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33rd John Kurtz "Earlybird" InvitationalSeptember 7, 2013 Boys Fr 3.0 miles RACE RESULTS Meet record is 0:15:52.0 by Kevin Havel of Hersey on Jan. 1, 2004 Place Ovral Score School Name Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Buffalo Grove Arturo Bautista (Fr) 0:16:56.6 2 2 Oak Park-River Forest Irwin Loud (Fr) 0:16:59.4 3 3 Hononegah Jeremiah Harp (Fr) 0:17:14.2 4 4 Fenwick Alex Marks (Fr) 0:17:26.3 5 5 Prospect Sean Sanaghan (Fr) 0:17:29.9 6 6 Fenton Jose Vasquez-Perez (Fr) 0:17:40.5 7 7 Prospect James Riordan (Fr) 0:17:50.5 8 8 Oak Park-River Forest Matthew Politis (Fr) 0:18:00.1 9 9 Fenwick Patrick Barnett (Fr) 0:18:01.7 10 10 Hoffman Estates Jack Worman (Fr) 0:18:08.9 11 11 Prospect Mike Stanford (Fr) 0:18:10.2 12 12 Prospect Matt Serio (Fr) 0:18:22.2 13 13 Glenbard West Will Buechner (Fr) 0:18:23.6 14 14 Fenwick Jack Darrow (Fr) 0:18:25.8 15 15 Oak Park-River Forest Chance Bayles (Fr) 0:18:30.2 16 16 Hersey Jacob Krupa (Fr) 0:18:31.5 17 17 Lake Park Robert Kincanon (Fr) 0:18:31.7 18 18 Buffalo Grove Josh Hellyer (Fr) 0:18:33.6 19 19 Hoffman Estates Ryan Greenwalt (Fr) 0:18:36.0 20 20 Fenwick James Brosnan (Fr) 0:18:37.7 21 21 Prospect Matt Kowalski (Fr) 0:18:45.8 22 22 Fenwick Connor Wilson (Fr) 0:18:52.6 23 23 Oak Park-River Forest Eric Mulshine (Fr) 0:18:54.5 24 24 Prospect Jeff Snell (Fr) 0:18:55.4 25 25 Hersey Sam Svienty (Fr) 0:19:00.2 26 26 Hersey Andrew Hyndman (Fr) 0:19:06.4 27 27 Hononegah Kyle Edwards (Fr) 0:19:16.2 28 28 Glenbard East Francisco Harper (Fr) 0:19:18.6 29 29 Lake Park Jason Joda (Fr) 0:19:22.4 30 30 Prospect Jack O'Donnell (Fr) 0:19:23.9 31 31 Lake Park Will Dover (Fr) 0:19:26.4 32 32 Gordon Tech Eric La Luz (Fr) 0:19:28.4 33 33 Hononegah Aaron Leppert (Fr) 0:19:28.8 34 34 Fenwick Brendan Copp (Fr) 0:19:30.4 35 35 Buffalo Grove Jorge Jaime-Rivera (Fr) 0:19:30.7 36 36 Oak Park-River Forest Brendan Carew (Fr) 0:19:32.7 37 37 Glenbard West Tre Romano (Fr) 0:19:46.2 38 38 Glenbard West Bobby Lendebarker (Fr) 0:19:46.7 39 39 Oak Park-River Forest Eric Forehand (Fr) 0:19:48.6 40 40 Hoffman Estates Andrew Dressler (Fr) 0:19:51.6 41 41 Fenwick Jack Gihl (Fr) 0:19:52.4 42 Prospect Kevin Sherwood (Fr) 0:19:53.6 43 42 Hersey Andrew Heidorn (Fr) 0:19:57.3 44 43 Hoffman Estates Jose Espinoza (Fr) 0:19:59.9 45 44 Buffalo Grove Christian Sanford (Fr) 0:20:01.8 46 45 Hersey Eric Wagner (Fr) 0:20:09.7 47 46 Glenbard East Casey Wengelewski (Fr) 0:20:10.0 48 47 Glenbard East Justin Corrigan (Fr) 0:20:12.4 49 48 Glenbard East Luke Howell (Fr) 0:20:15.3 50 49 Lake Park Jocob Pacione (Fr) 0:20:16.0 51 50 Lake Park Alex Caines (Fr) 0:20:16.6 52 Prospect Ethan Rodriguez (Fr) 0:20:19.1 53 51 Oak Park-River Forest Franklin Buczkowski (Fr) 0:20:19.3 54 Elk Grove Patrick Merrill (Fr) 0:20:20.8 55 52 Buffalo Grove Jack Metzger (Fr) 0:20:27.8 56 53 Hononegah Sam Krane (Fr) 0:20:28.7 57 54 Glenbard East Christian Carnate (Fr) 0:20:31.7 58 Prospect Nick Maggi (Fr) 0:20:32.6 59 55 Glenbard East Nick Todorovic (Fr) 0:20:34.3 60 56 Fenton Jamie Rosas (Fr) 0:20:34.9 61 57 Fenton Anye Whyte (Fr) 0:20:35.7 62 58 Hononegah Noah Anderson (Fr) 0:20:37.2 63 Fenwick Colum O'Brien (Fr) 0:20:43.8 64 59 Glenbard West Justin Debs (Fr) 0:20:46.0 65 60 Glenbard East Mitchell Pavlas (Fr) 0:20:49.9 66 61 Wheeling Ricky Reeve (Fr) 0:20:52.2 67 62 Lake Park Billy Murphy (Fr) 0:20:56.0 68 63 Glenbard West Collin Tarczon (Fr) 0:20:56.4 69 Oak Park-River Forest Kevin Davis (Fr) 0:21:03.3 70 64 Hoffman Estates Adam Luna (Fr) 0:21:10.8 71 65 Lake Park Kush Patel (So) 0:21:18.6 72 66 Proviso West Joshua Cage (Fr) 0:21:20.9 73 Oak Park-River Forest Conor Johnson (Fr) 0:21:24.6 74 67 Wheeling Brandon Moulton (Fr) 0:21:25.8 75 68 Hononegah Collyn Bresser (Fr) 0:21:27.6 76 69 Hersey Dan Greenfield (Fr) 0:21:27.9 77 Prospect Jake Murray (Fr) 0:21:32.5 78 Prospect Riley Langefield (Fr) 0:21:37.7 79 70 Mt. Carmel Mickey Thorne (Fr) 0:21:40.1 80 Glenbard East Edward Pearson (Fr) 0:21:40.4 81 71 Mt. Carmel Luke Goodman (Fr) 0:21:41.0 82 Fenwick Ryan Castellano (Fr) 0:21:43.5 83 72 Gordon Tech Max Einbecker (Fr) 0:21:47.8 84 73 Fenton David Gutierrrez (Fr) 0:21:48.4 85 Prospect Nenchev Yodi (Fr) 0:21:52.6 86 74 Glenbard West Michael Maganini (Fr) 0:21:57.4 87 75 Glenbard West Sean Nickoley (Fr) 0:22:00.1 88 Prospect Brendan Quinn (Fr) 0:22:06.1 89 76 Hoffman Estates Alex Keil (Fr) 0:22:06.8 90 Prospect Zach Radlicz (Fr) 0:22:07.1 91 Prospect Connor Riordan (Fr) 0:22:07.5 92 Oak Park-River Forest Luis Montanez (Fr) 0:22:08.3 93 77 Wheeling Kyle Bagarrella (Fr) 0:22:09.3 94 Glenbard West Evan Kopec (Fr) 0:22:14.3 95 78 Fenton Nathan Irby (Fr) 0:22:14.8 96 79 Proviso West Christian Roa (Fr) 0:22:24.1 97 Glenbard West David Carlin (Fr) 0:22:26.3 98 80 Hoffman Estates Peter Rivera (Fr) 0:22:30.1 99 Elk Grove Lafayette Moore (Fr) 0:22:30.5 100 Hoffman Estates Alex Makrounis (Fr) 0:22:34.4 101 81 Hononegah Brandon Christiansen (Fr) 0:22:39.3 102 82 Buffalo Grove Austin Moore (Fr) 0:22:55.4 103 83 Fenton Eddie Garcia (Fr) 0:22:57.2 104 Glenbard West Justin Ortiz (Fr) 0:23:01.1 105 84 Mt. Carmel Stanley Heimke (Fr) 0:23:03.1 106 Glenbard East Alan Balderrama (Fr) 0:23:03.4 107 85 Hersey Ethan Witz (Fr) 0:23:03.8 108 Glenbard West Luke Dell (Fr) 0:23:06.7 109 Hononegah Tyler Madoche (Fr) 0:23:12.0 110 Fenwick Ethan Stein (Fr) 0:23:15.5 111 Prospect Mike Miller (Fr) 0:23:17.9 112 Glenbard West Will Roberts (Fr) 0:23:22.2 113 Prospect Kane Cazares (Fr) 0:23:24.8 114 86 Gordon Tech Patric Holzman (Fr) 0:23:32.6 115 Lake Park Ethan Guarra (Fr) 0:23:35.3 116 87 Fenton Michael Campbell (Fr) 0:23:37.0 117 Glenbard East Vincent Milano (Fr) 0:23:40.9 118 88 Gordon Tech Skye Harrison (Fr) 0:23:45.1 119 Maine East Lawson Mathew (Fr) 0:23:45.7 120 Fenwick Sean Arnoldt (Fr) 0:23:47.1 121 Hononegah Dallin Richards (Fr) 0:23:53.2 122 Hononegah Austin Peterson (Fr) 0:23:57.7 123 89 Gordon Tech Fred Nunez (Fr) 0:23:59.4 124 Hersey Tyler Trachsel (Fr) 0:23:59.7 125 Fenwick Brandon Vargas (Fr) 0:24:07.4 126 90 Wheeling Oswaldo Gonzalez (Fr) 0:24:14.5 127 91 Wheeling Alex Norman (Fr) 0:24:15.7 128 Fenton Yannis Rigas (Fr) 0:24:16.8 129 Elk Grove Mike Baccay (Fr) 0:24:26.3 130 Elk Grove Ian Warrington (Fr) 0:24:26.7 131 92 Buffalo Grove Joe Graziano (Fr) 0:24:30.3 132 Hersey Terry Howard (Fr) 0:24:33.9 133 Fenwick Charlie Dumon (Fr) 0:24:48.1 134 Hononegah John Ulman (Fr) 0:25:07.4 135 Hersey Daniel Rabidean (Fr) 0:25:15.0 136 Maine East Battushig Ontogtokh (Fr) 0:25:16.5 137 Prospect Jason Gong (Fr) 0:25:19.3 138 93 Proviso West Fabin Trejo (Fr) 0:25:24.5 139 Glenbard West Aryan Kamath (Fr) 0:25:28.9 140 94 Gordon Tech Tupac Cruz (Fr) 0:25:36.6 141 Glenbard East Michael Mendoza (Fr) 0:25:40.4 142 Glenbard West Michael Mendez (Fr) 0:25:56.6 143 95 Mt. Carmel Tim McNamara (Fr) 0:26:16.9 144 Fenton Alejandro Perez (Fr) 0:26:34.5 145 Maine East Jonathan Salvador Barron 0:26:54.4 146 96 Proviso West Lukas Dumasius (Fr) 0:27:15.3 147 Lake Park Brandon Mueller (Fr) 0:27:15.6 148 Prospect Matt Schwamb (Fr) 0:27:49.3 149 Addison Trail Johnathon Loi (Fr) 0:28:27.9 150 97 Wheeling Pedro Godinez (Fr) 0:28:39.2 151 Addison Trail Alex Rojas (Fr) 0:29:24.8 152 98 Mt. Carmel Jacob Correa (Fr) 0:29:28.0 153 Addison Trail Anton Nguyen (Fr) 0:29:33.6 154 99 Proviso West Steve Carreno (Fr) 0:29:48.8 155 Hononegah Chris Cornipax (Fr) 0:30:17.6 Glenbard West Kevin Tarczon (Fr) DQ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2013 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Prospect 56 5, 7, 11, 12, 21, 24, 30 2 Fenwick 69 4, 9, 14, 20, 22, 34, 41 3 Oak Park-River Forest 84 2, 8, 15, 23, 36, 39, 51 4 Buffalo Grove 150 1, 18, 35, 44, 52, 82, 92 5 Hersey 154 16, 25, 26, 42, 45, 69, 85 6 Hononegah 174 3, 27, 33, 53, 58, 68, 81 7 Lake Park 176 17, 29, 31, 49, 50, 62, 65 8 Hoffman Estates 176 10, 19, 40, 43, 64, 76, 80 9 Glenbard West 210 13, 37, 38, 59, 63, 74, 75 10 Glenbard East 223 28, 46, 47, 48, 54, 55, 60 11 Fenton 270 6, 56, 57, 73, 78, 83, 87 12 Gordon Tech 367 32, 72, 86, 88, 89, 94 13 Wheeling 386 61, 67, 77, 90, 91, 97 14 Mt. Carmel 418 70, 71, 84, 95, 98 15 Proviso West 433 66, 79, 93, 96, 99 Addison Trail No Score - Had only 3 finishers Elk Grove No Score - Had only 4 finishers Maine East No Score - Had only 3 finishers Mather No Score - Had only 0 finishers Taft No Score - Had only 0 finishers University High No Score - Had only 0 finishers Wheaton St. Francis No Score - Had only 0 finishers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2013 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Prospect 90:41 18:08 1:16 17:30, 17:51, 18:11, 18:23, 18:46, 18:56 2 Fenwick 91:26 18:17 1:26 17:27, 18:02, 18:26, 18:38, 18:53, 19:31 3 Oak Park-River Forest 91:59 18:24 2:33 17:00, 18:00, 18:31, 18:55, 19:33, 19:49 4 Buffalo Grove 95:32 19:06 3:31 16:57, 18:34, 19:31, 20:02, 20:28, 22:56 5 Hersey 96:48 19:22 1:38 18:32, 19:01, 19:07, 19:58, 20:10, 21:28 6 Hononegah 97:08 19:26 3:23 17:15, 19:17, 19:29, 20:29, 20:38, 21:28 7 Hoffman Estates 97:48 19:34 3:02 18:09, 18:36, 19:52, 20:00, 21:11, 22:07 8 Lake Park 97:55 19:35 1:45 18:32, 19:23, 19:27, 20:16, 20:17, 20:56 9 Glenbard West 99:41 19:56 2:33 18:24, 19:47, 19:47, 20:46, 20:57, 21:58 10 Glenbard East 100:30 20:06 1:13 19:19, 20:10, 20:13, 20:16, 20:32, 20:35 11 Fenton 102:56 20:35 4:34 17:41, 20:35, 20:36, 21:49, 22:15, 22:58 12 Gordon Tech 112:35 22:31 4:31 19:29, 21:48, 23:33, 23:45, 24:00, 25:37 13 Wheeling 113:00 22:36 3:23 20:53, 21:26, 22:10, 24:15, 24:16, 28:40 14 Mt. Carmel 122:09 24:26 7:48 21:40, 21:41, 23:03, 26:17, 29:28 15 Proviso West 126:16 25:15 8:28 21:21, 22:25, 25:25, 27:16, 29:49 Addison Trail No Score 28:28, 29:25, 29:34 Elk Grove No Score 20:21, 22:31, 24:27, 24:27 Maine East No Score 23:46, 25:17, 26:55 Mather No Score Taft No Score University High No Score Wheaton St. Francis No Score ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2013 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 882-2364 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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