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2011 Nazareth Academy Jr. High InviteSeptember 15, 2011 Boys 2.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Gurrie Carlos Molina (8) 0:11:20.4 2 2 Notre Dame Patrick Engels (7) 0:11:49.0 3 3 George Washington Rigo Lozano (8) 0:12:25.6 4 4 George Washington George Salmeron (7) 0:12:27.8 5 5 Highlands Riley Pehrson (7) 0:12:32.6 6 6 St. Mary of Gostyn Jack LaLonde (8) 0:12:36.4 7 7 George Washington Isaiah Nieves (7) 0:12:38.0 8 8 Notre Dame Jack Darrow (7) 0:12:39.1 9 9 St. Mary of Gostyn Jack Nolan (7) 0:12:40.6 10 St. John of the Cross Matt Teglia (7) 0:12:41.5 11 10 Park Matt Begeman (8) 0:12:41.8 12 11 Gurrie Brandon Hermann (8) 0:12:45.2 13 12 Park Alex Contreras (8) 0:12:48.1 14 13 Park Graham Kutchek (7) 0:12:50.9 15 14 Gurrie Izzy Murillo (8) 0:12:52.2 16 15 Pleasantdale Mason Borzym (7) 0:12:52.6 17 16 Gurrie Liam McNulty (7) 0:12:52.8 18 17 Highlands Nick Hojnar (8) 0:12:56.0 19 18 St. Francis Xavier Connor Madell (8) 0:12:56.4 20 19 St. Mary of Gostyn Mike Arnashus (8) 0:12:59.5 21 20 Notre Dame Jack Costello (8) 0:13:01.0 22 21 Highlands Richard Scheer (7) 0:13:03.5 23 22 St. Mary of Gostyn Justin Enochs (7) 0:13:12.3 24 St. Joan of Arc Unknown Athlete 0:13:14.4 25 23 Highlands Alex Pall (7) 0:13:15.2 26 24 Park Adam Janicki (5) 0:13:17.8 27 25 George Washington Isaiah Sirchis (8) 0:13:18.4 28 26 St. Francis Xavier Tyler Delitko (8) 0:13:20.5 29 27 McClure Seamus Brennan (8) 0:13:21.7 30 28 Notre Dame Colin Costello (5) 0:13:22.4 31 29 McClure Matthew Dickett (8) 0:13:22.8 32 30 St. Francis Xavier Andrew Cushing (8) 0:13:23.5 33 31 St. Francis Xavier Michael Morkin (7) 0:13:24.0 34 32 Park Matt Lang (7) 0:13:24.2 35 33 McClure Matt Bonistalli (8) 0:13:24.6 36 34 Highlands Danny Beck (7) 0:13:25.7 37 35 George Washington Jason Noel (6) 0:13:26.0 38 36 St. Francis Xavier Quinn Newman (8) 0:13:26.3 39 37 Park George Lundgren (8) 0:13:26.6 40 38 St. Mary of Gostyn Jacob Vanderleest (7) 0:13:27.3 41 39 Gurrie Lorenzo Ovalle (8) 0:13:29.0 42 40 McClure Jack Hill (8) 0:13:29.9 43 41 St. Francis Xavier Rollie VanTassel (7) 0:13:31.1 44 42 St. Francis Xavier Henry Groya (7) 0:13:33.2 45 43 Gurrie Javier Ramirez-Garduno(8) 0:13:34.5 46 44 Pleasantdale Sam Bugaeski (8) 0:13:35.0 47 St. John of the Cross Michael Scudder (6) 0:13:36.3 48 45 Gurrie Andres Garcia (8) 0:13:41.5 49 46 Highlands Dylan Jones (7) 0:13:46.7 50 47 McClure Vincent Zona (7) 0:13:47.5 51 48 Park Nick Chomko (7) 0:13:50.3 52 St. Joan of Arc Unknown Athlete 0:13:51.6 53 49 Pleasantdale Nick Piento (8) 0:13:58.4 54 50 Notre Dame Spencer Martin (6) 0:14:02.0 55 51 Pleasantdale Nik Mennemeier (5) 0:14:06.2 56 St. Cletus Jack Luxem (8) 0:14:13.4 57 52 George Washington Benjamin Jaramillo (7) 0:14:13.7 58 53 Highlands Kevin Moran (7) 0:14:19.5 59 54 George Washington Marc Ramirez (7) 0:14:20.5 60 55 McClure Johnny Fitzgerald (7) 0:14:34.7 61 56 Pleasantdale Matt Petromilli (6) 0:14:44.2 62 57 St. Mary of Gostyn David Buh (6) 0:14:51.5 63 58 St. Mary of Gostyn Michael Cleary (6) 0:14:54.1 64 St. John of the Cross Sean Bock (7) 0:14:57.8 65 59 Pleasantdale Grant Chesloe (6) 0:15:32.3 66 60 Pleasantdale Matt Piento (6) 0:15:47.7 67 St. Scholastica Erik Dzik (8) 0:16:47.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 George Washington 74 3, 4, 7, 25, 35, 52, 54 2 Gurrie 81 1, 11, 14, 16, 39, 43, 45 3 Park 91 10, 12, 13, 24, 32, 37, 48 4 St. Mary of Gostyn 94 6, 9, 19, 22, 38, 57, 58 5 Highlands 100 5, 17, 21, 23, 34, 46, 53 6 Notre Dame 108 2, 8, 20, 28, 50 7 St. Francis Xavier 141 18, 26, 30, 31, 36, 41, 42 8 McClure 176 27, 29, 33, 40, 47, 55 9 Pleasantdale 215 15, 44, 49, 51, 56, 59, 60 10 St. Alexander No Score - Had only 0 finishers 11 St. Cletus No Score - Had only 1 finisher 12 St. Isaac Jogues No Score - Had only 0 finishers 13 St. Joan of Arc No Score - Had only 2 finishers 14 St. John Lutheran No Score - Had only 0 finishers 15 St. John of the Cross No Score - Had only 3 finishers 16 St. Luke No Score - Had only 0 finishers 17 St. Scholastica No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Gurrie 63:22 12:40 2:08 11:21, 12:46, 12:53, 12:53, 13:29, 13:35 2 George Washington 64:17 12:51 1:00 12:26, 12:28, 12:38, 13:19, 13:26, 14:14 3 Notre Dame 64:54 12:59 2:13 11:49, 12:39, 13:01, 13:23, 14:02 4 St. Mary of Gostyn 64:59 12:60 0:51 12:37, 12:41, 13:00, 13:13, 13:28, 14:52 5 Park 65:04 13:01 0:43 12:42, 12:48, 12:51, 13:18, 13:25, 13:27 6 Highlands 65:15 13:03 0:53 12:33, 12:56, 13:04, 13:16, 13:26, 13:47 7 St. Francis Xavier 66:33 13:19 0:30 12:57, 13:21, 13:24, 13:24, 13:27, 13:32 8 McClure 67:28 13:30 0:26 13:22, 13:23, 13:25, 13:30, 13:48, 14:35 9 Pleasantdale 69:19 13:52 1:52 12:53, 13:35, 13:59, 14:07, 14:45, 15:33 10 St. Alexander No Score 11 St. Cletus No Score 14:14 12 St. Isaac Jogues No Score 13 St. Joan of Arc No Score 13:15, 13:52 14 St. John Lutheran No Score 15 St. John of the Cross No Score 12:42, 13:37, 14:58 16 St. Luke No Score 17 St. Scholastica No Score 16:48 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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