Results are posted here for the 2010 USATF Illinois Open & Masters Outdoor Track & Field State Championships hosted by USATF Illinois. The meet was held on Sunday, August 8, 2010 at Benedictine University, Lisle, Illinois. To assist in locating this meet, set your GPS to: N41° 46.842' W88°
05.707' or the equivalent N41° 46' 50.5 W88° 05' 42.4" View the results from the 2001 meet. This was the last official Illinois Association Open/Masters meet which was held prior to this one. View the Open records for this meet.
Use the table below to find the event you want, or go to the division on the left to find each event. KeyThe following codes are used throughout this page: P = Prelim F = Final X = Exhibition Order of Running EventsNote: Except where otherwise noted (or when age categories are combined), the starting order shall be Oldest to Younger, men first. The next event will immediately follow the previous one. Sunday, August 8 -- 11:30 am Start11:30 am 3000RW F Men Women 12:30 pm 80H F M80+, W60+, M70-79, W50-59, W40-49 100H F M60-69, Wopn-39, M50-59 110H F Mopn-49 800 F Men Women 100 F Men Women 5000 F Men Women 200 F Men Women 300H F M70+, W60+, M60-69, W50-59 400H F Wopn-49, M50-59, Mopn-49 1500 F Men Women 400 F Men Women 2000SC F M60+, Women 3000SC F Mopn-59 10000 F Men Women 4x100 X Men Women Order of Field EventsSunday, August 8 -- 12:00 pm Start12:00 pm JT Men Women PV Men Women 1:00 pm LJ Men Women TJ Men Women (follows completion of all LJ) HJ Men Women SP Men Women DT Women Men 2:30 pm HT Men Women WT Men Women (follows completion of all HT) Seeding AssignmentsTo view/print out any of these documents, you will need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader
software installed on your system. Download it for free from here
Note: Unseeded events will be seeded at the meet after athletes check in with the clerk. If 8 or fewer athletes check-in in an age division, the event will be run as a final in the prelim time slot. Heat/Flight Assignments for all events.
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