Individual Results
Northern Athletics Conference ChampionshipsOctober 27, 2007 Mens Division 8 km RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 Concordia WI 275 Micah Lorenzen (Sr) 0:25:32.5 2 2 Wisconsin Lutheran 347 Zach Shiels (Jr) 0:26:06.3 3 3 Rockford 341 Chad Zeman (Sr) 0:26:30.0 4 4 MSOE 318 Dominic Maio (Jr) 0:26:37.5 5 5 Rockford 337 Tony Hardin (Jr) 0:27:09.1 6 6 Rockford 338 Matt Lindgren (So) 0:27:29.9 7 7 Edgewood 300 Andrew Garvey (Fr) 0:27:31.8 8 8 MSOE 317 Zach Lutz (So) 0:27:42.0 9 9 MSOE 310 Tim Carlson (Jr) 0:28:07.4 10 10 Aurora 257 Kevin Peters (So) 0:28:14.2 11 11 Aurora 259 Jake Schlueter (So) 0:28:26.1 12 12 Concordia WI 274 Eric Locke (Sr) 0:28:28.1 13 13 MSOE 325 Jay Stasiak (So) 0:28:29.3 14 Marian 333 Phil Adams (Fr) 0:28:34.9 15 14 Wisconsin Lutheran 344 Neal Miller (Jr) 0:28:38.6 16 15 Concordia Chicago 270 Joe Lutzow (Jr) 0:28:38.9 17 16 Concordia WI 282 Chris Strehlow (So) 0:28:42.3 18 Maranatha 332 Tim Struska (Sr) 0:28:42.6 19 17 MSOE 309 Ben Bichler (Jr) 0:28:43.0 20 18 Aurora 253 Derek Babson (Sr) 0:28:46.5 21 19 Aurora 255 David Mathew (Sr) 0:28:50.6 22 20 MSOE 327 Troy Woodard (Sr) 0:28:54.6 23 21 Wisconsin Lutheran 346 Tyler Schroeder (So) 0:28:58.3 24 22 MSOE 320 Adam Patterson (Sr) 0:29:02.9 25 23 Concordia WI 272 Tyler Biederwolf (So) 0:29:10.1 26 24 Concordia WI 283 Richard Thompson (Fr) 0:29:15.7 27 25 Aurora 260 Aaron Smith (Sr) 0:29:20.5 28 MSOE 321 Cameron Rate (Fr) 0:29:24.4 29 26 Edgewood 301 Tim Miller (Fr) 0:29:29.3 30 27 Wisconsin Lutheran 343 Blake Miller (Fr) 0:29:36.4 31 28 Dominican 291 Robert Koors (So) 0:29:36.9 32 MSOE 314 Bob Kester (Jr) 0:29:39.6 33 29 Concordia WI 278 Steve Paavola (Sr) 0:29:41.2 34 MSOE 313 Matt Jungers (Fr) 0:29:55.7 35 Maranatha 331 Peter Struska (So) 0:29:59.6 36 30 Concordia Chicago 268 Derek Kieninger (So) 0:30:01.3 37 31 Concordia Chicago 271 Manthan Satyawadi (Fr) 0:30:07.3 38 32 Edgewood 299 Chris Frey (Fr) 0:30:11.5 39 MSOE 324 Brian Seniuk (Jr) 0:30:20.7 40 33 Benedictine 261 Alex Arman (So) 0:30:21.2 41 34 Edgewood 303 Tony Willkom (Fr) 0:30:31.4 42 35 Rockford 339 Rolando Parra (Sr) 0:30:36.9 43 36 Benedictine 265 Justin Vanderbilt (Fr) 0:30:39.9 44 37 Concordia WI 285 William Uffenbeck (Jr) 0:30:40.2 45 38 Benedictine 264 Clark Poro (Fr) 0:30:43.6 46 39 Rockford 336 David Gray (Fr) 0:30:46.1 47 40 Wisconsin Lutheran 345 Ryan Nichols (Fr) 0:30:53.6 48 Concordia WI 276 Karl Luedtke (Fr) 0:30:57.7 49 41 Aurora 254 Lew Blaszczyk (Sr) 0:30:59.4 50 42 Aurora 256 Tim Miller (Fr) 0:31:02.0 51 43 Edgewood 302 Dan Oryall (So) 0:31:04.4 52 44 Rockford 340 Josh Ryan (Sr) 0:31:08.9 53 Concordia WI 273 Zach Graudin (Jr) 0:31:18.0 54 45 Concordia Chicago 266 Zach Bauknecht (So) 0:31:36.7 55 MSOE 311 Robert Coehoorn (Jr) 0:31:42.9 56 MSOE 323 Chris Schultz (Sr) 0:31:48.0 57 46 Rockford 335 Rob Fry (Jr) 0:31:57.0 58 47 Edgewood 298 Adam Brown (Fr) 0:32:05.7 59 Maranatha 328 James Moore (Fr) 0:32:17.0 60 48 Dominican 290 Dan Humphreys (So) 0:32:21.2 61 Maranatha 330 Adam Shaeffer (Fr) 0:32:24.1 62 Aurora 251 Jesus Aguilar (Fr) 0:32:39.5 63 MSOE 315 Travis King (Fr) 0:32:41.4 64 Concordia WI 284 David Uffenbeck (Fr) 0:32:48.6 65 MSOE 316 Peter Lapman (Fr) 0:32:48.9 66 MSOE 326 Josh Uelman (Sr) 0:32:49.1 67 49 Benedictine 262 John Dehm (Sr) 0:32:52.0 68 50 Dominican 289 Patrick Hughes (So) 0:32:53.3 69 51 Benedictine 263 Daniel Ponce (So) 0:32:53.5 70 Concordia WI 286 Josh Weber (Jr) 0:33:05.4 71 Concordia WI 281 Caleb Schewe (Sr) 0:33:11.2 72 MSOE 322 Kyle Rate (Jr) 0:33:11.6 73 52 Concordia Chicago 267 Eric David (Fr) 0:33:47.0 74 Lakeland 304 Mike Muhs (Sr) 0:34:41.4 75 Concordia WI 280 Adam Sarabia (Fr) 0:34:42.1 76 MSOE 308 Ryan Baird (So) 0:34:56.3 77 53 Dominican 294 Jospeh Piatkiewicz (So) 0:35:05.3 78 54 Dominican 293 George Munteanu (So) 0:35:56.1 79 55 Dominican 296 Carlos Rojas (Fr) 0:36:23.0 80 56 Dominican 288 Paul Gawlas (So) 0:36:23.9 81 MSOE 312 Kevin Diedrich (Fr) 0:36:24.4 82 Marian 334 Kevin Anderson (So) 0:36:40.4 83 Concordia WI 277 Paul Muther (Sr) 0:36:41.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 MSOE 51 4, 8, 9, 13, 17, 20, 22 2 Concordia WI 76 1, 12, 16, 23, 24, 29, 37 3 Aurora 83 10, 11, 18, 19, 25, 41, 42 4 Rockford 88 3, 5, 6, 35, 39, 44, 46 5 Wisconsin Lutheran 104 2, 14, 21, 27, 40 6 Edgewood 142 7, 26, 32, 34, 43, 47 7 Concordia Chicago 173 15, 30, 31, 45, 52 8 Benedictine 207 33, 36, 38, 49, 51 9 Dominican 233 28, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56 10 Lakeland No Score - Had only 1 finisher 11 Maranatha No Score - Had only 4 finishers 12 Marian No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 MSOE 139:41 27:56 2:05 26:38, 27:42, 28:08, 28:30, 28:43, 28:55 2 Concordia WI 141:10 28:14 3:43 25:33, 28:28, 28:43, 29:10, 29:16, 29:42 3 Rockford 142:32 28:30 4:16 26:30, 27:09, 27:30, 30:37, 30:46, 31:09 4 Aurora 143:40 28:44 1:06 28:15, 28:26, 28:47, 28:51, 29:21, 31:00 5 Wisconsin Lutheran 144:16 28:51 4:47 26:07, 28:39, 28:59, 29:37, 30:54 6 Edgewood 148:51 29:46 3:33 27:32, 29:30, 30:12, 30:32, 31:05, 32:06 7 Concordia Chicago 154:13 30:51 5:08 28:39, 30:02, 30:08, 31:37, 33:47 8 Benedictine 157:32 31:30 2:32 30:22, 30:40, 30:44, 32:52, 32:54 9 Dominican 165:55 33:11 6:19 29:37, 32:22, 32:54, 35:06, 35:56, 36:23 10 Lakeland No Score 34:42 11 Maranatha No Score 28:43, 30:00, 32:17, 32:24 12 Marian No Score 28:35, 36:41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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