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2010 Jimmy Daniels InvitationalOctober 9, 2010 Boys Fr/So 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 St. Rita Peter Schaible (Fr) 0:17:11.4 2 2 Andrew Adam Vranicar (So) 0:17:25.4 3 3 Andrew Leo Teneyuque (Fr) 0:17:34.3 4 Rich East Dorian Simmons (So) 0:18:06.8 5 4 Marian Catholic Camren Howard (Fr) 0:18:14.2 6 5 Marian Catholic Christopher Merriman (Fr) 0:18:14.4 7 6 Marian Catholic Noah Brim (So) 0:18:24.4 8 7 Andrew Dan Vallejo (Fr) 0:18:27.7 9 8 Lemont Lucas Heatherington (Fr) 0:18:28.5 10 Lincoln-Way West Wade Pawlizs (So) 0:18:30.9 11 9 Hillcrest Darien Alsup (So) 0:18:34.5 12 10 Stagg Dave Piechalak (Fr) 0:18:38.3 13 11 Bloom Jose Estrada (So) 0:18:40.7 14 12 Andrew Zach Rentner (Fr) 0:18:42.5 15 13 Andrew Eric Tamulonis (Fr) 0:18:44.5 16 14 Andrew Ryan Dovgin (So) 0:18:51.3 17 15 Stagg Jeff Shelstrom (So) 0:18:54.1 18 16 Bloom Israel Alvarado (So) 0:19:02.4 19 17 St. Rita Brendan Rafferty (So) 0:19:04.8 20 Kenwood Takafumi Nomura (So) 0:19:05.9 21 18 Hillcrest Jeremiah Henderson (Fr) 0:19:06.8 22 19 Marian Catholic Sam Hanauer (So) 0:19:07.0 23 20 Thornwood Wole Daramola (So) 0:19:08.2 24 21 Andrew Kerry Nemec (Fr) 0:19:22.0 25 22 Lemont Matt Hackiewicz (Fr) 0:19:25.5 26 23 Marian Catholic Daniel Hacker (So) 0:19:30.3 27 24 St. Rita Dan Dwyer (So) 0:19:34.8 28 25 Thornton Fractional South Travis Middleton (Fr) 0:19:36.5 29 26 St. Rita Austin Kingsley (So) 0:19:39.3 30 Lincoln-Way West Michael Phillips (Fr) 0:19:39.7 31 27 Stagg Terry Gruns (Fr) 0:19:43.9 32 28 Thornwood Kenneth Allen (So) 0:19:55.5 33 29 Thornton Fractional South Anthony Kyte (Fr) 0:20:01.6 34 30 Marist Mike Davidson (Fr) 0:20:05.4 35 31 Hillcrest Dionte Harris (So) 0:20:06.5 36 Kenwood Hideaki Nomura (Fr) 0:20:06.8 37 32 Mount Carmel Gunther Voss (So) 0:20:07.0 38 33 Stagg Jake Damph (So) 0:20:13.3 39 34 Mount Carmel Frank Slabe (So) 0:20:14.5 40 Lincoln-Way West Kevin Vastlik (So) 0:20:14.7 41 35 Hillcrest Handsome Andrews (So) 0:20:16.3 42 36 St. Rita Mark Radavic (Fr) 0:20:16.7 43 37 Marist Jesus Martinez (So) 0:20:27.5 44 38 Thornwood John Graham (Fr) 0:20:33.9 45 39 Stagg Ryan Donnelly (Fr) 0:20:34.8 46 40 St. Rita Justin Carrizales (Fr) 0:20:39.1 47 41 Lemont Brent Husa (So) 0:20:42.0 48 42 Marist Connor Falls (Fr) 0:20:49.0 49 St. Laurence Anthony Fernandez (Fr) 0:20:50.4 50 43 Marist Brian Foody (Fr) 0:20:58.6 51 44 Lemont Peter DeBiase (Fr) 0:21:04.7 52 St. Laurence Ed Smith (Fr) 0:21:06.6 53 Rich South Malik Bouie (So) 0:21:11.3 54 45 Lemont Kyle Main (Fr) 0:21:12.5 55 46 St. Rita Brendan Schmit (Fr) 0:21:21.0 56 St. Laurence Matt Wilczek (Fr) 0:21:23.1 57 Rich South Wallace Muhammad (So) 0:21:30.7 58 47 Marist Joe Fennessy (Fr) 0:21:31.7 59 48 Bloom Denzel Smith (Fr) 0:21:36.2 60 49 Lemont Dan Loras (Fr) 0:21:37.2 61 50 Thornwood Deonta Pittman (Fr) 0:21:39.9 62 51 Bloom Jose Alfaro (So) 0:21:41.2 63 52 Bloom Manuel Lara (Fr) 0:21:44.4 64 53 Marian Catholic Matthew Campbell (So) 0:21:46.7 65 54 Stagg Dan Jamrozik (Fr) 0:21:56.5 66 55 Mount Carmel Nick Toppel (So) 0:22:02.9 67 56 Marian Catholic Alonzo Carr (Fr) 0:22:08.4 68 57 Bloom Timothy Pasco (Fr) 0:22:10.1 69 58 Marist Ivan Delbosque (Fr) 0:22:28.6 70 59 Thornton Fractional South Dj Jackson (Fr) 0:22:33.0 71 60 Marist Anthony DeAvila (Fr) 0:22:34.2 72 61 Hillcrest Lance O'Neal (So) 0:23:12.9 73 62 Hillcrest Joseph Haymer (So) 0:23:16.7 74 63 Hillcrest Taijuan Adib (Fr) 0:23:17.3 75 64 Mount Carmel Christian Whitaker (Fr) 0:23:39.1 76 Rich South Marshaun Carlisle (So) 0:23:46.1 77 65 Mount Carmel Dennis Toppel (So) 0:23:49.5 78 Rich South Edward Williams (Fr) 0:24:11.3 79 66 Thornwood Jayson Jahnke (So) 0:24:15.5 80 67 Thornton Fractional South Matt Boutcher (So) 0:25:27.8 81 68 Mount Carmel Luis Rojas (Fr) 0:25:30.7 82 69 Thornwood Elijah Louissaint (Fr) 0:25:32.3 83 70 Thornton Fractional South Will Farlow (Fr) 0:27:21.0 84 71 Thornwood Vincent Drakes (Fr) 0:27:21.2 85 72 Mount Carmel John Lipinski (So) 0:27:59.3 86 Rich East Ryan Phillips (Fr) 0:30:23.7 87 Rich East Steven Simmons (Sr) 0:34:00.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Andrew 37 2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 21 2 Marian Catholic 57 4, 5, 6, 19, 23, 53, 56 3 St. Rita 104 1, 17, 24, 26, 36, 40, 46 4 Stagg 124 10, 15, 27, 33, 39, 54 5 Hillcrest 154 9, 18, 31, 35, 61, 62, 63 6 Lemont 160 8, 22, 41, 44, 45, 49 7 Bloom 178 11, 16, 48, 51, 52, 57 8 Marist 199 30, 37, 42, 43, 47, 58, 60 9 Thornwood 202 20, 28, 38, 50, 66, 69, 71 10 Mount Carmel 250 32, 34, 55, 64, 65, 68, 72 11 Thornton Fractional South 250 25, 29, 59, 67, 70 12 Eisenhower No Score - Had only 0 finishers 13 Kenwood No Score - Had only 2 finishers 14 Lincoln-Way West No Score - Had only 3 finishers 15 Rich Central No Score - Had only 0 finishers 16 Rich East No Score - Had only 3 finishers 17 Rich South No Score - Had only 4 finishers 18 St. Laurence No Score - Had only 3 finishers 19 Thornridge No Score - Had only 0 finishers 20 Thornton Township No Score - Had only 0 finishers 21 Tinley Park No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Andrew 90:57 18:11 1:19 17:26, 17:35, 18:28, 18:43, 18:45, 18:52 2 Marian Catholic 93:33 18:43 1:16 18:15, 18:15, 18:25, 19:07, 19:31, 21:47 3 St. Rita 95:49 19:10 3:05 17:12, 19:05, 19:35, 19:40, 20:17, 20:39 4 Stagg 98:06 19:37 1:56 18:39, 18:54, 19:44, 20:14, 20:35, 21:57 5 Lemont 100:55 20:11 2:44 18:29, 19:26, 20:42, 21:05, 21:13, 21:38 6 Hillcrest 101:19 20:16 4:38 18:35, 19:07, 20:07, 20:17, 23:13, 23:17 7 Bloom 102:48 20:34 3:04 18:41, 19:03, 21:37, 21:42, 21:45, 22:10 8 Marist 103:54 20:47 1:26 20:06, 20:28, 20:49, 20:59, 21:32, 22:29 9 Thornwood 105:35 21:07 5:07 19:09, 19:56, 20:34, 21:40, 24:16, 25:33 10 Mount Carmel 109:54 21:59 3:43 20:07, 20:15, 22:03, 23:39, 23:50, 25:31 11 Thornton Fractional South 115:01 23:00 7:44 19:37, 20:02, 22:33, 25:28, 27:21 12 Eisenhower No Score 13 Kenwood No Score 19:06, 20:07 14 Lincoln-Way West No Score 18:31, 19:40, 20:15 15 Rich Central No Score 16 Rich East No Score 18:07, 30:24, 34:01 17 Rich South No Score 21:12, 21:31, 23:46, 24:12 18 St. Laurence No Score 20:51, 21:07, 21:23 19 Thornridge No Score 20 Thornton Township No Score 21 Tinley Park No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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