Individual Results
2009 ICOPS InvitationalSeptember 5, 2009 Boys Varsity 5k (3.1 mi) RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Marmion Zach Young (Sr) 0:16:52.9 2 2 St. Patrick Kiante Green (Jr) 0:17:04.2 3 3 Aurora Central Catholic Manuel Sauceda (Sr) 0:17:13.4 4 4 Marmion Matt Wenzel (Sr) 0:17:15.2 5 5 Marmion Chris Hebert (Jr) 0:17:26.7 6 6 Marmion Bennett Marsh (Jr) 0:17:27.6 7 7 Aurora Central Catholic Jimmy Spencer (Jr) 0:17:31.2 8 8 Aurora Christian Sam Schuette (So) 0:17:41.8 9 9 Marmion Trevor Stein (Sr) 0:17:53.0 10 10 Marmion James Duhig (Sr) 0:17:53.7 11 11 Aurora Central Catholic Dan Kottkamp (Sr) 0:17:56.1 12 12 St. Viator Nick Fiore (Jr) 0:17:56.4 13 13 St. Viator Eric Loy (Jr) 0:17:58.5 14 14 St. Viator Tim Brinkman (Sr) 0:18:12.8 15 15 Marmion Connor Vass (Jr) 0:18:18.0 16 16 Aurora Christian Spencer Johnson (Sr) 0:18:18.3 17 17 Aurora Christian Nate McNamara (Sr) 0:18:20.7 18 18 St. Ignatius Luis Abrego (Sr) 0:18:24.9 19 19 St. Viator Peter Cleary (SR) 0:18:28.2 20 20 Aurora Central Catholic Matt Meyers (Fr) 0:18:28.8 21 21 Aurora Central Catholic John Cisneros (Sr) 0:18:29.4 22 Marmion Ryan Lifka (Sr) 0:18:30.1 23 22 St. Viator Rich Hutyra (Sr) 0:18:33.0 24 Marmion Matt West (Sr) 0:18:34.8 25 23 Aurora Central Catholic Alex Duncan (So) 0:18:39.1 26 24 Aurora Christian Jacob Wert (So) 0:18:42.8 27 25 Lake Forest Academy Austin Pejovich (So) 0:18:44.2 28 26 DeLaSalle Jake Bugajski (Sr) 0:18:45.4 29 27 Aurora Central Catholic Michael Sestak (Jr) 0:18:46.5 30 28 Leo Anthony Morgan (Jr) 0:18:50.0 31 29 Aurora Christian Jared Osika (So) 0:18:50.6 32 30 St. Rita Albert Alfano (So) 0:18:53.6 33 Marmion Russell Semmler (Sr) 0:18:55.2 34 31 St. Viator Kevin Cascino (Jr) 0:18:57.4 35 32 St. Viator Mike Sroka (Sr) 0:19:04.7 36 Aurora Central Catholic John Jochum (Sr) 0:19:05.1 37 33 Providence Catholic Sam Joutras (Sr) 0:19:06.4 38 34 Notre Dame Matt Sommers (Jr) 0:19:09.0 39 Marmion Andrew Schroeder (Sr) 0:19:10.5 40 35 Notre Dame Andy Bastian (Jr) 0:19:13.4 41 36 St. Patrick Ricky Orozco (Jr) 0:19:17.5 42 Marmion Josh Beltz (Jr) 0:19:20.5 43 37 Notre Dame Jack Hester (Jr) 0:19:20.9 44 38 St. Patrick Tim Houston (Jr) 0:19:26.2 45 Aurora Central Catholic Ben Garcia (Sr) 0:19:28.4 46 39 DeLaSalle John Zackrison (Sr) 0:19:29.3 47 40 Leo Denzel Howard (Jr) 0:19:29.7 48 41 Lake Forest Academy Matt Pryzbyla (Sr) 0:19:31.2 49 42 Leo Andre McCall (Sr) 0:19:32.5 50 43 St. Patrick Tim Ortman (Jr) 0:19:33.3 51 44 St. Rita Connor LePretre (Jr) 0:19:35.7 52 45 Lake Forest Academy Biniyam Melesse (Sr) 0:19:39.8 53 Marmion Sean Howard (Jr) 0:19:40.9 54 46 Lake Forest Academy Spencer Friske (So) 0:19:43.6 55 Marmion Jack Gunderson (Sr) 0:19:44.6 56 Aurora Central Catholic Alan Maddock (Sr) 0:19:54.0 57 47 St. Patrick Nick Hizel (Jr) 0:19:59.6 58 48 Providence Catholic Mike Shaw (Jr) 0:20:03.8 59 49 Providence Catholic Krish Ramadurai (Sr) 0:20:11.1 60 50 Lake Forest Academy Jonas Hwang (Sr) 0:20:11.6 61 51 Lake Forest Academy Zach Mahoney (Sr) 0:20:17.8 62 Marmion Felipe Rangel (Sr) 0:20:21.5 63 Marmion Brian Strohmaier (Sr) 0:20:23.4 64 Aurora Central Catholic Ray Elizondo (Jr) 0:20:24.6 65 52 St. Ignatius Dylan Ryan (Sr) 0:20:26.6 66 Marmion Ross Morales (Sr) 0:20:28.4 67 53 St. Patrick Chris Mojek (Jr) 0:20:33.1 68 54 Leo Brandon Burks (Sr) 0:20:34.4 69 55 DeLaSalle Jeremy Tripplet (Jr) 0:20:36.3 70 56 Providence Catholic Alec Logothetis (Jr) 0:20:36.6 71 St. Viator DJ Chamelli (Jr) 0:20:41.6 72 Marmion Rehan Kapadia (Jr) 0:20:43.3 73 57 St. Patrick Max Rice (Jr) 0:20:45.4 74 St. Viator Josh Trimble (Jr) 0:20:46.0 75 58 Lake Forest Academy Ben Smiley (Jr) 0:20:47.3 76 Aurora Central Catholic Adam Miller (Jr) 0:20:47.7 77 Marmion Ben Minnis (Jr) 0:20:50.4 78 59 St. Rita Peter Vanek (So) 0:20:51.7 79 60 Aurora Christian Kyle Kayzar (Sr) 0:20:59.8 80 St. Viator Tom Allen (Sr) 0:21:03.5 81 61 St. Rita Kevin Favela (Sr) 0:21:07.6 82 62 Notre Dame Todd Brady (Jr) 0:21:07.9 83 63 Aurora Christian Jarred Harrell (Sr) 0:21:10.9 84 64 St. Joseph Joe Garcia (Fr) 0:21:12.2 85 65 St. Ignatius Robert Olson (Sr) 0:21:17.6 86 Marmion David Klug (Sr) 0:21:19.3 87 66 St. Rita Gavriel Wilkins (Jr) 0:21:21.2 88 Marmion Ben Wilkinson (Jr) 0:21:22.5 89 67 St. Ignatius Brendan Caffrey (Sr) 0:21:23.7 90 Aurora Central Catholic Nolan McCue (Jr) 0:21:24.8 91 Marmion Lucas Brandt (Sr) 0:21:26.9 92 Marmion Andrew Slade (Sr) 0:21:28.2 93 Aurora Central Catholic Matt Hearne (Sr) 0:21:29.5 94 68 Providence Catholic Jerry Huguelet (Jr) 0:21:36.7 95 Aurora Central Catholic Brian Rudolph (Sr) 0:21:39.1 96 St. Patrick Mikey Radcliffe (Jr) 0:21:50.7 97 St. Viator Ryan Boyer (So) 0:21:53.3 98 Marmion Charlie Zidek (Sr) 0:21:58.1 99 Marmion Joe Burroughs (Sr) 0:22:04.2 100 Marmion Joe Ruddy (Jr) 0:22:05.6 101 69 St. Ignatius Michael Welsh (Sr) 0:22:10.6 102 Marmion Eric Lutz (Jr) 0:22:17.8 103 70 Providence Catholic Chris Hartley (So) 0:22:19.0 104 71 St. Rita Neil Ehmig (Jr) 0:22:19.6 105 72 St. Rita Steve Scheide (Sr) 0:22:23.3 106 73 Notre Dame Drew Hanigan (Jr) 0:22:26.0 107 Lake Forest Academy Karn Techapolokul (Sr) 0:22:33.5 108 Marmion Dan Hillis (Sr) 0:22:41.8 109 Marmion Jack Heneghan (Sr) 0:22:42.7 110 74 DeLaSalle Josh Moreno (Jr) 0:22:43.9 111 75 Providence Catholic Chris Pelech (Jr) 0:22:44.5 112 Marmion Sean Kalisz (Sr) 0:22:50.3 113 St. Viator Eric Primdahl (Sr) 0:22:53.1 114 St. Rita Isaiah Brown (Sr) 0:22:54.5 115 Lake Forest Academy Sarang Kumar (Jr) 0:22:56.5 116 76 Notre Dame John Jimenez (Jr) 0:23:38.1 117 Lake Forest Academy Sam Putnam (Sr) 0:23:41.3 118 Marmion Matt Derrico (Sr) 0:23:45.6 119 77 St. Ignatius Luke Cunniff (Sr) 0:23:48.4 120 Lake Forest Academy Henry Winship (Sr) 0:23:49.7 121 78 DeLaSalle Jesus Ochoa (Sr) 0:23:56.1 122 79 DeLaSalle Daniel Hernandez (Sr) 0:23:59.7 123 80 St. Joseph John Pullom (So) 0:24:01.0 124 81 Notre Dame Tyler Nicholson (Sr) 0:24:01.9 125 Lake Forest Academy Bryan Chou (Sr) 0:24:03.4 126 82 Leo Randall Shealey (Jr) 0:24:05.0 127 83 St. Edward Andrew Louis (Jr) 0:24:05.5 128 84 St. Ignatius Dan Korpics (Sr) 0:24:06.9 129 85 St. Joseph Kevin Householder (Sr) 0:24:10.4 130 86 DeLaSalle Julian Gallegos (Jr) 0:24:13.8 131 Aurora Central Catholic Andrew Potter (Sr) 0:24:21.1 132 St. Rita Sean McCormick (Jr) 0:24:23.3 133 87 St. Joseph Matt Parker (Jr) 0:24:33.4 134 St. Rita Alan Jeffries (Jr) 0:24:35.3 135 St. Viator John Koehler (Sr) 0:24:35.8 136 88 St. Joseph Stephen Perez (Fr) 0:24:37.1 137 Lake Forest Academy Mathew Koh (Jr) 0:24:40.9 138 Aurora Central Catholic Jack Rickert (Sr) 0:24:43.9 139 DeLaSalle Juwan Foster (Sr) 0:25:06.7 140 Marmion Matt Lochmueller (Jr) 0:25:19.3 141 Providence Catholic Sean Regan (So) 0:25:27.9 142 Lake Forest Academy Nate Pabrai (Jr) 0:25:50.4 143 89 St. Joseph Jamal Khalaf (Sr) 0:26:02.0 144 Aurora Central Catholic Nick Feltes (Sr) 0:26:02.6 145 Providence Catholic Terry Harris (Jr) 0:26:05.7 146 90 St. Joseph Jose Gonzalez (So) 0:26:59.3 147 St. Viator Joe Biasiella (Sr) 0:27:10.5 148 91 Leo Nalvin Wordlaw (Sr) 0:27:43.2 149 DeLaSalle Mike Maroney (Sr) 0:28:07.8 150 Lake Forest Academy Jonathan Jin (Jr) 0:29:41.9 151 Marmion Austin Robinson (Jr) 0:32:39.9 152 St. Joseph Jude Kittane (Fr) 0:33:53.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marmion 25 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15 2 Aurora Central Catholic 62 3, 7, 11, 20, 21, 23, 27 3 St. Viator 80 12, 13, 14, 19, 22, 31, 32 4 Aurora Christian 94 8, 16, 17, 24, 29, 60, 63 5 St. Patrick 166 2, 36, 38, 43, 47, 53, 57 6 Lake Forest Academy 207 25, 41, 45, 46, 50, 51, 58 7 Notre Dame 241 34, 35, 37, 62, 73, 76, 81 8 Leo 246 28, 40, 42, 54, 82, 91 9 Providence Catholic 254 33, 48, 49, 56, 68, 70, 75 10 St. Rita 260 30, 44, 59, 61, 66, 71, 72 11 St. Ignatius 271 18, 52, 65, 67, 69, 77, 84 12 DeLaSalle 272 26, 39, 55, 74, 78, 79, 86 13 St. Joseph 404 64, 80, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90 14 St. Edward 451 83, 92, 92, 92, 92 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Marmion 86:53 17:23 1:01 16:52, 17:15, 17:26, 17:27, 17:53, 17:53 2 Aurora Central Catholic 89:37 17:55 1:16 17:13, 17:31, 17:56, 18:28, 18:29, 18:39 3 St. Viator 91:07 18:13 0:37 17:56, 17:58, 18:12, 18:28, 18:33, 18:57 4 Aurora Christian 91:51 18:22 1:09 17:41, 18:18, 18:20, 18:42, 18:50, 20:59 5 St. Patrick 95:19 19:04 2:55 17:04, 19:17, 19:26, 19:33, 19:59, 20:33 6 Lake Forest Academy 97:48 19:34 1:27 18:44, 19:31, 19:39, 19:43, 20:11, 20:17 7 Notre Dame 101:15 20:15 3:17 19:09, 19:13, 19:20, 21:07, 22:26, 23:38 8 Providence Catholic 101:32 20:18 2:30 19:06, 20:03, 20:11, 20:36, 21:36, 22:19 9 St. Rita 101:47 20:21 2:28 18:53, 19:35, 20:51, 21:07, 21:21, 22:19 10 Leo 102:30 20:30 5:15 18:50, 19:29, 19:32, 20:34, 24:05, 27:43 11 St. Ignatius 103:40 20:44 3:46 18:24, 20:26, 21:17, 21:23, 22:10, 23:48 12 DeLaSalle 105:29 21:06 5:11 18:45, 19:29, 20:36, 22:43, 23:56, 23:59 13 St. Joseph 118:33 23:43 3:25 21:12, 24:01, 24:10, 24:33, 24:37, 26:02 14 St. Edward No Score 24:05 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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