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Results will be posted here for the USATF Illinois Jr. Olympics State Meet held Friday,
June 25 thru Sunday, June 27, 1999.
The top 6 finishers in each event qualify to advance to the Region 7 meet to be held at
Michael Carroll Stadium, Indiana University - Purdue University, Indianapolis, Indiana on
July 10-11, 1999. To actually participate in that meet however, you must pay the
additional fees at this meet on June 25-27.
Use one of the tables below to find the event you want, or go to the age division at
left to find each event.
Order of Running Events
Note: Except where otherwise noted, the starting order shall be
Younger to Older, girls first. The next event will immediately follow the previous
Note: * Finals will be run in Prelim times slots if eight (8) or
fewer athletes report to the clerk.
Friday, June 25 -- 5:30 pm Start
5:30 pm Steeplechase F IB, YM
1500/3000RW F PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
4x800 F MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
Saturday, June 26 -- 7:00 am Start
7:00 am 5000 F YM
3000 F MG, MB, YG, IG, YW, YB, IB
8:30 am 100 P* PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
100 F PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
800 F PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
4x100 F BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
Sunday, June 27 -- 7:00 am Start
7:00 am 1500 F PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
8:30 am 110/100/80H P* YM, IB, YB, YW, IG, YG, MB, MG
25/50/75 X Atoms & Shripms (Exhibition only, no registration)
80/100/110H F MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, YW, IB, YM
400 F PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
200/400H F YG, YB, IG, YW, IB, YM
200 F PG, PB, BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
4x400 F BG, BB, MG, MB, YG, YB, IG, IB, YW, YM
Order of Field Events
Friday, June 25 -- 4:30 pm Start
4:30 pm JT YG, IG, YW, YB, IB, YM
4:30 pm TJ YB, IB, YM, YG, IG, YW
4:30 pm PV YB, IB, YM
Saturday, June 26 -- 9:00 am Start
9:00 am LJ (Pit 1) PG, BG
9:00 am LJ (Pit 2) IG, MG
9:00 am LJ (Pit 3) YW, YG
9:00 am SP BB, MB, YB, IB, YM
9:00 am DT MG, YG, IG, YW
9:00 am HJ BB, MB, YB, IB, YM
9:00 am PV YG, IG, YW
Sunday, June 27 -- 9:00 am Start
9:00 am LJ (Pit 1) PB, BB
9:00 am LJ (Pit 2) IB, MB
9:00 am LJ (Pit 3) YM, YB
9:00 am SP BG, MG, YG, IG, YW
9:00 am DT MB, YB, IB, YM
9:00 am HJ BG, MG, YG, IG, YW
Event - Age Division Order
100 Meter Dash
200 Meter Dash
400 Meter Dash
800 Meter Run
1,500 Meter Run
3,000 Meter Run
5,000 Meter Run
1,500 Meter Race Walk
3,000 Meter Race Walk
80 Meter Hurdles
100 Meter Hurdles
110 Meter Hurdles
200 Meter Hurdles
400 Meter Hurdles
2,000 Meter Steeplechase
4x100 Meter Relay
4x400 Meter Relay
4x800 Meter Relay
High Jump
Pole Vault
Long Jump
Triple Jump
Shot Put
Discus Throw
Javelin Throw
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