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2011 Palatine InvitationalSeptember 24, 2011 Boys Sophmore 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:58.4 by Nicholas Korhumel of Libertyville on Sept. 25, 2010 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 York Nathan Mroz (So) 0:15:30.5 2 2 Hersey David Rodriguez (Fr) 0:15:47.7 3 3 Lyons Township Ed McCarter (So) 0:15:48.2 4 4 York Kyle Mattes (So) 0:15:54.7 5 5 Hersey Andy Philipose (So) 0:15:57.9 6 6 New Trier Connor Trapp (So) 0:16:09.0 7 7 Lyons Township Dan Lupano (So) 0:16:16.3 8 8 Hersey Jack O'Neil (So) 0:16:21.5 9 9 Lyons Township James Ryan (So) 0:16:23.5 10 10 Barrington Konrad Eiring (Fr) 0:16:25.8 11 Moline Zach Gray (So) 0:16:27.0 12 11 New Trier Chase Silverman (So) 0:16:27.4 13 12 Hersey Erick DeLoera (So) 0:16:27.9 14 13 York Jake Lichty (So) 0:16:28.4 15 14 Waubonsie Valley Eric Onsager (So) 0:16:28.9 16 15 Palatine Argeni Bailon (So) 0:16:32.8 17 16 Barrington Adam Phillips (So) 0:16:33.2 18 17 St. Charles North Nathan Klair (So) 0:16:33.7 19 18 Rock Bridge Lucas Harrington (Fr) 0:16:34.2 20 19 Waubonsie Valley Daniel Byczynski (So) 0:16:34.6 21 20 Crystal Lake Central Ryan Pitner (So) 0:16:35.8 22 21 Palatine Adam Brauer (So) 0:16:36.4 23 22 Lyons Township Dominic Zona (So) 0:16:37.0 24 23 Saint Ignatius Chris Korabik (So) 0:16:38.1 25 24 York Connor York (So) 0:16:38.5 26 25 Hersey Grant von der Lippe (Fr) 0:16:40.6 27 26 York Alec Bruns (So) 0:16:41.4 28 27 Palatine Eddie Graham (So) 0:16:43.2 29 28 New Trier Jack Myers (So) 0:16:44.0 30 29 Rock Bridge Luke Walters (So) 0:16:44.4 31 30 St. Charles North Hayden Joyce (Fr) 0:16:46.7 32 31 Loyola Academy Matt Randolph (So) 0:16:49.1 33 32 Saint Ignatius Taylor Dugas (So) 0:16:49.8 34 33 Maine South Max Edsey (So) 0:16:51.2 35 34 Lyons Township Matt Layden (So) 0:16:52.3 36 35 Hononegah Sam Collins (So) 0:16:53.7 37 36 Crystal Lake Central Zach Gemmel (So) 0:16:54.3 38 37 Lake Zurich Will Llanos (So) 0:16:54.9 39 38 New Trier Charlie Kupets (So) 0:17:00.6 40 39 New Trier Barr Iserloth (So) 0:17:01.1 41 40 Prairie Ridge Mitch Kazin (Fr) 0:17:02.6 42 41 Lake Forest Sean Jones (So) 0:17:03.0 43 42 Crystal Lake Central Scott Levengood (So) 0:17:04.9 44 43 Hersey Brendan Cunningham (So) 0:17:05.8 45 44 Prairie Ridge Scott Hearne (Fr) 0:17:07.0 46 45 St. Charles North Kevin Davis (So) 0:17:07.5 47 46 Lake Forest Liam Gayter (So) 0:17:07.9 48 47 York William Schlemmel (So) 0:17:08.4 49 48 New Trier Nick Anaclerio (So) 0:17:10.0 50 49 York Julio Gutierrez (So) 0:17:11.1 51 50 Palatine Dean Kolar (So) 0:17:11.6 52 51 Hersey Matt Stadnicki (So) 0:17:12.0 53 52 Libertyville Atticus Rush (So) 0:17:12.5 54 York Matthew Stevenson (So) 0:17:16.2 55 53 Crystal Lake Central Patrick McKay (So) 0:17:16.6 56 54 Lyons Township Martin Glynn (So) 0:17:17.1 57 55 Cary Grove John Cody (Fr) 0:17:19.1 58 Moline Jake Barr (So) 0:17:20.6 59 56 Waubonsie Valley Ben Cotter (So) 0:17:22.8 60 57 Barrington Kyle Monahan (Fr) 0:17:23.8 61 58 Waubonsie Valley Stephen Scott (So) 0:17:24.4 62 59 Waubonsie Valley Brendan Lynch (So) 0:17:24.8 63 60 Maine South Jason Friesl (So) 0:17:25.2 64 61 Saint Ignatius Conor Dunham (So) 0:17:25.7 65 62 Lyons Township Joseph Mayer (So) 0:17:26.1 66 63 Niles North Andreas Otil (So) 0:17:27.2 67 64 Fremd Kazuhiro Higuchi (Fr) 0:17:28.3 68 65 Barrington Ryan Perkins (So) 0:17:29.1 69 66 New Trier Julian Brendl (So) 0:17:30.0 70 67 Fremd Daichi Sugahara (So) 0:17:30.5 71 68 Cary Grove Michael Saxon (Fr) 0:17:31.0 72 69 Waubonsie Valley Zach Howerton (So) 0:17:31.4 73 Hersey Matt Dini (So) 0:17:32.3 74 York Alexander Bashqawi (So) 0:17:32.6 75 Lyons Township Graham Hartoonian (So) 0:17:33.3 76 70 Rock Bridge Spencer Brocksmith (So) 0:17:33.8 77 71 Loyola Academy Gavin Krueger (So) 0:17:35.2 78 72 Loyola Academy Matt Scherer (So) 0:17:35.8 79 73 Waubonsie Valley Jeff Colvin (So) 0:17:37.0 80 74 Stevenson Alex Mazursky (So) 0:17:38.6 81 75 Fremd Jack Williams (So) 0:17:39.0 82 76 Stevenson Jeremy Bloomfield (So) 0:17:39.5 83 77 Barrington Connor Smith (So) 0:17:40.1 84 78 Stevenson Jeremy French (So) 0:17:40.6 85 79 Niles North Michael El Ghoul (So) 0:17:42.5 86 80 Fremd Anders Dinterman (So) 0:17:44.7 87 81 Libertyville Tyler Chen (So) 0:17:45.5 88 82 Libertyville Evan Mazurek (So) 0:17:46.6 89 83 Lake Zurich Matt Reninger (So) 0:17:47.6 90 York Drew Douglas (So) 0:17:49.0 91 84 Lake Zurich Austin Kuehr (So) 0:17:51.2 92 85 Maine South Chris Armstrong (So) 0:17:51.7 93 86 Barrington Will Renze (So) 0:17:52.1 94 York Scott Blaszak (So) 0:17:53.0 95 87 Cary Grove Griffin Dempsey (So) 0:17:53.7 96 88 Barrington Jack Foley (So) 0:17:54.7 97 89 Saint Ignatius Matas Blekys (So) 0:17:55.4 98 York Alex Albers (So) 0:17:56.7 99 90 Saint Ignatius Patrick Manglano (So) 0:17:57.2 100 91 Cary Grove Clay Marunde (So) 0:17:58.3 101 Barrington David Tung (Fr) 0:17:59.2 102 92 Fremd Patrick Cox (Fr) 0:18:00.5 103 93 St. Charles North Jack Feeney (So) 0:18:03.1 104 94 Fremd Nick Macius (So) 0:18:04.9 105 95 St. Charles North Steve Lewandowski (Fr) 0:18:05.3 106 96 Palatine Marco Chilelli (So) 0:18:07.4 107 Hersey Davis Gerew (So) 0:18:08.8 108 97 Stevenson Brian Lin (So) 0:18:09.3 109 Barrington David Joyce (So) 0:18:10.0 110 Hersey Jacob Komenda (So) 0:18:13.3 111 98 Rock Bridge Josh Baumer (So) 0:18:14.5 112 99 Lake Forest Ryan Bender (So) 0:18:14.9 113 100 Lake Forest Conor Donovan (So) 0:18:15.8 114 Lyons Township Andy Stork (So) 0:18:16.5 115 101 Hononegah Cole Brandt (So) 0:18:17.3 116 102 Hononegah Andy Madura (So) 0:18:18.3 117 103 Lake Forest Matthew Buddell (So) 0:18:20.2 118 104 Lake Zurich Jon Berggren (So) 0:18:20.6 119 York Jeffrey Nosek (So) 0:18:21.5 120 105 Prairie Ridge Chris Berg (Fr) 0:18:22.5 121 Lyons Township Dan Patterson (So) 0:18:23.4 122 106 St. Charles North Joe Potocki (So) 0:18:24.5 123 York Patrick Falkenberg (So) 0:18:26.7 124 107 Lake Zurich Brian Griffin (So) 0:18:27.1 125 108 Maine South Dan McDill (So) 0:18:27.5 126 109 Lake Zurich Robert Picha (So) 0:18:27.9 127 110 Crystal Lake Central Michael Borecki (So) 0:18:28.4 128 111 Loyola Academy Mitchell Lee (So) 0:18:28.7 129 Waubonsie Valley Dean Arbid (So) 0:18:29.6 130 112 Niles North Jordan Rayas (So) 0:18:30.5 131 113 Maine South Ryan Connoly (So) 0:18:31.2 132 114 Maine South Tim Blazek (So) 0:18:32.4 133 Hersey Ziggy Zamora (So) 0:18:33.7 134 115 Niles North Ramon Sebastian (So) 0:18:35.2 135 116 Cary Grove Charlie Price (So) 0:18:35.6 136 Lyons Township Cj O'Neill (So) 0:18:36.0 137 117 Cary Grove John Gibbons (So) 0:18:36.5 138 Lyons Township Mike Richards (So) 0:18:36.9 139 118 Palatine Gabe Flores (So) 0:18:38.8 140 119 Niles North Erik Altmayer (So) 0:18:39.3 141 120 Lake Zurich Juan Ramos (So) 0:18:40.1 142 121 Saint Ignatius Paddy McCabe (So) 0:18:41.0 143 122 Niles North Benjamin Popernik (So) 0:18:41.8 144 Waubonsie Valley Autin White (So) 0:18:42.3 145 123 Stevenson Ryan Schwartz (So) 0:18:42.8 146 124 Saint Ignatius Mickey Smith (So) 0:18:43.3 147 York Sean Lyons (So) 0:18:44.1 148 125 Niles North David Goodwin (So) 0:18:45.4 149 York Harrison Wolff (So) 0:18:46.2 150 Barrington Aden Donohue (So) 0:18:48.2 151 York George Parayil (So) 0:18:48.7 152 126 Cary Grove Jared Fullerton (So) 0:18:51.1 153 Barrington Jack Mitchell (So) 0:18:52.7 154 127 Fremd Zach Mayo (So) 0:18:56.7 155 128 Prairie Ridge Andrew Koenig (So) 0:18:58.6 156 Lake Zurich Dan Abboud (So) 0:19:02.4 157 York Luke Squier (So) 0:19:02.9 158 129 Mundelein Edgar Calixto (So) 0:19:03.4 159 130 Stevenson Scott Stone (So) 0:19:04.3 160 Lake Zurich Ryan Wendell (So) 0:19:04.8 161 131 Dundee Crown Andrew Cassiere (So) 0:19:05.3 162 Cary Grove Brandon Bell (So) 0:19:05.8 163 132 Libertyville Connor McCauley (So) 0:19:08.6 164 133 Stevenson Hal Jones (So) 0:19:09.1 165 Hersey Justin Schirmer (So) 0:19:10.8 166 Cary Grove Matt Palminteri (So) 0:19:12.3 167 134 Libertyville Aaron Houser (So) 0:19:12.9 168 Hersey Ben Kangas (So) 0:19:13.6 169 Cary Grove Jake Sanders (So) 0:19:15.0 170 135 St. Charles North Justin Cabrera (So) 0:19:15.5 171 136 Palatine Nate Ruzicka (So) 0:19:16.1 172 Stevenson Max Liebl (So) 0:19:18.5 173 Saint Ignatius Sean Stevens (So) 0:19:19.6 174 Cary Grove Nick Anderson (So) 0:19:20.1 175 137 Hononegah Rodrigo Rosales (So) 0:19:20.5 176 138 Lake Forest James Napier (Fr) 0:19:21.0 177 139 Lake Forest Zach Streightiff (Fr) 0:19:22.5 178 Hersey Tj Paton (So) 0:19:24.1 179 St. Charles North Peter Francissen (So) 0:19:24.7 180 Lyons Township Steve Campbell (So) 0:19:25.2 181 Lake Zurich Mark Charnogorsky (So) 0:19:26.4 182 Lyons Township Mike Gay (So) 0:19:27.0 183 Palatine George George (So) 0:19:27.5 184 Lyons Township Paul Hunter (So) 0:19:28.3 185 Lyons Township Ryan Stork (So) 0:19:28.8 186 Niles North Ilyas Taraki (So) 0:19:29.3 187 Hersey Brentyn Leong (So) 0:19:29.7 188 Palatine Miguel Guzman (So) 0:19:30.1 189 Moline Alex Ewert (So) 0:19:30.6 190 Cary Grove Kyle Radosevich (So) 0:19:31.1 191 Lake Zurich Richard Waller (So) 0:19:31.6 192 Lake Forest Sam Grum (Fr) 0:19:33.2 193 Barrington Chris Mangum (So) 0:19:33.5 194 140 Maine West Alec Logan (So) 0:19:34.0 195 141 Maine South David Arenas (So) 0:19:35.0 196 Maine South Billy Gorman (So) 0:19:36.1 197 York Marcelo Zuniga (So) 0:19:36.7 198 Saint Ignatius Patrick Kenndery (So) 0:19:37.3 199 Stevenson Sunny Yun (So) 0:19:38.0 200 Palatine Guillermo Carillo (So) 0:19:39.0 201 Palatine Amadeus Sanchez (So) 0:19:40.6 202 142 Loyola Academy Tom Harrington (So) 0:19:41.7 203 Lake Forest Matt Mekaelian (Fr) 0:19:42.2 204 York Jeremy Damer (So) 0:19:42.6 205 Lake Forest Griffin Mooney (Fr) 0:19:43.0 206 Saint Ignatius John Villarreal (So) 0:19:43.7 207 Barrington Daniel Lagoni (So) 0:19:44.1 208 Lake Zurich David Crisler (So) 0:19:44.9 209 Moline Garrett Atkinson (So) 0:19:45.3 210 St. Charles North Austin Kyle (So) 0:19:45.8 211 143 Libertyville Dennis Loveland (So) 0:19:46.3 212 144 Prairie Ridge Colin O'Connor (So) 0:19:48.8 213 145 Prairie Ridge Alex Mowthorpe (Fr) 0:19:50.3 214 Lyons Township Ethan Leavitt (So) 0:19:53.6 215 146 Rock Bridge Ross Parks (So) 0:19:54.0 216 147 Rock Bridge Chandler Bramstedt (So) 0:19:55.0 217 Cary Grove Will Smith (So) 0:19:56.4 218 York Matthew Rodriguez (So) 0:19:57.0 219 148 Loyola Academy Peter Colosimo (So) 0:19:58.1 220 149 Hononegah Collin Christensen (So) 0:19:58.5 221 Lake Forest Corey Knudsen (Fr) 0:19:58.9 222 150 Hononegah Tristian Lewandowski (So) 0:19:59.4 223 151 Libertyville Lionello Bardina (So) 0:20:00.0 224 Cary Grove Neal Edwards (Fr) 0:20:00.4 225 Saint Ignatius Patrick Pavilonis (So) 0:20:01.0 226 Libertyville Chase Wonderlic (So) 0:20:01.4 227 Lyons Township Jim Kern (So) 0:20:02.0 228 Maine South Phil Waters (So) 0:20:03.8 229 Hersey Nick Huene (So) 0:20:05.4 230 Stevenson William Furlong (So) 0:20:05.9 231 York Luke Swanson (So) 0:20:09.4 232 152 Loyola Academy Charlie Eisinger (So) 0:20:12.0 233 St. Charles North Josh Palan (So) 0:20:12.9 234 Loyola Academy Joe Carini (So) 0:20:13.3 235 153 Mundelein Warren Jobe (So) 0:20:14.7 236 Libertyville Samuel Marlinga (So) 0:20:15.2 237 York Reid Smith (So) 0:20:16.7 238 154 Maine West Liam Higgins (So) 0:20:17.1 239 Lake Forest Patrick Eckland (So) 0:20:20.9 240 Maine South Will Kicmal (So) 0:20:21.4 241 Lyons Township Zach Prinz (So) 0:20:22.0 242 155 Prairie Ridge Michael Harris (Fr) 0:20:22.5 243 Barrington Christin Geiger (Fr) 0:20:25.1 244 York Kacper Mierzejewski (So) 0:20:25.7 245 Maine South Ryan Dystart (So) 0:20:27.1 246 Hersey Greg Madden (So) 0:20:27.8 247 St. Charles North Ryan Naughton (So) 0:20:30.0 248 Maine South Mike Nedza (So) 0:20:31.0 249 Lyons Township Jimmy Bone (So) 0:20:31.4 250 Niles North Ely Feldman (So) 0:20:31.8 251 Barrington Tim Fuentes (So) 0:20:32.8 252 Niles North Matthew Groner (So) 0:20:35.2 253 Palatine Chris Lewis (So) 0:20:37.1 254 156 Mundelein Jack Weimer (So) 0:20:42.9 255 Niles North Theo Ward (So) 0:20:43.4 256 Libertyville Zach Sickand (So) 0:20:46.0 257 Lake Forest Declan Fielding (Fr) 0:20:46.9 258 157 Dundee Crown Brian Andersen (So) 0:20:47.5 259 Hersey Joy Kannookaden (So) 0:20:48.1 260 158 Rock Bridge Brian King (So) 0:20:48.6 261 Libertyville Jack Donofrio (So) 0:20:49.6 262 Fremd Jerry Parng (Fr) 0:20:50.7 263 Cary Grove Tyler Stordahl (Fr) 0:20:52.6 264 Fremd Shuhei Yamada (Fr) 0:20:56.1 265 York Joshua Farrar (So) 0:20:56.6 266 Fremd Neil Hanna (So) 0:20:57.1 267 Cary Grove Hunter Bjork (Fr) 0:20:57.5 268 159 Dundee Crown Leon Vargas (So) 0:20:58.0 269 York Nicholas Leone (So) 0:20:59.6 270 Maine South Nick Schulberg (So) 0:21:00.1 271 Barrington Andrew Recinas (So) 0:21:00.6 272 160 Maine West Julian Martin (So) 0:21:01.5 273 Loyola Academy Cory Braxton (So) 0:21:01.9 274 Palatine Antonio Traficanto (So) 0:21:02.3 275 Loyola Academy Strat Kennedy (So) 0:21:02.8 276 Stevenson Lawerence Blahnik (So) 0:21:03.5 277 Cary Grove Curtis Krupa (Fr) 0:21:03.9 278 Saint Ignatius Wil Hughes (So) 0:21:04.5 279 161 Dundee Crown Eric Faler (So) 0:21:05.0 280 162 Hononegah Zach Colson (So) 0:21:07.3 281 Fremd Alex Wang (Fr) 0:21:16.5 282 Waubonsie Valley Pete Thomson (So) 0:21:19.0 283 Lyons Township James Rhode (So) 0:21:19.7 284 Loyola Academy Jack Daffada (So) 0:21:20.2 285 Lake Zurich Cal Duff (So) 0:21:20.9 286 Niles North Jess Lipka (So) 0:21:22.8 287 Maine South Brendan Ploen (So) 0:21:26.4 288 Lake Forest Jack Williams (So) 0:21:27.0 289 Stevenson Chris Yao (So) 0:21:27.4 290 Stevenson Daisuke Nakahara (So) 0:21:27.9 291 York Matthew Bindeman (So) 0:21:28.5 292 Loyola Academy Micah Ventura (So) 0:21:29.8 293 Palatine Jordan Garcia (So) 0:21:35.0 294 Lake Forest Mark DiValerio (So) 0:21:38.0 295 Libertyville Robert McCormick (So) 0:21:39.2 296 Libertyville Jimmy Althoff (So) 0:21:39.8 297 Fremd Dan Vaquero (Fr) 0:21:42.5 298 Palatine Will Padilla (So) 0:21:43.3 299 Hersey Chris Yendrzejowsky (So) 0:21:44.1 300 Cary Grove Cameron Scott (Fr) 0:21:46.5 301 Barrington Billy Geshwinder (So) 0:21:46.9 302 Cary Grove Donny Unti (Fr) 0:21:48.7 303 Niles North Sam Bearman (So) 0:21:50.9 304 Lake Forest Sam Frost (Fr) 0:21:51.3 305 163 Dundee Crown Brandon Meng (So) 0:21:51.7 306 164 Maine West James Payne (So) 0:21:52.2 307 Fremd Christian Pierini (So) 0:21:58.3 308 Fremd Andrew Ha (So) 0:21:59.8 309 165 Maine West Austin Jablenski (So) 0:22:00.2 310 166 Mundelein David Park (So) 0:22:08.7 311 167 Dundee Crown Thomas Rice (So) 0:22:12.2 312 Cary Grove Michael Warder (So) 0:22:18.0 313 Palatine Bryant Colin (So) 0:22:22.2 314 Fremd Max Snyderman (Fr) 0:22:46.8 315 168 Maine West Ricardo Munoz (So) 0:22:50.5 316 Palatine Rayan Chatterjee (So) 0:22:57.6 317 169 Mundelein Madi Cardenas (So) 0:22:58.1 318 Cary Grove Nick Mason (Fr) 0:22:59.3 319 Libertyville Jordan Newman (So) 0:22:59.7 320 Stevenson Duk Kyou Lim (So) 0:23:09.2 321 Stevenson Phil Shin (So) 0:23:42.2 322 York Steven Kandathil (So) 0:23:48.1 323 Cary Grove Mitchell Danley (So) 0:23:48.5 324 Lake Forest Matt Goodman (Fr) 0:23:54.1 325 Lyons Township Mike Forberg (So) 0:24:12.3 326 Prairie Ridge Mason Switzer (So) 0:24:18.5 327 170 Dundee Crown Jose Pacheco (So) 0:24:26.0 328 Dundee Crown Brian Gabrielsen (So) 0:24:36.7 329 York Kevin Dever (So) 0:24:50.2 330 York Dylan Byrne (So) 0:24:50.9 331 Lyons Township Sam Trifon (So) 0:25:08.9 332 York Adam Camp (So) 0:25:36.0 333 Lake Forest Lance Kennedy (So) 0:26:33.4 334 Libertyville Jason Voelker (So) 0:27:41.3 335 Lyons Township Nick Pipal (So) 0:28:02.1 336 York Drew Yasdick (So) 0:29:24.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Hersey 52 2, 5, 8, 12, 25, 43, 51 2 York 68 1, 4, 13, 24, 26, 47, 49 3 Lyons Township 75 3, 7, 9, 22, 34, 54, 62 4 New Trier 122 6, 11, 28, 38, 39, 48, 66 5 Waubonsie Valley 206 14, 19, 56, 58, 59, 69, 73 6 Palatine 209 15, 21, 27, 50, 96, 118, 136 7 Barrington 225 10, 16, 57, 65, 77, 86, 88 8 Crystal Lake Central 261 20, 36, 42, 53, 110 9 St. Charles North 280 17, 30, 45, 93, 95, 106, 135 10 Saint Ignatius 295 23, 32, 61, 89, 90, 121, 124 11 Rock Bridge 361 18, 29, 70, 98, 146, 147, 158 12 Fremd 378 64, 67, 75, 80, 92, 94, 127 13 Lake Forest 389 41, 46, 99, 100, 103, 138, 139 14 Maine South 399 33, 60, 85, 108, 113, 114, 141 15 Lake Zurich 415 37, 83, 84, 104, 107, 109, 120 16 Cary Grove 417 55, 68, 87, 91, 116, 117, 126 17 Loyola Academy 427 31, 71, 72, 111, 142, 148, 152 18 Stevenson 448 74, 76, 78, 97, 123, 130, 133 19 Prairie Ridge 461 40, 44, 105, 128, 144, 145, 155 20 Libertyville 481 52, 81, 82, 132, 134, 143, 151 21 Niles North 488 63, 79, 112, 115, 119, 122, 125 22 Hononegah 524 35, 101, 102, 137, 149, 150, 162 23 Dundee Crown 771 131, 157, 159, 161, 163, 167, 170 24 Mundelein 773 129, 153, 156, 166, 169 25 Maine West 783 140, 154, 160, 164, 165, 168 26 Beecher No Score - Had only 0 finishers 27 McHenry No Score - Had only 0 finishers 28 Moline No Score - Had only 4 finishers 29 St. Louis University No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 York 81:16 16:15 1:11 15:31, 15:55, 16:29, 16:39, 16:42, 17:09 2 Hersey 81:17 16:15 0:53 15:48, 15:58, 16:22, 16:28, 16:41, 17:06 3 Lyons Township 82:00 16:24 1:04 15:49, 16:17, 16:24, 16:37, 16:53, 17:17 4 New Trier 83:23 16:41 0:52 16:09, 16:28, 16:44, 17:01, 17:01, 17:10 5 Palatine 85:14 17:03 1:35 16:33, 16:37, 16:44, 17:12, 18:08, 18:39 6 Waubonsie Valley 85:17 17:03 0:56 16:29, 16:35, 17:23, 17:25, 17:25, 17:32 7 Barrington 85:33 17:07 1:14 16:26, 16:34, 17:24, 17:29, 17:40, 17:53 8 Crystal Lake Central 86:22 17:16 1:53 16:36, 16:55, 17:05, 17:17, 18:29 9 St. Charles North 86:38 17:20 1:32 16:34, 16:47, 17:08, 18:03, 18:06, 18:25 10 Saint Ignatius 86:48 17:22 1:20 16:38, 16:50, 17:26, 17:56, 17:58, 18:41 11 Fremd 88:25 17:41 0:32 17:29, 17:31, 17:39, 17:45, 18:01, 18:05 12 Rock Bridge 89:03 17:49 3:19 16:35, 16:45, 17:34, 18:15, 19:54, 19:55 13 Lake Forest 89:03 17:49 1:18 17:03, 17:08, 18:15, 18:16, 18:21, 19:21 14 Maine South 89:10 17:50 1:40 16:52, 17:26, 17:52, 18:28, 18:32, 18:33 15 Cary Grove 89:19 17:52 1:17 17:19, 17:31, 17:54, 17:59, 18:36, 18:37 16 Lake Zurich 89:23 17:53 1:32 16:55, 17:48, 17:52, 18:21, 18:27, 18:28 17 Stevenson 89:53 17:59 1:04 17:39, 17:40, 17:41, 18:10, 18:43, 19:05 18 Loyola Academy 90:12 18:02 2:53 16:49, 17:36, 17:36, 18:29, 19:42, 19:58 19 Niles North 90:58 18:12 1:12 17:28, 17:43, 18:31, 18:36, 18:40, 18:42 20 Libertyville 91:08 18:14 2:00 17:13, 17:46, 17:47, 19:09, 19:13, 19:47 21 Prairie Ridge 91:21 18:16 2:46 17:03, 17:07, 18:23, 18:59, 19:49, 19:51 22 Hononegah 92:51 18:34 3:05 16:54, 18:18, 18:19, 19:21, 19:59, 20:00 23 Dundee Crown 103:49 20:46 2:46 19:06, 20:48, 20:58, 21:05, 21:52, 22:13 24 Maine West 104:47 20:57 2:27 19:34, 20:17, 21:02, 21:53, 22:01, 22:51 25 Mundelein 105:09 21:02 3:54 19:04, 20:15, 20:43, 22:09, 22:58 26 Beecher No Score 27 McHenry No Score 28 Moline No Score 16:27, 17:21, 19:31, 19:46 29 St. Louis University No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2011 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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