View detail info about the meet. Individual Results
2010 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 28, 2010 Boys 7th Grade 1.5 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Hill Ryan Mecaskey (7) 0:08:57.4 2 2 Kennedy Ryan Budicin (7) 0:09:03.1 3 3 Kennedy Adam Helf (7) 0:09:04.1 4 4 Gregory Anand Haran (7) 0:09:04.4 5 5 Fischer Pat Wolak (7) 0:09:05.4 6 6 Lincoln John Laboe (7) 0:09:06.5 7 7 Kennedy Zachary Smith (7) 0:09:10.6 8 8 Scullen Connor Horn (7) 0:09:12.3 9 9 Washington Kel Coyne (7) 0:09:16.7 10 10 Washington Alex Arnold (7) 0:09:17.1 11 11 Kennedy Matt Lehmann (7) 0:09:18.4 12 12 Kennedy Nicholas Connelly (7) 0:09:19.1 13 13 Scullen Wylie Anderson (7) 0:09:21.6 14 14 Hill Ryan Chow (7) 0:09:23.7 15 15 Lincoln Tyler Hampton (7) 0:09:25.4 16 16 Gregory Bharat Rao (7) 0:09:26.4 17 17 Jefferson Ryan Boswell (7) 0:09:28.5 18 18 Maddison John Rudolph (7) 0:09:29.1 19 19 Crone Vishu Singh (7) 0:09:30.6 20 20 Kennedy Lucas Lundstrom (7) 0:09:31.3 21 21 Kennedy Jeremy Tang (7) 0:09:32.0 22 22 Scullen Dominic Dina (7) 0:09:32.3 23 Kennedy Danny O'Halloran (7) 0:09:32.7 24 23 Scullen Matthew Wolfe (7) 0:09:33.2 25 24 Jefferson Alex Harrison (7) 0:09:40.2 26 25 Jefferson Michael Behna (7) 0:09:42.6 27 26 Jefferson Dylan Dvorak (7) 0:09:43.2 28 27 Maddison Jack Eagen (7) 0:09:44.4 29 28 Granger Jarrell Gamilla (7) 0:09:46.0 30 29 Scullen Reilly Devine (7) 0:09:47.7 31 30 Gregory Joe Previti (7) 0:09:48.4 32 Kennedy Samuel Baricovich (7) 0:09:49.7 33 31 Jefferson Connor Eckdahl (7) 0:09:53.0 34 32 Granger Zerrick Collier (7) 0:09:53.3 35 33 Scullen Michael Schwers (7) 0:09:54.6 36 Kennedy Mark Kouchoukos (7) 0:09:55.7 37 34 Crone Jackson Schroedter (7) 0:09:57.1 38 35 Scullen Jacob Cushing (7) 0:09:58.2 39 36 Maddison Max Welu (7) 0:09:59.5 40 Kennedy Brian Welch (7) 0:10:00.3 41 37 Gregory Karime Maamari (7) 0:10:00.6 42 38 Fischer Jacob Liss (7) 0:10:01.4 43 39 Jefferson Jon Heitz (7) 0:10:03.0 44 40 Washington Taylor Ayars (7) 0:10:03.5 45 41 Fischer Justin Caton (7) 0:10:04.9 46 42 Washington Ryan Slade (7) 0:10:05.1 47 Kennedy Declan Jensen (7) 0:10:05.4 48 43 Lincoln Hubang Liu (7) 0:10:06.1 49 44 Maddison Ryan Buechler (7) 0:10:12.2 50 45 Jefferson Geon Ruffin (7) 0:10:13.9 51 Kennedy Kevin Trickey (7) 0:10:17.2 52 46 Lincoln Kirby Miller (7) 0:10:17.8 53 47 Washington Alex Cernak (7) 0:10:18.9 54 48 Lincoln Evan Porter (7) 0:10:19.4 55 49 Gregory Camden Leahy (7) 0:10:21.2 56 Scullen Nick Spragg (7) 0:10:21.8 57 50 Crone Shiva Singh (7) 0:10:24.3 58 Kennedy Sean Dermody (7) 0:10:24.9 59 51 Crone Michael Peters (7) 0:10:25.9 60 Jefferson Greg Liesen (7) 0:10:26.6 61 52 Maddison Tobi Taiwo (7) 0:10:26.9 62 53 Hill Donte Oldani (7) 0:10:27.2 63 Jefferson Rory O'Moore (7) 0:10:27.5 64 Kennedy Nick DeFily (7) 0:10:29.1 65 54 Hill Torres Williams (7) 0:10:29.4 66 Jefferson Reilly McDonnell (7) 0:10:29.7 67 Scullen Conrad Esch (7) 0:10:30.9 68 55 Gregory Caleb Ferguson (7) 0:10:31.9 69 Kennedy Brent Hrabski (7) 0:10:32.7 70 56 Crone Alex Mackowiak (7) 0:10:33.6 71 57 Gregory Tom Biondo (7) 0:10:35.3 72 58 Washington Trace Kohley (7) 0:10:36.3 73 59 Fischer Arnuv Arora (7) 0:10:36.8 74 Kennedy John Collard (7) 0:10:38.0 75 60 Fischer Brandon Pedersen (7) 0:10:39.1 76 Scullen Jason Chung (7) 0:10:39.9 77 61 Crone Brice Wang (7) 0:10:41.1 78 62 Still Drew Danko (7) 0:10:41.8 79 63 Still Jack Corrigan (7) 0:10:42.0 80 64 Washington Mike Hendrickson (7) 0:10:42.5 81 Scullen Trevor Stawski (7) 0:10:49.7 82 65 Hill John Radowski (7) 0:10:51.2 83 Kennedy Alek Anuzis (7) 0:10:51.5 84 Scullen Taggart Lohman (7) 0:10:51.8 85 Washington Caleb Schemmel (7) 0:10:54.0 86 Kennedy Kevin Gullott (7) 0:10:54.4 87 66 Granger Alan Ren (7) 0:10:57.0 88 Jefferson Spencer Wallace (7) 0:11:03.4 89 Kennedy Noah Athas (7) 0:11:04.0 90 Jefferson Allen Irvine (7) 0:11:04.4 91 Kennedy Ryan Irving (7) 0:11:07.2 92 67 Crone Joey Hynes (7) 0:11:07.5 93 68 Maddison Max Traub (7) 0:11:07.8 94 69 Granger Lucas Welsh (7) 0:11:08.5 95 70 Still Alex Villagomez (7) 0:11:12.5 96 Scullen Cole Bacani (7) 0:11:14.7 97 Jefferson James Sterling (7) 0:11:17.3 98 Crone Ian Hilbant (7) 0:11:18.3 99 Crone Paul Nebres (7) 0:11:19.1 100 Gregory Robert Oakley (7) 0:11:20.5 101 71 Granger Arjun Kumar (7) 0:11:22.4 102 Kennedy Andrew Malooley (7) 0:11:26.2 103 Jefferson Rohan Parepally (7) 0:11:27.0 104 Washington Austin Lynch (7) 0:11:27.6 105 Washington Quinn Joyce (7) 0:11:30.0 106 72 Fischer Jordan Brown (7) 0:11:32.8 107 73 Granger Shivansh Padhy (7) 0:11:34.0 108 74 Still Ryne Imbrogno (7) 0:11:36.2 109 Jefferson Peter Lawrisuk (7) 0:11:38.4 110 75 Hill Sam Reina (7) 0:11:38.9 111 Crone James Wolford (7) 0:11:40.8 112 76 Maddison Will Barger (7) 0:11:41.3 113 Crone Trent Wieland (7) 0:11:43.7 114 Maddison Adam Neustadt (7) 0:11:44.3 115 77 Fischer Patrick Zaker (7) 0:11:45.1 116 78 Hill Gabriel Sindac (7) 0:11:47.2 117 Washington Peter Kraulos (7) 0:11:47.9 118 Gregory Jack Dentzman (7) 0:11:48.2 119 Washington Collin Osmun (7) 0:11:48.6 120 Kennedy Ethan Bykerk (7) 0:11:49.6 121 Jefferson Kevin Kaminski (7) 0:11:51.6 122 Scullen Niket Gupta (7) 0:11:54.2 123 79 Still Ryan Steinberger (7) 0:11:56.5 124 Scullen Nathan Wutzke (7) 0:11:57.0 125 Gregory Savy Raguvanshi (7) 0:11:59.8 126 Scullen Andy Sykes (7) 0:12:02.6 127 Washington Brendan Bond (7) 0:12:05.3 128 Jefferson Kural Ghadge (7) 0:12:06.4 129 Jefferson Joe Meyer (7) 0:12:09.1 130 Jefferson Micah Matthew (7) 0:12:10.3 131 80 Still Aaron Parast (7) 0:12:18.1 132 81 Still Zach Feeney (7) 0:12:19.0 133 Crone Jeremiah Poellinger (7) 0:12:22.5 134 82 Granger Darin Rasmus (7) 0:12:25.7 135 Hill Gabriel Osorio (7) 0:12:33.3 136 Crone Scott Krason (7) 0:12:36.6 137 Still Revell Simmons (7) 0:12:38.7 138 Gregory Paul Boyle (7) 0:12:39.0 139 Kennedy Matt Dodson (7) 0:12:39.9 140 Scullen Mitchell Hammond (7) 0:12:40.5 141 Granger Tyler Bodda (7) 0:12:42.6 142 Kennedy Sathvik Sanagala (7) 0:12:45.8 143 Kennedy Moeen Khan (7) 0:12:52.0 144 Maddison Daniel Petro (7) 0:12:53.0 145 Crone Griffin Boyle (7) 0:12:59.6 146 Granger Kevin Kluge (7) 0:13:05.3 147 Granger Nirmal Muluikal (7) 0:13:05.5 148 Crone Joe Richards (7) 0:13:05.7 149 Gregory Steven Kim (7) 0:13:09.0 150 Crone Aditia Kashyap (7) 0:13:10.5 151 Granger Juan Maturino (7) 0:13:23.6 152 Kennedy Josh Love (7) 0:13:25.2 153 Maddison Daniel Frantik (7) 0:13:31.4 154 Gregory Felix Herrera-Diaz (7) 0:13:33.0 155 83 Lincoln Matteo Sabato (7) 0:13:34.5 156 Kennedy Trei Barnes (7) 0:13:36.2 157 Still Ryan Goluch (7) 0:13:40.0 158 Crone Jack Richards (7) 0:13:42.8 159 Kennedy Michael Gustafson (7) 0:13:45.7 160 Kennedy Brian Crotty (7) 0:13:53.1 161 Hill Alexey Rieser (7) 0:14:05.0 162 Jefferson Anthony Stec (7) 0:14:56.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 35 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 20, 21 2 Scullen 95 8, 13, 22, 23, 29, 33, 35 3 Jefferson 123 17, 24, 25, 26, 31, 39, 45 4 Gregory 136 4, 16, 30, 37, 49, 55, 57 5 Washington 148 9, 10, 40, 42, 47, 58, 64 6 Lincoln 158 6, 15, 43, 46, 48, 83 7 Maddison 177 18, 27, 36, 44, 52, 68, 76 8 Hill 187 1, 14, 53, 54, 65, 75, 78 9 Fischer 203 5, 38, 41, 59, 60, 72, 77 10 Crone 210 19, 34, 50, 51, 56, 61, 67 11 Granger 266 28, 32, 66, 69, 71, 73, 82 12 Still 348 62, 63, 70, 74, 79, 80, 81 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kennedy 45:56 9:11 0:16 9:03, 9:04, 9:11, 9:19, 9:19, 9:32 2 Scullen 47:30 9:30 0:35 9:13, 9:22, 9:33, 9:34, 9:48, 9:55 3 Jefferson 48:30 9:42 0:24 9:29, 9:41, 9:43, 9:44, 9:53, 10:03 4 Gregory 48:44 9:45 1:17 9:05, 9:27, 9:49, 10:01, 10:22, 10:32 5 Washington 49:03 9:49 1:02 9:17, 9:17, 10:04, 10:06, 10:19, 10:37 6 Lincoln 49:17 9:51 1:13 9:07, 9:26, 10:06, 10:18, 10:20, 13:35 7 Maddison 49:54 9:59 0:58 9:29, 9:45, 10:00, 10:13, 10:27, 11:08 8 Hill 50:12 10:02 1:54 8:58, 9:24, 10:28, 10:30, 10:52, 11:39 9 Fischer 50:29 10:06 1:33 9:06, 10:02, 10:05, 10:37, 10:39, 11:33 10 Crone 50:53 10:11 1:03 9:31, 9:57, 10:25, 10:26, 10:34, 10:41 11 Granger 53:09 10:38 1:37 9:46, 9:54, 10:57, 11:09, 11:23, 11:34 12 Still 56:11 11:14 1:15 10:42, 10:42, 11:13, 11:37, 11:57, 12:18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2010 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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