 0:20:10.5 112 107 Dundee Crown Jessica Keogh (So) 0:20:32.5 113 108 Joliet Township Leigh Farr (Fr) 0:20:35.3 114 109 Joliet Township Jamie Rodgers (Fr) 0:20:35.9 115 110 Dundee Crown Christina Holec (So) 0:20:48.8 116 111 Buffalo Grove Knar Bedian (Fr) 0:20:49.8 117 Vernon Hills Debbie Yim (So) 0:20:50.2 118 Homewood-Flossmoor Matthews Raven (So) 0:21:27.6 119 112 Prairie Ridge Camille Clausen (So) 0:21:35.7 120 113 Buffalo Grove Deanna Jacobs (So) 0:21:53.7 121 Homewood-Flossmoor Kayla Jackson (So) 0:23:21.8 122 114 Dundee Crown Rachel Smith (So) 0:24:17.0 123 115 Joliet Township Erica Downey (So) 0:25:03.5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lyons Township 74 9, 11, 12, 13, 29, 44, 51 2 Cary Grove 93 6, 10, 17, 18, 42, 54, 62 3 Hersey 110 3, 8, 15, 36, 48, 55, 83 4 Palatine 121 5, 19, 21, 37, 39, 73, 84 5 Mother McAuley 125 1, 2, 35, 40, 47, 71, 91 6 Downers Grove North 175 4, 24, 41, 49, 57, 60 7 Barrington 188 20, 28, 43, 45, 52, 78, 85 8 Prospect 204 14, 30, 32, 56, 72, 77, 94 9 Carmel 215 7, 16, 59, 64, 69, 86, 90 10 Lake Forest 221 23, 34, 46, 53, 65, 88, 100 11 Lake Zurich 265 26, 33, 63, 68, 75, 93, 95 12 Libertyville 280 27, 50, 66, 67, 70, 76, 82 13 Prairie Ridge 312 22, 25, 80, 81, 104, 105, 112 14 Buffalo Grove 325 38, 58, 61, 79, 89, 111, 113 15 Dundee Crown 436 31, 92, 96, 107, 110, 114 16 Maine West 459 74, 87, 98, 99, 101, 103, 106 17 Joliet Township 531 97, 102, 108, 109, 115 18 Crystal Lake Central No Score - Had only 0 finishers 19 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score - Had only 4 finishers 20 McHenry No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Mundelein No Score - Had only 0 finishers 22 Vernon Hills No Score - Had only 4 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Lyons Township 80:22 16:04 0:35 15:56, 15:57, 15:57, 16:01, 16:31, 16:50 2 Cary Grove 80:45 16:09 1:04 15:45, 15:56, 16:07, 16:08, 16:49, 17:03 3 Mother McAuley 80:52 16:10 1:36 15:18, 15:19, 16:37, 16:44, 16:54, 17:33 4 Hersey 81:03 16:13 1:24 15:30, 15:55, 16:04, 16:40, 16:54, 17:05 5 Palatine 81:30 16:18 1:01 15:43, 16:10, 16:13, 16:40, 16:44, 17:34 6 Downers Grove North 82:52 16:34 1:32 15:40, 16:18, 16:47, 16:55, 17:12, 17:18 7 Barrington 83:12 16:38 0:49 16:11, 16:20, 16:50, 16:51, 17:00, 17:48 8 Prospect 83:47 16:45 1:32 16:02, 16:31, 16:34, 17:06, 17:34, 17:42 9 Carmel 84:07 16:49 1:42 15:49, 16:06, 17:16, 17:25, 17:31, 18:14 10 Lake Forest 84:11 16:50 1:08 16:17, 16:35, 16:51, 17:03, 17:25, 18:22 11 Lake Zurich 85:22 17:04 1:17 16:19, 16:35, 17:21, 17:31, 17:36, 18:41 12 Libertyville 85:40 17:08 1:12 16:20, 16:55, 17:26, 17:27, 17:32, 17:39 13 Buffalo Grove 87:31 17:30 1:44 16:43, 17:14, 17:18, 17:49, 18:27, 20:50 14 Prairie Ridge 87:59 17:36 3:33 16:14, 16:19, 17:49, 17:50, 19:47, 19:53 15 Maine West 93:54 18:47 1:57 17:35, 18:19, 19:10, 19:18, 19:32, 19:42 16 Dundee Crown 95:38 19:08 4:17 16:32, 18:40, 19:04, 20:33, 20:49, 24:17 17 Joliet Township 105:02 21:00 5:58 19:06, 19:40, 20:36, 20:36, 25:04 18 Crystal Lake Central No Score 19 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score 18:37, 20:11, 21:28, 23:22 20 McHenry No Score 21 Mundelein No Score 22 Vernon Hills No Score 16:45, 18:49, 19:50, 20:51 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2006 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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