Individual Results
2009 David Brady Cross Country InvitationalSeptember 19, 2009 Boys Fr/So 2.05 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Barrington Erik Peterson (So) 0:11:06.9 2 2 Fenwick Ryan Clardy (So) 0:11:16.7 3 3 Barrington Ryan Skelly (Fr) 0:11:18.9 4 4 Glenbard East Bill Booth (So) 0:11:19.3 5 5 Lincoln-Way Central Dru Rozewicki (Fr) 0:11:20.4 6 6 Glenbard East Ben Chvatal (Fr) 0:11:22.7 7 7 Glenbard East Evan Schiewe (So) 0:11:23.3 8 8 Willowbrook Pat Niyork (So) 0:11:27.3 9 9 Barrington Ryan Burgoon (Fr) 0:11:33.7 10 10 Whitney Young Eric Shan (So) 0:11:40.6 11 11 Barrington Mark Gensburg (So) 0:11:41.9 12 12 St. Ignatius Peter Devitt (So) 0:11:42.5 13 13 Reavis Dawid Palac (Fr) 0:11:43.3 14 14 Whitney Young Mike Schaible (So) 0:11:45.1 15 15 Glenbard East Justin Gunderson (Fr) 0:11:45.8 16 16 Lincoln-Way Central Erich Eichwald (So) 0:11:48.5 17 17 Fenwick Jack Jacobs (So) 0:11:50.2 18 Homewood-Flossmoor Cahron Cross (So) 0:11:51.1 19 18 Barrington Ryan Sarkar (So) 0:11:55.1 20 19 Willowbrook Dan Heneghan (So) 0:11:55.8 21 20 St. Ignatius Clifford Vickrey (So) 0:11:56.2 22 21 Mount Carmel Colin Slager (So) 0:11:58.7 23 22 Lincoln-Way Central Alex Ahlgrim (So) 0:11:59.2 24 23 Plainfield Central Louie Scola (So) 0:12:00.9 25 24 Oak Lawn T.J. Michaels (So) 0:12:06.9 26 25 Mount Carmel Matt Lukens (So) 0:12:07.6 27 26 Barrington Kevin Eiring (Fr) 0:12:09.0 28 27 Plainfield Central Thomas Aguilar (Fr) 0:12:09.8 29 28 Thornwood Johnnell Seanior (So) 0:12:12.0 30 29 St. Ignatius Mike Tonner (So) 0:12:13.7 31 30 Stagg Mike Toussaint (So) 0:12:14.0 32 31 Leyden Victor Valles (So) 0:12:16.0 33 32 Plainfield Central Brock Foellmer (So) 0:12:18.3 34 33 Whitney Young Taro Salinas (Fr) 0:12:20.0 35 34 Barrington Kevin Conrad (Fr) 0:12:21.4 36 35 Richards Dillon Griffin (So) 0:12:22.9 37 Homewood-Flossmoor Princewil Ibe (Fr) 0:12:23.3 38 36 Lincoln-Way Central Seamus Wray (So) 0:12:24.1 39 37 Glenbard East Brad Busching (Fr) 0:12:26.6 40 38 Willowbrook Mark Garbacz (So) 0:12:30.4 41 39 Mount Carmel Nico Maciel (So) 0:12:32.2 42 40 Marian Catholic Matthew Novosel (So) 0:12:32.5 43 41 Lincoln-Way Central Joe Carroll (Fr) 0:12:34.1 44 42 Willowbrook Alan Wong (So) 0:12:34.3 45 43 Romeoville Aron Nava (So) 0:12:37.5 46 44 Lincoln-Way Central Zach Melton (So) 0:12:38.7 47 45 Leyden Rocco DiMatteo (Fr) 0:12:39.1 48 46 Argo Emmet McGovern (So) 0:12:40.3 49 47 Romeoville Matt Ripley (So) 0:12:42.3 50 48 Notre Dame Dan Hyde (Fr) 0:12:43.0 51 49 Whitney Young Tajae Wilson (Fr) 0:12:44.3 52 50 Richards Xavier Ledesma (So) 0:12:49.1 53 51 Fenwick Ryan Elsey (So) 0:12:49.6 54 52 Lincoln-Way Central Bryan Cherry (Fr) 0:12:50.2 55 53 Oak Lawn Brad Dymit (So) 0:12:54.0 56 54 Oak Lawn Jose Roman (So) 0:12:54.4 57 55 St. Ignatius Sean Goebelbecker (Fr) 0:12:55.4 58 56 Willowbrook Jack Rosenwinkel (So) 0:12:56.5 59 57 Leyden George Johnson (So) 0:12:57.0 60 58 Oak Lawn Evan Opitz (So) 0:12:59.8 61 Homewood-Flossmoor Rashaun Warner (So) 0:13:01.0 62 59 Glenbard East Arun Madappat (Fr) 0:13:02.2 63 Thornridge Shaquille McDaniel (So) 0:13:02.4 64 60 St. Ignatius Miguel Aviles (So) 0:13:04.6 65 61 Fenwick Edward Egan (Fr) 0:13:06.8 66 62 Leyden Luis Vera (Fr) 0:13:09.3 67 63 Willowbrook Ryan Hoyle (So) 0:13:12.2 68 64 Leyden Nicholas Avila (Fr) 0:13:12.8 69 65 St. Ignatius Emilio Jauregui (So) 0:13:14.1 70 66 Whitney Young Alejandro Ruiz-Esparza(So 0:13:15.0 71 67 St. Ignatius Tim Hatzopolous (Fr) 0:13:15.8 72 68 Leyden Paul Bosnyak (So) 0:13:16.1 73 69 Willowbrook Steve Roesslein (So) 0:13:16.8 74 70 Reavis Edurdo Flores (Fr) 0:13:18.4 75 71 Andrew Dan Rychel (So) 0:13:19.7 76 72 Leyden Jesse Fuentes (Fr) 0:13:19.9 77 73 Fenwick Joe Ficner (Fr) 0:13:22.6 78 74 Richards Brendan Dix (So) 0:13:23.1 79 75 Argo Miguel Guitierrez (So) 0:13:24.4 80 76 Plainfield Central Steven Monasky (So) 0:13:25.6 81 Crete-Monee Eric Seely (Fr) 0:13:25.8 82 77 Riverside-Brookfield Fellipe Villalobos (Fr) 0:13:27.7 83 78 Marian Catholic Noah Brim (Fr) 0:13:30.4 84 79 Hillcrest Jeremy Henderson (So) 0:13:32.8 85 80 Lemont Aaron Oldanie (Fr) 0:13:33.1 86 81 Marian Catholic Sam Hanauer (Fr) 0:13:35.2 87 82 Stagg Ray Dunne (So) 0:13:35.7 88 83 Stagg David Gembara (So) 0:13:36.3 89 84 Andrew Peter Wallenius (Fr) 0:13:37.7 90 85 Argo Jose Munoz (So) 0:13:38.1 91 86 Fenwick Blazej Kocon (Fr) 0:13:38.6 92 87 Whitney Young Keelan Miskell (Fr) 0:13:40.1 93 88 Lemont Scott Metulik (Fr) 0:13:41.5 94 89 Lemont Tom Powers (Fr) 0:13:41.9 95 90 Richards Mike Dewar (Fr) 0:13:42.5 96 91 Stagg Richie Ferneau (So) 0:13:43.1 97 92 Marian Catholic Matthew Lamb (So) 0:13:44.7 98 93 Richards Evan Sendra (So) 0:13:45.7 99 94 Oak Lawn Sterling Weston (So) 0:13:47.0 100 95 Fenwick Matt Dumon (Fr) 0:13:49.1 101 Walther Lutheran Sean Edwards (Fr) 0:13:51.1 102 96 Thornwood Dimitri Griffin (So) 0:13:53.3 103 97 Reavis Rafal Rembis (Fr) 0:13:54.2 104 98 Whitney Young Florian Richter (Fr) 0:13:54.8 105 99 Hillcrest Darien Alsup (Fr) 0:13:56.4 106 100 Riverside-Brookfield Bob Hansen (So) 0:13:57.5 107 101 Stagg Paddy Harty (Fr) 0:13:58.3 108 102 Stagg Will Rietjenes (So) 0:13:59.5 109 103 Oak Lawn Jeff Rupp (So) 0:13:59.9 110 104 Hillcrest Brandon Johnson (Fr) 0:14:00.6 111 105 Hillcrest Darius Thurston (Fr) 0:14:01.7 112 106 Reavis Ayhab Abid (So) 0:14:02.7 113 107 Stagg Jeff Shelstrom (Fr) 0:14:03.1 114 108 Thornwood Isidro Carreon (So) 0:14:03.6 115 109 Thornwood Jacari Perkins (So) 0:14:04.0 116 110 Notre Dame Tom Frost (Fr) 0:14:04.7 117 111 Thornwood Paul Foster (Fr) 0:14:05.3 118 112 Mount Carmel Gunther Voss (Fr) 0:14:06.3 119 113 Argo Rogelio Palafox (So) 0:14:06.6 120 Homewood-Flossmoor Kris Coleman (Fr) 0:14:10.5 121 114 Oak Lawn Ray Baniewicz (Fr) 0:14:10.8 122 115 Riverside-Brookfield Jeff Ringbloom (Fr) 0:14:14.4 123 116 Reavis Joshua Arnold (So) 0:14:17.0 124 117 Andrew Justin Finnen (Fr) 0:14:18.3 125 118 Lemont Brent Husa (Fr) 0:14:20.4 126 119 Riverside-Brookfield Nick Nikolov (Fr) 0:14:21.5 127 120 Andrew Ryan Dovgin (Fr) 0:14:21.7 128 121 Reavis Jesus Sanchez (So) 0:14:24.7 129 122 Andrew Tom Rohlfs (So) 0:14:25.4 130 123 Notre Dame Brandon Hinrichs (So) 0:14:26.4 131 124 Notre Dame Pat Lameka (So) 0:14:31.9 132 125 Argo Alexis Horta (So) 0:14:34.5 133 126 Romeoville Ricardo Juarez (Fr) 0:14:34.8 134 127 Riverside-Brookfield Ken Sprague (Fr) 0:14:40.2 135 128 Notre Dame Francis Ermino (Fr) 0:14:40.6 136 Thornridge Keimon Snow (Fr) 0:14:41.9 137 129 Marian Catholic Matthew Anderson (So) 0:14:45.4 138 130 Notre Dame Nathan McGovern (Fr) 0:14:45.7 139 131 Notre Dame James Mikucki (Fr) 0:14:46.2 140 132 Reavis Zachery Carlson (So) 0:14:50.6 141 133 Plainfield Central Zachary Schmidt (Fr) 0:14:52.9 142 134 Shepard Andreas Vithoulkas (Fr) 0:14:55.4 143 135 Argo Luis Gonzalez (Fr) 0:14:55.9 144 136 Shepard Nick Prokop (Fr) 0:14:58.1 145 137 Shepard Raul Nevarez (Fr) 0:14:58.9 146 138 Lemont John Dillenburg (Fr) 0:15:08.5 147 139 Mount Carmel Frank Slabe (Fr) 0:15:18.6 148 140 Thornwood Angel Santana (Fr) 0:15:39.7 149 141 Mount Carmel Rodrigo Garay (Fr) 0:15:43.3 150 142 Hillcrest Joseph Haymer (Fr) 0:15:48.0 151 Walther Lutheran Kyle Wiktor (So) 0:15:52.5 152 143 Romeoville Zach Palomo (Fr) 0:15:55.8 153 144 Andrew Abishek Sharma (Fr) 0:16:06.7 154 145 Shepard Jeffrey Hefter (Fr) 0:16:07.8 155 146 Shepard David Anderson (Fr) 0:16:24.3 156 147 Mount Carmel Imani Jasper-Baker (So) 0:16:31.3 157 148 Shepard Jordan DeChene (So) 0:16:42.4 158 149 Richards Helaman Juarez (Fr) 0:16:58.7 159 Crete-Monee Devynn Cerda (So) 0:17:36.5 160 150 Riverside-Brookfield Freshman Freshman (Fr) 0:17:36.8 161 151 Romeoville Daniel Bill (So) 0:17:58.3 162 152 Andrew Zach Mazur (Fr) 0:18:09.8 163 Crete-Monee Jawan Fisher (So) 0:18:44.7 164 153 Argo Freddie Benitez (So) 0:18:45.0 165 CICS-Northtown Joey Riordan (So) 0:18:58.8 166 154 Richards Adam Kowaleski (Fr) 0:19:26.3 167 155 Riverside-Brookfield Freshman Freshman (Fr) 0:20:04.2 168 CICS-Northtown Zach Wandel (So) 0:23:12.4 169 Thornton Township Oscar Rodate (Fr) 0:23:14.0 170 Thornridge Zonnie Collum (Fr) 0:30:44.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 42 1, 3, 9, 11, 18, 26, 34 2 Glenbard East 69 4, 6, 7, 15, 37, 59 3 Lincoln-Way Central 120 5, 16, 22, 36, 41, 44, 52 4 Willowbrook 163 8, 19, 38, 42, 56, 63, 69 5 Whitney Young 172 10, 14, 33, 49, 66, 87, 98 6 St. Ignatius 176 12, 20, 29, 55, 60, 65, 67 7 Fenwick 204 2, 17, 51, 61, 73, 86, 95 8 Leyden 259 31, 45, 57, 62, 64, 68, 72 9 Oak Lawn 283 24, 53, 54, 58, 94, 103, 114 10 Plainfield Central 291 23, 27, 32, 76, 133 11 Mount Carmel 336 21, 25, 39, 112, 139, 141, 147 12 Richards 342 35, 50, 74, 90, 93, 149, 154 13 Stagg 387 30, 82, 83, 91, 101, 102, 107 14 Reavis 402 13, 70, 97, 106, 116, 121, 132 15 Marian Catholic 420 40, 78, 81, 92, 129 16 Argo 444 46, 75, 85, 113, 125, 135, 153 17 Thornwood 452 28, 96, 108, 109, 111, 140 18 Romeoville 510 43, 47, 126, 143, 151 19 Lemont 513 80, 88, 89, 118, 138 20 Andrew 514 71, 84, 117, 120, 122, 144, 152 21 Hillcrest 529 79, 99, 104, 105, 142 22 Notre Dame 533 48, 110, 123, 124, 128, 130, 131 23 Riverside-Brookfield 538 77, 100, 115, 119, 127, 150, 155 24 Shepard 698 134, 136, 137, 145, 146, 148 25 Bremen No Score - Had only 0 finishers 26 CICS-Northtown No Score - Had only 2 finishers 27 Crete-Monee No Score - Had only 3 finishers 28 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score - Had only 4 finishers 29 Ridgewood No Score - Had only 0 finishers 30 Thornridge No Score - Had only 3 finishers 31 Thornton Township No Score - Had only 1 finisher 32 Walther Lutheran No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Barrington 57:37 11:31 0:48 11:07, 11:19, 11:34, 11:42, 11:55, 12:09 2 Glenbard East 58:20 11:40 1:07 11:20, 11:23, 11:24, 11:46, 12:27, 13:03 3 Lincoln-Way Central 60:08 12:02 1:13 11:21, 11:49, 12:00, 12:24, 12:34, 12:39 4 Willowbrook 61:27 12:17 1:29 11:28, 11:56, 12:31, 12:35, 12:57, 13:13 5 Whitney Young 61:46 12:21 1:34 11:41, 11:45, 12:20, 12:45, 13:15, 13:40 6 St. Ignatius 61:55 12:23 1:22 11:43, 11:57, 12:14, 12:56, 13:05, 13:14 7 Fenwick 62:28 12:30 2:06 11:17, 11:51, 12:50, 13:07, 13:23, 13:39 8 Leyden 64:15 12:51 0:57 12:16, 12:39, 12:57, 13:10, 13:13, 13:16 9 Oak Lawn 64:43 12:57 1:40 12:07, 12:54, 12:55, 13:00, 13:47, 14:00 10 Plainfield Central 64:49 12:58 2:52 12:01, 12:10, 12:19, 13:26, 14:53 11 Richards 66:04 13:13 1:23 12:23, 12:49, 13:23, 13:43, 13:46, 16:59 12 Mount Carmel 66:06 13:13 3:20 11:59, 12:08, 12:33, 14:07, 15:19, 15:44 13 Stagg 67:09 13:26 1:45 12:14, 13:36, 13:37, 13:43, 13:59, 14:00 14 Reavis 67:18 13:28 2:33 11:44, 13:19, 13:55, 14:03, 14:17, 14:25 15 Marian Catholic 68:11 13:38 2:13 12:33, 13:31, 13:36, 13:45, 14:46 16 Thornwood 68:20 13:40 1:54 12:12, 13:54, 14:04, 14:04, 14:06, 15:40 17 Argo 68:26 13:41 1:54 12:41, 13:25, 13:38, 14:07, 14:35, 14:56 18 Andrew 70:05 14:01 1:06 13:20, 13:38, 14:19, 14:22, 14:26, 16:07 19 Lemont 70:27 14:05 1:36 13:33, 13:42, 13:42, 14:21, 15:09 20 Notre Dame 70:28 14:06 1:58 12:43, 14:05, 14:27, 14:32, 14:41, 14:46 21 Riverside-Brookfield 70:44 14:09 1:13 13:28, 13:58, 14:15, 14:22, 14:41, 17:37 22 Hillcrest 71:21 14:16 2:15 13:33, 13:57, 14:01, 14:02, 15:48 23 Romeoville 73:51 14:46 5:21 12:38, 12:43, 14:35, 15:56, 17:59 24 Shepard 77:26 15:29 1:29 14:56, 14:58, 14:59, 16:08, 16:25, 16:43 25 Bremen No Score 26 CICS-Northtown No Score 18:59, 23:13 27 Crete-Monee No Score 13:26, 17:37, 18:45 28 Homewood-Flossmoor No Score 11:51, 12:24, 13:01, 14:11 29 Ridgewood No Score 30 Thornridge No Score 13:03, 14:42, 30:45 31 Thornton Township No Score 23:14 32 Walther Lutheran No Score 13:51, 15:53 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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