Individual Results
2009 Jimmy Daniels InvitationalOctober 10, 2009 Boys Varsity 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Oak Lawn Tom Hansen (Sr) 0:15:49.1 2 2 Stagg Brendan McDonnell (Sr) 0:15:57.3 3 3 Stagg Chris Sarna (Sr) 0:16:18.6 4 4 Tinley Park Matt Jemilo (Jr) 0:16:24.1 5 5 Andrew Mike Falco (Jr) 0:16:32.6 6 6 Stagg Tom Busen (Sr) 0:16:45.0 7 7 Stagg A.J. Grimberg (Jr) 0:16:46.2 8 8 Oak Lawn Eric Lindelsee (So) 0:16:46.6 9 9 Stagg Tom Vasquez (Sr) 0:16:54.0 10 10 Marian Catholic Jonathon Caffarelli (Sr) 0:16:59.8 11 11 St. Laurence Ryan Sheeran (Jr) 0:17:06.4 12 12 St. Laurence Brandon Sheeran (Sr) 0:17:09.0 13 13 Lincoln-Way West Matthew Owens (Jr) 0:17:11.4 14 Thornridge Darryl Chavers (Sr) 0:17:15.5 15 14 Lemont Tom Hoster (Sr) 0:17:16.0 16 15 Marian Catholic Nate Bodnar (Jr) 0:17:16.5 17 16 Thornton Township Osha Richardson (Jr) 0:17:17.3 18 17 Stagg Ben Greer (Sr) 0:17:19.3 19 18 Rich Central Ryan Gunn (Sr) 0:17:23.0 20 19 Oak Lawn Bill Barker (Sr) 0:17:26.5 21 20 Lincoln-Way West Jake Holwell (Jr) 0:17:27.0 22 21 Lincoln-Way West Mark Pedziwiatr (So) 0:17:28.6 23 22 Andrew Dean Knieps (Jr) 0:17:34.8 24 23 Lemont Matt Lemming (Sr) 0:17:35.7 25 24 Hillcrest John Adekale (Jr) 0:17:35.9 26 25 Thornwood Marcus Lindsay (Sr) 0:17:38.6 27 26 Andrew Isaac Withrow (Jr) 0:17:39.5 28 27 Bloom Joaquin Silva (So) 0:17:41.7 29 28 Marian Catholic Neil Lancaster (Sr) 0:17:43.7 30 29 Thornton Township Desmond Shuford (Jr) 0:17:45.0 31 30 Marian Catholic Christopher Merriman (Fr) 0:17:47.5 32 31 Andrew Nick Rissler (Sr) 0:17:48.1 33 32 Bloom Jacob Hernandez (So) 0:17:49.3 34 33 Marist Kevin Toussaint (Sr) 0:17:52.8 35 34 Andrew John Tomaszewski (Sr) 0:17:53.1 36 35 St. Laurence Connor Murphy (So) 0:17:54.1 37 36 Stagg Adam Marrin (Sr) 0:17:54.6 38 37 Mount Carmel Jim Easterhouse (Jr) 0:17:55.1 39 38 Tinley Park Chris Gill (Jr) 0:17:56.4 40 39 Oak Lawn T.J. Michaels (So) 0:17:57.3 41 40 Oak Lawn Mike Everett (Sr) 0:17:58.2 42 41 Marian Catholic William Clarke (Sr) 0:17:58.8 43 42 Bloom Joshua Hernandez (Sr) 0:18:02.3 44 43 Andrew Tim Schereck (Sr) 0:18:04.9 45 44 Bloom Stephen Riley (Jr) 0:18:05.4 46 45 Eisenhower Felipe Rivera (Sr) 0:18:06.1 47 46 Thornwood London Hawk (Jr) 0:18:08.7 48 47 Oak Lawn Carlos Brito (Sr) 0:18:09.0 49 Rich South Tim Skonicki (Jr) 0:18:10.8 50 48 Bloom Nick Anderson (Jr) 0:18:12.7 51 49 Lincoln-Way West Billy Crimmins (So) 0:18:13.2 52 50 Marian Catholic James Jackson (Sr) 0:18:14.0 53 51 Bloom Michael Henry (Jr) 0:18:14.3 54 52 Marian Catholic Matthew Ireland (Jr) 0:18:15.0 55 53 Hillcrest Michael Roundtree (Sr) 0:18:15.4 56 54 Oak Lawn Collin Demski (Jr) 0:18:15.8 57 55 Hillcrest Indalecio Gaspar (Jr) 0:18:20.4 58 56 Lemont Lee Koepke (Sr) 0:18:21.3 59 57 Marist Mike Knawa (Sr) 0:18:23.4 60 58 Thornwood Steve Epting (Jr) 0:18:24.1 61 59 Rich Central Kevin Teague (Jr) 0:18:26.0 62 60 St. Rita Connor LePretre (Jr) 0:18:32.1 63 61 Thornwood Johnnell Seanior (So) 0:18:32.5 64 62 Lemont Scott Franklin (Fr) 0:18:32.8 65 63 Eisenhower Milton Estrada (So) 0:18:34.1 66 64 St. Rita Albert Alfano (So) 0:18:36.5 67 65 Hillcrest Mark Hicks (Jr) 0:18:37.5 68 66 Thornton Township Benjamin Smith (Jr) 0:18:37.9 69 67 Eisenhower Eugene Rivera (Fr) 0:18:38.1 70 68 St. Rita Kevin Favela (Sr) 0:18:38.3 71 69 Mount Carmel Colin Slager (So) 0:18:39.9 72 70 Eisenhower Richard Wilson (Fr) 0:18:42.5 73 71 Andrew Frankie Frausto (Sr) 0:18:43.1 74 72 Rich Central Mario Frye (Jr) 0:18:52.7 75 Thornridge Tkeyton Abrams (Sr) 0:18:57.4 76 73 Rich East Dorian Simmons (Fr) 0:18:58.3 77 74 Tinley Park Will Nelson (Jr) 0:18:58.7 78 75 Rich Central Jonathan Johnson (Sr) 0:18:59.6 79 76 St. Laurence Ryan Keating (So) 0:18:59.9 80 77 Mount Carmel Ryan Fitzpatrick (Jr) 0:19:02.4 81 78 Eisenhower Marc Nunez (Jr) 0:19:05.3 82 Rich South Malik Bouie (Fr) 0:19:06.5 83 79 St. Laurence Chris Pakula (Jr) 0:19:09.7 84 80 Hillcrest Joshua Nixon (Jr) 0:19:12.3 85 81 Tinley Park Sebastian Merkle (Jr) 0:19:12.6 86 82 Marist Kevin Conniff (Sr) 0:19:15.9 87 83 St. Laurence Steve Murphy (Sr) 0:19:18.2 88 84 Mount Carmel Matt Merchant (Jr) 0:19:18.4 89 Thornton Fractional South Mario Bovino (Sr) 0:19:22.0 90 85 Lemont Scott Metulik (Fr) 0:19:22.3 91 86 Lemont Aaron Oldanie (Fr) 0:19:22.6 92 Thornton Fractional South Kenny Karrson (Jr) 0:19:26.2 93 87 Rich East LaRon Rogers (So) 0:19:27.2 94 88 Mount Carmel Matt Campbell (Sr) 0:19:27.6 95 89 Eisenhower Dominique House (So) 0:19:28.2 96 90 Hillcrest Scotty Thomas (Jr) 0:19:28.6 97 91 Lincoln-Way West Shaun Stapinski (Jr) 0:19:28.8 98 92 Thornwood Dylan Cunningham (Sr) 0:19:29.2 99 Rich South Phillip High (Sr) 0:19:33.1 100 93 Lemont Tom Powers (Fr) 0:19:34.3 101 94 Hillcrest Joseph Haymer (Fr) 0:19:40.0 102 95 Mount Carmel Melville Escamilla (Fr) 0:19:42.3 103 96 St. Rita Peter Vanek (So) 0:19:44.4 104 97 St. Rita Gavriel Wilkins (Jr) 0:19:45.2 105 98 Marist Leo Martinez (Jr) 0:19:48.4 106 99 Eisenhower Don Armstead (Sr) 0:19:51.8 107 100 St. Rita Neil Ehmig (Jr) 0:19:58.9 108 101 Tinley Park Jake Adamski (Jr) 0:20:05.0 109 102 Thornwood Mustapha Olaoye (Jr) 0:20:06.4 110 103 Rich Central Alshylon Brown (Sr) 0:20:07.5 111 104 Tinley Park John Boldt (Jr) 0:20:08.1 112 105 Thornwood Eric Briggs (Sr) 0:20:10.1 113 106 Thornton Township Armand Thigpen (Sr) 0:20:10.4 114 107 Rich East Jonathan Blackwell (So) 0:20:24.3 115 108 Thornton Township Raymond Anderson (Jr) 0:20:31.6 116 109 Mount Carmel Nick Moss (Sr) 0:20:33.0 117 110 St. Laurence Joe Wisniewski (Jr) 0:20:36.8 118 111 Marist Brandon Rosales (Sr) 0:20:37.3 119 112 Marist Blake Wyderski (Jr) 0:20:38.6 120 113 Rich Central Demarcus Wilson (Jr) 0:20:45.4 121 114 Rich East Brandon Berry (Fr) 0:20:55.5 122 115 Tinley Park Devin Swillum (Jr) 0:21:02.0 123 Thornton Fractional South Ben Berridge (Jr) 0:21:06.2 124 116 Rich Central Brandon Lampkin (Sr) 0:21:45.9 125 117 Rich East Demetrius Hendricks (Fr) 0:21:47.0 126 118 Rich East Matthew Stewart (Fr) 0:21:59.8 127 Rich South Bernard Jessup (Jr) 0:22:15.4 128 119 St. Rita Brendan Rafferty (Fr) 0:23:19.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Stagg 27 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 17, 36 2 Oak Lawn 107 1, 8, 19, 39, 40, 47, 54 3 Andrew 118 5, 22, 26, 31, 34, 43, 71 4 Marian Catholic 124 10, 15, 28, 30, 41, 50, 52 5 Bloom 193 27, 32, 42, 44, 48, 51 6 Lincoln-Way West 194 13, 20, 21, 49, 91 7 St. Laurence 213 11, 12, 35, 76, 79, 83, 110 8 Lemont 240 14, 23, 56, 62, 85, 86, 93 9 Hillcrest 277 24, 53, 55, 65, 80, 90, 94 10 Thornwood 282 25, 46, 58, 61, 92, 102, 105 11 Tinley Park 298 4, 38, 74, 81, 101, 104, 115 12 Eisenhower 323 45, 63, 67, 70, 78, 89, 99 13 Thornton Township 325 16, 29, 66, 106, 108 14 Rich Central 327 18, 59, 72, 75, 103, 113, 116 15 Mount Carmel 355 37, 69, 77, 84, 88, 95, 109 16 Marist 381 33, 57, 82, 98, 111, 112 17 St. Rita 385 60, 64, 68, 96, 97, 100, 119 18 Rich East 498 73, 87, 107, 114, 117, 118 19 Rich South No Score - Had only 4 finishers 20 Thornridge No Score - Had only 2 finishers 21 Thornton Fractional South No Score - Had only 3 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Stagg 82:43 16:33 0:56 15:58, 16:19, 16:45, 16:47, 16:54, 17:20 2 Oak Lawn 86:01 17:12 2:09 15:50, 16:47, 17:27, 17:58, 17:59, 18:09 3 Andrew 87:29 17:30 1:20 16:33, 17:35, 17:40, 17:48, 17:53, 18:05 4 Marian Catholic 87:48 17:34 0:59 17:00, 17:17, 17:44, 17:48, 17:59, 18:14 5 Lincoln-Way West 89:51 17:58 2:17 17:12, 17:27, 17:29, 18:14, 19:29 6 Bloom 89:54 17:59 0:31 17:42, 17:50, 18:03, 18:06, 18:13, 18:15 7 St. Laurence 90:20 18:04 2:03 17:07, 17:09, 17:54, 19:00, 19:10, 19:19 8 Lemont 91:10 18:14 2:07 17:16, 17:36, 18:22, 18:33, 19:23, 19:23 9 Hillcrest 92:04 18:25 1:37 17:36, 18:16, 18:21, 18:38, 19:13, 19:29 10 Thornwood 92:15 18:27 1:51 17:39, 18:09, 18:24, 18:33, 19:30, 20:07 11 Tinley Park 92:38 18:32 3:41 16:24, 17:57, 18:59, 19:13, 20:05, 20:08 12 Eisenhower 93:07 18:37 1:00 18:06, 18:34, 18:38, 18:43, 19:06, 19:29 13 Rich Central 93:50 18:46 2:45 17:23, 18:26, 18:53, 19:00, 20:08, 20:46 14 Thornton Township 94:24 18:53 3:14 17:18, 17:45, 18:38, 20:11, 20:32 15 Mount Carmel 94:25 18:53 1:33 17:55, 18:40, 19:03, 19:19, 19:28, 19:43 16 St. Rita 95:20 19:04 1:13 18:33, 18:37, 18:39, 19:45, 19:46, 19:59 17 Marist 96:00 19:12 2:45 17:53, 18:24, 19:16, 19:49, 20:38, 20:39 18 Rich East 101:35 20:19 2:48 18:59, 19:28, 20:25, 20:56, 21:47, 22:00 19 Rich South No Score 18:11, 19:07, 19:33, 22:16 20 Thornridge No Score 17:16, 18:58 21 Thornton Fractional South No Score 19:22, 19:27, 21:07 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2009 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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