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48th Annual Reavis Rams InvitationalSeptember 8, 2012 Boys Fr/So 3.0 Miles RACE RESULTS Course record is 0:15:54.2 by Kevin Adamowski of Carl Sandburg on Sept. 11, 2004 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Sandburg Tom Brennan (Fr) 0:16:43.1 2 2 Sandburg Sean Torpy (Fr) 0:16:56.1 3 3 Sandburg Dan Laskero (Fr) 0:17:06.3 4 4 Libertyville Alex Zoellick (So) 0:17:08.7 5 5 Sandburg Greg Burzinski (So) 0:17:10.3 6 6 Libertyville Max Roberts (So) 0:17:19.7 7 7 Lyons Township Keefe Mulligan (So) 0:17:22.6 8 8 Sandburg Max Lehnhardt (Fr) 0:17:32.2 9 9 Lyons Township Alex Lima (So) 0:17:43.6 10 10 Lyons Township Zach Szczesniak (So) 0:17:47.3 11 11 Lyons Township Vance Smith (So) 0:17:51.1 12 12 Sandburg Mike Brower (So) 0:17:54.9 13 13 Argo Pablo Lopez (So) 0:17:57.1 14 14 Sandburg Paul Siezckowski (Fr) 0:17:57.9 15 15 Argo Jimmy Dimer (So) 0:18:10.4 16 16 Lyons Township Max Olson (So) 0:18:18.7 17 17 Lyons Township Tom Crawshaw (So) 0:18:21.8 18 Kennedy Patrick Seelentag (So) 0:18:23.2 19 18 Marist Kyle O'Farrell (Fr) 0:18:25.6 20 19 Argo Luis Ramirez (So) 0:18:27.6 21 20 Hinsdale South Roman Drabchuk (Fr) 0:18:27.8 22 21 Libertyville Scott Scheuneman (So) 0:18:31.4 23 22 Stagg Dominic Singer (So) 0:18:40.7 24 23 Marist Cameron Blakey (Fr) 0:18:44.1 25 24 Libertyville Hakan Stanis (So) 0:18:45.5 26 25 Libertyville Nick Seneczko (So) 0:18:48.0 27 26 Hinsdale South Joe Eilbert (So) 0:18:49.7 28 27 Lyons Township Michael Flaherty (So) 0:18:50.3 29 28 Hinsdale South Ben Vandenbosch (Fr) 0:18:52.9 30 29 Libertyville Anthony Guravski (So) 0:18:56.9 31 30 Marist Jack Kelly (Fr) 0:18:57.5 32 31 Libertyville Rob Seneczko (So) 0:18:58.3 33 32 Brother Rice Eddie Pacura (So) 0:19:05.5 34 33 Brother Rice Brett Balsewich (So) 0:19:06.1 35 34 Reavis John Gil (So) 0:19:08.6 36 35 Mount Carmel Brendan Jacobs (Fr) 0:19:08.8 37 36 Brother Rice Mike Joyce (So) 0:19:09.5 38 37 Reavis Tomas Villa (So) 0:19:12.2 39 38 Eisenhower Vincente Carbajo (So) 0:19:15.2 40 39 Marist Mike Kiebles (Fr) 0:19:16.5 41 40 Brother Rice Connor Mallon (So) 0:19:16.7 42 41 Argo Ramazan Xheka (So) 0:19:23.2 43 42 Reavis Edwin Trujillo (So) 0:19:30.2 44 43 Hinsdale South Alex Beronio (Fr) 0:19:35.1 45 44 Eisenhower Jose Barrientos (Fr) 0:19:38.1 46 45 Richards Jason Mallo (Fr) 0:19:38.4 47 46 Stagg Ridhey Chatha (So) 0:19:38.6 48 47 Oak Forest Dan Garcia (Fr) 0:19:40.0 49 48 Oak Forest Ricardo Ontiveros (So) 0:19:41.5 50 49 Argo Christian Delgade (Fr) 0:19:42.5 51 50 Solorio Academy Vicente Garcia (So) 0:19:43.2 52 51 Stagg Pat Harper (Fr) 0:19:47.3 53 52 Argo Juan Castillo (So) 0:19:48.3 54 53 Argo Rene Barajas (So) 0:19:48.6 55 54 Eisenhower Ramon Rodriguez (So) 0:19:57.0 56 55 Mount Carmel Mitchell Beasley (So) 0:19:59.6 57 56 Eisenhower Javier Marin (Fr) 0:20:02.6 58 57 Marist Alex Gattone (So) 0:20:12.4 59 58 Reavis Jose Del-Real (Fr) 0:20:13.4 60 59 Oak Forest Josh Hernandez (So) 0:20:19.9 61 60 Mount Carmel Dan Luchsinger (So) 0:20:20.8 62 61 Brother Rice Dan Capua (So) 0:20:21.2 63 62 Hinsdale South Ethan Waterman (So) 0:20:27.0 64 63 Brother Rice Connor Reidy (So) 0:20:27.9 65 64 Tinley Park Roderick Harris (Fr) 0:20:33.6 66 65 Oak Forest Mike Boyajian (Fr) 0:20:34.1 67 66 Stagg Christian Mireles (So) 0:20:35.2 68 67 Mount Carmel Kenny Koval (Fr) 0:20:35.5 69 68 Homewood-Flossmoor Joe Eagle (Fr) 0:20:37.4 70 69 Stagg Richard Powlick (Fr) 0:20:39.2 71 Rich Central Brown Thomas (So) 0:20:39.8 72 70 Hinsdale South Nathan DeGuzman (So) 0:20:48.3 73 71 Homewood-Flossmoor Jack Dunlevy (Fr) 0:20:50.6 74 Rich Central Williams Christian (Fr) 0:20:56.7 75 72 Solorio Academy Ivan Diaz (So) 0:20:58.1 76 73 Oak Lawn Steve Raybould (Fr) 0:20:58.9 77 74 Homewood-Flossmoor Dan Ibrahim (Fr) 0:21:01.2 78 75 Stagg Preston Caydler (Fr) 0:21:03.0 79 76 St. Rita Jeremy Sinople (So) 0:21:04.9 80 77 Reavis Jose Medina (Fr) 0:21:05.2 81 78 Solorio Academy Javier Martinez (So) 0:21:05.4 82 79 St. Rita Terell Johnson (So) 0:21:09.9 83 80 Homewood-Flossmoor Prince Griffin (Fr) 0:21:12.7 84 81 Oak Forest Danny Skolny (So) 0:21:13.0 85 82 Oak Forest Justin Campnell (Fr) 0:21:14.3 86 83 Oak Lawn Romello Williams (Fr) 0:21:16.4 87 84 Tinley Park Seamus Mallon (So) 0:21:18.8 88 85 Oak Forest Austin Kleber (Fr) 0:21:21.9 89 86 Stagg Mike Homan (Fr) 0:21:32.4 90 87 Tinley Park Praski Jeremy (Fr) 0:21:32.7 91 88 Marist Rich Mauge (Fr) 0:21:38.6 92 Uno-Garcia Carlos Luna (So) 0:21:46.7 93 89 Eisenhower Edgar Rojas (So) 0:21:47.2 94 90 St. Rita Darian Rabiela (So) 0:21:49.4 95 91 Marist Bob Mauge (Fr) 0:21:50.3 96 92 Reavis Paolo Sandoval (Fr) 0:21:53.1 97 93 Reavis Fernando Munoz (Fr) 0:21:55.8 98 94 Homewood-Flossmoor Johnathan Escamilla (Fr) 0:21:57.1 99 95 Mount Carmel Gilbert Tyson (So) 0:21:58.1 100 96 St. Rita Lawerence Walls (Fr) 0:22:07.4 101 97 Mount Carmel Noah Velez (Fr) 0:22:09.7 102 98 Homewood-Flossmoor Oscar Blanco (Fr) 0:22:15.6 103 99 Richards Mike Rores (So) 0:22:18.2 104 100 Solorio Academy Jose Esparza (So) 0:22:21.9 105 101 Richards Leobardo Vasquez (So) 0:22:22.2 106 102 Homewood-Flossmoor Ramin Fallah (Fr) 0:22:28.3 107 103 St. Rita Paul Fernandez (Fr) 0:22:28.5 108 104 Oak Lawn James Kean (Fr) 0:22:32.0 109 105 Eisenhower Gabriel Esparza (Fr) 0:22:36.2 110 106 Tinley Park Justin Coyle (Fr) 0:22:41.4 111 107 Solorio Academy Lucio Barboza (So) 0:22:45.9 112 108 Richards Josh Kamba (So) 0:22:46.7 113 109 Richards Mohammad Hussien (Fr) 0:22:52.2 114 Marian Catholic Joel Godinez (So) 0:22:53.2 115 Uno-Garcia Carlos Munoz (So) 0:22:53.7 116 110 Eisenhower Holden Sczcypka (Fr) 0:22:54.1 117 Marian Catholic Tim Lusk (Fr) 0:22:57.2 118 Rich Central Jackson Ryu (So) 0:23:24.6 119 111 Brother Rice Liam Millerick (So) 0:23:25.9 120 Rich Central Williams Christopher (Fr) 0:23:31.7 121 112 Oak Lawn Fernando Lopez (Fr) 0:23:40.6 122 113 Mount Carmel Garrett Smith (So) 0:23:41.9 123 114 Oak Lawn Nick Dellorto (Fr) 0:23:42.1 124 115 Oak Lawn Sebastian Alba (Fr) 0:23:58.9 125 116 Richards Cameron Smentek (Fr) 0:25:05.2 126 117 Solorio Academy Armando Vieyra (So) 0:26:09.5 127 118 Tinley Park Sterling Wright (Fr) 0:26:17.0 128 Marian Catholic Adam Novak (Fr) 0:26:28.4 129 119 Richards Nick Weidner (Fr) 0:28:14.4 130 120 Tinley Park Jake Vanmerkestyn (Fr) 0:29:35.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sandburg 19 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 14 2 Lyons Township 53 7, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 27 3 Libertyville 80 4, 6, 21, 24, 25, 29, 31 4 Argo 137 13, 15, 19, 41, 49, 52, 53 5 Marist 167 18, 23, 30, 39, 57, 88, 91 6 Hinsdale South 179 20, 26, 28, 43, 62, 70 7 Brother Rice 202 32, 33, 36, 40, 61, 63, 111 8 Reavis 248 34, 37, 42, 58, 77, 92, 93 9 Stagg 254 22, 46, 51, 66, 69, 75, 86 10 Eisenhower 281 38, 44, 54, 56, 89, 105, 110 11 Oak Forest 300 47, 48, 59, 65, 81, 82, 85 12 Mount Carmel 312 35, 55, 60, 67, 95, 97, 113 13 Homewood-Flossmoor 387 68, 71, 74, 80, 94, 98, 102 14 Solorio Academy 407 50, 72, 78, 100, 107, 117 15 St. Rita 444 76, 79, 90, 96, 103 16 Tinley Park 459 64, 84, 87, 106, 118, 120 17 Richards 462 45, 99, 101, 108, 109, 116, 119 18 Oak Lawn 486 73, 83, 104, 112, 114, 115 Bloom Township No Score - Had only 0 finishers Kennedy No Score - Had only 1 finisher Marian Catholic No Score - Had only 3 finishers Rich Central No Score - Had only 4 finishers St. Joseph No Score - Had only 0 finishers St. Laurence No Score - Had only 0 finishers Uno-Garcia No Score - Had only 2 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Sandburg 85:30 17:06 0:50 16:43, 16:56, 17:07, 17:11, 17:33, 17:55 2 Lyons Township 89:05 17:49 0:56 17:23, 17:44, 17:48, 17:51, 18:19, 18:22 3 Libertyville 90:35 18:07 1:39 17:09, 17:20, 18:32, 18:46, 18:48, 18:57 4 Argo 93:44 18:45 1:45 17:58, 18:11, 18:28, 19:24, 19:43, 19:49 5 Marist 95:39 19:08 1:47 18:26, 18:45, 18:58, 19:17, 20:13, 21:39 6 Hinsdale South 96:13 19:15 1:59 18:28, 18:50, 18:53, 19:35, 20:27, 20:49 7 Brother Rice 97:01 19:24 1:16 19:06, 19:06, 19:10, 19:17, 20:22, 20:28 8 Reavis 99:13 19:51 1:57 19:09, 19:13, 19:31, 20:14, 21:06, 21:53 9 Stagg 99:24 19:53 1:59 18:41, 19:39, 19:48, 20:36, 20:40, 21:03 10 Eisenhower 100:42 20:08 2:32 19:16, 19:38, 19:57, 20:03, 21:48, 22:37 11 Oak Forest 101:29 20:18 1:33 19:40, 19:42, 20:20, 20:34, 21:13, 21:15 12 Mount Carmel 102:04 20:25 2:49 19:09, 20:00, 20:21, 20:36, 21:58, 22:10 13 Homewood-Flossmoor 105:41 21:08 1:19 20:38, 20:51, 21:02, 21:13, 21:57, 22:16 14 Solorio Academy 106:57 21:23 3:02 19:44, 20:59, 21:06, 22:22, 22:46, 26:10 15 St. Rita 108:42 21:44 1:24 21:05, 21:10, 21:50, 22:08, 22:29 16 Richards 110:01 22:00 3:14 19:39, 22:19, 22:23, 22:47, 22:53, 25:06 17 Oak Lawn 112:12 22:26 2:44 20:59, 21:17, 22:32, 23:41, 23:43, 23:59 18 Tinley Park 112:25 22:29 5:43 20:34, 21:19, 21:33, 22:42, 26:17, 29:36 Bloom Township No Score Kennedy No Score 18:24 Marian Catholic No Score 22:54, 22:58, 26:29 Rich Central No Score 20:40, 20:57, 23:25, 23:32 St. Joseph No Score St. Laurence No Score Uno-Garcia No Score 21:47, 22:54 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2012 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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