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2011 Naper Prairie Conference MeetOctober 25, 2011 Boys 8th Grade 2.0 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Scullen Connor Horn (8) 0:11:04.3 2 2 Lincoln John Laboe (8) 0:11:27.3 3 3 Scullen Amrish Selvam (8) 0:11:30.3 4 4 Crone Jackson Schroedter (8) 0:11:32.2 5 5 Scullen Reilly Devine (8) 0:11:39.1 6 6 Fischer Patrick Wolak (8) 0:11:49.5 7 7 Scullen Matthew Wolfe (8) 0:11:52.2 8 8 Kennedy Matt Lehmann (8) 0:11:56.0 9 9 Crone Shiva Singh (8) 0:11:57.9 10 10 Kennedy Nick Connelly (8) 0:11:59.8 11 11 Washington Austin Kinne (8) 0:12:02.1 12 12 Washington Alex Arnold (8) 0:12:03.6 13 13 Madison Max Welu (8) 0:12:04.4 14 14 Scullen Wylie Anderson (8) 0:12:05.5 15 15 Kennedy Declan Jensen (8) 0:12:06.5 16 16 Gregory Steven Biondo (8) 0:12:09.5 17 17 Scullen Dominic Dina (8) 0:12:09.7 18 18 Crone Vishi Singh (8) 0:12:10.1 19 19 Jefferson Ryan Boswell (8) 0:12:10.6 20 20 Madison John Manos (8) 0:12:15.6 21 21 Lincoln Tyler Hampton (8) 0:12:22.6 22 22 Jefferson Michael Behna (8) 0:12:23.2 23 23 Madison John Rudolph (8) 0:12:25.9 24 24 Scullen Nick Spragg (8) 0:12:26.2 25 25 Kennedy Mark Kouchoukos (8) 0:12:32.8 26 26 Kennedy Danny O'halloran (8) 0:12:34.5 27 27 Kennedy Marty Smith (8) 0:12:35.2 28 28 Fischer Jacob Liss (8) 0:12:36.6 29 29 Fischer Justin Caton (8) 0:12:38.9 30 30 Jefferson Rory O'Moore (8) 0:12:41.7 31 31 Kennedy Lucas Lundstrum (8) 0:12:48.0 32 32 Washington Ryan Slade (8) 0:12:48.5 33 33 Washington Zander Cernek (8) 0:12:49.5 34 34 Lincoln Kirby Miller (8) 0:12:51.4 35 Scullen Michael Schwers (8) 0:12:52.4 36 35 Lincoln Luke Liu (8) 0:12:52.9 37 Scullen Conrad Esch (8) 0:12:54.1 38 36 Gregory Caleb Ferguson (8) 0:12:57.3 39 37 Crone Michael Peters (8) 0:12:58.8 40 38 Gregory Tom Biondo (8) 0:12:59.8 41 39 Crone Ian Hilbrant (8) 0:13:00.8 42 40 Madison Chris Levine (8) 0:13:02.2 43 Scullen Jacob Cushing (8) 0:13:03.2 44 41 Granger Zerrick Collier (8) 0:13:04.3 45 42 Crone Alex Mackowiak (8) 0:13:05.3 46 43 Granger Chandler Gabrielson (8) 0:13:07.0 47 Kennedy Max Krauskopf (8) 0:13:08.8 48 44 Hill Mantas Madelis (8) 0:13:09.5 49 45 Gregory Robby Oakley (8) 0:13:09.9 50 46 Washington Matt Pillatsch (8) 0:13:10.8 51 47 Lincoln Bryan Olefsky (8) 0:13:11.9 52 Kennedy Colin Hassett (8) 0:13:14.6 53 48 Gregory Karime Maamari (8) 0:13:14.9 54 49 Jefferson Reilly McDonnell (8) 0:13:16.8 55 Kennedy Thomas McCarthy (8) 0:13:19.1 56 50 Fischer Joey Napolitano (8) 0:13:21.1 57 51 Hill Donte Oldani (8) 0:13:23.2 58 52 Crone Brice Wang (8) 0:13:23.8 59 Kennedy Kevin Trickey (8) 0:13:24.0 60 53 Washington Quinn Joyce (8) 0:13:25.0 61 54 Jefferson Justin Lee (8) 0:13:27.4 62 Kennedy James Kendrick (8) 0:13:28.3 63 Scullen Tyler Smith (8) 0:13:29.8 64 55 Washington Collin Osmun (8) 0:13:30.6 65 56 Jefferson Alex Harrison (8) 0:13:32.7 66 57 Still Jack Corrigan (8) 0:13:34.6 67 58 Madison Kevin Tobin (8) 0:13:36.1 68 59 Jefferson Allen Irvine (8) 0:13:39.0 69 Washington Jack Majcher (8) 0:13:42.2 70 Kennedy Stone Cai (8) 0:13:43.2 71 Washington Austin Lynch (8) 0:13:44.0 72 60 Madison Ryan Buehler (8) 0:13:46.7 73 Crone Garrett Weber (8) 0:13:49.2 74 Washington Cooper Lundy (8) 0:13:49.5 75 61 Granger Harrison Kranz (8) 0:13:51.1 76 Kennedy Sean Dermody (8) 0:13:51.5 77 Jefferson Vinny Esposito (8) 0:13:52.5 78 Washington Brian Welch (8) 0:13:55.6 79 Kennedy Sam Novak (8) 0:13:56.7 80 Kennedy John Collard (8) 0:13:59.2 81 Scullen Niket Gupta (8) 0:13:59.6 82 62 Hill Sam Reina (8) 0:13:59.9 83 Scullen Andrew Huang (8) 0:14:00.3 84 63 Granger Raj Dalal (8) 0:14:03.2 85 Jefferson Connor Eckdahl (8) 0:14:03.7 86 Washington Quinn Hullfish (8) 0:14:04.2 87 Washington Caleb Schemmel (8) 0:14:06.0 88 Crone Nimon Dong (8) 0:14:07.4 89 Jefferson Kunal Ghadge (8) 0:14:08.2 90 Kennedy Noah Athas (8) 0:14:09.1 91 Crone Justin Campos (8) 0:14:10.5 92 Jefferson Spencer Wallace (8) 0:14:12.9 93 Scullen Bhavish Bhattar (8) 0:14:14.7 94 Kennedy Matt Dodson (8) 0:14:16.2 95 Jefferson Peter Lawrisuk (8) 0:14:20.9 96 64 Lincoln Sean McGowan (8) 0:14:26.5 97 Kennedy Connor Chong (8) 0:14:29.8 98 Kennedy Mueed Baig (8) 0:14:30.9 99 Kennedy Andrew Malooley (8) 0:14:31.5 100 Kennedy Cole Hook (8) 0:14:32.4 101 Scullen Taggart Lohman (8) 0:14:32.9 102 Scullen Raajesh Arunachalam (8) 0:14:34.2 103 65 Still Thomas Caslavsky (8) 0:14:38.0 104 66 Hill Rodrigo Resendiz (8) 0:14:39.1 105 Washington Mikey Hendrickson (8) 0:14:49.0 106 67 Hill Tyler Panlilio (8) 0:14:50.5 107 Jefferson James Sterling (8) 0:14:53.1 108 Kennedy Aaron Yuan (8) 0:14:54.0 109 68 Fischer Brandon Pederson (8) 0:14:55.9 110 69 Gregory Matt Pradzinski (8) 0:14:59.5 111 70 Lincoln Sam Pan (8) 0:15:04.6 112 71 Madison Antar Johnson (8) 0:15:05.9 113 Kennedy Nick DeFily (8) 0:15:06.2 114 Scullen Yash Agarwal (8) 0:15:06.4 115 Washington Peter Kraulos (8) 0:15:07.7 116 Kennedy Sejal Sahu (8) 0:15:10.2 117 72 Hill Gabriel Sindac (8) 0:15:11.1 118 Kennedy Christian Fu (8) 0:15:12.1 119 Lincoln Logan Montrose (8) 0:15:12.6 120 73 Still Ryan Steinberger (8) 0:15:13.2 121 Lincoln Matteo Sabato (8) 0:15:14.6 122 Crone Ajay Dugar (8) 0:15:17.2 123 Crone Paul Nebres (8) 0:15:18.8 124 Jefferson Dharmesh Thakker (8) 0:15:20.7 125 74 Fischer Troy Tolentino (8) 0:15:22.9 126 Scullen Kevin Wang (8) 0:15:24.4 127 75 Granger David Maksin (8) 0:15:27.6 128 Kennedy Josh Love (8) 0:15:28.0 129 76 Gregory Ethan Ohlhausen (8) 0:15:30.2 130 Scullen Tim Fanelle (8) 0:15:31.2 131 Lincoln Brock Sigsworth (8) 0:15:34.2 132 77 Granger David Zorn (8) 0:15:37.5 133 Gregory Maxwell Lentz (8) 0:15:39.5 134 Jefferson Verun Cherukonda (8) 0:15:42.9 135 Crone James Wolford (8) 0:15:43.2 136 Crone Trent Wieland (8) 0:15:44.1 137 78 Still Aarnik Amin (8) 0:15:46.0 138 Scullen Nitin Jaison (8) 0:15:46.6 139 Gregory Sarvasva Raghuvanshi (5) 0:15:49.1 140 79 Fischer Jordan Brown (8) 0:15:50.2 141 Jefferson Rohan Parepally (8) 0:15:53.2 142 80 Still Jonathan Bonaguro (8) 0:15:54.9 143 81 Granger Varun Sree (8) 0:15:55.5 144 82 Hill Chris Deane (8) 0:15:58.1 145 Madison Josh Deutsch (8) 0:15:59.3 146 Crone Jack Pfeiffer (8) 0:16:04.0 147 Crone Matthew Chow (8) 0:16:06.6 148 Kennedy Moeen Khan (8) 0:16:08.8 149 Lincoln Lucas Prosapio (8) 0:16:10.7 150 83 Still Aashin Amin (8) 0:16:12.6 151 Kennedy Brian Crotty (8) 0:16:15.3 152 Jefferson Andrew Jacobson (8) 0:16:23.7 153 Scullen Nathan Wutzke (8) 0:16:25.7 154 Crone Joey Hynes (8) 0:16:33.9 155 Crone Danny Henley (8) 0:16:37.9 156 Fischer Daniel Zhang (8) 0:16:46.1 157 Granger Etienne Morakotkarn (8) 0:16:54.8 158 Granger Nathan Srivinas Rao (8) 0:16:55.3 159 Madison Ron Miller (8) 0:17:03.4 160 Jefferson Ian Henning (8) 0:17:08.3 161 Madison Daniel Frantik (8) 0:17:17.0 162 84 Still Ryan Goluch (8) 0:17:17.9 163 Madison Hunter Phillips (8) 0:17:30.6 164 Hill Gabriel Osorio (8) 0:17:32.5 165 Still Colin Connelly (8) 0:17:37.3 166 Kennedy Sathvik Sanagala (8) 0:17:47.8 167 Still Uriel Heynez (8) 0:18:21.7 168 Crone Logan Mazurek (8) 0:19:16.7 169 Fischer Ryan McDonough (8) 0:19:29.9 170 Crone Sidhanth Raman (8) 0:19:39.1 171 Crone Owen Pistolis (8) 0:19:51.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Scullen 30 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 17, 24 2 Kennedy 84 8, 10, 15, 25, 26, 27, 31 3 Crone 107 4, 9, 18, 37, 39, 42, 52 4 Washington 134 11, 12, 32, 33, 46, 53, 55 5 Lincoln 139 2, 21, 34, 35, 47, 64, 70 6 Madison 154 13, 20, 23, 40, 58, 60, 71 7 Jefferson 174 19, 22, 30, 49, 54, 56, 59 8 Fischer 181 6, 28, 29, 50, 68, 74, 79 9 Gregory 183 16, 36, 38, 45, 48, 69, 76 10 Granger 283 41, 43, 61, 63, 75, 77, 81 11 Hill 290 44, 51, 62, 66, 67, 72, 82 12 Still 353 57, 65, 73, 78, 80, 83, 84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Scullen 58:14 11:39 1:01 11:05, 11:31, 11:39, 11:53, 12:06, 12:10 2 Kennedy 61:11 12:14 0:39 11:56, 12:00, 12:07, 12:33, 12:35, 12:36 3 Crone 61:41 12:20 1:28 11:33, 11:58, 12:10, 12:59, 13:01, 13:06 4 Lincoln 62:48 12:34 1:44 11:28, 12:23, 12:52, 12:53, 13:12, 14:27 5 Washington 62:56 12:35 1:09 12:02, 12:04, 12:49, 12:50, 13:11, 13:25 6 Madison 63:26 12:41 1:31 12:05, 12:16, 12:26, 13:03, 13:36, 13:47 7 Jefferson 64:02 12:48 1:17 12:11, 12:24, 12:42, 13:17, 13:28, 13:33 8 Gregory 64:33 12:55 1:05 12:10, 12:58, 13:00, 13:10, 13:15, 15:00 9 Fischer 65:23 13:05 3:06 11:50, 12:37, 12:39, 13:21, 14:56, 15:23 10 Granger 69:36 13:55 2:23 13:05, 13:07, 13:52, 14:04, 15:28, 15:38 11 Hill 70:04 14:01 1:41 13:10, 13:24, 14:00, 14:39, 14:51, 15:11 12 Still 75:08 15:02 2:20 13:35, 14:38, 15:14, 15:46, 15:55, 16:13 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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