Individual Results
31st Annual Larry Eddington InvitationalSeptember 16, 2000 Boys Frosh/Soph 2.4 miles RACE RESULTS Place Ovral Score School BIB# Name Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 1 Waubonsie Valley 706 Jamie DePaepe (So) 0:13:40.4 2 2 Kaneland 659 Aaron Etienne (So) 0:13:42.7 3 3 Sycamore 691 Brad Trott (So) 0:13:47.1 4 4 Sycamore 684 Josh Malmassari (So) 0:14:00.9 5 5 Kaneland 667 David Stouffer (Fr) 0:14:02.2 6 6 Wheaton-Warrenville South 751 Paul Fortunato (So) 0:14:02.7 7 7 Dundee-Crown 565 Eric Saxton (So) 0:14:03.3 8 8 Kaneland 662 Keith Kriglstein (So) 0:14:03.6 9 9 Batavia 448 Jeremy Jones (So) 0:14:04.7 10 10 Wheaton-Warrenville South 769 Mike Squeo (So) 0:14:16.6 11 11 Batavia 446 Drew Hernann (So) 0:14:24.5 12 12 Benet 467 Dan Branca (Fr) 0:14:25.7 13 13 Batavia 442 Nathan Dallesasse (So) 0:14:26.4 14 14 Waubonsie Valley 705 Kevin Chow (So) 0:14:26.9 15 15 Waubonsie Valley 719 Thomas Maltind (r) 0:14:27.8 16 16 Wheaton-Warrenville South 770 Jason Todd (So) 0:14:33.6 17 17 Bartlett 432 Tristan O'Connor (Fr) 0:14:34.8 18 18 Bartlett 435 Sean Smith (Fr) 0:14:35.8 19 19 Sycamore 674 Nick Courtney (So) 0:14:37.9 20 20 Batavia 462 Tom Widhalm (So) 0:14:39.0 21 21 Benet 466 Jon Bouma (So) 0:14:45.1 22 22 Wheaton-Warrenville South 764 Nick Pohl (So) 0:14:50.4 23 Burlington Central 509 Dave Guarino (Fr) 0:14:51.5 24 23 Waubonsie Valley 729 Jeff Thomas (So) 0:14:52.9 25 24 Jacobs 631 Nathan Dahlseng (So) 0:14:54.3 26 25 Kaneland 663 Brian Long (Fr) 0:14:54.6 27 26 Waubonsie Valley 728 Patrick Sweeney (So) 0:14:55.9 28 27 Kaneland 666 Nathan Schieve (Fr) 0:14:57.3 29 28 Batavia 458 Stephen Sundvall (So) 0:14:57.6 30 29 Wheaton-Warrenville South 758 Anton Kulyavtsev (Fr) 0:14:58.1 31 30 Geneva 574 Mike Aitken (Fr) 0:14:58.6 32 31 Benet 484 Jeff Lula (So) 0:14:59.6 33 32 Sycamore 671 Kris Barringer (So) 0:15:01.0 34 33 Waubonsie Valley 711 Bryan Jacobs (So) 0:15:06.9 35 34 Sycamore 690 Brian Taylor (Fr) 0:15:11.1 36 35 Wheaton-Warrenville South 761 Richard Mordini (Fr) 0:15:11.9 37 36 Kaneland 661 Jeff Jendrzejczyk (Fr) 0:15:15.2 38 37 Waubonsie Valley 731 Adam Yost (Fr) 0:15:16.1 39 38 Jacobs 634 Matthew Flanagan (Fr) 0:15:17.7 40 39 Benet 501 Tom Skupien (Fr) 0:15:18.2 41 40 Timothy Christian 697 Chris Socha (So) 0:15:26.0 42 41 Dundee-Crown 566 Philip Shrake (Fr) 0:15:29.5 43 42 Benet 471 Nick D'Ambrose (So) 0:15:30.7 44 43 Benet 474 Sam Francis (So) 0:15:32.3 45 44 Batavia 443 Brian Dempster (So) 0:15:32.9 46 Coal City 518 Jason Maloney (So) 0:15:46.9 47 45 Jacobs 633 Tristan Dolik (So) 0:15:47.5 48 46 Bartlett 433 Kevin Olsta (So) 0:15:49.2 49 47 Geneva 600 Kyle Young (So) 0:15:54.3 50 Illinois Math & Science 623 Valbhav Upadhyav (So) 0:15:59.0 51 48 Wheaton-Warrenville South 755 Brad Hinton (So) 0:15:59.7 52 DeKalb 535 Scott Miller (Fr) 0:16:01.2 53 49 Dundee-Crown 569 Pat Sullivan (Fr) 0:16:01.5 54 50 Bartlett 420 Alex Findon (So) 0:16:01.8 55 51 Jacobs 630 Frank Cook (Fr) 0:16:04.2 56 52 Geneva 578 Kevin Bock (Fr) 0:16:06.5 57 Illinois Math & Science 614 Brian Choi (So) 0:16:10.1 58 53 Benet 481 Tim Knorring (Fr) 0:16:18.1 59 54 Batavia 454 Jason Ott (So) 0:16:19.2 60 55 Sycamore 682 Brad Kommer (So) 0:16:21.9 61 56 Bartlett 436 Mike Terlicher (So) 0:16:22.9 62 57 Bartlett 419 Ryan Brodie (So) 0:16:27.3 63 58 Dundee-Crown 567 Nick Slowiak (Fr) 0:16:27.5 64 Burlington Central 508 Rick Fox (Fr) 0:16:31.0 65 59 Dundee-Crown 555 Taylor Kastilahn (Fr) 0:16:32.1 66 60 Kaneland 656 James Crawford (Fr) 0:16:56.9 67 61 Dundee-Crown 539 Robert Alsen (Fr) 0:16:57.6 68 62 Geneva 595 Alex Rosenwald (Fr) 0:17:02.5 69 63 Dundee-Crown 541 Luke Anliker (Fr) 0:17:08.5 70 Coal City 520 Danny Reiman (So) 0:17:12.0 71 Coal City 522 Colin Sheridan (So) 0:17:12.3 72 Genoa-Kingston 603 Tony Howard (So) 0:17:13.4 73 Westmont 740 Pedro Tenorio (So) 0:17:22.4 74 DeKalb 523 Scott Brown (Fr) 0:17:27.7 75 64 Jacobs 635 John Flanagan (Sr) 0:17:28.1 76 65 Geneva 576 Bob Barabasz (So) 0:17:30.6 77 66 Bartlett 424 Trevor Gregory (Fr) 0:17:31.2 78 67 Jacobs 645 Alexander Panvino (So) 0:17:38.0 79 68 Sycamore 676 Rob Fagan (Fr) 0:17:40.1 80 Burlington Central 516 Tom Sliczniak (Fr) 0:17:43.5 81 Coal City 517 John Lukancic (Fr) 0:17:53.9 82 Illinois Math & Science 612 Abduliah Abdussalam (So) 0:18:02.9 83 69 Jacobs 652 Matthew Staslak (So) 0:18:18.3 84 Illinois Math & Science 618 Ben Johnson (So) 0:18:26.0 85 70 Timothy Christian 778 Matt Woodhead (So) 0:18:36.1 86 71 Timothy Christian 695 Eric Boomsma (Fr) 0:18:44.4 87 Genoa-Kingston 602 Miles Buyna (Fr) 0:18:46.9 88 DeKalb 531 Chris Fisher (Fr) 0:19:14.8 89 Burlington Central 515 Robert Schwan (So) 0:19:39.9 90 72 Timothy Christian 696 Peter Groenewold (Fr) 0:20:11.5 91 73 Timothy Christian 693 Greg Baker (Fr) 0:20:54.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: Place School Score Scoring Places ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kaneland 67 2, 5, 8, 25, 27, 36, 60 2 Waubonsie Valley 79 1, 14, 15, 23, 26, 33, 37 3 Batavia 81 9, 11, 13, 20, 28, 44, 54 4 Wheaton-Warrenville South 83 6, 10, 16, 22, 29, 35, 48 5 Sycamore 92 3, 4, 19, 32, 34, 55, 68 6 Benet 145 12, 21, 31, 39, 42, 43, 53 7 Bartlett 187 17, 18, 46, 50, 56, 57, 66 8 Dundee-Crown 214 7, 41, 49, 58, 59, 61, 63 9 Jacobs 222 24, 38, 45, 51, 64, 67, 69 10 Geneva 256 30, 47, 52, 62, 65 11 Timothy Christian 326 40, 70, 71, 72, 73 12 Burlington Central No Score - Had only 4 finishers 13 Coal City No Score - Had only 4 finishers 14 DeKalb No Score - Had only 3 finishers 15 Genoa-Kingston No Score - Had only 2 finishers 16 Illinois Math & Science No Score - Had only 4 finishers 17 Westmont No Score - Had only 1 finisher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com FINAL TEAM STANDINGS: (by total team time) Place School Score Avg Diff Scoring Times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Kaneland 71:43 14:21 1:15 13:43, 14:03, 14:04, 14:55, 14:58, 15:16 2 Waubonsie Valley 72:25 14:29 1:15 13:41, 14:27, 14:28, 14:53, 14:56, 15:07 3 Batavia 72:34 14:31 0:53 14:05, 14:25, 14:27, 14:39, 14:58, 15:33 4 Sycamore 72:38 14:32 1:24 13:47, 14:01, 14:38, 15:01, 15:11, 16:22 5 Wheaton-Warrenville South 72:43 14:33 0:55 14:03, 14:17, 14:34, 14:51, 14:58, 15:12 6 Benet 75:01 15:00 1:05 14:26, 14:45, 15:00, 15:19, 15:31, 15:33 7 Bartlett 77:26 15:29 1:48 14:35, 14:36, 15:50, 16:02, 16:23, 16:28 8 Dundee-Crown 78:36 15:43 2:28 14:04, 15:30, 16:02, 16:28, 16:32, 16:58 9 Jacobs 79:34 15:55 2:33 14:55, 15:18, 15:48, 16:05, 17:28, 17:38 10 Geneva 81:35 16:19 2:32 14:59, 15:55, 16:07, 17:03, 17:31 11 Timothy Christian 93:54 18:47 5:29 15:26, 18:36, 18:45, 20:12, 20:55 12 Burlington Central No Score 14:52, 16:31, 17:44, 19:40 13 Coal City No Score 15:47, 17:12, 17:13, 17:54 14 DeKalb No Score 16:02, 17:28, 19:15 15 Genoa-Kingston No Score 17:14, 18:47 16 Illinois Math & Science No Score 15:59, 16:10, 18:03, 18:26 17 Westmont No Score 17:23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Program (C) 1985-2000 Fred Kreppert, Yorkville, IL (630) 553-7245 fred@kompusport.com Results by Kreppert Kompusport Software, Yorkville, IL http://www.kompusport.com
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