Individual Results
37th Annual Patrick Savage InvitationalSeptember 29, 2007 Girls Fr/So (Red) 2 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Marist Clare Dignan (So) 0:12:44.1 2 2 Marist Amanda Zubricki (So) 0:13:01.4 3 3 Marist Dana Martin (Fr) 0:13:04.7 4 4 Maine South Christina Carvatta (Fr) 0:13:12.1 5 5 Maine South Theodora Cudnowski (Fr) 0:13:12.6 6 6 Maine South Molly Amelse (Fr) 0:13:13.6 7 7 Marist Meghan Cody (So) 0:13:22.1 8 8 Maine South Jackie Oberheide (Fr) 0:13:25.7 9 9 Marist Victoria Gallagher (Fr) 0:13:31.7 10 10 Maine South Jacqueline Bono (So) 0:13:35.1 11 11 Marist Kerry Hampston (So) 0:13:38.7 12 12 Evanston Jennifer Terry (Fr) 0:13:40.5 13 13 Marist Jenni Corcoran (Fr) 0:13:41.0 14 Marist Tricia Randolph (Fr) 0:13:45.3 15 14 Maine South Beth Seiwert (So) 0:13:50.3 16 15 Maine South Gina Colletti (So) 0:13:54.0 17 Maine South Kalyna Witkowsky (Fr) 0:13:57.2 18 16 Evanston Erica Mertz (So) 0:13:59.6 19 17 Evanston Molly Sloane (So) 0:14:00.1 20 Marist Donna Killeen (So) 0:14:01.4 21 18 Evanston Margaret Hanson (So) 0:14:06.2 22 19 Evanston Jadie Oldfied (So) 0:14:07.2 23 Marist Allison Stevens (So) 0:14:14.8 24 Marist Michelle Flores (So) 0:14:27.8 25 Maine South Jennifer DiCola (Fr) 0:14:38.9 26 20 Kenwood Rachel Smith (Fr) 0:14:39.5 27 21 Glenbrook North Jessica Smith (So) 0:14:40.0 28 22 Hinsdale South Colleen Borek (Fr) 0:14:41.3 29 23 Evanston Hannah Kaplan (Fr) 0:14:41.8 30 Marist Tori Sanchez (So) 0:14:42.8 31 24 Evanston Caroline Tybout (Fr) 0:14:43.4 32 Maine South Daniella Kroschel (So) 0:14:49.8 33 Marist Shelia Enright (So) 0:14:52.7 34 25 Hinsdale South Marisol Magallanes (Fr) 0:14:53.4 35 26 Deerfield (WI) Lauren Carpenter (So) 0:14:54.1 36 27 Hinsdale South Lauren Ramski (So) 0:14:55.9 37 Evanston Julia Egofske (So) 0:14:57.1 38 Maine South Olivia Witry (So) 0:14:59.2 39 28 Leyden Melissa Aldinger (So) 0:15:00.6 40 29 Leyden Jennifer Rodriguez (So) 0:15:03.6 41 Maine South Lynn Rubino (So) 0:15:05.2 42 30 Leyden Summer Garcia (Fr) 0:15:06.4 43 31 Leyden Theresa Trousdale (So) 0:15:07.1 44 Marist Megan Favia (So) 0:15:07.6 45 Evanston Tamsin Parzen (Fr) 0:15:09.2 46 Evanston Kristin Managlia (Fr) 0:15:13.0 47 32 Argo Martha Ortiz (Fr) 0:15:13.7 48 Marist Maria Helmold (Fr) 0:15:14.4 49 Marist Becky Hrad (So) 0:15:15.9 50 Marist Laura Yach (So) 0:15:16.3 51 Marist Maggie Richardson (Fr) 0:15:16.8 52 Maine South Courtney Frank (So) 0:15:17.2 53 Evanston Anne Gibbons (Fr) 0:15:18.2 54 33 Leyden Paola Andrade (So) 0:15:18.7 55 34 Hinsdale South Alyssa Ferrando (So) 0:15:20.4 56 Evanston Sophie Arndt (Fr) 0:15:21.3 57 Marist Nellie Gannon (So) 0:15:24.5 58 35 Glenbrook North Carly Cohen (So) 0:15:25.7 59 Marist Kerry Murphy (So) 0:15:30.6 60 Marist Annmarie Lyons (So) 0:15:32.7 61 Maine South Zoey Sowinski (Fr) 0:15:33.4 62 Evanston Kaylee Coughlin (So) 0:15:35.7 63 Evanston Caroline Moberly (Fr) 0:15:38.2 64 Marist Courtney Daly (So) 0:15:38.9 65 36 Marian Catholic Stephanie Furlan (Fr) 0:15:40.4 66 37 Grayslake Central Sara Obenchain (So) 0:15:41.8 67 38 Marian Catholic Brianna Fuhrmann (Fr) 0:15:43.3 68 Marist Anna Renardo (So) 0:15:44.8 69 39 Marian Catholic Madeline Tolish (Fr) 0:15:46.7 70 Marist Colleen Austin (Fr) 0:15:47.3 71 Maine South Sarah Bennett (Fr) 0:15:49.1 72 Marist Anna Bokun (So) 0:15:50.6 73 Maine South Monica Lesny (So) 0:15:55.6 74 Maine South Arlene Caro (So) 0:16:00.2 75 40 Hinsdale South Karissa Hultmark (So) 0:16:00.6 76 41 Glenbrook North Wendy Soler (Fr) 0:16:01.2 77 Marist Robin Gagnon (Fr) 0:16:01.7 78 42 Glenbrook North Ila Rabinowitz (So) 0:16:02.2 79 43 Glenbrook South Alex Pitzaferro (Fr) 0:16:03.4 80 44 Glenbrook North Alyssa Chassman (So) 0:16:05.2 81 45 Marian Catholic Kristina Brost (Fr) 0:16:06.7 82 Evanston Nicole Darian (Fr) 0:16:08.3 83 46 Argo Iqra Chaudhry (So) 0:16:09.4 84 Maine South Lindsay Parrino (So) 0:16:15.0 85 47 Glenbrook North Whitney Cunningham (Fr) 0:16:19.6 86 Evanston Zoe Grosshandler (So) 0:16:21.4 87 Maine South Ellen Reeder (So) 0:16:22.0 88 Marist Tabitha Martinez (So) 0:16:24.6 89 Evanston Hannah Fulcher (So) 0:16:25.3 90 48 Leyden Abigal Ramos (Fr) 0:16:29.6 91 49 Leyden Esmeralda Rivera (Fr) 0:16:30.2 92 50 Kenwood Asha Stevens (So) 0:16:31.8 93 Marist Kaitlyn O'Connor (So) 0:16:33.2 94 51 Glenbrook North Rachel Wirtshafter (So) 0:16:33.7 95 Maine South Patricia Zavos (So) 0:16:34.6 96 Evanston Maude Reilly (Fr) 0:16:35.9 97 Evanston Emily Cline (Fr) 0:16:37.6 98 52 Kenwood Maya Jackson (Fr) 0:16:40.4 99 Glenbrook North Marci Tsiribas (Fr) 0:16:41.0 100 Maine South Randi Pawelski (Fr) 0:16:43.1 101 Maine South Isabel Soto (So) 0:16:43.9 102 53 Hinsdale South Breane Budaitis (So) 0:16:44.7 103 Maine South Kate O'Connor (So) 0:16:45.4 104 Glenbrook North Cassie Franzese (So) 0:16:46.2 105 54 Glenbrook South Melissa Kohler (Fr) 0:16:49.6 106 55 Lake Forest Academy Nataly Alvarado (So) 0:16:52.7 107 Maine South Gina Cardelli (Fr) 0:16:58.0 108 56 Argo Candace Czerniak (Fr) 0:17:03.8 109 57 Glenbrook South Tabitha Doundoulakis (Fr) 0:17:05.3 110 Glenbrook North Colleen Coughlin (Fr) 0:17:09.0 111 Marist Denise Ferguson (Fr) 0:17:09.5 112 58 Kenwood Caja Calhoun (So) 0:17:10.1 113 59 Argo Krizia Francisco (So) 0:17:10.3 114 60 Lake Forest Academy Emily Kulas (Fr) 0:17:16.4 115 Evanston Sophia Graham (Fr) 0:17:16.9 116 Glenbrook North Sheena Shah (Fr) 0:17:17.5 117 Marist Sian Kresse (So) 0:17:18.0 118 61 Glenbrook South Elly Van Zanten (Fr) 0:17:18.5 119 62 Kenwood Imani Gordon (Fr) 0:17:20.3 120 Evanston Elise Coburn (So) 0:17:20.8 121 63 Lake Forest Academy Julie Kim (So) 0:17:21.5 122 64 Lake Forest Academy Evelyn Gordon (So) 0:17:22.8 123 Maine South Madeline Petersen (So) 0:17:24.1 124 Evanston Ellen Roeder (Fr) 0:17:25.3 125 Glenbrook North Alex Tucker (Fr) 0:17:25.9 126 65 Marian Catholic Jasmine Cunningham (So) 0:17:28.9 127 66 Glenbrook South Julia Dwyer (So) 0:17:31.9 128 67 Glenbrook South Liz Corrigan (So) 0:17:32.5 129 Marist Lauren Rosales (So) 0:17:33.3 130 Maine South Anne Wave (So) 0:17:34.4 131 Glenbrook North Katelyn Clark (Fr) 0:17:35.6 132 Evanston Eva Kohlman (So) 0:17:37.1 133 Maine South Allison Verre (So) 0:17:37.6 134 Marist Nora Healy (Fr) 0:17:39.3 135 Marist Caleigh Fleming (Fr) 0:17:44.8 136 Evanston Lauren Cline (So) 0:17:47.1 137 68 Lake Forest Academy Diana Freyman (Fr) 0:18:03.7 138 Maine South Kate O'Grady (Fr) 0:18:06.3 139 Marist Sarah Wirtz (Fr) 0:18:07.4 140 69 Lake Forest Academy Ellena Sea (Fr) 0:18:39.9 141 70 Argo Jasmin Bello (Fr) 0:18:41.1 142 Marist Marcey McKettrick (Fr) 0:18:50.9 143 Maine South Megan Dyer (So) 0:18:51.5 144 71 Lake Forest Academy Lucy Irungu (Fr) 0:18:53.9 145 Maine South Allison Byrne (Fr) 0:18:58.2 146 72 Argo Edilvia Sanchez (Fr) 0:19:09.9 147 Maine South Stephanie Kulnig (So) 0:19:22.8 148 Maine South Claire Powers (So) 0:19:24.5 149 Glenbrook North Melissa Lee-Litowitz (Fr) 0:20:04.0 150 Lake Forest Academy Takia Broomfield (Fr) 0:20:24.3 151 Marist Amber Washington (So) 0:20:57.4 152 73 Glenbrook South Allison Quinones (So) 0:21:12.6 153 74 Argo Esperanza Rangel (Fr) 0:22:52.3 154 75 Kenwood Simone Allen (Fr) 0:25:52.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marist 22 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 2 Maine South 33 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15 3 Evanston 82 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24 4 Hinsdale South 148 22, 25, 27, 34, 40, 53 5 Leyden 151 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 48, 49 6 Glenbrook North 183 21, 35, 41, 42, 44, 47, 51 7 Marian Catholic 223 36, 38, 39, 45, 65 8 Kenwood 242 20, 50, 52, 58, 62, 75 9 Argo 263 32, 46, 56, 59, 70, 72, 74 10 Glenbrook South 281 43, 54, 57, 61, 66, 67, 73 11 Lake Forest Academy 310 55, 60, 63, 64, 68, 69, 71 12 Deerfield (WI) 330 26, 76, 76, 76, 76 13 Grayslake Central 341 37, 76, 76, 76, 76 14 Kelvyn Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 Lake Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marist 65:42 13:08 0:47 12:44, 13:01, 13:04, 13:22, 13:31, 13:38 2 Maine South 66:37 13:19 0:23 13:12, 13:12, 13:13, 13:25, 13:35, 13:50 3 Evanston 69:52 13:58 0:27 13:40, 13:59, 14:00, 14:06, 14:07, 14:41 4 Leyden 75:34 15:07 0:18 15:00, 15:03, 15:06, 15:07, 15:18, 16:29 5 Hinsdale South 75:49 15:10 1:19 14:41, 14:53, 14:55, 15:20, 16:00, 16:44 6 Glenbrook North 78:13 15:39 1:25 14:40, 15:25, 16:01, 16:02, 16:05, 16:19 7 Marian Catholic 80:43 16:09 1:48 15:40, 15:43, 15:46, 16:06, 17:28 8 Kenwood 82:20 16:28 2:41 14:39, 16:31, 16:40, 17:10, 17:20, 25:52 9 Argo 84:16 16:51 3:28 15:13, 16:09, 17:03, 17:10, 18:41, 19:09 10 Glenbrook South 84:46 16:57 1:28 16:03, 16:49, 17:05, 17:18, 17:31, 17:32 11 Lake Forest Academy 86:54 17:23 1:11 16:52, 17:16, 17:21, 17:22, 18:03, 18:39 12 Deerfield (WI) No Score 14:54 13 Grayslake Central No Score 15:41 14 Kelvyn Park No Score 15 Lake Park No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2007 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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