Individual Results
DuPage Valley Conference ChampionshipsOctober 17, 2008 Boys Fr/So 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Wheaton-Warrenville South Christian Adams (So) 0:16:52.7 2 2 Wheaton-Warrenville South Carl Anderson (Fr) 0:16:56.5 3 3 Wheaton-Warrenville South Hayden Spall (So) 0:16:59.3 4 4 Wheaton North Caleb Philbrick (So) 0:17:03.6 5 5 West Aurora Ryan Bartell (So) 0:17:06.7 6 6 Wheaton-Warrenville South Derek Andersen (Fr) 0:17:07.3 7 7 Naperville North Dan Emrie (Fr) 0:17:08.9 8 8 Naperville North Brian Hibsch (So) 0:17:10.8 9 9 Naperville North Vinny Chiappette (Fr) 0:17:15.0 10 10 Naperville Central Luke Valentine (So) 0:17:15.6 11 11 Naperville North Tom Podczerwinski (So) 0:17:16.2 12 12 Naperville North Eric Spieglan (Fr) 0:17:17.1 13 13 Naperville Central Forrest Thayer (Fr) 0:17:18.0 14 14 Wheaton North Sam Hoffman (Fr) 0:17:30.8 15 15 Naperville Central Brad Kouchoukos (Fr) 0:17:32.6 16 16 West Aurora Josh Robinson (Fr) 0:17:34.5 17 17 Wheaton North Zach Johnson (So) 0:17:37.0 18 18 Wheaton North Sare Goitom (So) 0:17:42.6 19 19 Naperville North Alex Fleming (So) 0:17:44.3 20 20 Glenbard North Jon Hootman (So) 0:17:44.6 21 21 Wheaton North Aiden Askin (Fr) 0:17:46.1 22 22 Glenbard North Shawn Rizvi (So) 0:17:50.0 23 23 Glenbard North Grant Connors (Fr) 0:17:54.8 24 24 Naperville North Nick Drendel (Fr) 0:17:57.7 25 25 Wheaton North Brett Guild (So) 0:17:58.1 26 26 Glenbard North Steve Kelm (Fr) 0:18:01.3 27 27 Naperville Central Mike Simon (So) 0:18:06.4 28 28 Wheaton-Warrenville South Nick Ives (Fr) 0:18:09.3 29 29 West Chicago Simeon Zenteno (Fr) 0:18:12.0 30 Naperville North Cody Schlaht (So) 0:18:12.3 31 30 Wheaton-Warrenville South Michael Luse (So) 0:18:13.0 32 31 Naperville Central Paul Chae (So) 0:18:14.2 33 32 Wheaton-Warrenville South Russell Valentin (Fr) 0:18:15.7 34 33 Wheaton North Jason Dowell (So) 0:18:16.6 35 34 West Aurora Vontrel Hawkins (Fr) 0:18:17.4 36 Wheaton-Warrenville South Razvan Sterbling (Fr) 0:18:19.2 37 35 Naperville Central Larry Spencer (Fr) 0:18:24.9 38 36 Glenbard North Luke Fortuna (Fr) 0:18:25.9 39 37 Glenbard North Brandon Hatler (So) 0:18:27.4 40 Naperville North Mohammed Kamran (Fr) 0:18:27.7 41 Naperville North Sajaad Syed (So) 0:18:31.5 42 Wheaton-Warrenville South Liam McLaughlin (Fr) 0:18:32.3 43 Naperville North Mohammed Farhan (Fr) 0:18:33.9 44 Naperville North Mike Ftiz (So) 0:18:34.9 45 Wheaton North Brandon Schnaufer (So) 0:18:36.0 46 Wheaton North Stephen Norregaard (So) 0:18:36.3 47 38 Naperville Central Matt Spencer (Fr) 0:18:36.5 48 Wheaton North Scott Mathis (Fr) 0:18:37.7 49 Naperville North Dan Burkhardt (Fr) 0:18:39.5 50 Naperville Central Logan Troester (So) 0:18:41.5 51 Wheaton-Warrenville South Dan Franke (So) 0:18:44.5 52 Wheaton North Brett Kohler (Fr) 0:18:45.6 53 Naperville North Nick Leisen (So) 0:18:45.9 54 Naperville Central Kyle Houlihan (So) 0:18:46.2 55 39 West Aurora Jaime Lopez (So) 0:18:47.1 56 40 West Aurora Jake Emrick (So) 0:18:57.4 57 Naperville North Justin Hauter (Fr) 0:18:58.6 58 41 West Chicago Alex Perez (So) 0:19:01.3 59 Naperville Central John Edmunds (Fr) 0:19:03.6 60 Naperville Central Joshua Cohen (Fr) 0:19:07.4 61 42 Glenbard East Jeff Thomas (So) 0:19:09.9 62 43 West Aurora Ryan Peters (Fr) 0:19:11.8 63 Naperville Central Danny Couch (Fr) 0:19:12.3 64 44 West Chicago Brendon West-Hooper (Fr) 0:19:13.0 65 Wheaton-Warrenville South Colton Kozlowski (Fr) 0:19:15.5 66 Naperville North John Walsh (Fr) 0:19:16.8 67 Wheaton North Greg Gornik (So) 0:19:17.1 68 Naperville Central James Derkacy (So) 0:19:19.8 69 Wheaton North Ryan Mathis (Fr) 0:19:21.4 70 Naperville Central Eric Zhang (Fr) 0:19:21.9 71 Naperville North Cameron Archibald (Fr) 0:19:25.3 72 Naperville North Peter Stachowicz (Fr) 0:19:25.6 73 45 West Chicago Marcus Delatorre (Fr) 0:19:26.1 74 46 West Chicago Lucas Mackey (So) 0:19:31.8 75 Naperville Central Jason Lin (Fr) 0:19:32.4 76 Wheaton North Taylor Britain (Fr) 0:19:34.6 77 Naperville North Syrus Gibson (Fr) 0:19:34.8 78 Naperville North Greg Larson (So) 0:19:35.2 79 47 Glenbard North Nathan Richard (So) 0:19:36.1 80 Wheaton-Warrenville South Mark Grisamore (So) 0:19:38.6 81 Naperville North Gabe David (So) 0:19:42.1 82 Glenbard North Brett MacAdams (Fr) 0:19:44.1 83 Naperville Central Dennis Zhan (So) 0:19:44.9 84 Naperville North Tom Jennings (So) 0:19:45.7 85 Wheaton-Warrenville South Ed McGuire (So) 0:19:46.1 86 Wheaton North Zach Singleton (Fr) 0:19:46.4 87 Wheaton-Warrenville South Ed Haro (Fr) 0:19:47.1 88 Naperville North Kent Williams (Fr) 0:19:47.4 89 Naperville Central Andrew VanDuerm (So) 0:19:47.8 90 Wheaton North Alexander King (So) 0:19:48.5 91 48 West Chicago Jorge Hernandez (So) 0:19:53.4 92 Naperville North Vince Helmus (So) 0:19:53.8 93 Naperville Central Steven Bromiel (So) 0:19:59.9 94 49 West Chicago Mike Dovel (Fr) 0:20:00.3 95 Wheaton North Dan Madhavapallil (Fr) 0:20:01.9 96 Naperville North Mihir Boddupalli (So) 0:20:03.8 97 Glenbard North Tyler Krystal (Fr) 0:20:05.0 98 50 Glenbard East Spencer Sterling (Fr) 0:20:06.8 99 Naperville North Alex Scullion (So) 0:20:12.8 100 Glenbard North Keegan Yates (So) 0:20:13.1 101 51 West Aurora Derrick Miller (Fr) 0:20:16.1 102 Naperville North Kyle Soldat (Fr) 0:20:18.6 103 52 Glenbard East Dean Krawczykowski (So) 0:20:19.8 104 Glenbard North Tony Dratnol (Fr) 0:20:21.5 105 West Aurora Brandon Pacheco (Fr) 0:20:21.8 106 Glenbard North David Le (Fr) 0:20:24.2 107 Naperville North Peter Shyu (Fr) 0:20:28.3 108 Naperville North David Sedath (Fr) 0:20:29.7 109 Naperville North Stanley Yuan (Fr) 0:20:31.2 110 Naperville Central Austin Hill (So) 0:20:35.8 111 Naperville North Kirill Kushner (Fr) 0:20:39.9 112 Naperville Central Jake Anderson (So) 0:20:42.8 113 Wheaton-Warrenville South Nate Wickliff (Fr) 0:20:56.9 114 Naperville North Jordan Vulich (So) 0:21:00.0 115 Naperville North Mike Lynch (Fr) 0:21:00.9 116 Wheaton North Mike O'Grady (Fr) 0:21:02.0 117 Glenbard North Saurabh Patel (So) 0:21:02.5 118 Glenbard North Shivam Sharma (So) 0:21:03.0 119 Naperville North Zach Coffman (So) 0:21:04.2 120 Glenbard North Matt Daley (Fr) 0:21:06.7 121 Naperville North Matt Putbrese (So) 0:21:07.9 122 Naperville Central Stuart Colianni (So) 0:21:09.7 123 Wheaton-Warrenville South Bobby Niska (So) 0:21:10.7 124 Naperville Central Nolan Bialek (Fr) 0:21:11.3 125 Naperville Central Matt Timmerberg (So) 0:21:12.3 126 Wheaton North Mike Paradise (Fr) 0:21:12.7 127 Naperville North Alex Peng (So) 0:21:14.1 128 Wheaton North Steve Rowen (So) 0:21:19.2 129 Naperville North Mike Yang (So) 0:21:20.5 130 Naperville Central Phillip Minich (Fr) 0:21:27.6 131 Wheaton-Warrenville South Bob Lauer (So) 0:21:30.9 132 Naperville North Joe Belmonte (Fr) 0:21:34.2 133 West Chicago Edgar Esteban (Fr) 0:21:40.9 134 53 Glenbard East Justin Mueller (Fr) 0:21:44.6 135 Naperville North Andrew Wegerer (So) 0:21:45.8 136 Wheaton-Warrenville South Terry Young (So) 0:21:47.4 137 West Chicago Jose Arguello (Fr) 0:21:48.8 138 54 Glenbard East Robert Stevenson (So) 0:21:55.6 139 55 Glenbard East Eric Schad (So) 0:21:55.9 140 56 Glenbard East Ryan Burke (Fr) 0:22:00.2 141 Glenbard East Kunjan Patel (So) 0:22:03.7 142 Glenbard North Brandon Dluzen (Fr) 0:22:14.2 143 Wheaton North David Gagnon (So) 0:22:19.3 144 Naperville North Mike Donovan (Fr) 0:22:28.8 145 Naperville North Keith Claeys (Fr) 0:22:36.3 146 Naperville Central Rashid Mohaanad (Fr) 0:22:37.9 147 Naperville Central Matt Nawara (So) 0:22:46.4 148 Naperville North Adrian Rodriguez (Fr) 0:22:54.0 149 Wheaton-Warrenville South Kevin Horgan (Fr) 0:23:03.2 150 West Chicago Sahaj Shah (Fr) 0:23:03.5 151 Naperville Central Luke Liskey (So) 0:23:18.6 152 Wheaton-Warrenville South Albert Perez (So) 0:23:36.7 153 West Aurora Alec Laeli (Fr) 0:23:39.7 154 West Aurora Alejandro Aguilar (Fr) 0:24:29.9 155 Wheaton North Tim Barg (Fr) 0:26:51.3 156 West Chicago Justin Bhardwaj (Fr) 0:26:58.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wheaton-Warrenville South 40 1, 2, 3, 6, 28, 30, 32 2 Naperville North 47 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 24 3 Wheaton North 74 4, 14, 17, 18, 21, 25, 33 4 Naperville Central 96 10, 13, 15, 27, 31, 35, 38 5 Glenbard North 127 20, 22, 23, 26, 36, 37, 47 6 West Aurora 134 5, 16, 34, 39, 40, 43, 51 7 West Chicago 205 29, 41, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49 8 Glenbard East 251 42, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Wheaton-Warrenville South 86:08 17:14 1:17 16:53, 16:57, 17:00, 17:08, 18:10, 18:13 2 Naperville North 86:09 17:14 0:08 17:09, 17:11, 17:15, 17:17, 17:17, 17:45 3 Wheaton North 87:41 17:32 0:42 17:04, 17:31, 17:37, 17:43, 17:46, 17:58 4 Naperville Central 88:29 17:42 0:59 17:16, 17:18, 17:33, 18:07, 18:15, 18:25 5 Glenbard North 89:58 17:60 0:41 17:45, 17:50, 17:55, 18:02, 18:26, 18:28 6 West Aurora 90:45 18:09 1:51 17:07, 17:35, 18:18, 18:47, 18:58, 19:12 7 West Chicago 95:25 19:05 1:20 18:12, 19:02, 19:13, 19:26, 19:32, 19:54 8 Glenbard East 103:18 20:40 2:46 19:10, 20:07, 20:20, 21:45, 21:56, 21:56 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2008 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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